Are you looking to develop a winning quarterly award package? This guide is designed to help you create an effective nomination that showcases the nominee's individual area of expertise.


The Quarterly Awards program is designed to recognize those individuals who have excelled in their individual area of expertise. AF Form 1206 is used to document and evaluate the performance of active duty Airmen. This form requires a narrative explanation of the nominee's accomplishments, highlighting their contributions and achievements, not just their job duties. Also, the Airman Concept section of the form is meant to recognize how the airman exemplifies the Air Force Core Values, contributes to the unit and community, and demonstrates self-improvement and conduct.


When compiling inputs, make sure to ask the following three questions about the nominee and ensure the answers are emphasized in the nomination:

  • What did the member do?

  • How did he/she accomplish it?

  • What was the result/impact?

For example: What did the member do? - Ensured accountability and prompt processing of all TDY requests.

How was it accomplished? - By developing an effective suspensing and tracking system for all requests.

Result/Impact? - Produced a zero percent late rating and less than 3 percent return rate from MPF for the period of Jan - Mar 99.

Comparison of before and after statistics, measurable amounts, or achievements never attained before can be used to make the package even stronger.


Different awards have different criteria, so make sure to read the guidelines for the award category you are applying for and tailor your nomination accordingly.


Give specific examples and evidence of the nominee's accomplishments, and make sure they align with the criteria for the award category you are applying for. Use quotes and endorsements from supervisors, colleagues, or other relevant individuals to provide additional support for the nomination.


Make sure to follow the AF Form 1206 format and guidelines, such as page limits, font size and types, headings, and other requirements. This will ensure that your nomination package is complete, accurate, and easy to read.


It can be helpful to include examples of previous winning nominations as a guide and inspiration for writing your own nomination. This can also help you understand the type of information and language that is most effective.


A checklist of all the important elements that should be included in the nomination, such as facts, specific examples, and measurable results, can be helpful for writers who may be less familiar with the nomination process.


Awards come in different levels, such as unit, wing, and command level awards. Tailoring the nomination package to different levels of awards requires different information, examples, and approach. Provide guidance on how to tailor the nomination package to different levels of awards and the differences that need to be taken into consideration.


Provide additional resources such as websites or publications that may be helpful for writers who are looking to learn more about writing nominations.

By following these tips, you will be better prepared to write a compelling and winning quarterly award package. Remember to focus on the nominee's achievements and specific examples, use facts and statistics, tailor the nomination to the specific award category and level, use appropriate formatting and layout, provide detailed examples and evidence, and include a checklist and additional resources for reference. By paying attention to these details, you increase the chances of your nominee winning the award.

  • When writing examples for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as for the "Airman Concept" section, using an active voice sentence structure and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith certified less-than-lethal tools and rapidly accomplished training for three weapons, exceeding the Air Force standard by 200%."

    "Airman Smith trained and qualified four airmen in Alarm Monitor duty, raising the flight duty position evaluation pass rate to 98%."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (certifying less-than-lethal tools and training airmen in Alarm Monitor duty) and the result (exceeding the Air Force standard and raising the pass rate).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section.


    Led a team of supply technicians in the management of inventory and distribution of over $5 million in materials, resulting in a 98% on-time delivery rate and a 20% reduction in stockouts

    Implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency and a 25% reduction in inventory costs

    Developed and implemented a new ordering process, resulting in a 40% reduction in lead times and a 15% reduction in errors

    Conducted regular reviews and audits of supply records, identifying and correcting errors and inconsistencies and resulting in a 15% increase in accuracy

    Developed and delivered comprehensive training on supply management procedures to over 50 personnel, resulting in a 20% increase in compliance with regulations

    Coordinated the shipment and distribution of over 1,000 tons of supplies and equipment to deployed units, ensuring timely and accurate delivery to support mission success

    Developed and maintained relationships with key suppliers, resulting in a 10% reduction in costs and improved delivery times

    Implemented a new forecasting system, resulting in a 25% increase in accuracy and a 20% reduction in stockouts

    Led a team in the management of hazardous materials, ensuring compliance with regulations and proper handling and disposal

    Implemented a new system for tracking and managing repairable items, resulting in a 30% reduction in repair time and a 20% reduction in repair costs

    Developed and implemented a new system for tracking and managing consumable items, resulting in a 40% reduction in costs and a 20% increase in inventory accuracy.

    1. Led a team of 8 personnel in the management of the supply chain for 200 pieces of equipment, ensuring all orders were filled on time and within budget.

    2. Developed and implemented a new inventory management system for tracking and ordering supplies, resulting in a 20% decrease in inventory costs.

    3. Managed the distribution of supplies to 30 different units, ensuring all requirements were met in a timely and cost-effective manner.

    4. Ensured accuracy and integrity of supply records through daily audits and spot checks.

    5. Developed and implemented a training program for new personnel, resulting in a 50% reduction in errors and improved customer satisfaction.

    6. Advised the command on supply requirements, contributing to the efficient use of resources and cost savings.

    7. Monitored supply inventory levels and coordinated replenishment efforts, resulting in uninterrupted supply operations.

    8. Implemented a new ordering system, resulting in improved accuracy and reduced order processing time by 50%.

    9. Developed and maintained an online database to manage supply records and inventory levels.

    10. Generated reports on supply trends, usage and cost analysis.

    11. Developed and implemented a comprehensive supply management plan to ensure supplies are delivered on time and in full.

    12. Negotiated with vendors for better pricing and terms, resulting in a 10% reduction in supply costs.

    13. Trained personnel in the operations of supply systems and procedures.

    14. Ensured compliance with established policies and regulations regarding the procurement and distribution of supplies.

    15. Spearheaded the development of a new storage and distribution system, resulting in improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.

    16. Coordinated with transportation services to ensure the timely delivery of supplies.

    17. Conducted research to identify and recommend new products or services.

    18. Developed and maintained effective working relationships with suppliers.

    19. Resolved customer complaints regarding supply orders.

    20. Developed and implemented procedures for controlling the quality of supplies.

    21. Developed and maintained a comprehensive filing system for tracking supply orders.

    22. Liaised with other departments to ensure supply needs are met.

    23. Prepared requests for proposals and bids for supplies and services.

    24. Developed and implemented procedures for returning and exchanging defective supplies.

    25. Developed and maintained a tracking system for the disposition of supplies.

    26. Prepared and maintained accurate supply records, including purchase orders, invoices, and delivery receipts.

    27. Utilized software systems to manage supply inventory, track orders, and reconcile vendor invoices.

    28. Analyzed supply trends and usage, and developed and implemented strategies to reduce costs.

    29. Participated in meetings to discuss supply requirements and needs.

    30. Assisted in the development and implementation of a budget for supply operations.

    31. Developed and implemented methods for improving the accuracy and efficiency of supply operations.

    32. Coordinated with personnel to ensure the proper utilization of supplies.

    33. Investigated and resolved discrepancies in supply records and orders.

    34. Ensured compliance with security requirements and procedures for supply operations.

    35. Created and maintained a system for tracking and evaluating the performance of supply operations.

    36. Developed and maintained a system for tracking and evaluating the performance of suppliers.

    37. Improved the accuracy and timeliness of supply operations through the use of technology.

    38. Developed and implemented a system for monitoring inventory levels and reordering supplies.

    39. Assisted in the development and implementation of cost-saving initiatives.

    40. Developed and maintained an online ordering system for supplies.

  • When writing the examples for the Airman Concept section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use an active voice sentence structure. This means that the sentences should clearly state who is taking the action and what action is being taken. For example, "Airman Smith consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills, effectively leading and motivating their team to achieve mission success." This sentence clearly states who (Airman Smith) is taking the action (demonstrating strong leadership skills) and what the result of that action is (effectively leading and motivating the team to achieve mission success).

    It is also important to be specific, clear and concise in the examples, avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and focus on specific behaviors, actions or achievements. Additionally, it's recommended to use a consistent and logical structure, the examples can be divided into categories like, "Leadership" "Job Performance", "Contribution to the unit" and so on, to make it easy for the reader to follow the information and understand the examples.

    It's also a good practice to provide a context for the examples, such as the time frame and the specific duties and responsibilities of the airman. And as always, it's good to consult with the relevant authorities and supervisor, to ensure that the examples are accurate, aligned with the criteria and standards, and properly support the nomination.


    1. Achieved a 90% pass rate on the Air Force physical fitness test.

    2. Showed dedication to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    3. Demonstrated strong technical knowledge and expertise in their specialty.

    4. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    5. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.

    6. Developed innovative solutions to complex technical issues.

    7. Maintained a high level of personal integrity and accountability.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    9. Demonstrated an understanding of the Air Force core values.

    10. Exhibited outstanding commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    11. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    12. Demonstrated a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    13. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    14. Showed an ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    15. Demonstrated exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    16. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to complete assignments.

    17. Exhibited a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    18. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties.

    19. Provided mentorship and guidance to junior Airmen in their career field.

    20. Displayed a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    21. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    22. Consistently met or exceeded expectations for assigned tasks and duties.

    23. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    24. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    25. Showed the ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    26. Demonstrated an ability to work independently, as well as in a team environment.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    28. Displayed exceptional problem-solving skills when faced with difficult challenges.

    29. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed in stressful and challenging situations.

    30. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    31. Demonstrated a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    32. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    33. Demonstrated the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    34. Exhibited a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    35. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    36. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    37. Demonstrated a commitment to self-improvement and professional development.

    38. Possessed an excellent ability to adapt to changing environments and circumstances.

    39. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    40. Demonstrated an understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    41. Demonstrated an ability to foster positive relationships with their peers and superiors.

    42. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    43. Showed an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    44. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    45. Possessed a high level of knowledge of Air Force policies and procedures.

    46. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    47. Exhibited a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    48. Displayed an exceptional level of attention to detail in all areas of their work.

    49. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    50. Possessed an excellent ability to demonstrate sound judgement in all areas of their duties.

    51. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed when faced with difficult situations.

    52. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    53. Possessed a deep understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    54. Displayed a commitment to developing and implementing effective strategies.

    55. Demonstrated an exceptional level of commitment to their fellow Airmen.

    56. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to effectively complete tasks.

    57. Showed an understanding of the importance of effective communication and collaboration.

    58. Demonstrated an ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    59. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    60. Possessed a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks and assignments.

    61. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    62. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    63. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    64. Showed the ability to work with a variety of people and personalities.

    65. Exhibited outstanding leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    66. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    67. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations, policies and procedures.

    68. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    69. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    70. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    71. Displayed a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties and responsibilities.

    72. Demonstrated a commitment to providing effective customer service.

    73. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    74. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    75. Possessed an excellent ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

    76. Demonstrated a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    77. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values.

    78. Showed an ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    79. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    80. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    81. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    82. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    83. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    84. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    85. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    86. Demonstrated an exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    87. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    88. Possessed an excellent ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    89. Demonstrated a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    90. Showed a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    91. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    92. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    93. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    94. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    95. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    96. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    97. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    98. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    99. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    100. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.


    1. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    2. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    3. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    4. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    5. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    6. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    7. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    9. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    10. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    11. Provided consistent and reliable maintenance of aircraft between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all aircraft were in a safe and operable condition.

    12. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    13. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    14. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    15. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    16. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    17. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    18. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    19. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    20. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    21. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    22. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    23. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    24. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    25. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    26. Showcased excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    28. Displayed exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    29. Exhibited superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    30. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    31. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    32. Effectively managed personnel and resources between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly utilized.

    33. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    34. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    35. Demonstrated an understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    36. Exhibited a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    37. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    38. Demonstrated a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    39. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    40. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    41. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    42. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    43. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    44. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    45. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    46. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    47. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    48. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    49. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    50. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    51. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    52. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    53. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    54. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    55. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    56. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    57. Showed the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    58. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    59. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    60. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    61. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    62. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    63. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    64. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    65. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    66. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    67. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    68. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    69. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    70. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    71. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    72. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    73. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    74. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    75. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    76. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    77. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    78. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    79. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    80. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    81. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    82. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    83. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    84. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    85. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    86. Demonstrated the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    87. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    88. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    89. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    90. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    91. Exhibited exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    92. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    93. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    94. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    95. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    96. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    97. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    98. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    99. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    100. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

  • When writing examples for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" and "Airman Concept" section. The sentence structure should be written in active voice and be specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith completed three college credit hours, earning a 3.0 GPA, and destroying 20% of general education requirements."

    "Airman Smith organized a four-man 6-hour race team, improved health and combat mission readiness, and finished first out of 26 teams."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (completing college credit hours, organizing a race team) and the result (earning a 3.0 GPA, improving health and mission readiness, finishing first in the race).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    2. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    3. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in eight months.

    4. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    5. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    6. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    7. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    8. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    9. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    10. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    11. Created a system to track aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    12. Developed a plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within six months.

    13. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    14. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    15. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    16. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    17. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    18. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    19. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    20. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in six months.

    21. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    22. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in eight months.

    23. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    24. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    25. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within eight months.

    26. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    27. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    28. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within four months.

    29. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    30. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within eight months.

    31. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    32. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    33. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    34. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    35. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    36. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    37. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    38. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    39. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    40. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    41. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    42. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    43. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    44. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    45. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    46. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    47. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in four months.

    48. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    49. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in four months.

    50. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    51. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    52. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    53. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    54. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    55. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    56. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    57. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    58. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    59. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    60. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    61. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    62. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    63. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    64. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in six months.

    65. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    66. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    67. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    68. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within eight months.

    69. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    70. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within six months.

    71. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    72. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    73. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    74. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    75. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in eight months.

    76. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    77. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in six months.

    78. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    79. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    80. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    81. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    82. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    83. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    84. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    85. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    86. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    87. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    88. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    89. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    90. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    91. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    92. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    93. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    94. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    95. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    96. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    97. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    98. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    99. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    100. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.0 GPA--destroyed 20% of general education requirements

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 26 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 15% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 25%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 20% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 25%.

    Participated in mentorship program, where they helped fellow airmen and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 30% and productivity by 25%

    Completed an online or distance-learning program, showing the ability to continue learning and growing, even when face-to-face training is not possible, This led to an increase in the skill set by 15%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 25% and increased efficiency by 20%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 20% and increased mission readiness by 15%.

    Became a certified instructor in (relevant field); resulting in the ability to teach others, and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 40%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 15% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 10%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 15%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 15% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 15%.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 20% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 15%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 20% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 25% and increased mission readiness by 20%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 25%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 30% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 35% and productivity by 30%

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 30%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 25% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 30%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 55%.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 30 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 20% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 45%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.5 GPA--destroyed 25% of general education requirements

    Attended a professional development program in (relevant field); resulted in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 30%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Developed a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 25% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 30%.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 25% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 25%.

    Developed and implemented a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 30% and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 35% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

  • When writing examples for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it is recommended to use a similar sentence structure as for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty," "Significant Self-Improvement" and "Airman Concept" section, using active voice and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact on the community.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith escorted a Special Olympic athlete and supported them to win a gold medal, representing the Air Force on a national scale."

    "Airman Smith was elected as Dorm Council President and spearheaded the construction of a fitness center, providing a gym for 60 dormitory personnel."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (escorting a Special Olympic athlete, elected as Dorm Council President) and the result (winning a gold medal, constructing a fitness center).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb, and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    2. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    3. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    4. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    5. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    6. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    7. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    8. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    9. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    10. Created a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    11. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    12. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    13. Built a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    14. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    15. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    16. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    17. Developed a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    18. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    19. Participated in a volunteer program to build homes for families in need, 2018-2019.

    20. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    21. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    22. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    23. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    24. Spearheaded efforts to create a mentorship program for local youth, 2017-2018.

    25. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    26. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    27. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    28. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    29. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    30. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    31. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    32. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    33. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    34. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    35. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    36. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    37. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    38. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    39. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    40. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    41. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    42. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    43. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    44. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    45. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    46. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    47. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    48. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    49. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    50. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    51. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    52. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    53. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    54. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    55. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    56. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    57. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    58. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    59. Participated in a volunteer program to restore a local park, 2016-2017.

    60. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    61. Established a partnership with a local school to provide a mentoring program for at-risk youth, 2018-2019.

    62. Developed a program to provide free job-training for local residents, 2017-present.

    63. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    64. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    65. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    66. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    67. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    68. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    69. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    70. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    71. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    72. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    73. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    74. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    75. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    76. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    77. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    78. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    79. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    80. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    81. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    82. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    83. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    84. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    85. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    86. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    87. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    88. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    89. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    90. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    91. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    92. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    93. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    94. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    95. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    96. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    97. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    98. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    99. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    100. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity event, which raised $10,000 for a local children's hospital.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 100 units of blood, helping to save hundreds of lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Organized a community clean-up event, which helped to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a toy drive, which provided Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $5,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community safety fair, educating community members on emergency preparedness and safety procedures.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a fundraising event, raising money for a local charity supporting children with disabilities.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing support and assistance to veterans and military families in the local area.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials for those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in coordinating a fundraising event, raising money for a local homeless shelter.

    Assisted in organizing a car wash event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a volunteer event at a local soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local school, providing supplies and other essentials to students and teachers.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a charity bike ride, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Participated in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting breast cancer research.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a donation drive for a local homeless shelter, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dinner, raising money for a local charity supporting underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local disaster relief effort, providing assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a toy drive, providing Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $3,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Organized a donation drive for a local library, providing resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 50 units of blood, helping to save lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity walk, raising money for a local charity supporting research for a rare disease.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

  • EPR bullets, or Enlisted Performance Report bullets, are short, concise statements that summarize an airman's accomplishments and contributions to the Air Force. When writing EPR bullets, it is important to follow a specific format and structure to ensure they are clear and effective. Here are some tips on how to write EPR bullets:

    Use active voice: EPR bullets should be written in the active voice to clearly convey who performed the action and what was accomplished.

    Be specific: Use specific facts, figures, and dates to support the bullet and make it more compelling.

    Use action verbs: Use strong action verbs to describe the accomplishment, such as "managed," "led," "implemented," "executed," "trained," etc.

    Use quantitative measures: Use quantitative measures such as numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts to demonstrate the impact and significance of the accomplishment.

    Show impact and results: The key to a good EPR bullet is showing the impact and results of the accomplishment. Explain how the accomplishment improved mission readiness, saved time or money, or contributed to the unit's goals and objectives.

    Be concise: EPR bullets should be short and to the point. Use no more than two or three sentences to describe the accomplishment.


    Led a team of flight engineers in executing a complex aircraft maintenance plan, resulting in a 100% mission readiness rate for the quarter.

    Implemented a new pre-flight checklist procedure, increasing the efficiency of flight operations by 20% and reducing potential safety hazards.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your EPR bullets are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the airman's accomplishments to the appropriate leadership.


    - Manages hazardous materials/general warehouse; performs liability/equipment services and inventory control

    - Active member of Weapon System Management Team; develops plans and programs to integrate warehouse condition

    - Verifies Quantity and Condition of War Readiness Material (WRM); submits accountable records to Maintenance Squadron

    - Reconciles supply records; responsible for the accuracy of stock levels and account property status in WRM

    - Coordinates with SFMC 109 FSR/LRSR in resolving quality, configuration and supply distribution issues on acft parts

    - Maintains configuration control on required aircraft parts; responsible to fill job requests and maintenance support packages

    - Performs stock control procedures/documents discrepancies; ensures supply support meets qualitative/quantitative requirements

    - Maintains inventory of environmental, safety and work-related supplies; ensures their availability for repair/production requests

    - Manages Performance-Based Logistics processes; coordinates shipment of corestocks, calibrations and PDM equipment

    - Executes shelf-life management requirements and validations; ensures accurate records of authorized section shelved-out items

    - Updates warehouse stock control records; ensures physical inventory matches reported quantities in ILS-S/PDM

    - Generates repair work orders; performs repairs to property IAW 26-1, facilities maint to include dry cleaning & minor alterations

    - Lead IMDS DDM account activity partner; reviews DDM list for obsolete items, part # accuracy and shelf life information

    - Provides feedback to customers on supply measures; conducts supply implementation using standard procedures/report tools

    - Disposes/consolidates of activities with supply areas for greater economy/efficiency in material management

    - Monitors supply discrepancies; identifies sources of supply issues and corrects deficiencies in stock records

    - Integrates commodity forecasting and demand planning into supply operations; Ensures product availability with minimal disruptions

    - Participates in the selection of vendors for product requirements; Manages supply operations of hazardous and safety materials

    - Answers customer queries on procurement orders or shipments into/out of APS warehouse; ensures accuracy of records & documents

    - Involved in Requirements Determination; responsible for many formats of supply data; Procures and distributes supply material

    - Deploys MRSP, executes asset mgmt and supply distribution assignments; resolves inventory discrepancies and reporting errors

    - Ensures accurate count of components and ACFT parts; provides analysis of supply costs and performance metrics

    - Actively participates in AFETP and training; applies knowledge of ammunition supply system and hazardous shipment and storage procedures

    - Develops and implements supply management/property management user training materials on data accuracy/reliable reporting

    - Updates inventory system/automated supply requests; maintain stock stockage levels w/in established inventory/reporting standards

    - Responsible for the scheduling & tracking of all PMEL equipment during unit deployments & exercises

    - Monitors & directs maintenance requirements for all unit aircraft spares in the Standard Base Supply System (SBSS)

    - Organizes & leads supply chain teams in order to ensure timely delivery of critical parts to units in the field

    - Trains & advises subordinate personnel on management techniques & supply support procedures in order to increase efficiencies

    - Monitors & expedites emergency repair parts to ensure uninterrupted service & ensure all Airmen are supported at all times

    - Manages multiple supply accounts/inventory management systems in order to maximize supply availability & reduce shortages

    - Directs the tracking & analysis of all supply shipments in order to identify trends & patterns that can improve supply support

    - Supervises the reconciliation & validation of all supply movements & stocks to ensure accurate records in accordance with ILS standards

    - Provides expert advice & consultation to supervisors & commanders in order to optimize supply support for all operations

    - Processes & maintains all supply requisitions & reports in order to ensure accurate records & control of all assets & inventories

    - Assists in the development & implementation of unit supply plans & policies in order to maximize cost effectiveness & optimize efficient use of resources

    - Supports & assists all supply personnel in the management of stores & warehouses in order to ensure the highest standards of inventory management

    - Coordinates, reviews & approves all supply requests to ensure all requests meet the criteria & guidelines of the applicable policy & regulations

    - Develops & implements logistical support plans for all equipment, supplies & services to ensure all requirements are met on time & within budget

    - Responsible for researching & developing new supply support processes & systems to ensure supply support meets & exceeds customer requirements

    - Creates & maintains supply support databases & records in order to ensure accurate & up-to-date records of all activities & supply operations

    - Assesses & monitors performance & quality of all supply management operations in order to ensure compliance with all regulations & standards

    - Monitors & prepares all supply documentation for all requisitions, orders & returns in order to ensure proper & timely distribution of resources

    - Tracks & maintains records of all supply inventories & stock levels in order to ensure efficient & timely delivery of supplies & services

    - Manages & supervises supply personnel in accordance with applicable Air Force regulations in order to ensure all duties & responsibilities are performed

    - Analyzes & evaluates supply requisition data in order to identify opportunities & trends to improve supply management & increase effectiveness

    - Assists & advises on supply support requirements & recommendations in order to provide the most cost-effective supply support options

    - Reviews & approves all supply orders & returns in order to ensure compliance with applicable regulations & standards

    - Develops & implements supply training & education initiatives to ensure all personnel are knowledgeable & skilled in the latest supply support techniques

    - Evaluates & adjusts supply support operations in order to ensure all tasks & operations are completed in a timely & cost-effective manner

    - Assists with the maintenance & updating of supply support systems & databases in order to ensure accurate & up-to-date information is available

    - Performs regular inspections & audits of supply support operations in order to ensure compliance with applicable regulations & standards

    - Coordinates & directs the development, implementation & maintenance of supply requisition & inventory systems in order to ensure efficient tracking & management

    - Reviews & approves all supply support orders in order to ensure all orders are accurate & reasonable, and that all supplies are delivered in a timely manner

    - Analyzes & evaluates supply support operations in order to identify areas of improvement & develop strategies to improve supply efficiency & effectiveness

    - Develops & implements supply support plans to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations & standards in order to minimize supply shortages & excesses

    - Monitors & reconciles supply support data & records in order to ensure accuracy & integrity of all supply management activities & operations

    - Assesses customer requirements & develops supply plans & strategies in order to ensure all customer needs & requirements are met in a timely & cost-effective manner

    - Analyzed $5M supply operation--created wrkflw doc/reduced errors by 95%/saved $700K in lost inventory

    - Analyzed 450 supply rqmts; revamp'd PWS--reconcil'd order discrepancies/saved $3M/secured 5K+ equip items

    - Applic'd igt/mng'd process/fix'd broken system; cntd lge inv < 6 hrs--preserved $1.7M & avoided penlty 4 late delivery

    - Apprv'd $2M purchase rqsts; validated 850+ whse items/generated 14K orders--saved $6.5K yrly on maintn costs

    - Auth'd 2 SQ NCO's for supv/inventory mgmnt; logged 3K+ carts--ret'd $500K/prevnt'd lost/stolen equip

    - Auth'd 3 NCO's to manage supply room; set up id check-in/out prcs/updated inventory--prevented $1M+ shrinkage

    - Auth'd 8-man team to move entire wpns'g vault; completed 2+ mo job in 5 days--avoided $50K in gov't fines

    - Auth'd relocation of 3K+ equip; successfully moved/whs'd in 2 days--reduced cost by 30%/saved $7K

    - Auth'd removal of 400+ equip; completed move in 4 hrs/saved $3K in labor/freight costs--enabled 3K+ mbrs

    - Auth'd shipment of 4K+ supplies; re-rout'd cargo w/in 24 hrs--saved $2M & met 4-week deadline

    - Auth'd storage/retrieval of 4K+ supplies; tracked/maint'd inven/rqmts/order cycles--saved $1M/reduced response time by 50%

    - Auth'd supv of 2K+ equip; managed shipments/tracking/handling/whs'g--ensured on-time delivery/saved $3.5M

    - Auth'd tactical equip build; issued/moved 7K+ items/supplies--validated equip avail & readiness for 2K+ mbrs

    - Auth'd unit's first $1.2 mil supply msn; acquire'd/whs'd >2K items--ensured 100% delivery/saved >$750K

    - Auth'd wpns vault; planned/coord'd/supervised move of 1.5K weapons/ammo--saved $2.5M & met 4-day deadline

    - Auth'd yearly inventory; updated records/verified accuracy--saved 3K man-hr/reduced costs by 25%

    - Auth'd/oversaw equip reliability proj; tested/mainted 11K+ items/dev'd new SOP--saved $6K/revvd req cycle

    - Auth'd/supervised equip move; coord'd/exec'd 4K+ item mgmnt/tracking--reduced delays/saved $1M

    - Auth'd/supervised mvmnt of 4K+ equip; tracked/whs'd/maint'd/shipped--ensured on-time delivery/saved >$750K

    - Auth'd/supervised year-end inventory; reconcil'd records/verified accuracy--saved 3K man-hrs/reduced costs by 25%

    - Auth'd/supervised/mng'd special msn/icp'd equip; tracked/issud/moved 4K+ items--saved >$750K & met deadline

    - Auth'd/supervised/tracked eqpt move; mng'd 3K+ item mgmnt/tracking--avoided $1M in delays/saved time/costs

    - Automated supply mgmnt system; retool'd/expanded pipe's--increased order accuracy/cut back-order time by 75%

    - Coord'd/auth'd $4M supply/msn move; issued/mov'd 5K+ equip/supplies--saved >$2M & met 4-day deadline

    - Auth'd/process'd/verif'd 1.4K/4.5K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured F/A-18 readiness

    - Auth'd/processed/verif'd 1.3K rqsts; reversed 55 lost assets/$1.2M--restored/maint'd AOR combat capability

    - Auth'd/processed/verif'd 1.5K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured KC-135 Stratotanker readiness

    - Auth'd/process'd/verif'd 1.7K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured F-16 Fighting Falcon readiness

    - Auth'd/process'd/verif'd 1.8K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured HC-130P Hercules readiness

    - Authored/processed/verified 1.9K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured HH-60 Pave Hawk readiness

    - Authored/processed/verified 2.1K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured C-130J Super Hercules readiness

    - Calculated 12 AWP/8 CRF progs; rectified 3.2K errs/3.9K syns/1.3K bils--restored AFSC's $11M inventory

    - Correlat'd AF/DoD stds/process'd 1.5K/4.5K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured F-15 readiness

    - Develop'd/auth'd/process'd/verif'd 1.7K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured A-10 Thunderbolt II readiness

    - Devised/auth'd/process'd/verif'd 1.6K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured B-1B Lancer readiness

    - Established 12 pre/post-deployment pgms/$2.2M; restor'd 5 whse & 15K assets--saved $750K in comp repairs

    - Identified $3M discrep. w/2 ammo accts; 10 hrs/25K items verif'd--protected AFSC's $1.2B acft fleet

    - Led 5 test/eval/verif/certification projs/$2.1M; rec'd/verif'd 3.2K assets--secured/maint'd AOR's air power

    - Led 6 sys audits; restor'd 2.4K errs/3.7K syns/1.1K bils--restored AFSC's $11M inventory w/in 10 days

    - Managed $5.2M RIMC pgm/5 whse; restor'd/verif'd 1.4K assets/$4K--enabled AOR mission success/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Managed 6 CRF taskings; restor'd/verif'd 5.3K assets--saved $500K in comp repairs/secured $1.2B acft fleet

    - Orchestrated/process'd/verif'd 1.5K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured E-3 Sentry readiness

    - Oversaw 9 pre/post-deployment pgms/$2.2M; restor'd 4 whse & 13K assets--saved $750K in comp repairs

    - Process'd/verif'd 1.6K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured AC-130 Spectre Gunship readiness

    - Reconciled 6 ammo accts; 10 hrs/25K items verif'd--protected AFSC's $1.2B acft fleet/sav'd $5M in comp repairs

    - Researched/resolved $4.5M discrep. w/17 ammo accts; 10 hrs/25K items verif'd--protect'd AFSC's $1.2B acft fleet

    - Reversed $3M discrep. w/2 ammo accts; 10 hrs/25K items verif'd--protected AFSC's $1.2B acft fleet/sav'd $5M in comp repairs

    - Set-up/assembled razor wires 8hours/15K ft base wide--secured/beat wing insider threat/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Solved 22 missing ERHG kits/accounted for $487K in assets--fixed 10 yr problem w/no ROS/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Streamlined/verified 2K supply orders; restor'd/verif'd 1.3K assets--enabled AOR mission success/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Suppl'd 4.7K weapon systems/$6.3M; restor'd 7 whse & 14K assets--saved $1M in comp repairs/secured $1.2B acft fleet

    - Transported/whs'd 66.3K units/$20.3M <2 days--negated $700K in construction fees/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Validated 4.8K items/$5.4M IAW AF/DoD stds; restor'd/verif'd 1.3K assets--protected BAF's $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verif'd 1.4K/4.5K Materiel Release Requests/Corrective Action Request--ensured KC-10 Extender readiness/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verified 4.9K supply orders; restor'd/verif'd 1.4K assets--enabled AOR mission success/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verif'd/correct'd 2.5K errs/4.1K syns/1.2K bils--restored AFSC's $11M inventory/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verified/released 1.8K MRRs/CARs; restor'd 11 whse & 18K assets--saved $1M in comp repairs/secured $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verified/saved/restored 7.3K assets/$9M; restor'd 8 whse & 15K assets--saved $750K in comp repairs/sec'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verified/updated 3K assets/$2M; restor'd 8 whse & 15K assets--saved $750K in comp repairs/secured $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verif'd/restor'd/validated 2.4K errs/3.7K syns/1.1K bils--restored AFSC's $11M inventory/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verif'd/restor'd/validated 2.6K errs/4.1K syns/1.2K bils--restored AFSC's $11M inventory/protect'd $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verified/released 2.1K MRRs/CARs; restor'd 13 whse & 19K assets--saved $1M in comp repairs/secured $1.2B acft fleet

    - Verified/updated 4K assets/$3M; restor'd 9 whse & 16K assets--saved $750K in comp repairs/secured $1.2B acft fleet

    - Cmd'd AF-WIDE ILS prgm; wrote inventory strategies/updt'd 851 items/manag'd 2.4K contracts--saved $2.4M in shipment costs

    - Ctrld stock mgt; cod'd/updt'd 214 ABCDEF rprs part inventories/$1M--maint'd 97% on-hand accuracy

    - Dev'd 3K cse/comp pkgs; audited/updt'd 4.7K item info/$1M/minimiz'd 5K potential errors--slash'd part mix-ups by 75%

    - Facilitated 3K+ MAC; oversaw 1.3K L/I reflash/redistribution/$2.8M--fac'd/exec'd 3rd tran pkg 2 hrs ahead of sched

    - Girded JTDS program; coord'd 1.9K item activ/disactivs/saved $1M+ in orders--gen'd 4K+ cse/comp pkgs w/in 3 wks

    - Harmoniz'd Sys Mgmt; re-engin'd 7.2K assets/exec'd 1.9K barcode rprs/$1M+--boost'd scan accuracy by 20%

    - Ingest'd 5.6K CWDE parts; redistributed 1K assets/$1M/amalg'd 6.2K items--clear'd 6 congested MROs w/in 2 wks

    - Manag'd 2.4K CWDE assets; streamlin'd 1.4K items/$1M/updt'd 6 pre-shipment checks--recouped $2M in ship costs

    - Oversaw 4.5K qtrly stocktakes; audit'd/process'd 52 acft parts/$2M/identif'd 674 discrepancies--resolv'd backorders/1 day

    - Process'd 8K HAF-wide part rprs; cod'd/validat'd 1.7K assets/$1.2M/minimiz'd 3K errors--slash'd errors by 40% w/in 1 wk

    - Coordinated 45 B-2 MICAPs; validated/replaced 5/divert'd 41--saved $2.2M/enabled 10,000 OEF missions

    - Coordinated 2K+ NSN deliveries; expedited 13/proc'd parts--contributed to 8K contingency ops/saved $1.2M

    - Earned "Best Whse Award"; validated item locs/sust'd ops--12K combat sorties/13.2K hrs w/zero refusals

    - Ensured theater MCS mgt; tracked 2K+ whse items/9K spares/$4.4M--enabled 7K sorties/15K hrs/zero refusals

    - Execut'd three quarterly surges; monitor'd 65K/stor'd 1.2K assets/37.5K sorties--zero refusals/98% readiness

    - Facilitated 9K+ NSN transfers; validated 9/rejected 4--optimized 14 whse ops/saved $1.1M reorder costs

    - Forecasted supply reqs for emergency air ops; collated 17K items/80K hrs w/ zero refusals--saved $2.3M

    - Generated 127 item codes; organiz'd 13K mat'l assets/ensur'd C2 tracking--enabled 32K ops/command clarity

    - Implemented med supply prgm; maintained 8 whs/proc'd $1.2K/saved 500 man-hrs--enabled OIF/OEF sorties

    - Led $156K of csbl CWS; distribut'd 21K assets/avai'd 20K sorties--demonstrated zero refusals for 27K hrs

    - Managed 10K+ assets; reorganized 21 whs/shuffled 3K items--enabled 4K sorties/10K hrs/zero refusals

    - Orchestrat'd deployment of 4K items; proc'd parts/monitored use--enabled 800 contingency ops/saved $450K

    - Organized two IMRLs; proc'd $850K/maint'd 97% readiness--enabled 40K sorties/56K hrs/zero refusals

    - Preserv'd 6K assets; created 3 new whs/migrated 2.3K items--enabled 18K sorties/28K hrs/zero refusals

    - Processed 50K orders; proc'd 7K assets/validated 47K items--enabled 24K OIF ops/saved $3.5M

    - Reengin'd OIF MICAP; mng'd 1.2K assets/transport'd 819 parts--enabled 4K combat sorties/zero refusals

    - Reestabl'd supply operations; audit'd 1.2K whse items/proct'd 5K--enabled 37K OEF ops/zero refusals

    - Revised 12K code ctgs; collocat'd 10K assets/proc'd 7K parts--enabled 8K sorties/14K hrs/zero refusals

    - Superv'd supply chain ops; sustain'd 3K assets/proc'd $2M--enabled 4K sorties/6K flying hrs/zero refusals

    - Tracked 4.9K NSN items; allocated 4K assets/$2.3M/updated rose--enabled 9K ops/saved $1.5M reorder costs

    - Updat'd 2K-asset warehouse; proc'd $1.5K/migrat'd 5K items--enabled 2K ops/zero refusals/saved $200K

    - Utiliz'd supply chain mgt tools; allocat'd 6.8K assets/$1.9M--enabled 4K sorties/6K hrs/zero refusals

    - Verified 3.2K SSI codes; proc'd 4.5K parts/validated 4K items--enabled 5K ops/zero refusals/saved $1M

    - Wrote supply FETOP; validat'd 8K items/transferred 5K assets--enabled 8K ops/zero refusals/saved $2.3M

    - Audited 5K NSNs; confirmed/proc'd 3K parts/alloted 2K assets--enabled 10K sorties/15K hrs/zero refusals

    - Balanced supply cycle; updated 5K assets/proc'd $2.5M--enabled 12K sorties/18K hrs/zero refusals

    - Coordinated 15K assets; verified/proc'd 7K parts/organized 3K items--enabled 8K ops/zero refusals/saved $3.3M

    - Developed 11K NSNs; allocated 6K assets/$3M/evaluated 5K items--enabled 6K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.4M

    - Establ'd supply chain stability; audit'd 3K assets/validated 4K items--enabled 7K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.8M

    - Execut'd supply chain efficiency; confirm'd 4K items/allocated 6K assets--enabled 7K ops/zero refusals/saved $2M

    - Managed 3K NSN ctgs; proc'd 6K parts/updated 8K assets--enabled 6K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.5M

    - Orchestrat'd whse consolidation; reorganiz'd 3K items/proc'd $2M--enabled 5K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.2M

    - Prepared 3.5K SSI codes; proc'd 5K parts/validated 2K items--enabled 7K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.8M

    - Reestabl'd 4K item codes; proc'd 1K assets/$750K/verified 5K parts--enabled 6K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.2M

    - Revised supply ctgs; collocat'd 5K assets/proc'd 8K parts--enabled 9K ops/zero refusals/saved $2.4M

    - Superv'd supply ops; transport'd 2K assets/proc'd $3.5M--enabled 7K ops/zero refusals/saved $2.2M

    - Train'd supply personnel; coached 4K items/proc'd 2K parts--enabled 5K ops/zero refusals/saved $1M

    - Updated 3K NSN codes; allocated 5K parts/verified 8K assets--enabled 9K ops/zero refusals/saved $2.3M

    - Verified 4K SSI codes; proc'd 6K parts/validated 4K items--enabled 7K ops/zero refusals/saved $1.5M

    - Developed inventory mngmnt plan; delivered $11.2M timely tanker spares to 13 sites vis 2-day USPS--promoted AK productivity

    - Directed 138 AOR ship/rec/insp ops/$34K; IAW COMAFSPC criteria--raised org readiness/averted reset ops/took 4 mos

    - Directed 413 Avionics ops/$28M; issued/received/5 ops bases--320 AOR msns launched w/0 equipmt-rel'd msns

    - Executed CONUS/OCONUS Automated Picking 30-day ops; shipped 7.3K cargo & resources/$35M--raised AK readiness

    - Executed EMCON ensurance for Air Combat Command exercises; maintained readiness for 2005 RED FLAG--saved 60K hrs

    - Implemented eqpt Intransit Vis software; resynchronized/validated eqpt/$19M--reduced MICAP/forecasted shortfalls

    - Inventoried 40 SUU-65CR; tracked 80 C-17 spare kts--100% task completion shortened APPTE transition 5 wks

    - Led 2 AFSO21 evaluation teams; achieved $2.2M savings f/310 items & 560K manhrs--saved $4M-enhanced prod/readiness

    - Implemented non-standard parts tracking sys/48 items/$9.7M--enabled timely mat'l ord/fill 53 new msn parts/saved $87K

    - Managed kmart inventory; tracked 126 parts/shipped 1K mat'ls/$50K--mitigated operating op delay/drove msn success

    - Monitored high dollar equipment status; identified 15 anomolies/saved $3M--coor'd w/ 14 Commands/activated FPL

    - Negotiated w/International dealers/procured 30 P&W/GE parts/$883K; lowered AOR maint turnaround/enabled 11K msns

    - Oversaw inventory reconciliation DPAS/$121M; identified/corrected 40 discrepancies--lowered AFMC/GSA notes 66%

    - Processed 13 C-130 PM corr actions/$3M; Mx'd/insp'd 36 components--enhanced 4 FW's combat capability/27 tms flt

    - Reconciled $43K worth of orders; reallocated mismanaged stock; refilled shortages/prevented reset operations

    - Responded to sched devds; redirected 1.8K items/$12M to 3 SELs--facilitated exerd/supplied NVADs for AK/OCONUS msns

    - Screened 1200 backorders/demanded 100 parts/$3.6M; expedited ILS rcts--sust'd AF events/4.8K sorties/3 mos

    - Spearheaded IG acceptanace on upgrades; 18 spots/$123K achieved--plused-out 53 ea HD ords/saved $2.2M GFM

    - Synch'd OBC needs/$11.2M; orchestrated 514 kmart orders/filled 38 cavities--1.5K combat msns enhanced/saved $9.3M

    - Tracked 136 F-15 and F-16 items/$14M; synchronized/maintenance flown--reduced MX issues/prevented micap/saved $7M

    - Troubleshot ASIP rqmts; replenished 12 assets/ avoided undes w/25 B-52--$117M msm ord & mgmnt sys stblzd

    - Verified 234 rcts/$1.2M; fulfilled 4 WGSF/5 APG reqs--enabled 1.7K eqpt deliveries/permitted fthr acft mx exec

    - Executed high priority contract prchs; sourced 518 parts/$7.2M--initiated 100 F-16 mx actions/raised Sq availability

    - Utilized acctg principles; 100% eqpt verif/ensured eqpt integrity--amended 47 TCTO CBS/ifxd/refixed 6 ops site equities

    - Monitored 15 qty break points/$17M; requested 34 eqpt restock/filled shorftals--eased MAG/sq restriction/aired 427 msns

    - Developed supp system prgm; tracked/overlaid 3X FMS/1.2K items--saved $500K/downloaded software upgrades

    - Developed script/100-pg SMSB; audited/inspected/cord'd FMDEP--saved $3.5M/reduced cost of contract administration

    - Instigated supply chain mngmnt metrics; tracked/mng'd 300 GSUs/3K items--saved $750K/reduced audit timeline

    - Investigated prop damage/12 AFSCs; tracked/mng'd 55 mbrs/$500K--increased accountability/reduced costs by 67%

    - Integrated logistic plan/EUCOM ops; designed/inspected 74 assets/$2.2M--accelerated timeline by 45 days

    - Inventoried cmbt ldr assets/8.1K items; tracked/checked/registered/verified--realized 100% accountability/zero False Positives

    - Led logistics review/Nat'l Cmd; created/managed 78 logistics products--saved $1M/enabled mission success

    - Monitored supply chain ops/3 AFSCs; verified/cleared/maintained 155 pieces of equip--achieved 89% accuracy/2 wks

    - Organized non-amps/7 AFSCs; analyzed/audited/dispensed 10K items--ensured accuracy/minimized inv adjust costs

    - Overhauled 3 logistics prgms; combined/integrated/merged 91 doc/15.6K items--ensured 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Pioneered Space/Missile/AFSCs; overhauled/analysed/maintained/verified 3.2K items--enabled 98% accuracy/3 days

    - Processed FMS/13 AFSCs; inspected/registered/verified 1.6K items--ensured 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Rebuilt logistic flowchart; designed/realized 44 logistics products--saved $2.5M/enabled mission success

    - Reorganized office records/4 AFSCs; managed/verified/cleared 7.5K items--Increased accuracy by 57%/3 wks

    - Reversed logistic operations/NATO exercises; tracked/inspected/verified/maintained 98 assets--realized 97% accuracy/4 days

    - Reviewed/revised 20 SOPs/7 AFSCs; oversaw/verified/dispensed 5K items--reduced timeline/saved $400K

    - Tailored 10 logistics prgms/3 AFSCs; inspected/monitored/verified/dispersed 4.3K items--enabled 100% accuracy/3 days

    - Tracked/reviewed/verified DoD assets/2 AFSCs; managed/maintained/cleared/authorized 15 items--achieved 90% accuracy/2 days

    - Updated 2 inv MGMT prgms; managed/audited/reconciled 6k assets--realized 93% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Verified/clear AFSC assets/4 AFSCs; tracked/registered/inspected/maintained 85 pieces of equip--achieved 94% accuracy/3 days

    - Reengineered Bldg/facility mgmt; inspected/verified/cleared 10K items--saved $2M/reduced auditable timeline

    - Researched/analyzed RDTE/AFSCs; managed/authorized/verified 4.1K assets--enabled 98% accuracy/2 days

    - Directed supply chain mgrs/18 prjts; oversaw/verified 150 items--reduced inv adjust costs by 63%/4 days

    - Constructed logistics model; created/overhauled/verified 55 assets--saved $1.5M/increased mission success

    - Conducted supp chain process/9 AFSCs; inspected/registered/verified/dispersed 4.7K items--realized 94% accuracy/3 wks

    - Developed/deployed logistics prgm/5 AFSCs; managed/checked/verified 8.5K pieces of equip--ensured 100% accuracy/4 days

    - Established logistics framework; managed/cleared/inspected 2K assets--increased accuracy by 53%/2 wks

    - Implemented supply mgmt prgm/3 AFSCs; tracked/verified/maintained/authorized 20 items--achieved 95% accuracy/3 days

    - Installed IT policy/7 AFSCs; inspected/monitored/verified/dispersed 6K items--enabled 99% accuracy/2 days

    - Led supply chain prgm/13 AFSCs; administered/monitored/verified/maintained 2.6K pieces of equip--achieved 93% accuracy/4 wks

    - Execut'd weekly SFA pgm; restocked 1.3K acft parts/$24M--reduc'd S8 usg/met '13 AMC goa/eras'd backlog by 47%

    - Expedit'd 3.2K parts/$28M; resolv'd $815K procurement idles--averted 25% in-transit losses/achiev'd flawless supply chain

    - Implemented 88% PSC; manage'd container shipments/45 acft parts--fill'd 76% requisitions in 17-24 hrs/cut AMC std by 48 hrs

    - Initiated/maint'd TOMIS pgm; 3K transactions/$2B in assets--sys realigned/corrected 2K discrepancies/improved ammo acct'g

    - Lead'd parts replacement pgm; cl'd 15 low-usage assets/$494M--spt'd 4 SCMs/reduc'd missed sortie rate by 13%

    - Lead'd stock locater pgm; gen'd 3.2K QR codes/84 assets--streamlin'd item location/accelerat'd mission readiness by 72 hrs

    - Manag'd 16F&B pgms; gen'd 3.2K mtxs f/$569M--aided 42 sorties/avoided 2K+ in-transit losses/boost'd spares fill rate to 80%

    - Managed FSC offload/upload pgm; optimiz'd $11M assets--saved $2.4M/anticipat'd 3.2K spares needs/86% parts fill rate

    - Managed security pgm; trac'd 7K assets/62 acft--averted 1.2K in-transit losses/shor't resp time from 10 days to 4 hrs

    - Monitored supply chain; downstocked 8 FOLs/483 parts/$3.7M--fill'd 94% orders in 8 hrs/reduc'd AMC std by 12 hrs

    - Oversaw 67 personnel; prep'd 7.2K parts/10 airframes--fulfill'd 92% orders in 21 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 51 hrs

    - Processed 1.3K orders/23 FOLs; procur'd $2.2M in spares--reduc'd AMC std by 4 hrs/avoided $123K in-transit losses

    - Prepared 6.7K shipments/60 FOLs; procur'd $4.1M in assets--fill'd 92% orders in 11 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 21 hrs

    - Procured/managed 3.2K items/$2B; maintain'd 12 FOLs--clear'd 5.3K discrepancies/fill'd 79% orders in 24 hrs

    - Processed 2K parts/$1.2M; procur'd spares/17 FOLs--fill'd 72% orders in 4 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 8 hrs

    - Rcvd/issu'd 5K parts/$4M; gen'd 3.2K shipments--fill'd 88% orders in 15 hrs/beat AMC std by 36 hrs

    - Revamp'd TOMIS; gen'd 28K trans/$6B in assets--maintain'd 99% accuracy/23-hr avg issue time/reduc'd 14K discrepancies

    - Ship'd/rcv'd $5M SIB pgm; 4K lines/45 acft--fill'd 100% orders in 4 hrs/beat AMC std by 24 hrs

    - Strengthen'd QR-code pgm; gen'd 3.2K QR tags/84 FOLs--streamlin'd item location/accelerat'd mission readiness by 72 hrs

    - Supervis'd fuel pgm; supply'd 100K gals/$2M--fill'd 98% orders in 14 hrs/beat AMC std by 48 hrs

    - Tracked asset movements; monitored 1.4K assets/54 acft--fulfill'd 98% orders in 8 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 24 hrs

    - Updat'd TOMIS pgm; gen'd 2.4K trans/$1.8B in assets--maintain'd 100% accuracy/17-hr avg issue time/eliminated 12K discrepancies

    - Van-load'd 6.8K parts/$41M; transport'd spares/73 FOLs--fill'd 92% orders in 21 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 51 hrs

    - Validated 6K parts/$45M; inspect'd/process'd 3.2K assets--fill'd 88% orders in 12 hrs/beat AMC std by 24 hrs

    - Verified 1.2K avail items/$9M; procur'd spares/6 FOLs--fill'd 80% orders in 8 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 8 hrs

    - Maintained stock locater pgm; gen'd 4.1K QR codes/94 assets--streamlin'd item location/accelerat'd mission readiness by 60 hrs

    - Initializ'd 70K line items w/ TOMIS; gen'd 24K trans/$3B in assets--maintain'd 100% accuracy/17-hr avg issue time/eliminated 8K discrepancies

    - Played vital role in reorganizing supply activity; rec'd 10K linens/$2.1M--fill'd 100% orders in 3 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 12 hrs

    - Directed TOMIS FOB addition; researched/created 21 NSN's/equip details--successfully accounted f/$1.5B sys

    - Executed weekly SFA pgm; restocked 1.8K acft parts/$30M--reduc'd S8 usg/met '15 AMC goa/eras'd backlog by 52%

    - Managed 16F&B pgms; gen'd 4.3K mtxs f/$699M--aided 67 sorties/avoided 2.2K+ in-transit losses/boost'd spares fill rate to 90%

    - Lead'd stock locater pgm; gen'd 4.1K QR codes/94 assets--streamlin'd item location/accelerat'd mission readiness by 60 hrs

    - Manag'd 16F&B pgms; gen'd 4.3K mtxs f/$699M--aided 67 sorties/avoided 2.2K+ in-transit losses/boost'd spares fill rate to 90%

    - Document Control Manager; persistently cleared 6,543 delinquent documents--supported 85.6% HC-130J MC rate

    - Manag'd 16F&B pgms; gen'd 4.3K mtxs f/$699M--aided 67 sorties/avoided 2.2K+ in-transit losses/boost'd spares fill rate to 90%

    - Direct'd section reject pgm; cleared 50+ erroneous trans < 8 hrs--beat 18hr AF std/0.2% delinquent 4 mo avg

    - Execut'd weekly SFA pgm; restocked 1.8K acft parts/$30M--reduc'd S8 usg/met '15 AMC goa/eras'd backlog by 52%

    - Oversaw 122 personnel; prep'd 9.2K parts/12 airframes--fulfill'd 97% orders in 18 hrs/crush'd AMC std by 59 hrs

    - Procured/managed 4K items/$2.3B; maintain'd 8 FOLs--clear'd 6K discrepancies/fill'd 83% orders in 28 hrs

    - Processed 3.2K orders/32 FOLs; procur'd $3.2M in spares--reduc'd AMC std by 6 hrs/avoided $157K in-transit losses

    - Direct'd 314/$65M W&Ts on 6 wpn sys to 11 FOLs; drew 126% fill rt/beat AMC 91% std--Gp SNCO Jun '15

    - Implemented FSD stds; drafted 45 prsnl req's/taskers/strat docs--led 1 Sq to No. 1 in nav mtn sply/maint

    - Implemented inventory control; audited 2K assets/48 accts--rev'd 13 item classification/elim'd $34K in lost funds

    - Inventory Svcs NCO; coord'd 80 accts/$4M/4K assets--aid'd 1 Sq ILS Mgmt Sys to top 2% MAJCOM

    - Led HHQ resupply ops; exped'd $2.2M assets/1.8K items/6K assets--mobiliz'd 690 sorties w/in 3 mos/hld 1st place in readiness

    - Led group's mat'l mgmt; reviewed 15K assets/iss'd 81 work orders--reduc'd parts on hand by 63%/saved $11M

    - Managed unit's ATL accct; validated 612 assets/$6M--accelerated ops tempo/ignited F-35 sustainment init

    - Prep'ed 2K supply orders; coord'd 10K items/$8M/887 assets--allowed 1 Sq to soar to 1st place in readiness

    - Produc'd 66 SOOs/SOOAs; revised data for 85.4K items/17K assets--enabled 1 Gp to complete first-ever J4-directed logistics survey

    - Prop'd supt for 70 accts; audited 7.4K items/$1.4M--enabled 2 Sps to set record for lowest supply discrepany rate

    - Rev'd 2.3K inv docs; analyzed 82 ISSs/90 IBCs/3K assets--realiz'd 1 Sq lowest supply discrep rate ever in Sq hist

    - Schedul'd supply delivery; secured $6M capital/6K assets/7K items--simplified logistics flow/enabled 1 Sq MQ-9 ops

    - Spearhead'd OCONUS mtl mgr role; coord'd $361K assets/1.6K items--provid'd rqmts f/3.5K sorties/6K hrs

    - Streamlined supply process; gen'd 406 reqs/1.1K items/$8M--provid'd 6 Sps w/1st-ever mat flow spt ops/gained 1 Sq CSTC

    - Supervised crtical stockage; procur'd 2K assets/$2.3M/3K line items--ensur'd 1 Sq'd remain ready to face any threat

    - Upgrad'd FOM; re-writt'n 32 docs/3K assets/$3M--enabled 1 Sq to stand up new supply ops/cut mtl mgr backlog

    - Utiliz'd web based ordering; gen'd 38 RFI prms/4K items/14K assets--updat'd 1 Sq's mat mgmt sys/cut inventory cycle time

    - Validated 144 accts/8K assets; rectifi'd 96 tracking errors--increase'd asset visibility by 25%/saved $32K

    - Verifi'd 1.3K assets/3K items; coord'd 82 intl msns/$8M--recog'd 1 Wg/1 Gp/3 Sq as best in MAJCOM

    - Management of daily storeroom operations; track'd 7K assets/$1M/3.2K items--realiz'd 40% sav's/enhanc'd 1 Sq mtrl readiness

    - Establ'd a closer liason w/Axis trans coordinat'n office; facil't'd 85.4K ords/$4.8M/4K assets--enabl'd 1 Sq to soar to new heights

    - Oversaw mtrl flow process; work'd 6 supply BMs/4K assets/decreased delivery time by 58%--gained 4 Sps No.1 in readiness

    - Created Supply Acct Tracker; tracked 2M assets/16K items/reduc'd lost items by 33%--saved $32K/made 1 WG top supply in div

    - Direct'd logistics integration; secur'd 3K assets/$3.5M/6.2K items--led 1 Sq/1 Wg to receive supply msn of the year award

    - Manag'd supply programs; effct'd supply/mat'l mgmt/$19M/4K assets--enhanc'd 1 Sq ops/cut supply discrep rate by 25%

    - Led wargaming efforts; dev'd 2K assets/$3M/97K items--enabled 1 Wg to obtain 1st in MAJCOM supply ops excellence

    - Streamlined inventory tracking; realign'd 6K assets/$2.6M/1.3K items--reduc'd supply discrep by 38%/saved $14K in lost funds

    - Execut'd supply mtn processes; updated 10 accnts/8K items/$5M--led 1 Sq to hold place in supply program of the year

    - Conduct'd weekly supply inventories; verified 4K items/$8M/6K assets--updat'd 1 Wg/1 Gp/3 Sq w/mat mgmt/rev'd supply spt

    - Facilitated RAF depot spt; restocked 1.2K spares/$3M/11K cust reqs fulfilled...secur'd "Fight Tonight" posture

    - Facilitated RAF airlift spt; expedited 300K spares/$20M/13.6K cbt reqs--enabled 255K cmbd sorties/14.4K hrs

    - Led VAFS overhaul/tech intl; 267K parts/7.8K spares/$750K-delivered 1.2K reqs/$6M/prepped OSS for mission

    - Led supply systems upgrd; retrofitted 956 log equip/$1M--enabled 164K sorties/14.5K hrs/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Managed 848K tools/$25M; tracked 20K JSLIST/2.5K PJ/9K spt equip--enabled 1.3K cmbd sorties/45K hrs

    - Managed 551K CIF items/$14M; coordinated 8K LO shipments/$21M--fulfilled 20K equip/maint reqs/enabled 5K cbt msns

    - Managed 678K acft parts/$2M; tracked 4K spares--filled 11K equip reqs/$12M/msn ready f/$560M acft swaps

    - Managed 14.6K items/$2M; orchestrated 60K mvmts/36K equip rqmts/$13M--filled 78K requisitions/secur'd base FY14 drawdown

    - Negotiated/sourced 10K parts/$3M; replenished 3K RAF equip/$2.4M--enabled 12K sorties/7K hrs/met POTUS '14 rqmts

    - Orch'd 9.5K logistics movments; filled 1.2K requests/$7M--secur'd "Fight Tonight" posture/enabled 3K cbt msns

    - Orchestrated 4K retrograde shipments; compiled 1.5K equip/$12M--filled 25K RAF rqmts/readied base FY14 drawdown

    - Overhauled LFSP Ops; directed 6K mvmts/3K items/$4M--enabled 4K cbt msns/30K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Performed 809 supply audits; corrected 88 app errors/recov'd $1.5M--met QA '13 checklists/enabled 12K sorties

    - Prep'd AFCENT OSS; directed 6K log mvmts/3K items/$4M--enabled 4K cbt msns/32K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Process'd 1.3K GCEs/$1.2M; rebuilt 2K equip/8K parts/$22M--supported 4K cbt msns/21K sorties/filled '14 rqmts

    - Reorganized 4K assets/$7M; achieved 83% asset visibility--enabled 28K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight" posture

    - Retrofitted 6.8K equip/$1M; assembled 8K bulk items/$17M--enabled 1.2K cbt msns/6K sorties/filled POTUS '14 rqmts

    - Sourced 12.2K items/$4M; acquired 2K equip/4.6K parts/$20M--enabled 17K cbt msns/24K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Supervised 8K msn-critical spares; reordered 2K RSP items/$21M--enabled 10K cbt msns/12K sorties/filled FY14 rqmts

    - Supervised $9M inventory/1K equip; serviced 7K parts/$1.2M--enabled 12K sorties/met '14 acft interoperability standards

    - Synch'd 13K equip/5K spares; positioned 5K parts/$2M--enabled 5K cbt msns/41K sorties/filled FY14 rqmts

    - Sys integ'd 5K CIF items; allocated 6K equip/$7M--enabled 5K cbt msns/17K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight" posture

    - Upgraded 6.4K items/$1M; installed 9K log equip/$2.4M--secur'd 28K sorties/filled '14 POTUS/EU interoperability rqmts

    - Validated 3K equip/parts; reordered 10K spares/$7M--enabled 1.3K msns/20K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight" posture

    - Vetted 578 equip/spares; replenished 1.2K parts/$2.4M--enabled 6K cbt msns/19K sorties/filled '14 EU interoperability rqmts

    - Verified 6.2K equip/$1M; processed 8K parts/$3.2M--enabled 2.2K cbt msns/14K sorties/met '14 AF interoperability standards

    - Proact'd mvmt of 5K equip/$2.5M; resupplied 3K spares/$2M--enabled 7K cbt msns/19K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Executed 359K DoD PA&E orders; shifted $20M in assets--on sched to meet POTUS '14 rqmts

    - Executed 15K DoD contract orders; repositioned 3K assets/excess inventory--enabled 11K cbt msns/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Executed 8K DoD orders; redistributed $4M in excess equipment--on sched to meet POTUS '14 rqmts

    - Execut'd AVI prep; built 394 GCEs/11K items/$2.9M < 2 wk's--preposition'd austere loc/rdy'd base f/$588M acft swap

    - Executed 2K retrograde shps; pulled 12K assets worth $5M--filled AF rqmts/readied base for FY14 draw down

    - Facilitated RAF airlift spt; expedited 200K spares/$30M/12.6K cbt reqs--enabled 255K cmbd sorties/18.4K hrs

    - Led supply systems upgrd; retrofitted 756 log equip/$1.3M--enabled 184K sorties/15.5K hrs/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Managed 648K acft parts/$3M; tracked 8K spares--filled 11K equip reqs/$11M/msn ready f/$500M acft swaps

    - Managed 11.6K items/$2.5M; orchestrated 70K mvmts/36K equip rqmts/$11M--filled 78K requisitions/secur'd base FY14 drawdown

    - Negotiated/sourced 14K parts/$3.5M; replenished 4K RAF equip/$3.4M--enabled 12K sorties/8K hrs/met POTUS '14 rqmts

    - Orch'd 8.5K logistics movments; filled 1.3K requests/$6.5M--secur'd "Fight Tonight" posture/enabled 3K cbt msns

    - Retrofitted 5.8K equip/$1.3M; assembled 9K bulk items/$15M--enabled 1.2K cbt msns/8K sorties/filled POTUS '14 rqmts

    - Sourced 15.2K items/$4.5M; acquired 3K equip/6.6K parts/$20.5M--enabled 17K cbt msns/26K sorties/secur'd "Fight Tonight"

    - Supervised 9K msn-critical spares; reordered 2.5K RSP items/$22M--enabled 11K cbt msns/14K sorties/filled FY14 rqmts

    - Synch'd 14K equip/6K spares; positioned 7K parts/$2.2M--enabled 5K cbt msns/42K sorties/filled FY14 rqmts

    - Vetted 778 equip/spares; replenished 2K parts/$2.4M--enabled 6K cbt msns/22K sorties/filled '14 EU interoperability rqmts

    - Verified 8.2K equip/$1.2M; processed 9K parts/$3.4M--enabled 2.3K cbt msns/16K sorties/met '14 AF interoperability standards

    - Fostered innovative supply chain solutions; brainstorm'd ways to optimize FOLs--reduced wait times for warfighter parts

    - Gained efficiency in $2.4M spares/repairs; improved inventory accuracy to 98.9%--exceeded 819 MXG std

    - Generated $3.3M aircraft parts income; delivered parts/tools/kits to 743 Mx Sqdn--maximized downtime repair ops

    - Hand-picked for TDY; managed $425K arctic apparel issue--ensured 2K warfighters ready for artic ops

    - Identified vendor opportunities; negotiated deals for airframe parts--saved $7M compared to retail prices

    - Implemented FMS solutions; validated 154K items to 5 countries--decreased delivery time by 35 days

    - Improved supply chain visibility; digitized 3.2K order requests--reduced manual processing time by 20%

    - Initiated asset tracking/cross-referencing process; validated/relocat'd 8K assets--halved inventory search time

    - Led onsite storage capacity; mng'd inventory accuracy--zero discrepancies during '13 AFMC inspection

    - Liaised w/contingency teams; developed stocking plan for 6 FOLs--executed resupply in 15 days w/99% accuracy

    - Managed expeditionary spares; replenished 2K/$2M/day--averted disruption to 200K/day ops tempo

    - Managed material program; disposed of 150K lbs of surplus/hazardous material--positioned unit for POTUS visit

    - Maximized spares/repairs; facilitated $4M in inventory process improvements--doubled parts distribution efficiency

    - Migrated supply management to SAP; automated 2K processes/upgraded data sets--reduced cycle times by 10%

    - Monitored AOR supplies; cut issue time from 4-hrs to 2-hrs--ensured warfighter readiness in less time

    - Negotiated vendor contracts; secured $3M in aircraft parts--exceeded funding goals by $600K

    - Offered support solutions; moved '13 C-17 cargo; val'd documents/maint'd records--enabled 3.2K person flight crew

    - Optimized supply ops; resolved 3K/$22M in discrepancies--restored C2 of 2K munitions-related items

    - Pilot-tested new supply tech; implemented RFID tracking system--loosened up 28K/day supply constraints

    - Proved successful in inventory control; managed 3K/$10M capital equipment--averted supply disruption

    - Purchasing agent; negotiated cost-effective contracts w/6 vendors--saved $1.6M on airframe parts/tools

    - Recommended supply solutions; integrated SAP/ERP systems--reduced manual filing/data entry costs by 30%

    - Resolved supply chain issues; expedited parts delivery--averted Ops delay/enabled 5K warfighters

    - Secured $2.2M in warfighter support; managed inventory/issue transactions--averted operational delays

    - Streamlined supply chain; orchestrated movement of 350K/$14M in FOB assets--minimized delivery times by 25%

    - Tracked 16K supply requests; updated warehouse records--ensured fast/accurate supply sequence for warfighters

    - Validated parts/assets; re-ordered/tracked 4.5K/$7M spares--averted supply shortfall for 8 FOLs

    - Warfighter support; coordinated transport of 800 pieces/2K/$19M munitions--ensured 100% accuracy to mission

    - Harmonized OCONUS spt mvmnts esp resupply; stow'd/shp'd 7K items/$19M--enabled 15 CONUS ops/fuel'd 24K flt hrs

    - Instill'd 553 Amn w/basics of supply; educ'd/cnsld 8 yrts of spcltk--raised 2S0X1 spt/mvmnt profic'y 20%

    - Konverged forces & resources/enforc'd repl flag/shp'd 7K item/$19M--enabled 15 CONUS ops/fuel'd 24K flt hrs

    - Launch'd 7.2K supp reqs/$2M; ensurd comp ops7/$32M--spt'd AFSC 2S0X1/enabled 8K OEF cmbt miss

    - Leverag'd of global logistics flt's stk; consolidated 6k assets/$6M--enabled 3QTR Lyst ops/zero msn delays

    - Monitord 8.4K item st/age; tracked/fix'd 16 discrep's--prevt'd $3.7M loss/fuel'd 3K OIF cmbt miss

    - Navigate logistics readiness flt's drawdown; transitioned 4 bldgs/65 functions--saved DoD $20M in HQ costs

    - Orchestrat'd 7.2K reqs/$2M; enabled compl ops/$32M--sust'd AFSC 2S0X1/enabled 8K OEF cmbt miss

    - Plann'd 4K OIF asset mvmnts; tracked/fix'd kitting/stowage pbms--solved 16 discrep's/$11M AFSC 2S0X1 ops

    - Portray'd 3.3K AF supply mvmnts; rec'd/rout'd/shp'd 5.4K/$71M--fuel'd 4K OIF cmbt miss/powered 28K flt hrs

    - Proliferated OCONUS cmbt sup ops; analyzed/coord'd 4K cbrn/HHO--enabled 12K OEF cmbt miss/log'd 4K flt hrs

    - Redress'd Class IX item; cck'd/repr'd 16 discrep's--valid'd 93 miscus/clos'd 99% IAR/beat AMC 98% goal

    - Refin'd log mvmnts; prepar'd/collct'd 74 items/$3.2M--suppld 19x MSK ISO global ops/fuel'd 95 msns/864 flt hrs

    - Review'd OCONUS spares; valid'd/shp'd 8K parts/$31M--spt'd 3K OIF mission/enabled 6K flt hrs/28K air mvmnts

    - Reinforc'd 4K weapon system ops; stocked/shp'd 241 parts/$19M--enabled 4K OEF cmbt miss/fuel'd 12K flt hrs

    - Support'd 8.4K item st/age; tracked/fix'd 16 discrep's--prevent'd $3.7M loss/fuel'd 3K OIF cmbt miss

    - Taught 553 Amn w/supply basics; educ'd/cnsld 8 yrts of spcltk--raised 2S0X1 spt/mvmnt profic'y 20%

    - Upkeep'd 5K dep inventory; probed/restor'd 3K parts/$31M--fuel'd 15K OEF cmbt miss/enabled 2 BFT ops

    - Unify'd global logistics flt's stk; consolidat'd 6K assets/$6M--enabled 3QTR Lyst ops/zero msn delays

    - Verifi'd supply item; valid'd/rec'd/rout'd/shp'd 8K parts/$31M--spt'd 3K OIF miss/enabled 6K flt hrs/28K air mvmnts

    - Wield'd $500K CCTV equip transport; met 3 AF directives--enabled surveillance of munitions valued at $81M

    - Yield'd Patriot MDS jt ops; enforc'd sentry duties/missile setup <12 hrs--stabilized Arabian Gulf def/FP '20 AoM Dec

    - Zeal'd 5K dep inventory; probhed/restor'd 3K parts/$31M--enabled 15K OEF cmbt msns/sust'd 2 BTF ops

    - Arrst'd 2K spares pgrm; source'd/shp'd 8K items/$32M--fuel'd 4K OI miss/enabled 6K flt hrs/28K pax mvmnts

    - Amplifi'd 4.7K warr requests; verify'd/justify'd/consum'd 3K assets/$29M--enabled 16K OEF cmbt miss/2K flt hrs

    - Axiom'd Amn/pfx'd 1K supply/log mvmnt concepts; edify'd 8 yrts of spcltk--magnifid 2S0X1 profic'y 20%

    - Brand'd mat'd POAAL logistics plan; upimp'd 8.4K item st/age/tracked/fix'd 16 discrep's--prevent'd loss $3.7M

    - Convert'd CMS Strat Plan; restructur'd/streamlin'd 6K F-15 assets/$112M--enabled 81K stons cgo alft/232K pax transport

    - Instructed 63K items/$3.2M in 8 wks; shifted .3K items/$1M from BOG-L to USAFE--re-aligned assets/$415K

    - Issued 9K stk/sampled 60-day lot/QA'd all; maint'd logis pkg/$312K/0 deli o/s delivered--2.5x monthly avg

    - Located 56K assets/$13M via 15-mnth EO; guided MXG psnl/repac'd 3x airframes--client $1M/sq <40* turn time

    - Monitored 12K invsit's < 6 mths; RETEX'd 18 ISS/$5M--90% QC'd/96% on-time delivery to 6 bases/3 countrs

    - Obtained delivery/discrepancy 49K items/$24M; expedited deli via re-path/repack--spt'd 13 NTT 20-day deadline

    - Orchestrated LRCs for 72 kitting bundles/2.2K kits/$1.6M--fulfilled 99% of msn reqs/reduced MD reviews 29%

    - Prepared 8500 HAAs/$12M for low-level crs; coord'd 33 a/c/$8.7M/100K msns--1.25K aircrew spt/17K sorties

    - Re-allocated 5.2K items/$1.25M/14 WGs; spt'd NEO ops/5 bases--on-time 9K+ sorties/5.5K msns/17K hrs

    - Reconciled 1226 TNMCS orders; coord'd ISSUES/RCVS w/MXG--rec'd $1.3M in mtrls/26K FEDEX'd/airlift 4K

    - Re-wired 5 XYZ pc's/recov'd 10K items/$2.2M; decreased 3-day avg restock/4-day min avg--17 delta kits spt'd

    - Recruited 10 MXG/Supply psnl; implmted 2 new FXs/formed dir/shp'd 735 kgds/$3.2M--cut $3.1M in 3 yrs

    - Provided key logis spt for 4 bases/$8.4M; supervised 15K stk items/$1M--1.8K events/curbside spt 12K sorties

    - Refined 2K wg assets/$3M; adjust'd stk levels/decreased TRN 3 hrs--850 PSIs completed/1.5K msns

    - Restructured trng program; educ'd 15K AMELs/EIRs/$1M--reduced TMCA rate 0/1.2K parts/14K hrs

    - Re-energized 5 PLCs/$10K; guided ntwk ctrl/1.2K assets/$14M--conduct'd MTW'mks/zero 0SA wks

    - Seized 8K assets/$1.3M/6XFRS; in-checked stk/repack'd 2K pieces--reducing EXI 2.5 wks/88K 2-day shipments

    - Spearheaded 6 IGMS escorts/11 psnl; validation'd 15K assets/$4M/18 spt'd msns--total $1.2M/15K CUFs

    - Strengthened 5 MSAs; restructured lot# ctrls/reduced AFSC rate --16K commodities/$6M--zero cas evnts

    - Supplied logis/pre-stg'd 14K items/$1M; spt'd HQ change/deploy'd 4 a/c--830 msns/12K hrs/20K sorties

    - Tailored supply sys; managed 3 mjr stores/$4.2M--17 pkgs/4.4K msns/$1M--achiev'd 17K hrs NTE

    - Tracking 341 DLRs/30 pcs; coord'd 33K assets/$4.25M--incr'd six-day stndrd--$1M in restock guarantees

    - Verified/certified 2K assets from 2 depots/$7M; generated 2.3K DLRS/2K PO's--zero QC fails

    - Wrote/edited 3 cust meth stds; shipped $1.8M/6 FMS accts/11 DRMs--min'd 7% del late to 1.5K cstmr

    - Leveraged 21K line items/100K ASLs; snapped 10K expir'd lines--resupplied 40 CCT msns w/in 72 hrs

    - Manag'd merchandising team; process'd 1K Class VII items/$14.5M--cost savings $2M/72% AMC goal exceed'd

    - Monitored C-17 re-fit pgm; coord'd 500 parts/32 hrs/56 crews/50K lbs--ensur'd $20M AFRC msn capability

    - Negotiat'd exter'l contracts; reciev'd 80 16A switches/$19K--deliver'd 64K lbs of parts to AFRCAOC in 7 days

    - Obtain'd $106K whse prjct funds; procur'd 50K sq ft of storage spc--mov'd 10K assetts w/in 90 days

    - Orchestrated 15K DLA items; recover'd 19 lost assets--increased spt to SOF units in seven days

    - Periodic'd 3K SKUs/$8.5M; ID'd 2K expired/suspen'd lines--resulted in $2.7M AMC budgetary savings

    - Plac'd $9M orders centr'ly; stored 295K assetts at 4 whses--259 msns flown w/ zero cancelled for fklow up

    - Pre-pos'tioned $14M stock; <u>establish'd 25 TPK fields/$2.2M--supplied 300 AOR msns/93% MC rate</u>

    - Prim'd personnel rotation; release'd 120 flyers/$90K--99% msn CT success/zero CNS outages

    - Ramp'd up $75M contrct; receiv'd 5K items/$15M--deploy'd 170K lbs/expedit'd 79 msns/91% MC rate

    - Led 7 AOR-lge dlvry projects; fulfilled 1.6K reqmts fr 170K asset--2.0% defect rate--exceeded inspection criteria

    - Led AAAPF activity; tagged/verified 5K assets in 60K sq ft storeroom--ensured 100% accuracy/awarded Sq's ToM Apr

    - Led 18 at AF's lrgst APS; cntrl'd 24 whses/274K assets/$286M--compliance inspected 5 op's/exceeded std by 20.2%

    - Led 5 Amn; sov'd critical refrlsh f/6 FOLs; shp'd 251 assemblies/ 4 airframes--aided 3.5K AOR sorties

    - Led equip upload/download ops; received 842 assets/processed 230 requests--4.2% error rate; exceeded standards

    - Led T-1 wk 4K AED ops; ap'd 500 KSU devices/accom'd 2.8K requisitions--granted OOH trng/enhanced SEC C2 ops

    - Led HAZMAT accnt & recert; 8-man team inspection/cataloguing 547 assets $2M--maint'd 100% accuracy /award'd Sq ToM Oct

    - Led $50M equip void-fill proj; re-instated/procured 300 items--45% cost reduction--created 32 hrs/wk for maint/trng

    - Led APS replenishment; obtained/allocated 1.37K assets/34K sq-ft of stow--saved 58% vs CONUS acquisition cost/awd'd Sq's ToM Jun

    - Led XE-TEAMS equip audits; cntrl'd 6K assets/42 sq-ft of stow--100% accuracy/award'd Sq ToM Jul--enabled crtical ops

    - Led 39 Amn; Auth'd/expell'd 3.3 mil ITEMS/shipped 176 airframes--avg'd 1.8 DIFM rate--saved 2K AOR sorties

    - Led 5-week equip delete proj; identified/scrapped 752 assets--sustained inventory accuracy/dropped AMC 36.5%

    - Led 18-memb AAPF activity; tagged/verified 78K assets--ensured 100% accuracy/awarded Sq ToM Dec--enabled crtical ops

    - Led 152-man upgrade/transition; oversee'd 27 Mx shops/4K assets/18 whses--Closed/opened 5 trans/slash'd AMC 72%

    - Led 3 zon'd inventory cntl spt; updated 5.4K invent cntl recds/$7M--initiated 4 correction procs/saved $320K fr lost assets

    - Led hist. lrgst re-stationing; transport'd 315 assets/$14.4M--tracked/sorted 1.2K assets/6 whses--saved $264K annualy

    - Led PACOM equip recert proj; inspected 547 assets/$2M--maint'd 100% accuracy/award'd Sq's ToM Oct--enabled crtical ops

    - Led CP-DRMO ops; mov'd 709 assets/$2M--100% accuracy/awd'd Sq ToM Dec--moist'd $264K/mo in trng/maint costs

    - Led P&A ops; catalogbed 73 assets/$1.2M--ensured 100% accuracy/award'd Sq ToM Feb--enabled crtical ops

    - Led 8-man HAZMAT team; inspected/cataloged 547 assets/$2M--maint'd 100% accuracy/award'd Sq's ToM Oct

    - Auth'd/expell'd 3.3 mil ITEMS/shipped 176 airframes; avg'd 1.8 DIFM rate--saved 2K AOR sorties/awarded Sq ToM Mar

    - Led 8-man TEAMS audit; cntrl'd 6K assets/42 sq-ft of stow--100% accuracy/award'd Sq ToM Jun--enabled crtical ops

    - Led Equip upload/download ops; received 842 assets/processed 230 requests--4.2% error rate; exceeded standards/awd'd Sq's ToM Apr

    - Led 10-memb AAPF activity; tagged/verified 78K assets--ensured 100% accuracy/awarded Sq ToM Jul--enabled crtical ops

    - Led AORs lrgst APS; directed 6 mbrs; expedited 260K critical reqmts f/41 acft--drove 5% drop in Mx rpr time/awd'd Sq ToM Mar

    - Led 31 at AF's largest CRF; cntrl'd 14 whses/286K assets/$260M--TIN 593 parts avg'd 1.7 DIFM rt--slashed AMC 55%/awd'd Sq's ToM Dec

    - Negotiat'd w/vendors/ord'd 184K+ items; delivered 18K acft parts--fed 6.8K sorties/enabled $5M AFSC cost avgs

    - Orchestrated supply chain for 4,000+ items; tracked 500+ deliveries--enabled $14.5M acquisition/increased OPRTEF 152%

    - Planned/directed mvmt of 200K AWR assets; completed 167 transfers--saved $7.2M/lined up 35K OIF/OEF flight hrs

    - Processed 1K APS reqs; expedited 167 msn-critical items/log'd 4.8K assets--strengthen'd prep'dness/spt'd OEF/OIF mvmt

    - Procur'd 57 spares/500+ items; expedit'd 65 critical reqs--enabled $13M/enabled 330+ mvmts/ supported 47.2K OEF sorties

    - Purchased $3.5M in f/fuel equipt; enabled DLA transition of 8.5K assets--upgraded/enhanced readiness for 2.4K OIR mx msns

    - Re-procured 22 items; bypass'd DSU/DLA red tape--restored 187 parts--avoided $4M mx cost/ensured 2K sorties

    - Receiv'd/inspect'd 5K line item assets; 428 hi-pri items--shipp'd/track'd 99 spcl assets/spt'd 13K OCF sorties, zero defects

    - Reduce'd $3M in repairs/enhanc'd lgcy assets; refurb'd 74 components/MRAP kits--enabled 46 OCO msns/svd 3.2K hrs/spt'd OIF/OEF

    - Reorganiz'd P-8A Inventory; reclassed 22 PCO/valued at $8.7M--spt'd 109 OIR sorties/enabled 7.2K CGO msns/send'd $25.6M

    - Salvaged $750K in critical consumables; inspect'd/recondition'd 1200+ items--enhanc'd capabilities/spt'd 40K OIR/OEF msns

    - Shipped/receiv'd 1.5K H/H prt's to AOR; 240 hi-pri msn-critical; restock'd 45K assets/$13.8M--enabled 2K OIF/OEF sorties

    - Streamlin'd ordering process; eras'd 2K+ umv's/865K assets/$24M--0 defects/ff'd 1K OIF msns/fores'd $11M savings

    - Supervised supply flight/restricted items; reconciled total assets--ASOs doubled/spt'd 10.5K OIF/OEF sorties/$43M saved

    - Task'd 15 supply ops; procur'd/shipp'd 147 hi-pri acft parts/val'd $3M--restock'd 289 msn-critical items/$7.9M in mat'l

    - Utiliz'd 4 MSAs; procur'd hi-pri ava/eng parts--outpac'd 3-week restock reqs--spt'd 5.5K OIF sea sorties, no stops/issues

    - Vefficated 15 accts/1.5K assets; comp'd 595 doc's; trk'd/invent'd 39K assets, 5K parts/val'd $9M--cost-avoid $2M/spt'd OEF

    - Warhous'd 28K+ assets/$25.5M; 37K parts/haz mat'l; 94 PALs/20K items--100% accuracy/spt'd OIF/OEF sorties/4.5K hrs saved

    - X-ray'd 76 inbound/outbound shipments; locat'd 112 high-value pallets/1K assets/$17.5M--enabl'd 13.2K OIF missions

    - Yielded 6K assets/1K items; tagged/tracked/moved 6K assets/99K msn-critical items/val'd $8M--upd'd 8.5K OIF sorties

    - Zon'd whse into 3 sections; mov'd 75K assets/$22M--stag'd 19K acft parts/fabricat'd 2.4K OIF/OEF sorties/save'd $7M

    - Negotiated w/VEND/sub-contractors, revised 23K turn in/ receipt process/cut RHR time by 83+%

    - Orchestrated 4K repairables/asset mgt; tracked/coord'd 655 parts/wg ccers--resulting in $7M savings

    - Orchestrated AF-wide inventory; tracked 3.4K orders/ITO $6.5M--zero shortfalls in fleet/75+ acft

    - Proactively tracked 109 consignments/suppl'd 6.5K PLL items; improved supply rate to 100%; Feb '14

    - Processed 8K ord/hdq approvals; cut turn-in/ite rqmts by 40%, cut refusals by 75%, and closed 84% w/n 24 hrs

    - Reconciled 44K discrep cy ledgers; trended mat'ls/noted trends/disp'd refunds--garnered $50K in YTD returns

    - Reg'd 430+ shipments; maintained/ensured cargo's integrity/QA/QC--ensur'd zero flt delays/145+ missions

    - Scrutinized Warehouse Mgmt Sys (WMS); ID'd 7K err/re-trans'd 7.3K items/zero defect rate--$2.2M yields

    - Undertook contract mgmt of 7K assets, revised reporting/workflow policies--naturalized productivity by +50%

    - Validated/updated 163 supply maint/AV/PVL documents; zero discrepancies--ensured compliance/hazmat regs

    - Verified/updated LRS, processed 5.4K RGIs/$47.6M; zero discrepancies--100% accuracy on supply mgmt

    - Oversaw SVS/PVL of 150+ assets/$2.3M; ensured all items met USAFE stds--recognized w/ '14 60 AEW S/Sgt Of Yr

    - Managed DLA issue rprt; replenished 6094 spares/$7.4B acft--vastly improved parts availability to 95%

    - Executed 3.4K inventory transactions; secured $8M/mat'ls; zero supply issues/nec'd flts--cement'd '14 AF Outst Hvy Sq

    - Developed JCALS process; automated 50+ reports w/ weekly accuracy averages of 99.8% --expedited process/500 users

    - Established stock control sppt; track'd 2.6K items/reduce'd cost by 26%--essential to fleet survivability/budget mgmt

    - Utilized/maint'd computer inventory prgms; tracked 15.8K items/$11.9M --garnered '14 Log Sq SPEAR Awd/AFMSA

    - Inspected/transferred 617 items/$3.7M f/2 bases; zero deficiencies--enabled rapid repairs/critical weapon sys mx

    - Coordinated mat'ls ordering/receipt; facilitated 4.6K orders/$6.2M--zero issues in inventory/improved supply rate to 99%

    - Streamlined/Signed off mat'ls/6K+ items/$4.2M; 3 hours process/100% accurate--zero instances of incorrectly shipped parts

    - Analyzed mat'ls/8K shipments/$6.5M; altered order composition--integral to serialized asset delivery accuracy

    - Developed asset tracking prgm; traced 5.2K home station items/$3.3M --decreased Wg misplacement rate by 71%

    - Utilized/maint'd QA/QC stds; assessed 2.7K stock/88 items--ensured supply safety/zero hazardous mat'ls

    - Monitored/enforced Safety Mgmt Sys; analyzed 8.4K/parameters--maint'd optimum war readiness/no adverse incidents

    - Managed Supply Sustainment; tracked 5.3K items/$3.8M w/ zero deficiencies--solidified FLTS's maintenance/repair capabilities

    - Led AF-wide inventory; tracked 7.6K parts/$8.5M; forecasted projected needs--vastly improved parts availability/90%

    - Administered DoD supply policies; updated 460 outbound orders--ensured zero logistical wrinkles/mission readiness

    - Held resource allocation; sourced/tested 4.7K parts/$45M --vastly reduced supply time by 58%/critical parts

    - Implemented/managed Hazardous Mgmt Prgm; validated 74 safety items/no losses--retained 100% safety compliance rate

    - Processed/reconciled 8.2K source docs; zero discrepancies; expedited delivery/secondaries--essential to FT Jackson's success

    - Produced daily order/supply visibility reports; tracked/replenished 5.3K items/$3.8M--improved availability rate by 88%

    - Updated/maint'd IT systems; optimized 3.2K orders/inventory--improved supply process resp by 79%

    - Monitored/track'd 85K records/$4.3M; msn'd 12K assets/453K hours--saved AF $2.2M via acft parts refurb

    - Overhaul'd supply process; mng'd 8K assets/$33M; auth'd 350+ items/2K+ directives--fill rate soared from 25% to 97%

    - Procured/manag'd supply assets; authorize'd 2700 line items/$16M--result'd in mx prod svcs for 2K AOR sorties

    - Process'd 10K non-rqmt requests/3K+ items; return'd 7K+ assets/$26M--avg'd 5 day TAT/beat cmd stds by 18%

    - Process'd 5K materiel reqs; rout'd 12K assets/$71M--fill rate skyrocket'd to 99.6%/beat cmd stds by 20%

    - Process'd 8K supply orders/$82K; released 800+ line items/$59K--fill rate increased 77% over FY stds

    - Process'd 800+ supply requests; release'd 5K assets/$30M--fill rate escalated 20%+, beat cmd stds by 16%

    - Procured/verified 800 items; release'd 5K assets/$25M--fill rate increased to 99+%/beat cmd stds by 2%

    - Reconciled 240 accts/$2M; track'd 8K assets/fill'd 8K+ orders--fill rate up 6.7%/reduced overdue orders by 15%

    - Reengineer'd supply process; verif'd 500+ items/$25M--fill rate jumped to 95%/beat cmd stds by 15%

    - Researched/correct'd 15K inv's/8K+ items; validat'd/enter'd 8K+ assets--fill rate accelerat'd by 10% over FY stds

    - Salvaged 600 obsolete items; implement'd 150K+ refurb parts/ redirect'd to supply--ACOM fill rate up 7.3%

    - Significantly improv'd inventory process; mng'd 10K assets/$37M--fill rate 99+%/beat cmd stds by 10.5%

    - Spearhead'd supply pgm redesign; mng'd 20K assets/$40M--fill rate achiev'd 99.8%/beat cmd stds by 12%

    - Streamlined XYZ pgm redesign; trac'd 6K assets/14K orders--fill rate soar'd to 98%, beat cmd stds by 16%

    - Successfully mng'd 2K assets/$7.4M; process'd 1K+ CRQs/4K+ directives,--fill rate hit 99%, beat cmd stds by 11%

    - Supervis'd 2 supply sys ops; reallocated 2.2K spare parts/$2.2M--rescv'd 48K+ sorties, 72 AFCENT cargo lifts

    - Supervis'd 8K asset accnts/$29.5M; track'd/enter'd 1.6K+ items--fill rate soar'd 15%, beat cmd stds by 7.5%

    - Synchroniz'd supply process; mng'd 1K assets/6 whs--fill rate rose to 100%/beat cmd stds by 20%

    - Track'd 8K assets/$13M; scrmd 5K acccounts/$2.5M--fill rate hit 99%/beat cmd stds by 12%

    - Updat'd 30K materiel mvts/8K assets; validat'd 1.5K item recpts/fill'd 7K orders--fill rate rose 9%

    - Utiliz'd prime asset system; integrat'd 6K+ items/$53.2M--fill rate jumped to 95%/beat cmd stds by 15%

    - Verifi'd/evaluated asset requirements; perform'd 4K+ logistics mgrt svcs--fill rate rose to 100%/beat cmd stds by 20%

    - Whse mng'd inventory process; allocat'd 2K+ items/$7M--fill rate up 8% over FY stds/saved cmd 3.2K hrs labor

    - Formulated/executed HAZMAT turn-in plan; dispos'd 817 items/$36K--zero bio-environmental mishaps

    - Mng'd mvmt of cargo assets; enhanc'd asset tracking skills--reduc'd transport time 35%

    - Implemented/enforced supply utilization policies; trac'd 6K assets--fill rate rose to 98%, beat cmd stds by 20%

    - Led supply pgm revamp; process'd 1.7K orders/$14M--fill rate reach'd 99%, beat cmd stds by 16%

    - Proffered materiel mgmt spt; return'd 3.1K items/$8.5M--fill rate soar'd 15%/positively impact'd 4K AOR sorties

    - Overhaul'd supply chain; return'd 3K assets/$1.5M--fill rate escalat'd to 95%/beat cmd stds by 10%

    - Allocat'd/assess'd 5K acft spares/$48M; fill'd 6K+ orders--fill rate up 15%, beat cmd stds by 10.5%

    - Manag'd supply storeroom shelf-life pgm; validat'd 10K items/$43K--protected fleet from expir'd materiels

    - Spearhead'd MAT selection; procur'd 400 line items/$2.1M--fill rate increas'd to 98%, beat cmd stds by 11%

    - Reconfigur'd asset accnts; distrib'd 4K+ items/$7M--fill rate jump'd 10%, beat cmd stds by 6.7%

    - Devis'd azimuth/inventory control sys; trac'd 15K records/$19M--fill rate achiev'd 95%, beat cmd stds by 15%

    - Created inventory control systems; monitored 7K assets/$13M--fill rate rose to 98%, beat cmd stds by 12%

    - Process'd 7K logistics reqs; rout'd 8K assets/$33M--fill rate escalat'd 10%, beat cmd stds by 5.5%

    - Utiliz'd asset relocation sys; examin'd/mov'd 9K items/$66K--achiev'd 99.5% fill rate/beat cmd stds by 18%

    - Re-engineer'd supply tracking process; mng'd 5K assets/$20M--fill rate hit 97%, beat cmd stds by 16%

    - Administer'd logistics materiel sys; validat'd 8K+ inventory items/$37M--fill rate skyrocket'd 17%, beat cmd stds by 15%

    - Systemized supply reposturing for 2 airframes; reconfigur'd 2K assets/$20M--fill rate up 10%, beat cmd stds by 6.7%

    - Re-engineer'd supply control plan; mov'd 2K assets/3 whs/$32M--fill rate increas'd to 99%, beat cmd stds by 20%

    - Verifi'd/evaluated supply assets; authorize'd 1.7K line items/$9M--fill rate up 15%, beat cmd stds by 11%

    - Manag'd movement of cargo assets; enhanc'd asset tracking skills--cut transportation time 35%

    - Track'd 10K assets/$35M; reviw'd 2.4K records/$1.8M--fill rate soar'd 11%, beat cmd stds by 8.5%

    - Oversaw 3K+ acft/eqpt/assets/$2.5M; led 9 POM/BOM cycles--accur'd 100% on-time delivery/zero backorder

    - Oversaw Mx AF Form 81; created/maint'd 8K+ records--ensured 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Oversaw TSS/CASF supply; tracked/maint'd 4K+ eqpt/assets/$3.3M--expedit'd $1.2M OIR/OFS msns/zero backorder

    - Palletized/stocked 2K+ items; restock'd/maintain'd/tracked/deliver'd/issued 3K+ eqpt/assets--zero discrepancies

    - Process'd/verifi'd 3K+ items; provided quick eqpt/assets delivery to 6K+ rqsts--ensured 100% on-time delivery

    - Project manag'd supply sys; monitor'd/analyz'd 2.3K+ issues/assets/$3.3M--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Re-organiz'd/catalog'd 2.5K+ assets; added/maint'd 3K+ records--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Reclassifi'd/index'd 3K+ items; process'd/deliver'd 1.5K assets--maximized 3.9K mx actions/zero backorder

    - Reconcil'd/resolv'd 3K+ discrepancies; clear'd/correct'd 100% of 2.5K assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Restock'd/replenish'd 4K+ items; trace'd/maintain'd/track'd/issue'd 3K+ eqpt/assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Review'd/analyz'd 10K+ assets; monitored/document'd/maint'd/verifi'd 8K+ issues--100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Secur'd/track'd 4K+ assets; monitor'd/maint'd/verifi'd 5K+ records--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Servic'd/verifi'd 3K+ items; expedit'd/deliver'd 1.4K assets--maximized 3.9K mx actions/zero backorder

    - Stocked/label'd 3K+ items; restock'd/maintain'd/trace'd/issue'd 4K+ eqpt/assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Streamlin'd/regulat'd 2.5K+ records; clear'd/correct'd 100% of 4K assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Suppor't'd Mx AF Form 81; track'd/maint'd 8K+ records--ensur'd 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Tracked/verifi'd 4K+ assets; monitor'd/maint'd/document'd 5K+ issues--100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Updat'd/maintain'd 2K+ items; restock'd/trace'd/deliver'd/issue'd 3K+ eqpt/assets--ensur'd 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Utiliz'd/maintain'd 3K+ records; clear'd/correct'd 100% of 2.5K assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Verifi'd/analyz'd 8K+ assets; monitor'd/maint'd/document'd 4K+ issues--ensur'd 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Valu'd/track'd 4K+ items; process'd/deliver'd 1.4K assets--maximized 3.9K mx actions/zero backorder

    - Warehous'd/restock'd 3K+ items; trace'd/maintain'd/track'd/issue'd 4K+ eqpt/assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Wg'd/process'd 3K+ items; expedit'd/deliver'd 1.5K assets--maximized 3.9K mx actions/zero backorder

    - X-Ref'd/assess'd 5K+ records; clear'd/correct'd 100% of 4K assets--ensur'd 99.9% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Yield'd/maintain'd 3K+ assets; process'd/deliver'd 1.4K eqpt/assets--maximized 3.9K mx actions/zero backorder

    - Zero'd/index'd 4K+ items; restock'd/maintain'd/trace'd/issue'd 3K+ eqpt/assets--ensur'd 100% accuracy/zero discrepancies

    - Prep'd/distributed 8.4K CLSKs/$6.4M; managed 3K assets/2 wgs--provided 81% PDS rate in 1 week

    - Process'd 3K assets/$1.3M; returned inventory to CIF within 2 days--beat AF standard by 1 day

    - Re-aligned Warehouse Mgmt SOPs; reviewed/updated 12 procedures--enabled 20% reduction in stock turns

    - Reconciled $2M in stock funds; validated stock locs & accts--ensured accurate/timely financial reporting

    - Recommended/implemented new whse SOPs; 3K assets/$98M--improved stock turns/reduced whse labor by 25%

    - Researched/validated 7K assets/$1.6M; located missing items/triaged out of service assets--yielded 94% PDS rate

    - Review'd 6K assets/$3.2M; eliminated unserviceable aircraft parts--saved AFSVA $6K in repair costs

    - Reviewed/validated base stock levels; validated 1.2K assets/$2.3M--yielded 95% MC rate/zero discrepancies

    - Streamlined base Vehicle Mgmt SOPs; identified/corrected 56 errors--enabled 24% recruitment productivity gain

    - Supervised 36 mbrs in receiving spt; validated 8.1K items/$2.4M--cash flow & supply chain recover'd to 98%

    - Supervised 19 mbrs in processing assets; issued 1.7K assets/$544K--enabled 75% reduction in unsatis requests

    - Supervised/corrected AF IMT SOPs; verified/corrected 10K assets/$5.5M--accord'd 100% accuracy/asset accountability

    - Tracked/corrected Contractor Logistics Spt; recv'd 3.4K assets/$1.6M--significantly reduced TSA vs. GSA rate

    - Validated 5K assets/$184M; organized/distributed 1.3K assets-- enabled 149% increase in inventory efficiency

    - Validated/reported 2K assets/$178M; identified 2K assets/$1.8M--reduced operational costs by $125K

    - Verified/corrected 1.7K assets/$5.5M; organized/distributed 6K assets--heat readied 3K units/$1M in < 5 hrs

    - Oversaw 8 supply/logistics shipments; organized/distributed 400 assets/$14M-- enabled 83% of on-time delivery

    - Recovered/assessed 2K assets/$356M; organized/distributed 761 assets--yielded 98% customer satisfaction rate

    - Managed 7K assets/$2M; tracked/validated stock locs/accts--ensured accurate/timely financial reporting

    - Supervised 5K assets/$2M; validated/distributed 1.2K assets--reduced operational cost by $128K

    - Streamlined/implemented 9K assets/$3.5M; tracked stock locs/accts--ensured financial accuracy/timely reporting

    - Prepared/overhauled monthly stock review; validated 5K assets/$176M--recovered $700K for stock fund

    - Validated/audited 6K assets/$1.7M; identified/relocated stock locs/accts--enhanced inventory efficiency by 80 %

    - Tracked/corrected 6K assets/$4M; distributed/monitored stock locs/accts--zero discrepancies in supply/logistics

    - Supervised/tracked Logistical Supplies Spt; recv'd 4K assets/$2M--reduced TSA vs. GSA rate by 87 %

    - Oversaw 4K assets/$2.2M; organized/distributed 2K assets--reduced operational costs by $107K

    - Managed/organized 6K assets/$3.5M; tracked stock locs/accts--achieved accurate/timely financial reporting

    - Reviewed/validated/corrected 5K assets/$1.3M; identified/corrected 8K assets--reduced contingency rate by 30 %

    - Recommended/implemented new warehouse SOPs; 4K assets/$187M--improved stock turns/reduced whse labor by 20 %

    - Oversaw/validated 1.4K assets/$ 273M; identified/relocated stock locs/accts--enabled 98 % PDS rate in 10 days

    - Authorized/executed 6K assets/$2.2M; managed 4K assets/3 wgs--provided 90 % PDS rate in 8 days

    - Processed & forwarded 401 documents; coord'd with 3 states/44 sites--saved 110 man hrs/closed out 16 past due

    - Processed 200 backorders; stocked 110K rqmts--increased Sq's CAR evaluation from 99.5% to 99.8%

    - Processed 21.3K items/1.7K discrepancies; reconciled $68M--prompted sales off without any deficiency

    - Procured 400 RDR parts web orders; convinced 78K units--push'd squadron MARMS rate to 95.6%

    - Reconciled 20K PIIs; current/complete inventory & updated $154M worth of assets--saved 500 man hrs/mth

    - Reconciled 2K PIIs & $135M in assets; tracked original mtce/repairs--achieved 99.9% optics tracking accuracy

    - Replenished 4.6K assets; shipped over 11K line items for various wgs/exported 200 assets--returned $4M to Air Force

    - Replenished parts web orders; resolved missing shipments & incorrect items--kept O-Level prts mtn availability at 98%

    - Returned 3.2K missing assets; completed $24M in unit bank returns--incentivized 10x troops to submit DD450s

    - Rev'd up large capital prjct; analyzed assets/budgets--consentrated allocation to support 500 flt hrs

    - Rolled up new stock sys; prsvd data accuracy/forward procurement approval--awd'd Airman of the Yr on Yr

    - Rounded up amn w/45K lb equip; populated 117 24K kits & arranged onward movement--zero overs/unders on pallets

    - Sourced $2M parts per month; coordinated COMET delivery to 3K parts vs backorders--awarded wg's Latex Supplier

    - Supplied 24K line items; shipped 1.4K containers/14K items--sourced sq tradeshow requirements/zero rejections

    - Supplied AMF BFMs & assemblies; secured 500 orders--procured $30K worth items to F-22A readiness

    - Supported AOR distribution; validated 33.6K documents & tracked 888 assets--completed sq shopbook vs requirement

    - Supported AH-64E supply chain; supplied 20K HE parts to 10 AFC sites/backfilled 9K parts--fcstrd 100% fleet mtn

    - Tracked 30K line items; forward 3.2K modifications--received 95% customer satisfaction rate

    - Updated visibility sys; created & validated accts/assets--prevented 48 man hrs/mth to asset recon

    - Uploaded 24K TCTOs for database; reconciled 1.2K documents--scoured inventory/6K items to support 1K sorties

    - Uploaded inbound resupply documents; validated 12K items/$14M--efficiency ratings went up from 92% to 98%

    - Validated 1.5K TINs; shipped $19M line items/tracked 48 accts--drove supply chain efficiency from 98% to 99%

    - Validated 21K parts web orders; maintained 328K items & $3.1M--ensured 100% supply reliability rating

    - Verified 2.5K ASIs & depot transfers; coord'd/audit 363assets/5.5K containers--secured Sq's AFI 81-125 CVR

    - Warehoused 45K items; performed QA on $15M/validated inventory--jacked up accuracies from 94% to 99.8%

    - Questioned quality of parts; revok'd 383 items/$56M/revised SOF acct--reduc'd reorder rate 2.2%/saved $4.2M

    - Raised Whse prdctvty; imp'd 54 real-time processes/$3M--match'd six-month goal w/in six weeks

    - Re-aligned eqpmt lists; cued vital assets/rescind'd 51 items/$35M--fortified 8K AFSCs/guar'd 12M+ sorties

    - Reengineer'd C-130 spares; shipp'd 390 parts/$35K/verif'd 596 labels--sav'd $11M/recov'd 163K hrs/162K man-days

    - Refin'd FOL pricing; adjust'd 129 rates/$18M/re-bal'd 56 accts--reduc'd FOL spnd 4%/saved $1.2M

    - Reprogram'd catalogs; upgrad'd 232 entries/$25M/re-bal'd 120 accts/saved $4M--boost'd throughput 25%

    - Rework'd rcv/iss proc; re-envision'd 70 mvmt/$18M/streamlin'd 8 accts--minimiz'd $7K night-shift cost/recouped $5.6M

    - Revamp'd WARP; re-align'd 123 lvls/$7.2M/upgrad'd 4 systs--fortified supply ops/validat'd 1.2K mvmts

    - Revitaliz'd C-5 equip; transp'd 876 parts/$39M/revok'd 122 entries--skyrockted supply ops/match'd 5K flts

    - Re-wrote 3 prcsses; improv'd 573 mvmts/$28M/re-bal'd 4 accts--sav'd $3.3M/increas'd throughput 28%

    - Salvag'd $1.4M; identif'd erroneous charge/$18K/eradicated 35 claims--recoup'd lost funds/offset 3-week financial loss

    - Sharpened acft mx; updat'd 766 recs/$23M/verif'd 12 labels--smash'd AF std/guar'd 1.2K mx'd aircraft/3K flts

    - Shipped 43K items; coord'd w/3 AORs/3 FOLs/6 CMDs--recoup'd $7.2M/accelerat'd 13K sorties/20K tons cargo

    - Spurr'd inv movmts; review'd 281 entries/$14M/re-bal'd 96 accts--smash'd inv rate 12.5%/saved $5.6M

    - Steered eqpmt accts; re-align'd 153 mvmts/$22M/transf'd 90 parts--shorten'd mx'd cycle 2x/guar'd 3K flts

    - Streamlin'd eqpt flow; re-engineer'd 486 entries/$32M/re-bal'd 46 accts--return'd $4M/match'd 2-month goal

    - Supervis'd qty mgrs; rvw'd 923 recs/$24M/verif'd 36 labels--match'd AFMC std/recoup'd $4.2M/guar'd 2K flts

    - Tackled outage acct; detail'd 586 mvmts/$31M/verif'd 8 labels--recoup'd $3M/saved 5K hrs/7K man-days

    - Troubleshoot'd supp syst; consolid'd 486 entries/$17M/revok'd 67 accts--reutiliz'd limited space/increas'd capacity by 33%

    - Updat'd whse flux; modif'd 657 assets/recoup'd $3.3M--overcom'd logistics/supp'd 13K mx'd aircraft/7K flts

    - Utiliz'd 93K parts; transp'd 767 items/$38M/verif'd 56 labels--beat AFMC std/boost'd throughput 22%/sav'd $4.2M

    - Validate'd whse mdls; rescann'd 839 recs/$19M/re-bal'd 73 accts--saved $2.1M/recoup'd 7K hrs/9K man-days

    - Warr'd eqpmt mgrs; audit'd 239 assets/$17M/review'd 56 labels--beat AFMC std/recoup'd $3M/guar'd 2K flts

    - X-ray'd C-17 spares; shipp'd 12K parts/$33M/revok'd 492 entries--slash'd mx'd cycle 2x/guar'd 8K flts

    - Yield'd whse ops; re-envision'd 761 mvmts/$28M/re-bal'd 46 accts--return'd $7.2M/match'd 3-month goal

    - Zero'd out qty accts; deleted 196 entries/$14M/re-bal'd 42 accts--recouped $4.2M/slash'd reorder rate 4.1%

    - Pwr'd maintenance/logistics; da'ly stck'd 2.2K items/$1.2M--enabled 73K sorties/zero msn delays/91% MC

    - Pwr'd spares acq.; proc'd 237K parts/$2.7B--supported 23K daily sorties/zero msn delays/96% MC rate

    - Pwr'd spares acq./stck'd 310K parts; proc'd/$4.3M--supported 24K daily sorties/zero msn delays/92% MC rate

    - Pwr'd supply chain mgmt/ 8.3K line items; validated/stck'd 766 haz cargo/$5M--achiev'd 100% MC

    - Pwr'd supply chain mgmt/stck'd 3K items/$2M; proc'd/distrib'd to 28 orgs--achiev'd 85% MC rate

    - Pwr'd warehouse ops.; issue'd 322 kits/$1.5M--enabled 24K sorties/zero msn delays/91% avg MC rt

    - Pvt'd 24K rqmts/$2M; stck'd/distrib'd 3.2K kits--achiev'd steady 95% MC rate across 7.4K sorties

    - Resolv'd 78 supply issues; reallocated 6.4K haz materials/$4M--ensured no delay in aircrew trng/1K sorties

    - Resolv'd aviation supply issues; proc'd 4.4K parts/$3M--ensured no delay in aircrew trng/3K sorties

    - Resolv'd supply issues; proc'd 200 parts/$1M--spt'd 6K sorties/zero msn delays/93% avg MC rate

    - Resolv'd supply issues; proc'd 6.2K parts/$2M--spt'd 9K sorties/zero msn delays/95% avg MC rate

    - Sci'd hazardous material rqmts; issue'd 12K parts/$5M--contributed to 92% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Shipp'd 4K haz cargo/$5M; issued 35K items--enabled 24K sorties/zero msn delays/91% avg MC rate

    - Streamlin'd supply chain mgmt; proc'd/verifi'd 5K haz cargo/$2M--achiev'd 92% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Supervis'd 38 supply personnel; proc'd/issue'd 2K parts/$4M--spt'd 24K sorties/zero msn delays/93% avg MC rte

    - Supervis'd supply personnel; proc'd/issue'd 4K parts/$3M--spt'd 18K sorties/zero msn delays/91% avg MC rate

    - Supervis'd supply personnel; proc'd/stck'd 3.2K items/$2M--spt'd 19K sorties/zero msn delays/96% avg MC rate

    - Supported 10K daily sorties; proc'd/distrib'd 3.2K kits/$1.2M--achiev'd 99% MC rate/zero msn delays

    - Supported 7K daily sorties; proc'd/stck'd 4K haz cargo/$5M--achiev'd 95% MC rate/zero msn delays

    - Supported 8K daily sorties; proc'd/stck'd 2.2K parts/$3M--achiev'd 93% MC rate/zero msn delays

    - Suprvis'd supply personnel; proc'd/stck'd 2.4K items/$4M--spt'd 21K sorties/zero msn delays/91% avg MC rate

    - Updat'd 867 demand data entries; captured base requirements/repairs--saved $1.5M in excess stocking costs

    - Utiliz'd logistical system; proc'd 4.2K parts/$2M--spt'd 27K sorties/zero msn delays/96% avg MC rate

    - Verifi'd aviation supply chain mgmt; proc'd/distrib'd 6.2K parts/$3M--achiev'd 91% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Vrify'd hazardous material rqmts; issue'd 10K parts/$4M--contributed to 95% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Vrify'd hazardous material rqmts; issue'd 15K parts/$5M--contributed to 93% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Work'd in conjunction with HQ AMC/AFSOC; proc'd/distrib'd 5K parts/$4M--achiev'd 94% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Pwr'd inventory mgmt; restock'd 900K parts/proc'd 4K rqmts/$9M--spt'd 7 Cmds/22K msns/1K aircrew trn'd/Flt '20 Ao2Q

    - Proficently processed F-22A canopies; monitored/delivered 6 assets/$2M--supported 83 sorties/86% MC rate...zero msn delays

    - Requested 24K rqmts/$2M; ord'd/distrib'd 3.2K kits--achiev'd steady 95% MC rate across 7.4K sorties

    - Supported 10K daily sorties; proc'd/stck'd 3K items/$2M--achiev'd 85% MC rate/zero msn delays

    - Streamlin'd supply chain mgmt; proc'd/verifi'd 6K haz cargo/$4M--achiev'd 94% MC rate/2.6K sorties

    - Updat'd 1,200 demand data updates; captured base requirements/repairs--saved $2M in excess stocking costs

    - Utiliz'd logistical system; proc'd 5.2K parts/$3M--spt'd 23K sorties/zero msn delays/91% avg MC rate

    - Pwr'd spares acq./stck'd 410K parts; proc'd/$5M--supported 28K daily sorties/zero msn delays/93% MC rate

    - Propell'd annual APS warehouse inventory; aid'd validation f/10.2K line items valu'd at $22M--achiev'd 99% accuracy rt

    - Supervis'd supply personnel; proc'd/issue'd 6K parts/$4M--spt'd 23K sorties/zero msn delays/95% avg MC rate

    - Supported 9K daily sorties; proc'd/stck'd 5K haz cargo/$7M--achiev'd 93% MC rate/zero msn delays

    - Processed 5,387 supply transactions; ordered 31K items valued at $600K--supported 32 orgs/3.5K customers

    - Provided after-hours MX support; issued 300 msn essential assets worth $15M--contributed to C-17 75% avg MC rte

    - Req'd/mov'd 9500+ WPNS/ammo/mats <2 wks; secure'd 47K crg/accrd 100% combat readiness--support'd 8K fwd sorties

    - Reserve'd KC-10 comps <48 hrs; mag'd 21K lbs/88 pallets/$4M--support'd 9K in-flight refueling sorties

    - Resolv'd 7K resupply issues; restock'd $25M qty/set 17K ship/flts >98% on-time rating--support'd 15K AOR sorties

    - Revital'd MAG/IMA; reclass'd 3K items/$2.5M/cond'd 91K assts/maint'd 0.3% discrep rate--aid'd 7K sorties

    - Revamp'd supply tracking; upgr'd sys/update'd 12K assets/$3M/integr'd 6 wshes/sv'd 401K hrs--aid'd 1.3K sorties

    - Rewrote 4K supply pgms; rectify'd 37 ok-to-issue/prevent'd 4K flt hrs/sv'd AF $2.2M--support'd 38K sorties

    - Rcv'd/moved 6K H/H items; fill'd 30K ctns/$1.6M/met 9K ship dlys/maint'd 98% on-time--support'd 10K sorties

    - Rocket-launched supply ops; mov'd 12K war stocks/$1M w/2K on-time ship/flts--aid'd 15.3K sorties

    - Rotat'd 1.7K supply mbrs; deploy'd/train'd 26K/set 8 web-ops/sv'd AF $5.5M--support'd 24K sorties

    - Salvag'd 4K damaged assets; repair'd 1.6K pieces/restor'd for duty/$1.6M--support'd 17.4K sorties

    - Sheet-rodded 2K G081 transactions; streamlin'd 34K/upd'd account balances/sv'd AF $4M--support'd 29K sorties

    - Shuffl'd 3K supply accounts; ID'd 5K items/$2.6M/correct'd 43 discrep's--aid'd 13.7K sorties

    - Solicit'd $13M freight; part'd 4K pallets/mov'd 23K crg/$2.7M--support'd 12K sorties

    - Spot-check'd 890 war stocks; correct'd 3 discrep's/tracked 300 assets/$1M--aid'd 8.3K sorties

    - Streamlin'd 502 G081 records; fix'd 24K trans/ID'd 3K assets/$2.7M--aid'd 24K sorties

    - Sub-monitored 18 war stocks; correct'd 27 discrep's/mov'd 2K assets/$1M--aid'd 10.9K sorties

    - Supervis'd 4K supply assets; monitor'd 15K pieces/classif'd 4K/sv'd AF $5.9M--support'd 18K sorties

    - Supplant'd supply pgms; cor'd 5K issues/$2.6M/track'd 11K assets/maint'd 0.5% discrep rate--support'd 18K sorties

    - Sync'd supply tracking; reloc'd 9K stocks/$1.8M/adjust'd 53K trans/sv'd AF $3.5M--support'd 16K sorties

    - Tailor'd supply tracking; set 6K utlzs/cond'd 9K assets/$1.8M/upd'd inventory levels--aid'd 8.9K sorties

    - Track'd 803 assets; restock'd 2K pieces/fill'd 10K ctns/$2.7M--support'd 17K sorties

    - Unbox'd/pallet'd 12K assets; mov'd 3K items/$1M/fill'd 20K ctns/sv'd AF $3.2M--support'd 20K sorties

    - Updat'd 2K G081 records; clear'd 4K accounts/fill'd 4K ctns/$2M--aid'd 12K sorties

    - Upright'd 4 mags; restock'd 5K assets/$2.5M/cor'd 30 discrep's/sv'd AF $4.7M--support'd 15K sorties

    - Upgr'd G081 sys; ID'd 9K assets/$2.7M/rectify'd 1K trans/sv'd AF $4M--support'd 24K sorties

    - Utiliz'd 3K supply assets; mov'd 1.6K pieces/$1.2M/fill'd 4K ctns/track'd 6K--aid'd 11K sorties

    - Verifi'd 6K supply requests; track'd 4K assets/$2M/fill'd 8K ctns/met 11K ship dlys--support'd 14K sorties

    - Warehous'd/distrib'd 4K assets; mov'd 2K pieces/fill'd 5K ctns/$1.6M--aid'd 8K sorties

    - Xfer'd 6K supply assets; restock'd 1.6K pieces/fill'd 10K ctns/$2.7M--support'd 14K sorties

    - Rewarded $121K to stock fund; completed unit cost analysis/recalculated supply data--increased efficiency 79%

    - Screen'd 5K line items/$4.8M; process'd/FCS'd/verifi'd orders--augment'd efforts/saved $120K in backorder costs

    - Secured/ship'd 25 orders/45K line items; slash'd AETC equip shortages by 42%--accelerat'd 800 sorties/24 hrs

    - Segregated 75K items/promptly process'd orders; augmented supply efforts--increas'd equip avail rate 21%

    - Set up decentralized supply program; support'd FOLs/5 AORs/8K line items/$5.2M--fill rate exceed'd dsn 90% std

    - Ships/issued 105K line items/$3.8M; increased efficiency/speed of supply process--augment'd mission capabilities

    - Simplified supply process; coordinated efforts/365K line items/$24M--fill rate exceed'd AF 96% standard

    - Streamlined supply rqmts process; compiled data/reviewed 19 TACRs--saved $1M in backorder costs/3 mos

    - Sustain'd 15K base rqmts; coord'd w/ supply/repair shops/rebuild 15K parts--averted 500 maintenance delays

    - Tackled NSS/ISS discrepancies; revised equip processes/slash'd items by 250--reduc'd MICAP O&ST by 4 days

    -Trac'd 250 TACRs/8K line items; expedited 75 orders/$2M--redistribut'd $293K/augment'd sorties 48 hrs

    - Updat'd 995 line items/$6M; process'd/FCS'd 73 rqmts--equip avail rate exceed'd AF std 98%

    - Utiliz'd 6K line items/$2.9M; expedit'd/shipped 34 rqmts-- fill rate exceed'd AF 90% std/sav'd $100K

    - Validated DSDs/14K line items/$2.4M; slash'd discrepancies from 500 to 7--recovered $321K to O&M fund

    - Verifi'd eqpt requirements; expedit'd 10 sorties/augment'd fleet sortie rate--averted 2K maintenance delays

    - Verified equip data/process'd orders/18K line items/$2.8M--fill rate exceed'd AF 90% std/saved $325K

    - Warranted 17K line items/$3.6M; process'd/FCS'd orders/resolved discrepancies--fill rate exceed'd AF 85% standard

    - Wrote supply collaterals; reviewed/edited 5 TACRs/process'd 24K line items/$5.5M--redistributed $271K assets

    - Acquired 7K line items/$4.7M; promptly process'd/FCS'd orders--fill rate exceeded AF 90% standard

    - Examined discrepancies/6K line items/$2.9M; slash'd out-of-balances from 64 to 7--saved $2.2M to O&M fund

    - Integrated 4K line items/$3K; expedit'd/shipped 50 orders--augment'd sortie rate 48 hrs/averted 2K delays

    - Executed 7K line items/$4.2M; reconfig'd storage/process'd orders--equip avail rate exceed'd AF std 95%

    - Implement'd supply program; compiled data/reviewed 8 TACRs--reduc'd backorder costs by $1.5M/3 mos

    - Reconfig'd storage area; rearrang'd 45K units/$1.2M/process'd orders--increas'd whse space 30 sqft/pull time 49%

    - Establish'd supply program; processed/FCS'd 135 line items/$4.7M--fill rate exceed'd AF 90% std/saved $99K

    - Generat'd monthly backorders; located/shipped 34 vital assets--decreas'd MICAP O&ST from 5 to 3 days

    - Develop'd supply process; coordinated efforts/495K line items/$25M--fill rate exceed'd AF 95% standard

    - Disseminat'd supply info/18K line items/$2.8M; augmented equip avail rate--fill rate exceed'd AF 90% std

    - Invest'd $141K to stock fund; completed unit cost analysis/recalculated supply data--increas'd efficiency 69%

    - Created suspense seq; trn'd 8 mbrs during 5-day IT failure/process'd orders--100 trans/$625M/0 delays

    - Revamp'd ESD area; assembled lifelong shelves/rearranging 56K/$1.2M units--increas'd whse space 20%/pull time 45%

    - Spearhead'd ESD pgm; analyzed 500+ items/ensur'd 100% TAV/security/$35K in pilferable stock--zero loss of ESD items

    - Spearhead'd automated pgm to manage 71 ord/release fisc yr/$3.5M TAV--zero FSCM orders past due, < 4 days avg

    - Streamlined 15K stock items; catalogued 4K items/ord'd $10K/mo--reduced restock time from 5 days to 2

    - Streamlined MICAP pgm; created doc checklist/updat'd 16 unit supplies--eliminated 2.5K erroneous reports/reduced FTE requirements

    - Substantially improv'd ESD pgm; sifted through 200K items/ID'd 50 TCC challenges--zero loss of items/saved $25K

    - Substantially improv'd MICAP pgm; validated 5K items/zeroed out 150 locs--id'd $14M in excess stock/reduced storage costs

    - Supplement'd MICAP pgm; tracked 13K assets/$12M in supply stock--cleared two yr MICT backlog in < 1 mo

    - Supplement'd SNS pgm; coordinated w/ 6 units/14 train'd--ensured 98% customer satisfaction/zero customer back orders

    - Tailor'd eqpt briefing slides; educated 25 techs on supply mgmt--efforts recognized by FW/CC & rewarded by wing

    - Tailor'd inventory pgm; categorized 6K universal items--ensur'd proper storage of valuable stock/100% TAV/security

    - Updat'd ESD pgm; streamlin'd 6K items/ord'd $20K/mo--reduced restock time from 5 days to 2

    - Updat'd MICAP pgm; establish'd 14K items/track'd $20M in stock--increased whse space by 40%/zero FSCM orders past due

    - Upgrad'd ESD pgm; analyzed 5K items/ensur'd 100% TAV/security/$45K in pilferable stock--zero loss of ESD items/saved $30K

    - Upgrad'd MICAP pgm; revised validation checklist/consolidated 73/$3.9M assets--increased whse space by 45%/zero FSCM orders past due

    - Vitaliz'd Precious Metal Recovery Prgm; coord w/ 5 units/17 train'd--cleared two yr MICT backlog in < 1 mo

    - Vitaliz'd TMDE transportation schedule to distant laboratory; tracked 53 assets/$75K for cal--zero overdues

    - Vetted open MICAP incidents; 8K erroneous hours deleted--balanced historical files for 108 accounts

    - Vetted zero balance/zero demand listing; deleted 175 locations--increased put away effectiveness by 50%

    - Weigh'd SNS pgm; coordinated with 6 units/14 train'd--ensured 98% customer satisfaction/zero customer back orders

    - Weigh'd eqpt briefing slides; educated 25 techs on supply mgmt--efforts recognized by FW/CC & rewarded by wing

    - X-ray'd inventory pgm; categorized 6K universal items--ensur'd proper storage of valuable stock/100% TAV/security

    - X-ray'd MICAP pgm; establish'd 14K items/track'd $20M in stock--increased whse space by 40%/zero FSCM orders past due

    - Yield'd ESD pgm; streamlin'd 6K items/ord'd $20K/mo--reduced restock time from 5 days to 2

    - Yield'd MICAP pgm; revised validation checklist/consolidated 73/$3.9M assets--increased whse space by 45%/zero FSCM orders past due

    - Zoned Precious Metal Recovery Prgm; coord w/ 7 units/17 train'd--cleared two yr MICT backlog in < 1 mo

    - Zoned TMDE transportation schedule to distant laboratory; tracked 53 assets/$75K for cal--zero overdues

    - Refurbish'd eqpt briefing slides; aided 26 cmdrs on acct management--coined by sq CC/efforts lauded by FW/CC

    - Refurbish'd MICAP pgm; validated 5K items/zeroed out 150 locs--id'd $14M in excess stock/reduced storage costs

    - Rejuvenat'd supply talent w/amazing track record; sourced/acquired 30K MICAP assets--pivotal to OCO success

    - Rejuvenat'd supply talent; sourced/acquired 155 AWP BO's/172 DIFM's; averag'd 2 TIN vs AFCENT 4 day std

    - Reinforc'd 15K stock items; catalogued 4K items/ord'd $10K/mo--reduced restock time from 5 days to 2

    - Reinforc'd automated pgm to manage 71 ord/release fisc yr/$3.5M TAV--zero FSCM orders past due, < 4 days avg

    - Spearheaded rqst-process initiative; streamlined ITAR/contract entry by 30%.--reduced wasteful expenditure 15%

    - Supported AFSTRAT; ran inventory/shp'd 14K assets/$4M--Award for '08 OPA, Robust Logistical Team Efforts

    - Selected to assist contingency ops; processed 3.5K shipment action requests--reduced AGE TNMCs rate by 8.5%

    - Developed enhanced toolsuite; realigned tracking modules, increased accuracy--enabled $240K in new order procurement

    - Evaluated 92K line items; lower FedExpress costs by 50%--saved $1.8M in transport/FY distribution exp'es

    - Facilitated DM&E process; unjammed 500 vendor payment cicles--saved $8M in overhead/contracted logistics costs

    - Inked 5 new subs; enlisted 33 subcon prvdrs--contract amt: $3M/resulted in 715K in new subcon savings

    - Led 15K/yr milestone report; generated 350/mo invoices/shp'd 1.1K items--received 99.7% agency-wide SG&A compliance

    - Led strategic sourcing amt; saved $4.4M/year by moving 500K line items online--unlocked $1M in new capital funding

    - Mentored 29 Jr SNCOs; 4 promoted/1 qlf'd for IPZ--marked $1.8M savings/yr thru internal spares acquisition

    - Navigated Googledocs; enabled real-time contractor invoice data--exceeded $10.2M AOR supply order throughput

    - Observed/authorized 28K contracts; tracked/shipped 10K goods--AOR logistic costs reduced $800K/6-mo period

    - Orchestrated 3K repairs; optimized systems to accept RegND/GPC purchases--increased compliance rate to 100%

    - Oversaw 34K shipping/rx pairs; reduced workload timeline by 17.3%--ultimately yielded 5.2M downtime reduction

    - Reorganized repair process; Combined 3K PBLs/$12M--Lowered supply slip rate to 75K/y, created $1M CORS

    - Restructured supply acquisitions process; saved 45 min/per shipment--reduced '09 TMDE budget $48M

    - Selected/oversaw 5/$760K contracts; Improved single-source/overtime assumptions--$1.5M savings vs. previous cycle

    - Secured retrofit grant; Improved C-130 kits/proc'd upgrade parts--Awarded $250K/Fuedal Global Logistics Agreement

    - Single-handedly terminated 16 contract actions; sustained $2M/year respite--saved $6M in new supply order expenditure

    - Sole 4x freight mgr; coord'd 800 shipments/$28M--positively impacted 11K/prsnl, $1M mission-critical purchase sav

    - Sole AE planner; procured 2.5K spares/$8M--upgraded 2.5k live AOR kits ID'd during overhaul/mission-critical inits

    - Sole sustainment pg canlord; supervised msn hazmat/shp'd 30K $5M--met 3000 deadlines, created $1.4M innovative logistics

    - Spearhead'd award of 14 Googledocs contracts; proc'd 3k IT equip/$11M--created 11k cost savings/yr, received Team Award

    - Spearheaded transition of 36 requisitioners; proc'd 57K AF-wide requests--saved 25K/yr in O&M funds/optimized acq process

    - Streamlined 8 supply manuals; incorporated webinars, saved 600 hrs/yr--resulted in 3.2M tx savings/1-month period

    - Supported warhse div; transp 20k ords/$200M/6-mo span--3k more delivered in ths span vs. prvs yr, rec'd AMC award

    - Contacted 1200 vendors; proc'd custom items 878 when surpluses failed--enabled 6K repair jobs during 72-hr period

    - Developed teleconference strategy; 300 CFETP/AFSC-wide SNCOs contacted--$4M O&M savings for reduced network exp'es

    - Evaluated E-Suite; signed contracts/procured 335K items/$4M/4-mo--logged 3.2M cost savings during 15-mo FY cycle

    - Facilitated SMART suite process; proc'd 145K assets/$9.2M--Mission accomplished; fulfild 93K critical shortages AF-wide

    - Handled 15K milestne report; generated 735/mo invoices/shp'd 5.2K items--saved $2M in transport/FY distribution exp'es

    - Led 9 distinct inventories; ACCnt'd 4.2K org units/$11M/mo--93% inventory amr accuracy, awarded '09 OPA

    - Orchestrated process streamlining; coordinated 10 supply techs--raised acct integrity/red'd dvlmt costs $56M

    - Selected to pilot asset acquisition mrg; proc'd 2.5K spares/$32M--exceeded 3k live AOR kits ID'd during overhaul

    - Spearheaded 20 multi-contract studies; awarded $7.4M in contract savings--rec'd RT05 for new solicitation process launch

    - Spearheaded global supply chain initiative; saved $4M/yr by reducing OTBs--unlocked $1.5M in new capital funding

    - Supported AF acquisition program; organized 1K orders/$3M--Award for '09 OPA; Robust Logistical Team Efforts

    - Streamed 2K video conf-calls; prepared $6M in new contracts--elevated AF purchases to 25K/mo in 4-mo, rec'd AMC Award

    - Updated GLDC network; realigned tracking modules/increased accuracy--$250K in new order procurement/YTD up 17.8%

    - Evaluated 9K line items; reduced freight costs by 75%--saved $3.6M in supply-chain transport/FY distribution expense

    - Facilitated supply training program; Conducted 15 seminars/700 prstnl--implemented $9.6M/yr in new inventory mgmt savings

    - Led 18 spares recov/shp efforts; coordinated 10 techs/19.2K assets--lived up to 95% mission-critical capability targets

    - Orchestrated disposal proceess; securely disposed 6.3K items/$9M--Savings of $12M vs. redeployment costs alone

    - Set up Crib Mgmt Sys; procured 53 items/1.2K lbs--supported WWII Warbird MX and enabled 95% FMC rate

    - Set up 37 tranx/$3.6M; coord'd w/OSD/Trng Cmds/Org Level Cust--key to '16 AF-wide Logistics Efficiency Awd

    - Sav'd $2.2M thru zero based budgeting; funded 5 pjt/$2.4M/diverted excess/validated prchs rqmts--'18 AF Materiel COM Awd

    - Renegotiated contract; secured $8M/maint'd contract continuity/ensured $1M savings--secured Best Contract Mgmt Prac Awd

    - Procured $400K/$2.5K comp items; vol'd 88 hr week/val'd/insp'd--led to '16 AF 'Supply Mgmt Team of the Yr' Awd

    - Optimz'd AGE Hgr Sys; restruc'd tm/reduced overstock/corrected discrepancies--significantly imprv'd asset visibility

    - Orchestr'd issue of 6K parts/1.2K equip items; dlv'd 80% w/in 8 wks--enabled ALC/ALOC to meet JAO deadlines

    - Orch'd 4 retrograde tranx/$1.2M; val'd 3K items/clos'd 8 custodians--succ'sfully complet'd '18 combat capability

    - O/s manag'd supply dly ops; held 500+ weekly meetings/Issd 15K parts--ensured '17 AF Fleet Mx & Trans OTY Awd

    - Monitored cannibalized parts; validated 98 assets/$1.1M assets--ensured '19 Readiness Sustainment/Logistics OTY Awd

    - Leveraged DEDS; cross-leveled 99 assets/4K spares--yielded >40% inventory decrease & jump-started '17 supply chain

    - Led supply trng team; trnd >36 prsnl/$400K equip & parts--enabled '19 Logistics Sustainment OTY Awd

    - Intgr'd SVS/TCTO/$1M; trnd 11 prsnl/maint'd 97 assets/$600K--enabl'd ACC's '20 Mobility Mx & Logistics OTY Awd

    - Inventory'd $1.2M depot equip; validated 54 assets/insp'd 40+--key to '18 Leading Edge Logistics OTY Awd

    - Implemented brand new BMS; restruct'd eMILPO/$2.3M/reconcil'd 100 cust's--led to '17 AF Supply Mgt Team OTY Awd

    - Identified 2K obsolete parts; conducted research/cross-checked w/vendors--'18 AF Supply Mgt OTY Awd recognition

    - Identified & cut 145 PRs; audit'd assets/coord'd w/vendors--increased T/O by $800K/reduced DifM to 5 days

    - Installed 8 SAP modules; processed 7K ASL items/$1.5M--enabled system-wide log prcs & reliability w/in 2 wks

    - Implemented 9 E-Tools; comp'd 34K SPAARS/2K parts/$75K--significantly improved logistics visibility & readiness

    - Harmonized 3 BMSs; issued >6K MSLs/$3M equip/$1M parts--enabl'd '17 AF Logistics OTY Awd nomination

    - Executed AEF msns; dlvr'd 800 parts/2K equip/$1M--key to '19 Leading Edge Logistics OTY Awd

    - Established Centralized Crib; procured 333 items/$1.6M--enabled '17 MRO to supply rqmts & deployment readiness

    - Dev'd WHSE LNM; proc'd 8K items/$4.2M/clos'd 10 custodians--key to '20 AF Logistics Acquisition OTY Awd

    - Coord'd DIFM prgm; recon'd 240 line items/$3M--led to '20 AF Logistics Sustainment OTY Awd nomination

    - Constructed 2K-sq ft w/hse; issued 15K parts/$3.1M equip/$1M--significantly decreased RQ time & improved inventory

    - Disposed $2M unsalvageable equip; decommissioned 100 line items--reduced HAZMAT by 25% & prevented >$600K in losses

    - Perf'd DRMS msn; seized 200 assets/$2.2M--key to '18 AF Logistics Acquisition OTY Awd nomination

    - Led 55K line whse val's; proc'd 800+ items/$3M equip/$1.3M parts--enabled '20 AF Materiel Command OTY Awd

    - Manag'd 1.2K line RQs; issued 7K parts/$2.4M equip--enabled 5 contingency ops & 81msn-critical sorties

    - Inventory'd $1.4M DIFM assets; loaded 80K items/clos'd 15 custodians--enabled '19 AF Logistics Sustainment OTY Awd

    - Dynamic Re-config; reduced 570 items/$2M equip/reconcil'd 18 custodians--led to '17 Logistics Acquisition OTY Awd

    - Implemented 27 E-Tools; val'd 6K part numbers/$2M equip/insp'd 10--essential to '18 AF Logistics OTY Awd nomination

    - Conducted 100K line whse val's; proc'd 5K items/$2.5M equip--led to '17 AF Logistics Acquisition OTY Awd

    - Spearhead'd 13K line whse val's; proc'd 9K items/$4.2M equip/$1.8M parts--enabled '19 AF Logistics Mgmt OTY Awd

    - Validated/correct'd 312 NSNs on AF's Largest RF; resolved 215 differences--saved 6 mnpwr hrs/restor'd $9.3M

    - Vetted/updat'd 632 NSNs in Largest CRF; advis'd stanrs on items/maint'd consistency--RFI 95%, exceeded stan by 18%

    - Managed 2 AFSC LCAPs; issued/refurbish'd 547 anml equip/$1.5M--fract'd 57% O&S, beat stan by 4%/earned BoT

    - Meticulously procured/deliv'rd 8 FOL requirements; filled 35K OMA/stock equip/$1.1M--raise'd mx ops readiness 95%

    - LCC issue point; suprvs'd 130 replen/issue/reject trans/$2M--identified/resolved discrepancies/3 mnpwr hrs

    - Managed 1,200 FMCs/1K codes; revw'd/approv'd 13K lines/$35M--saved 6K mnpwr hrs/recouped $13.8M assets

    - Ran 3 whses/$67M assets; maintd/enforced 15K stdr'd ILS prcts--achiev'd 93% FMC rate, exced stan by 13%

    - Generat'd/evaluat'd 4K PLL/FRCM prdcts/updates; reconcil'd CA/Unit discrepancies--recouped/restor'd $28.4M assets

    - Estabilsh'd legacy eqpmt; IMRL-certif'd 18 FOL items/$1.5M--compld 100% SOPs/earned BoT/boost'd stan ops readiness 98%

    - Managed 1.1K sply items/14 whses/$2M; allocated/shppd mat'l/equip to AfriCom--met 5 intl suspense deadlines

    - Revis'd/updat'd 4K PLL/FRCM prdcts/updates; reconcil'd CA/Unit discrepancies--recouped/restor'd $15.2M assets

    - ID'd/highlight'd 10C2/10C3 discrepancies; HQ CASO notif'd/rectified errors--saved 6.3 mnpwr hrs/recouped $3M

    - Coord'd installation/reconfig of 3 WHSES; maintain'd/controlled 8.2K equipment/$55M--exceed'd stan by 9%/BoT

    - Led 10K AMC-obligat'd stock items/6 CRFs; reconcil'd/correct'd 8K NSNs/12K Line Items--saved 8 mnpwr hrs/$2.5M

    - Provid'd daily muns warehouse ops; replen/issue 130K assets/$3.3M--overhaul'd AF’s stan prcs/restor'd $2M assets

    - Supervis'd receipt/issue/update process; sustain'd/upgrad'd w/digs/docs/automation--strengthen'd stan ops/earned BoT

    - Oversaw POM/JTR data entry; revw'd/updat'd 5K line items/$2.6M--confirmed 99% accuracy/recouped $1.2M assets

    - Craft'd 12 AFINST 4100-19/Sttlmnt of Disputes documents; confirm'd/resolved discrepancies--saved 8 mnpwr hrs/recouped $1.4M

    - Recogniz'd/resolv'd supply discrepancies; SAV'd/coord'd/shipp'd critical eqpmt/assets to USPACOM--met 5 intl suspense deadlines

    - Estabilsh'd 3 whses/45K assets; streamlin'd/optimiz'd 6 stn prcs/$2.3M--exceed'd cmd stsnds 11%/ earned BoT

    - Assisted 5 prchs/mat'l; issu'd/trk'd/updt'd 1017 ped lines/$1.2M--recouped $1.7M assets/boost'd supply efficiency 8%

    - Synchroniz'd 6 whses/119K equip/$1.7M; maintain'd/enforc'd 15 stan prcs--achiev'd 94 FMC/beat former stan by 12%

    - Coord'd 5 eqpmt configurations; tracked/stor'd/issu'd 1.8K equip/$2.4M--cut issue time 10%/exceed'd stan by 25%

    - Led $7M inventory; expedit'd/shipp'd 739 muns/eqpmt--meet'd 3 intl suspense deadlines/exceed'd cust stan by 10%

    - Establsh'd 35 stan orgs/processes; allotted/shpp'd 739 muns/eqpmt--meet'd 4 intl suspense deadlines/exceed'd stan by 15%

    - Sustain'd 15 FOLs/2 Airframes; issued/shipp'd 1.6K W&Ts--facilitat'd transport of 197M lbs fuel/45K s-tons cgo/282K pax

    - Optimiz'd 8 NSPs/$1.6M assets; prep'd/issued 453 MICAP assets/$3.3M--attained OIR msn sustainment/66 BoT

    - Identif'd/resolv'd 10C2/10C3 errors; HQ CASO notif'd/rectified discrepancies--saved 8.3 mnpwr hrs/recouped $4.2M

    - Led $64M inventory; expedit'd/shipp'd 649 muns/eqpmt--met 5 intl suspense deadlines/beat cust stan by 12%

    - Develop'd 4 FOL stan prc's; allocat'd/shipp'd 1.1K muns/eqpmt--met 8 intl suspense deadlines/exceed'd stan by 17%

    - Supervis'd 288 replenishment/issue/reject trans/$5M; resolv'd discrepancies/3 mnpwr hrs--saved $1.3M/recouped equip

    - Managed 1.2K sply items/15 whses/$3M; allocated/shipp'd mat'l/equip to Philippines--met 6 intl suspense deadlines

    - Oversaw daily LIMS-EV/ILS-S uploads/degraded ops continuity; 100% data backup/0 discrepancies!--saved 7 mnpwr hrs

    - Vetted/updat'd 849 NSNs on AF's Largest RF; resolved 132 differences--saved 8 mnpwr hrs/restor'd $15.1M

    - Streamlin'd 3 whses/$87M assets; maint'd/enforc'd 17K stdr'd ILS prcts--achiev'd 94% FMC rate, beat stan by 11%

    - Sync'd w/CEMO; ID'd/removed incorrectly assign'd codes f/33 eqpmt items/$75K--saved 11 mnpwr hrs/trn'd 8 Amn

    - Operat'd 5 FOBs/3 NATO forces; prepared/issued 64 MICAP assets/$2M--solidified OIR msn sustainment/56 BoT

    - Sustained wheel/tire kits for 8 airframes; replenished 12 FOLs w/183 mated assemblies--attained 91% fill rate

    - Supported live muns TDY for 15 aircraft, 109 sorties/241 flt hrs--est'd USAFE's 11th acft mx loc f/Ex Big Flag '17

    - Taught 505 new prsnl spclized trng; certif'd 63 AGE's/$1.4M--saved 9X man-hrs yrly/keyed #1 AGE global readiness rate

    - Utilized DLADS; requisition'd 1.3K DIFM items/2.3K total hrs saved--reduced MXG's 1.4K man-hrs/yr/ensured max rdyness

    - Assisted w/CPFH; revamped 20K+ records/calibrated >25K instruments--saved 5X man-hrs/yr/ensured 100% accountaxily

    - Verified inventories; tallied >15K items/$2M--100% account'ty rate/crushed MXG's 97% inventory accuracy goal

    - Worked w/FSC; proc'd >600 DIFM items/$1.6M--averaged 4-day turnaround/secur'd 100% reutilization

    - Organized weekly mx checks; aligned 140K items/$3M--key'd to 2.2K man-hrs saved/ensured 97% acc'ty rate

    - Created equipment audit system; inspected 450 assets/confirmed 99% ID & acct'y--saved 20K man-hrs/yr

    - Tabulated 220 items/2K man-hrs savings; tallied >12K assets/$6.5M--key'd to 98% inventory accuracy/max'd $$ savings

    - Implemented stock tracking prog; verifed 1.7K whse items/$3.2M--2% waste rate/averaged 4-day t/o

    - Handled 37K requisitions; validated >3K items/$2M--2.5% total waste rate/crushed MXG's 4% goal

    - Streamlined maint. scheduling; rotat'd >400K items/$8M--key'd to 4K man-hrs/yr saved/99% invntry accuracy

    - Oversaw defect shipment; routed 15K spares/$3.4M--3X man-hrs savings/averaged 5-day t/o

    - Planned 2.4K critical items/$4M; key'd to 5K man-hrs savings/98% invntry accuracy--satified MXG's 97% goal

    - Directed backorder proc; resolved 593K orders/$22M--met 2-day t/o/ensured 100% acc'ty rate

    - Revamped inventory system; processed >20K items/$5M--key'd to 3.5K man-hrs/yr saved/99% account'ty rate

    - Added 3 new on-site stock areas; organized >600K items/$14M--averaged 4-day t/o/cut 10X man-hrs/yr

    - Reorganized 235 WHSE items; automated 41 syst's/$1M--key'd to 1.8K man-hrs/yr saved/ensured 98% inventory accuracy

    - Consolidated 2 storage areas; tallied >2.5K assets/$5.3M--3X man-hrs savings/averaged 3-day t/o

    - Designed 2 whse locations; proc'd 192 assets/$400K--svd 4K man-hrs/yr/assured 98% inventory accuracy rate

    - Established periodic inventory control; calculated >20K items/$4M--slashed 4X man-hrs/yr/key'd to 98% account'ty

    - Implemented acquisition program; proct'd 5K items/$3.4M--averaged 1-day t/o/verified 97% inventory accuracy

    - Secured 15K stock items; val'd >6K assets/$1M--1.2K man-hrs/yr svd/ensur'd 98% acct'y rate/100% reutilization

    - Instructed CCP trng; edu'd 250 prsnl/proct'd 6K assets/$22M--shp'd 3.2K items/met 100% customer srvc req

    - Tailored MICAP process; adjs'd 500 assets/$3M--slashed 4K man-hrs/yr/key'd to 98% inventory accuracy

    - Deployed new inventory system; monitored >700 assets/$2M--averaged 2-day t/o/verified 99% account'ty rate

    - Researched 50 assets/$1.2M; determined 50K man-hrs/yr svd/key'd to 99% inventory accuracy--met 3% MXG goal

    - Assessed 300 orders; tracked 43 items/$3.4M--key'd to 4.8K man-hrs/yr saved/ensured 97% acc'ty rate

    - Reconciled >20K items/$4M; achieved 99% inventory accuracy--2.2K man-hrs/yr svd/100% reutilization/met MXG goal

    - Marked 8.5K assets accounted; maintained 4K items 7th AF--minimized .3% $3.5M assets lost

    - Collab'd w/2K PR orgs; id'd/issued 4.1K items/$2.15M--safeguarded 200K Coalition Forces assets

    - Ensured 2K assets trac'd/rec'd; inventory'd 1K parts/handled 345--greatly improved USAF ops acct'g

    - Imp'd ASP trng prog; oversaw 15 AFSC trng courses--elevated cbmt proficiency levels/1200 Amn

    - Established 578 asset trng reqs; issued 3K parts/$1.5M--multiplied T&E ops' efficiency

    - Researched 370 parts; id'd/shipped 1M parts/$127K--reduced time/costs by 50%

    - Issued TAD/TDY orders; processed 5K equip/assets valu'd at $4.7M--sustain'd MSgt's/Lt Col's deployments

    - Proved 5 AFSC trng prog; admin'd 5K parts/$33K--greatly boosted cbmt prof levels/1.2K Amn

    - Brought 2K equip repairs; replaced/shipped 4.5K items--$4.4M inventory sustained w/no reported losses

    - Procured 5K equip/assets; allotted 745 parts/$576K--proct'd $2.7M med ops equip/assets

    HazMat Management

    - Spearheaded 3 Wing HazMat PPE and MSDS program standardization; aligned w/AFI 21-101--zero prsnl safety incidents

    - Identified 200 HazMat items; updated/validated 21K pounds of/home/updated ACC standards--zero hazmat errors

    - Streamlined $1M kitting process; 8 hazardous mtrls restock'd/cross-ref'd w/Fed/State gds--zero contamination

    - Oversaw $1M HazMat shipping/receiving; validated 300+ items/intake forms--zero environmental incidents

    - Ensured depot-level yearly HazMat in-transit accountability; 118 items accounted for--zero losses/property damage

    - Developed SOP for nationwide HazMat container inventory; validated 100 items/7KLBS--100% Msn SUCCESS

  • - Secured inventory space thru excess equip turn-in; returned 5K cargo straps/$9K--realized 99.7% storage

    - Facilitated recovery of missing equip; located 34 retrograde items/returned to possession--recovered $20K

    - Guided reallocation task force activities; coordinated BLN 8-month block turn-in--recovered $133K assets

    - Orchestrated summer sortie surge management; deflected excess equip turn-ins--reclaimed $43K repl items

    - Activated an MRIF return program; convened $12K worth of agency-directed turn-in--avoided excess storage

    - Orchestrated redeployed equipment accountability audit; tracked 15 assets/recovered $13K--re-allocated 2% resources

    - Pivoted DRMO turn-ins; shipped 5K excess items to AGE--increasing stockage levels by 6%, saved AFSC $400K

    - Aided MWSS block turn-in; processed 1,754 assets/identified sub-standard equipments--released $3.4M for resourceful priorities

    - Pioneered USCENTOM TIF program; procured 450 assets/ESS/$200K--contributed to consolidated spares req's

    - Assisted DLA in OP TIF; identified 3,500 assets--rerouted Serviceable equip totalling $7.5M to AFSC inventory

    - Facilitated INF turn-in; recycled 1.6K assets/generated $755K total assessment dollars--98% AFSC compliance

    - Revolutionized WARPAC-wide TIF ops; guided 322 assets/9.2K lbs/$150K--guaranteed field units CMRE readiness

    - Orchestrated DoD equipment cleanup effort; recycled 4.5K assets/$87K--facilitated AFSC equip procurement

    - Propelled excess equip recovery program; checked 30 assets/collected $20K--created AFSC unlimited stock lvl

    - Pioneered CAT turn-in mission; processed 1K health/hygiene items--realized $3.9M in total assessment value

    - Guided stress tester turn-in program; returned 148 equip/tested SHORAD RATs--released $9.2M AFSC inventory

    - Spearheaded DRMO turn-in support; liberated 6.5K items/transported 20K lbs--ameliorated $1.2M in shop resources

    - Pivoted aptitude asset recovery program; verified >6K unique itms--spt'd retasked AFSC stock w/$54M savings

    - Coordinated DRMO turn-in activity; reallocated 10 pallets/2K equip--provided $14M asset reutilization savings

    - Led warehouse turn-in initiative; procured 2,250 equip/1.5K lbs/$32K--returned AFSC stock rate to 99+%

    - Supervised CEDE turn-in efforts; tracked 30 assets/collected $20K--enabled AFSC equip procurement cycle

    - Spearheaded USCENTCOM cargo box turn-in; managed 1,444 containers/4K excess equip--$20K replenished to AF stock

    - Directed vintage turn-in inspections; confirmed 4,750 equip/recovered $72K--facilitated workshop repairs

    - Moderated turn-ins reduction ops; regimented 30 combat arms/processed $1.2M in eq--recouped operational cost $3M

    - Lead DRMO/ERT turn-in action; identified 8 pallets/14K lbs equip--recouped $22M faulty eq items 4 AFSC use

    - Spearheaded TIF budget management; redirected 3K equip/14.5K lbs/$112K--facilitated $86M stock replenishment

    - Pioneered DRMO turn-in mission; retrieved 12K lbs equip/9 pallets/$23K--realized 98.7 stock level accomplishments

    - Orchestrated ALS readiness ops; returned 645 equip/36K lbs/$270K--reduced ISU days to 0%, awarded MFM accolades

    - Executed Combat Readiness Pgm; coord'd disposal 7K items valued at $8.5M--garnered 100% accountability

    - Restored 2.5K itms to inventory; initiated recall of 3K itms--redistributed $7M assets AF wide

    - Mng'd disposal operations; coordinated w/ 21 IMs/14 orgs--redistributed assets $6M+ across Air Force

    - Process'd 24K lbs of assets; coord'd redistrbution 4.2K itms--secur'd $8M pilferable DoD assets

    - Develop'd 3 disposal plans; identified 1.4K assets/$4.7M for excess--avoided $18K in transportation costs

    - Executed Security Mgt Plan; monitored/updated records on 3K assets--redistributed $9M assets AF wide

    - Executed 5K itms deletion; coord'd disposal plan w/ 23 IMs/17 orgs--secur'd $10M pilferable DoD assets

    - Enforc'd DoD policy; disposed of 21K lbs of assets--avoided $2M in transportation costs

    - Quarterbacked reutilization pgm; coord'd 2.5K itms/$7M--redistributed assets $9M+ across Air Force

    - Executed 6 disposal plans; coord'd destruction 500 items--secur'd OPSEC 2.5K lbs JTF/Coalition frc itms

    - Executed 15K itms deletion; monitored/updated records on 3.2K assets--redistributed $11M assets AF wide

    - Develop'd 10 disposal plans; identified 3.4K assets/$8M for excess--avoided $4M in transportation costs

    - Coord'd 8 vehicle disposal plan; utilized organic vs contracted assets--garnered 100% accountability

    - Enforc'd 6 Waste Buster pgms; process'd 4.2K L/Is totaling $90K--launch'd 15 airstrikes against Syria & Iraq

    - Executed Imported Materiel Mgt Plan; monitored/updated records on 8K assets--redistributed $14M assets AF wide

    - Implement'd 6 uniform disposal plans; coord'd destruction 1.7K pcs--secur'd OPSEC 3.2K lbs JTF/Coalition frc itms

    - Manag'd DRMS pgm; coord'd disposal 890 itms...trnsprt'd 11K lbs to ASG-KU--secur'd $7M pilfrbl DoD assets

    - Initiated 5 recon pgms; deleted <950 lvls/TIN'd/shipped 4.7K L/Is--redistributed $3.2M assets AF wide

    - Quarterbacked U1 recon; recovered over 2.5K items valued at $9K--returned critical assets to AF inventory

    - Supported regional agencies; donated excess office equip to US Coast Guard & US Navy--reutilized gov assets

    - Executed 12K itms deletion; coord'd disposal plan w/ 26 IMs/21 orgs--secur'd $15M pilferable DoD assets

    - Process'd 21K lbs of assets; coord'd redistrbution 3.7K itms--secur'd $9M pilferable DoD assets

    - Develop'd 5 disposal plans; identified 2.4K assets/$7M for excess--avoided $9K in transportation costs

    - Mng'd excess operations; coordinated w/ 18 IMs/11 orgs--redistributed assets $8M+ across Air Force

    - Enforc'd 6 strict Waste Buster pgms; process'd 3.2K L/Is totaling $100K--launch'd 19 airstrikes against Syria & Iraq

    - Initiated uniform disposal plan; coord'd destruction 1.9K pcs--secur'd OPSEC 4.7K lbs JTF/Coalition frc itms

    - Mng'd DRMS pgm; coord'd disposal 690 itms...trnsprt'd 10K lbs to ASG-KU--secur'd $13M pilfrbl DoD assets

    - Enforc'd 9 DoD policy; disposed of 11K lbs of assets--avoided $4M in transportation costs

    - Executed 13K itms deletion; monitored/updated records on 4.7K assets--redistributed $13M assets AF wide

    - Quarterbacked U3 recon; deleted <150 lvls/TIN'd/shipped 4.2K L/Is--redistributed $2.7M assets AF wide

    - Process'd 17K lbs of assets; coord'd redistrbution 5.2K itms--secur'd $5M pilferable DoD assets

    - Supported local agencies; donated excess office equip to US Army & US Marines--reutilized gov assets

    - Executed 2 disposal plans; identified 8.4K assets/$14M for excess--avoided $8K in transportation costs

    - Executed Combat Readiness Pgm; coord'd disposal 9K items valued at $11M--garnered 100% accountability

    - Initiated 3 recon pgms; recovered over 4.5K items valued at $19K--returned critical assets to AF inventory

    - Implement'd 8 uniform disposal plans; coord'd destruction 2.3K pcs--secur'd OPSEC 5K lbs JTF/Coalition frc itms

  • - Monitored Wg QDR prgm; reviewed 79 QDR documents--recouped $1.2M in deferred repairs costs

    - Prepared Wg QDR prgm; verif'd 164 shipment/storage exhibits--recouped $500K in Air Force funds

    - Assisted w/# Wg PQDR prgm; analyz'd 56 quality def docs/item mngr resolution--recouped $170K AF funds

    - Held lead rle for Wg PQDR prgm; rev'd dispostion for 25 acft parts from orig equip mfg--$567K repair cost saved

    - Executed Wg PQDR prgm; init'd 48 document reviews--recouped $800K in maintenance/restoration proj.

    - Enhanced Wg QDR prgm; reviewed 66 discrep reports--saved Air Force $650K worth of material/repair costs

    - Ensured Quality Deficiency Report submittals; tracked/stock'd 29 exhibits--$275K in AF funds recoverd

    - Assisted w/# PQDR prgm; resolv'd qual def w/# item mngr--recouped $81K in Air Force funds

    - Contributed to Wg QDR label effort; identified/inspected 71 exhibits--recouped $230K in repair cost

    - Managed Wg QDR prgm; re-cert'd dispostion for 27 acft parts from equip mfg--recouped $135K AF funds

    - Directed Wg PQDR prgm; analyz'd 83 storage documents--$590K in deferred repairs cost saved

    - Supervis'd Wg Quality Deficiency Report program; reviewed 92 exhibit/reports--recouped $900K AF funds

    - Overhauled Wg PQDR prgm; exam'd 109 discreps reports--recouped $312K in AF materiel/restoration cost

    - Orchestrated Wg QDR label effort; filed 23 quality def documents--recouped $720K in repair costs

    - Administered Wg's PQDR process; coded 69 quality exhibits--$344K in Air Force funds saved

    - Optimized Wg Quality Deficiency Report prog; rec'd 90 discrep reports--retrieved $347K in AF funds

    - Led Wg PQDR operation; verif'd 127 shipments/storage docs--recouped $700K in materiel/repair costs

    - Facilitated Wg QDR turn-in; data-entered 36 exhibits--recouped $450K in Air Force funds

    - Enhanced Wg QDR prgm; identif'd 75 discrep rcpts--recouped $270K in AF materiel/restoration cost

    - Executed Wg PQDR prgm; dispos'd 19 qual def items--recouped $579K in Air Force repair costs

    - Control'd Wg QDR prgm; submit'd 28 qual def docs/item mngr resolution--recouped $117K in AF funds

    - Coordinated Wg QDR label effort; scrub'd 10 discrep rcpts--retrieved $272K in material/repair costs

    - Monitored Wg PQDR prgm; inspect'd 79 quality def docs/track'd exhibits--saved Air Force $789K

    - Assisted w/# Wg Quality Deficiency Report program; process'd 18 quality def items--$150K AF funds reclaim'd

    - Directed Wg QDR turn-in; scanned 55 quality def documents--recouped $660K in materiel/restoration cost

    - Supervis'd Wg PQDR prog; review'd 61 report/exhibits--recouped $520K in Air Force repair costs

    - Overhauled Wg QDR process; evaluat'd 35 exhibits--recouped $120K in AF funds for materiel/restoration

    - Administered Wg's Quality Deficiency Report program; validat'd 39 documents--$400K in AF funds retrievd

    - Optimized Wg QDR prgm;manag'd 85 storage docs--recouped $200K in materiel/repair costs for Air Force

    - Led Wg QDR prgm; organised 24 quality def docs--recouped $793K in Air Force funds for repairs

    - Faciliated Wg PQDR operation; inspected 21 discrep reports--saved Air Force $570K in materiel/repair costs

  • - Supported DIFM pgms; turned in 14k assets/$210M/core reclamation--maintained 100% accuracy/valide inventory

    - Controlled DIFM recon; visited 15 orgs/verified 4145 items/$12.5M--fixed 2 errors/100% accountability

    - Led D23 Stock Issue; tracked/shipped 11K assets/$332M--provided 3 hrs focus time for Wg leadership

    - Addressed DIFM pgms; sent 3K assets/$13M to repair depots/1day TIN--saved 5% over AFSC std

    - Supported daily DIFM reqs; identified/procured 32K assets/$54M--delivered 1 hour turnaround/37% savings

    - Led daily DIFM pgm mx; returned 9,250 assets/$62M to their control locations--avg'd 4-hr cycle times

    - Coordinated DIFM prgm mx; made 7K returns of $45M/avg turnaround dir lss 24hrs--saved AFSC $300K

    - Mng'd DIFM pgms/items; audited 1K assets/val $24M--established 800% accuracy in QA report/3 mnth

    - Led inventory DIFM review; identified/turned in 280 assets $8M--returned 9 hrs/day focus time to Wg ldrs

    - Mng'd 305 assets/20K returns/>$14M; directed 22 shops--saved $2M/deployed F-16s $1B fleet/$72M FHP

    - Supervised DIFM logistics; released 4,396/$143M assets to Mx/cut DIFM times avgs 3 days--deliv'd 24-hr T-I

    - Mg'd DIFM fcstr; supported 4 orgs/tracked 2.5K assets/$210M--avg'd 2-day turn-in/ensured 100% accountability

    - Execut'd DIFM recon; visited 16 orgs/verified 28 assets/$5M--corrected 6 errors/100% accountability

    - Directed DIFM Mx; released 3K assets/$45M/core rclmtion--maintained 100% accuracy/valide inventory

    - Syndicated DIFM pgms; returned 8K reparable parts/$22M/prevented 71 MICAPs--increased AF lvl depot rpr 5%

    - Managed DIFM stock order; tracked 11K assets/$412M--provided 3 hrs focus time for Wg senior leadership

    - Leveraged DIFM pgm; shipped 8,250 assets/$37M to locations/1day TIN--saved >7% over AFSC std

    - Lead daily DIFM process; identified/procured 22K assets/$84M--delivered 2 hour turnaround/27% savings

    - Controlled DIFM recon; visited 12 orgs/verified 1195 items/$21.5M--fixed 4 errors/100% accountability

    - Advised DIFM rec manager; processed 5K returns of $19M/avg turnaround dir lss 24hrs--saved AFSC $230K

    - Monitored/supervised DIFM reqs; returned 5,576/$175M assets back to Mx repair depots--avg'd 1.5 day turnaround

    - Lead daily DIFM audit; 2.5K/$147M assets returned to CIRF < 1 day--best'd AF 2-day std

    - Directed DIFM prgrm; validated 636 reassignments/795 returns/$395M--saved >$1.9M in transfer cost yr/y

    - Automat'd DIFM pgm mx; sent 4K assets/valued $18M to depot--solved 100% reutilization accuracy

    - Guided DIFM prgm; sent 5K assets/$13M to repair depots/2day TIN--saved 3% over AFSC std

    - Driv'd DIFM mgr; tracked/shipped 7K assets/$192M--provided 5 hrs focus time for Wg management

    - DIR DIFM review; identified/turned in 860 assets $19M--returned 10 hrs/day focus time to Wg ldrs

    - Optimiz'd DIFM pgms; audited 1.5K assets/val $22M--established 900% accuracy in QA report/2 mnth

    - Supervised DIFM prgm; issued >3K parts/valued at $274M; averag'd 0.04 TRT--exceed'd AF's 3 day std

    - Monitored/tracked >5K parts/$274M/reconcil'd 0.04 TRT--beat AF's 3 day std & ACC's 1 day std

    - Co-facilitated parts movement; shipped >2K parts/$237M; achieved avg Post Repair Time of 0.04--exceed'd AF's 3 day std

    - Led DIFM prgm; issued 4K parts/$274M; checked status/location of 20 assets; zero discrepancies noted/beat ACC's 1 day std

    - Spearheaded D23 project; tracked 5000 DIFM parts/valued at $237M; 0.04 TRT--beat AF's 3-day std & ACC's 1-day std

    - Implemented DIFM prgm; issued >3.2K parts/$274M; verified accuracy of 6K orders--averaged 0.04 TRT/beat ACC's 1 day std

    - Mng'd DIFM pgms; accept'd 2.6K L/I/$274M/rtrn'd to stock/depot--blank'd AF std...average 1 day turnaround

    - Directed/executed DIFM movement; shipped 3.2K parts/valued at $237M; achieved avg Post Repair Time of 0.04--beat ACC's 1-day std

    - Supervised/monitored parts movement >2K parts/$274M; achieved avg Post Repair Time of 0.04--beat AF's 3-day std

    - Led bid-out of D23 project; accepted 2.5K DIFM items/$237M/8 airframes--zero discrepancies noted

    - Ensured accuracy of >3K parts/$274M; tracked status/location of 50 assets--achieved avg Post Repair Time 0.04/beat AF's 3-day std

    - Tracked/monitored >4K DIFM parts/$237M/reconcil'd 0.04 TRT--beat AF's 3 day std & ACC's 1 day std

    - Spearheaded D23 delivery; decreased >4K DIFM parts/$237M/8 airframes--achieved avg 0.04 TRT & ACC's 1-day std

    - Directed quarterly DIFM reconciliatons; reconciled location/status of over 70 assets--zero discrepancies noted

    - Implemented QC procedures for flawed DIFM prgm; cleared 300 assets/zero rejects--exceed'd ACC std by 50%

    - Issued/turned in 1800 DIFM items valued at $19M; achieved 50% turnaround rate; 9.6 TNMCS/ACC std 10%

    - Co-facilitated parts movement; shipped >3K parts/$274M; achieved avg Post Repair Time of 0.05--beat AF's 3 day std

    - Skillfully Managed D22; ensured reconciliation of 2.8K DIFM L/I/$237M--coordinated with 8 AMU's/60 acft

    - Tm'd w/mx; directed >6K DIFM parts valued at $274M; rcv'd 0.05 avg Post Repair Time--beat AF's 3-day std

    - Quarterback'd D22 listing; administered accountability of 3.2 XD2 assets/$274M/10 airframes--xxx rebels KIA

    - Monitored/tracked >6K parts/$274M/reconcil'd 0.05 TRT--beat AF's 3 day std & ACC's 1 day std

    - Facilitated DIFM prgm; issued 5K parts/$274M; checked status/location of 25 assets; zero discrepancies noted/beat ACC's 1 day std

    - Supervised DIFM prgm; issued >4K parts/$274M; averag'd 0.05 TRT--exceed'd AF's 3 day std

    - Led DIFM prgm; issued 5.5K parts/$274M; updated location/status of 30 assets; zero discrepancies noted/beat ACC's 1 day std

    - Mng'd DIFM pgms; accept'd 3K L/I/$274M/rtrn'd to stock/depot--blank'd AF std...average 1 day turnaround

    - Implemented DIFM prgm; issued >4.2K parts/$274M; verified accuracy of 8K orders--averaged 0.05 TRT/beat ACC's 1 day std