Are you looking to develop a winning quarterly award package? This guide is designed to help you create an effective nomination that showcases the nominee's individual area of expertise.


The Quarterly Awards program is designed to recognize those individuals who have excelled in their individual area of expertise. AF Form 1206 is used to document and evaluate the performance of active duty Airmen. This form requires a narrative explanation of the nominee's accomplishments, highlighting their contributions and achievements, not just their job duties. Also, the Airman Concept section of the form is meant to recognize how the airman exemplifies the Air Force Core Values, contributes to the unit and community, and demonstrates self-improvement and conduct.


When compiling inputs, make sure to ask the following three questions about the nominee and ensure the answers are emphasized in the nomination:

  • What did the member do?

  • How did he/she accomplish it?

  • What was the result/impact?

For example: What did the member do? - Ensured accountability and prompt processing of all TDY requests.

How was it accomplished? - By developing an effective suspensing and tracking system for all requests.

Result/Impact? - Produced a zero percent late rating and less than 3 percent return rate from MPF for the period of Jan - Mar 99.

Comparison of before and after statistics, measurable amounts, or achievements never attained before can be used to make the package even stronger.


Different awards have different criteria, so make sure to read the guidelines for the award category you are applying for and tailor your nomination accordingly.


Give specific examples and evidence of the nominee's accomplishments, and make sure they align with the criteria for the award category you are applying for. Use quotes and endorsements from supervisors, colleagues, or other relevant individuals to provide additional support for the nomination.


Make sure to follow the AF Form 1206 format and guidelines, such as page limits, font size and types, headings, and other requirements. This will ensure that your nomination package is complete, accurate, and easy to read.


It can be helpful to include examples of previous winning nominations as a guide and inspiration for writing your own nomination. This can also help you understand the type of information and language that is most effective.


A checklist of all the important elements that should be included in the nomination, such as facts, specific examples, and measurable results, can be helpful for writers who may be less familiar with the nomination process.


Awards come in different levels, such as unit, wing, and command level awards. Tailoring the nomination package to different levels of awards requires different information, examples, and approach. Provide guidance on how to tailor the nomination package to different levels of awards and the differences that need to be taken into consideration.


Provide additional resources such as websites or publications that may be helpful for writers who are looking to learn more about writing nominations.

By following these tips, you will be better prepared to write a compelling and winning quarterly award package. Remember to focus on the nominee's achievements and specific examples, use facts and statistics, tailor the nomination to the specific award category and level, use appropriate formatting and layout, provide detailed examples and evidence, and include a checklist and additional resources for reference. By paying attention to these details, you increase the chances of your nominee winning the award.

  • When writing examples for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as for the "Airman Concept" section, using an active voice sentence structure and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith certified less-than-lethal tools and rapidly accomplished training for three weapons, exceeding the Air Force standard by 200%."

    "Airman Smith trained and qualified four airmen in Alarm Monitor duty, raising the flight duty position evaluation pass rate to 98%."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (certifying less-than-lethal tools and training airmen in Alarm Monitor duty) and the result (exceeding the Air Force standard and raising the pass rate).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section.


    Direct and supervise the operation of a diagnostic imaging department, ensuring compliance with standard operating procedures and regulatory requirements.

    Utilize advanced imaging modalities, such as MRI and CT, to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions.

    Collaborate with physicians and other healthcare professionals to develop treatment plans and ensure the safe and efficient operation of imaging equipment.

    Stay current with the latest advancements in diagnostic imaging technology, including new imaging modalities and software.

    Provide training and education to staff members on imaging procedures and equipment operation.

    Manage and maintain imaging equipment, ensuring proper maintenance and repair as needed.

    Ensure patient safety by adhering to radiation safety guidelines and protocols.

    Manage patient scheduling, ensuring efficient and timely imaging services.

    Communicate effectively with patients and their families, providing information and answering questions about imaging procedures.

    Participate in quality improvement initiatives, analyzing data to identify opportunities for improvement and implement changes as needed.

    1. Ensured the safety and well-being of all patients by adhering to strict safety protocols and regulations.

    2. Maintained the highest quality diagnostic imaging equipment and services.

    3. Developed and maintained a positive working environment with colleagues and staff.

    4. Developed technical procedures that comply with service-specific rules and regulations.

    5. Implemented and monitored a quality assurance program to ensure accurate results.

    6. Provided technical direction to staff and supervised their performance.

    7. Developed and maintained effective policies and procedures for the department.

    8. Ensured that all personnel were up to date on current procedures and techniques.

    9. Scheduled personnel and monitored their performance to ensure compliance with service regulations.

    10. Clarified any misunderstandings in procedures and techniques and communicated changes to staff.

    11. Performed all duties assigned by the Commanding Officer in a timely and professional manner.

    12. Monitored and evaluated the performance of personnel to ensure that proper standards were being met.

    13. Developed and implemented procedures to ensure the accuracy of diagnostic imaging results.

    14. Assisted with the training of new personnel on the use of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    15. Developed and kept up to date a technical library of all procedures and techniques.

    16. Developed and maintained a budget for the department.

    17. Monitored and ensured the availability of necessary supplies and equipment.

    18. Inspected the work of personnel to ensure the accuracy of the results.

    19. Coordinated with other departments to ensure that all services were delivered in an efficient manner.

    20. Developed and implemented a program for the maintenance and use of all diagnostic imaging equipment.

    21. Assisted with the development of reports for review by the Commanding Officer.

    22. Prepared and maintained logs of all activities and results.

    23. Ensured that all personnel complied with the service’s regulations and policies.

    24. Developed and maintained effective communication with other departments.

    25. Ensured that all equipment was properly calibrated and maintained.

    26. Supervised the work of personnel in all aspects of diagnostic imaging.

    27. Ensured that all areas of diagnostic imaging were clean and safe.

    28. Trained personnel in the use and operation of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    29. Developed and maintained a quality control program for all procedures.

    30. Developed and maintained a record keeping system for all activities.

    31. Assisted with the development and implementation of new services and procedures.

    32. Evaluated personnel performance and took corrective action when necessary.

    33. Developed and maintained a safety program for all personnel.

    34. Assisted with the development and implementation of emergency protocols.

    35. Developed and maintained a system for the storage and retrieval of records.

    36. Developed and maintained a system for the tracking of all diagnostic imaging results.

    37. Ensured that all personnel were properly trained in the use of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    38. Monitored and maintained the quality of diagnostic imaging results.

    39. Developed and maintained a system for the maintenance of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    40. Ensured that all procedures were performed in accordance with service regulations.

    41. Developed and maintained policies and procedures for the effective operation of the department.

    42. Developed and maintained a system to ensure the accurate billing of services.

    43. Ensured that all personnel adhered to safety regulations and procedures.

    44. Developed and maintained a record keeping system for all activities.

    45. Developed and maintained a system for the tracking of diagnostic imaging results.

    46. Maintained a log of all diagnostic imaging equipment.

    47. Assisted with the development and implementation of new services and procedures.

    48. Ensured that all personnel were properly trained in the use of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    49. Supervised the work of personnel in all aspects of diagnostic imaging.

    50. Developed and maintained a system for the maintenance of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    51. Developed and maintained a safety program for all personnel.

    52. Monitored and ensured the availability of necessary supplies and equipment.

    53. Evaluated personnel performance and took corrective action when necessary.

    54. Inspected the work of personnel to ensure the accuracy of the results.

    55. Developed and maintained a program for the maintenance and use of all diagnostic imaging equipment.

    56. Developed and maintained a quality assurance program to ensure accurate results.

    57. Assisted with the training of new personnel on the use of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    58. Developed and maintained a technical library of all procedures and techniques.

    59. Provided technical direction to staff and supervised their performance.

    60. Clarified any misunderstandings in procedures and techniques and communicated changes to staff.

    61. Developed and maintained effective policies and procedures for the department.

    62. Ensured that all personnel were up to date on current procedures and techniques.

    63. Developed and implemented procedures to ensure the accuracy of diagnostic imaging results.

    64. Monitored and evaluated the performance of personnel to ensure that proper standards were being met.

    65. Assisted with the development of reports for review by the Commanding Officer.

    66. Prepared and maintained logs of all activities and results.

    67. Ensured that all personnel complied with the service’s regulations and policies.

    68. Monitored and maintained the quality of diagnostic imaging results.

    69. Developed and implemented a system for the storage and retrieval of records.

    70. Developed and implemented a system for the tracking of all diagnostic imaging results.

    71. Monitored and ensured the accuracy of all diagnostic imaging equipment.

    72. Developed and implemented a program for the maintenance and use of all diagnostic imaging equipment.

    73. Developed and maintained a quality control program for all procedures.

    74. Assisted with the development and implementation of emergency protocols.

    75. Developed and maintained a budget for the department.

    76. Developed and maintained a record keeping system for all activities.

    77. Scheduled personnel and monitored their performance to ensure compliance with service regulations.

    78. Implemented and monitored a quality assurance program to ensure accurate results.

    79. Developed technical procedures that comply with service-specific rules and regulations.

    80. Ensured the safety and well-being of all patients by adhering to strict safety protocols and regulations.

    81. Maintained the highest quality diagnostic imaging equipment and services.

    82. Developed and maintained a positive working environment with colleagues and staff.

    83. Assisted with the development of reports for review by the Commanding Officer.

    84. Ensured that all areas of diagnostic imaging were clean and safe.

    85. Evaluated personnel performance and took corrective action when necessary.

    86. Developed and implemented procedures to ensure the accuracy of diagnostic imaging results.

    87. Developed and maintained a system for the maintenance of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    88. Developed and maintained a system for the tracking of all diagnostic imaging results.

    89. Developed and maintained a technical library of all procedures and techniques.

    90. Developed and maintained a system for the storage and retrieval of records.

    91. Monitored and evaluated the performance of personnel to ensure that proper standards were being met.

    92. Provided technical direction to staff and supervised their performance.

    93. Clarified any misunderstandings in procedures and techniques and communicated changes to staff.

    94. Developed and maintained effective policies and procedures for the department.

    95. Ensured that all personnel were up to date on current procedures and techniques.

    96. Developed and maintained a safety program for all personnel.

    97. Assisted with the training of new personnel on the use of diagnostic imaging equipment.

    98. Developed and maintained a quality control program for all procedures.

    99. Developed and maintained a record keeping system for all activities.

    100. Developed and implemented a system for the maintenance and use of all diagnostic imaging equipment.

  • When writing the examples for the Airman Concept section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use an active voice sentence structure. This means that the sentences should clearly state who is taking the action and what action is being taken. For example, "Airman Smith consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills, effectively leading and motivating their team to achieve mission success." This sentence clearly states who (Airman Smith) is taking the action (demonstrating strong leadership skills) and what the result of that action is (effectively leading and motivating the team to achieve mission success).

    It is also important to be specific, clear and concise in the examples, avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and focus on specific behaviors, actions or achievements. Additionally, it's recommended to use a consistent and logical structure, the examples can be divided into categories like, "Leadership" "Job Performance", "Contribution to the unit" and so on, to make it easy for the reader to follow the information and understand the examples.

    It's also a good practice to provide a context for the examples, such as the time frame and the specific duties and responsibilities of the airman. And as always, it's good to consult with the relevant authorities and supervisor, to ensure that the examples are accurate, aligned with the criteria and standards, and properly support the nomination.


    1. Achieved a 90% pass rate on the Air Force physical fitness test.

    2. Showed dedication to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    3. Demonstrated strong technical knowledge and expertise in their specialty.

    4. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    5. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.

    6. Developed innovative solutions to complex technical issues.

    7. Maintained a high level of personal integrity and accountability.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    9. Demonstrated an understanding of the Air Force core values.

    10. Exhibited outstanding commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    11. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    12. Demonstrated a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    13. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    14. Showed an ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    15. Demonstrated exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    16. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to complete assignments.

    17. Exhibited a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    18. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties.

    19. Provided mentorship and guidance to junior Airmen in their career field.

    20. Displayed a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    21. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    22. Consistently met or exceeded expectations for assigned tasks and duties.

    23. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    24. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    25. Showed the ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    26. Demonstrated an ability to work independently, as well as in a team environment.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    28. Displayed exceptional problem-solving skills when faced with difficult challenges.

    29. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed in stressful and challenging situations.

    30. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    31. Demonstrated a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    32. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    33. Demonstrated the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    34. Exhibited a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    35. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    36. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    37. Demonstrated a commitment to self-improvement and professional development.

    38. Possessed an excellent ability to adapt to changing environments and circumstances.

    39. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    40. Demonstrated an understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    41. Demonstrated an ability to foster positive relationships with their peers and superiors.

    42. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    43. Showed an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    44. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    45. Possessed a high level of knowledge of Air Force policies and procedures.

    46. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    47. Exhibited a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    48. Displayed an exceptional level of attention to detail in all areas of their work.

    49. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    50. Possessed an excellent ability to demonstrate sound judgement in all areas of their duties.

    51. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed when faced with difficult situations.

    52. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    53. Possessed a deep understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    54. Displayed a commitment to developing and implementing effective strategies.

    55. Demonstrated an exceptional level of commitment to their fellow Airmen.

    56. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to effectively complete tasks.

    57. Showed an understanding of the importance of effective communication and collaboration.

    58. Demonstrated an ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    59. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    60. Possessed a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks and assignments.

    61. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    62. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    63. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    64. Showed the ability to work with a variety of people and personalities.

    65. Exhibited outstanding leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    66. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    67. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations, policies and procedures.

    68. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    69. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    70. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    71. Displayed a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties and responsibilities.

    72. Demonstrated a commitment to providing effective customer service.

    73. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    74. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    75. Possessed an excellent ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

    76. Demonstrated a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    77. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values.

    78. Showed an ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    79. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    80. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    81. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    82. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    83. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    84. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    85. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    86. Demonstrated an exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    87. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    88. Possessed an excellent ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    89. Demonstrated a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    90. Showed a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    91. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    92. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    93. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    94. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    95. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    96. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    97. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    98. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    99. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    100. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.


    1. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    2. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    3. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    4. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    5. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    6. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    7. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    9. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    10. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    11. Provided consistent and reliable maintenance of aircraft between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all aircraft were in a safe and operable condition.

    12. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    13. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    14. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    15. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    16. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    17. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    18. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    19. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    20. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    21. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    22. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    23. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    24. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    25. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    26. Showcased excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    28. Displayed exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    29. Exhibited superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    30. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    31. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    32. Effectively managed personnel and resources between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly utilized.

    33. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    34. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    35. Demonstrated an understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    36. Exhibited a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    37. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    38. Demonstrated a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    39. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    40. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    41. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    42. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    43. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    44. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    45. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    46. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    47. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    48. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    49. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    50. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    51. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    52. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    53. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    54. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    55. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    56. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    57. Showed the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    58. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    59. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    60. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    61. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    62. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    63. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    64. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    65. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    66. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    67. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    68. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    69. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    70. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    71. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    72. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    73. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    74. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    75. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    76. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    77. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    78. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    79. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    80. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    81. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    82. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    83. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    84. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    85. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    86. Demonstrated the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    87. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    88. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    89. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    90. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    91. Exhibited exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    92. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    93. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    94. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    95. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    96. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    97. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    98. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    99. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    100. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

  • When writing examples for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" and "Airman Concept" section. The sentence structure should be written in active voice and be specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith completed three college credit hours, earning a 3.0 GPA, and destroying 20% of general education requirements."

    "Airman Smith organized a four-man 6-hour race team, improved health and combat mission readiness, and finished first out of 26 teams."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (completing college credit hours, organizing a race team) and the result (earning a 3.0 GPA, improving health and mission readiness, finishing first in the race).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    2. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    3. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in eight months.

    4. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    5. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    6. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    7. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    8. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    9. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    10. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    11. Created a system to track aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    12. Developed a plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within six months.

    13. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    14. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    15. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    16. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    17. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    18. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    19. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    20. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in six months.

    21. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    22. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in eight months.

    23. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    24. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    25. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within eight months.

    26. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    27. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    28. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within four months.

    29. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    30. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within eight months.

    31. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    32. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    33. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    34. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    35. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    36. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    37. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    38. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    39. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    40. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    41. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    42. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    43. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    44. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    45. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    46. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    47. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in four months.

    48. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    49. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in four months.

    50. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    51. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    52. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    53. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    54. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    55. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    56. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    57. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    58. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    59. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    60. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    61. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    62. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    63. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    64. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in six months.

    65. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    66. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    67. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    68. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within eight months.

    69. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    70. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within six months.

    71. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    72. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    73. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    74. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    75. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in eight months.

    76. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    77. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in six months.

    78. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    79. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    80. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    81. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    82. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    83. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    84. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    85. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    86. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    87. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    88. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    89. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    90. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    91. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    92. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    93. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    94. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    95. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    96. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    97. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    98. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    99. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    100. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.0 GPA--destroyed 20% of general education requirements

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 26 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 15% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 25%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 20% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 25%.

    Participated in mentorship program, where they helped fellow airmen and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 30% and productivity by 25%

    Completed an online or distance-learning program, showing the ability to continue learning and growing, even when face-to-face training is not possible, This led to an increase in the skill set by 15%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 25% and increased efficiency by 20%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 20% and increased mission readiness by 15%.

    Became a certified instructor in (relevant field); resulting in the ability to teach others, and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 40%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 15% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 10%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 15%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 15% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 15%.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 20% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 15%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 20% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 25% and increased mission readiness by 20%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 25%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 30% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 35% and productivity by 30%

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 30%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 25% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 30%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 55%.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 30 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 20% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 45%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.5 GPA--destroyed 25% of general education requirements

    Attended a professional development program in (relevant field); resulted in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 30%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Developed a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 25% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 30%.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 25% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 25%.

    Developed and implemented a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 30% and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 35% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

  • When writing examples for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it is recommended to use a similar sentence structure as for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty," "Significant Self-Improvement" and "Airman Concept" section, using active voice and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact on the community.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith escorted a Special Olympic athlete and supported them to win a gold medal, representing the Air Force on a national scale."

    "Airman Smith was elected as Dorm Council President and spearheaded the construction of a fitness center, providing a gym for 60 dormitory personnel."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (escorting a Special Olympic athlete, elected as Dorm Council President) and the result (winning a gold medal, constructing a fitness center).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb, and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    2. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    3. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    4. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    5. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    6. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    7. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    8. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    9. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    10. Created a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    11. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    12. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    13. Built a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    14. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    15. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    16. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    17. Developed a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    18. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    19. Participated in a volunteer program to build homes for families in need, 2018-2019.

    20. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    21. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    22. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    23. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    24. Spearheaded efforts to create a mentorship program for local youth, 2017-2018.

    25. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    26. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    27. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    28. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    29. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    30. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    31. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    32. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    33. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    34. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    35. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    36. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    37. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    38. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    39. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    40. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    41. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    42. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    43. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    44. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    45. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    46. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    47. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    48. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    49. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    50. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    51. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    52. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    53. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    54. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    55. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    56. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    57. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    58. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    59. Participated in a volunteer program to restore a local park, 2016-2017.

    60. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    61. Established a partnership with a local school to provide a mentoring program for at-risk youth, 2018-2019.

    62. Developed a program to provide free job-training for local residents, 2017-present.

    63. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    64. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    65. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    66. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    67. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    68. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    69. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    70. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    71. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    72. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    73. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    74. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    75. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    76. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    77. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    78. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    79. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    80. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    81. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    82. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    83. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    84. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    85. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    86. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    87. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    88. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    89. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    90. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    91. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    92. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    93. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    94. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    95. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    96. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    97. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    98. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    99. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    100. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity event, which raised $10,000 for a local children's hospital.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 100 units of blood, helping to save hundreds of lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Organized a community clean-up event, which helped to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a toy drive, which provided Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $5,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community safety fair, educating community members on emergency preparedness and safety procedures.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a fundraising event, raising money for a local charity supporting children with disabilities.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing support and assistance to veterans and military families in the local area.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials for those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in coordinating a fundraising event, raising money for a local homeless shelter.

    Assisted in organizing a car wash event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a volunteer event at a local soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local school, providing supplies and other essentials to students and teachers.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a charity bike ride, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Participated in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting breast cancer research.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a donation drive for a local homeless shelter, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dinner, raising money for a local charity supporting underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local disaster relief effort, providing assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a toy drive, providing Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $3,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Organized a donation drive for a local library, providing resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 50 units of blood, helping to save lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity walk, raising money for a local charity supporting research for a rare disease.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

  • EPR bullets, or Enlisted Performance Report bullets, are short, concise statements that summarize an airman's accomplishments and contributions to the Air Force. When writing EPR bullets, it is important to follow a specific format and structure to ensure they are clear and effective. Here are some tips on how to write EPR bullets:

    Use active voice: EPR bullets should be written in the active voice to clearly convey who performed the action and what was accomplished.

    Be specific: Use specific facts, figures, and dates to support the bullet and make it more compelling.

    Use action verbs: Use strong action verbs to describe the accomplishment, such as "managed," "led," "implemented," "executed," "trained," etc.

    Use quantitative measures: Use quantitative measures such as numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts to demonstrate the impact and significance of the accomplishment.

    Show impact and results: The key to a good EPR bullet is showing the impact and results of the accomplishment. Explain how the accomplishment improved mission readiness, saved time or money, or contributed to the unit's goals and objectives.

    Be concise: EPR bullets should be short and to the point. Use no more than two or three sentences to describe the accomplishment.


    Led a team of flight engineers in executing a complex aircraft maintenance plan, resulting in a 100% mission readiness rate for the quarter.

    Implemented a new pre-flight checklist procedure, increasing the efficiency of flight operations by 20% and reducing potential safety hazards.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your EPR bullets are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the airman's accomplishments to the appropriate leadership.


    provide 30 more examples for EPR Bullets for AFSC 4R0X1 Diagnostic Imaging with the same content structure as these examples:

    Duty Description

    - Accomplishes routine/urgent portable radiographic studies f/intensive care/surgical wards/emerg svcs; spts 45 clinics

    - Assists radiologists with routine & special radiography/surgical procedures using sterile & infection control methods

    - Computes x-ray techniques/adjusts kilovoltage and milliamperes and exposure time settings to minimize patient dose

    - Enhances/archives digital images via Picture Archival Comm System; prints DI films & pt reports/creates image CDs

    - Maintains Picture Archiving and Communication Systems; performs imaging QC/mx on U/S eqpmt valued at $1.2M

    - Operates $2.1M CT eqpmt; performs portable/fluoroscopy/bone densitometry exams f/interpretation by 6 radiologists

    - Operates $2M CT eqpmt, portable/fluoroscopy/density exams for 6 radiologists' interpretation; spts 58K beneficiaries

    - Operates $8M in diagnostic imaging eqpmt; spts 24/7 ER & inpt svcs for 58K beneficiaries/45 clinics/2.2K med staff

    - Operates 6 C-arms in 10 operating rooms; supporting 7 surgeons on neurologic, urologic, & orthopedic surgery cases

    - Operates DI eqpmt valued at $4.5M; performs routine/urgent radiographic studies for 58K beneficiaries/45 clinics

    - Performs DI exams, computes x-ray techniques & adjusts kilovoltage & milliamperes; minimizes patient dose & exposure time

    - Performs radiographic studies for intensive care units, surgical wards, and emergency services; supports 45 clinics

    - Prepares/maintains records of DI exams & results; verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data

    - Prepares/maintains records of DI exams/results; verifies patient/equipment identification/other pertinent data

    - Processes DI exams/results; verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; enhances digital images

    - Provides DI spt to 58K beneficiaries/45 clinics; operates $2.1M CT eqpmt/routine/urgent radiographic studies

    - Readies/maintains records of DI exams/results; verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data

    - Records DI exams/results; verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; enhances digital images

    - Sets up & operates DI eqpmt; adjusts kilovoltage & milliamperes to minimize patient dose & exposure time

    - Supports 45 clinics/58K beneficiaries; assists radiologists with routine/special radiographic & surgical procedures

    - Supports 58K beneficiaries/45 clinics; assists radiologists with routine/special radiographic & surgical procedures

    - Supports 58K beneficiaries/45 clinics/2.2K med staff; operates $8M in DI eqpmt; performs 24/7 ER & inpt exams

    - Troubleshoots imaging/equipment problems; performs DI QC/mx on U/S eqpmt valued at $1.2M; updates DI protocols

    - Utilizes DI eqpmt valued at $4.5M; performs routine/urgent radiographic studies f/intensive care & surgical wards

    - Verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; enhances digital images via Picture Archival Comm System

    - Verifies patient/equipment identification/other pertinent data; prepares/maintains records of DI exams & results

    - Verifies/records DI exams/results; verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; enhances images

    - Works in 10 operating rooms; operates 6 C-arms; supports 7 surgeons on neurologic, urologic, & orthopedic cases

    - Assists radiologists in performing CT scans, MRIs, mammograms and other complex imaging procedures

    - Creates and reviews patient records prior to imaging exams; ensures accuracy of patient information and images

    - Evaluates and adjusts image quality; adjusts contrast, brightness, and image size to optimize image quality

    - Monitors and maintains equipment; troubleshoots and resolves hardware and software issues

    - Performs advanced DI procedures; administers contrast media, and operates complex imaging equipment

    - Prepares, updates, and maintains patient records; verifies patient/equipment identification and other pertinent data

    - Prepares and maintains radiographic film archives; prints films and patient reports; creates image CDs

    - Reviews images and identifies any artifacts; reports any artifacts to radiologists for review and interpretation

    - Serves as a technical resource and mentor to junior staff; provides guidance in areas of radiography, imaging, and safety

    - Utilizes DI eqpmt valued at $4.5M; performs routine/urgent radiographic studies for oncology, orthopedic, and trauma units

    - Verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; archives digital images via Picture Archival Comm System

    - Verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; prepares/maintains records of DI exams & results

    - Verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data; processes DI exams/results; enhances digital images

    - Assists radiologists in performing interventional and therapeutic procedures; operates complex imaging equipment

    - Assists with biopsy and other interventional procedures; administers contrast media, adjusts kilovoltage/milliamperes

    - Conducts quality assurance and performance improvement studies; ensures accuracy of images and patient information

    - Evaluates image quality; adjusts contrast, brightness, and image size to optimize image quality and patient safety

    - Monitors and maintains DI eqpmt; troubleshoots and resolves hardware and software issues; updates DI protocols

    - Performs portable radiographic studies for neonatal/pediatric patients; ensures patient safety and radiation exposure

    - Readies/maintains records of DI exams/results; verifies patient/equipment identification & other pertinent data

    - Supports 58K beneficiaries/45 clinics; assists radiologists with routine/special radiographic & surgical procedures

    - Utilizes DI eqpmt valued at $4.5M; performs routine/urgent radiographic studies f/intensive care & surgical wards

    - Assists and develops new DI standards/policies, Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Plans and protocols

    - Attends hospital meetings/seminars, CT and MRI training sessions, providing quality control and equipment maintenance

    - Certifies DI personnel in safety and quality control guidelines to exceed FAA standards and meet Joint Commission criteria

    - Develops qualifications/standardization of procedures, modalities, staff training, safety and quality control guidelines

    - Establishes preventive maintenance and calibration protocols and institutes DI technician continuing educational programs

    - Exercises national quality control processes, establishes and implements workflows to ensure accurate diagnostic results

    - Implements patient education and instruction prior to DI exams; provides backup/cross-training/mentorship to imaging personnel

    - Interfaces between multiple DI departments/facilitates communication between discipline supervisors/multi-disciplinary teams

    - Manages clinical practice guidelines, imaging process flows and patient quality assurance/analyzes operational trends for impact

    - Maximizes DI work station operations/critical performance indicators, addresses/resolves DI system/equipment discrepancies

    - Participates in DI staff meetings and research initiatives; provides real-time feedback and guidance on actual/proposed projects

    - Performs quality control/assurance for DI exams and resolves technical/quality control issues; evaluates DI procedures/techniques

    - Prepares/reviews/revises diagnostic imaging equipment specifications and DBMS/CAC compliance standards; designs/develops reports

    - Recommends/implements continuous DI quality improvement processes; evaluates/recommends new DI products/services to meet program needs

    - Researches/resolves complex imaging/equipment problems and follows up findings with technical/support teams to ensure resolution

    - Supports radiologist/clinic staff in order to ensure accurate interpretation of imaging exams; collects/analyzes applicable data

    - Utilizes DI electronic health record to monitor/update departmental quality assurance requirements and patient safety initiatives

    - Verifies completion of medical records for DI to standard protocols; ensures accuracy and validity for images/reports at facility

    - Assists/provides guidance to DI professionals/students; attends/presents studies/posters in DI/IR-related professional meetings

    - Conducts/participates in Joint Commission surveys, performance improvement activities, DI surveillance/QI projects, & committees

    - Develops/implements operation/quality improvement plans and ensures compliance with DI department goals and objectives

    - Exercises research/technical competency to identify new/improved technologies and strategies to enhance DI program performance

    - Championed 5 radiation safety prjs; formatted new ALARA prgm/conducted 541 dosimetry asmts/$30K in funds--met safety qtr gnl

    - Completed CT & MRI cert; shared expertise & best practices w/coworkers--awd'd recognition by Sq/CC f/expertise in field

    - Delivered 30 training sessions; 50 hrs NR CBCT/infrastructure & QC tests/eval'd prfrmnce & eqpmt functioning--upgraded tech acumen

    - Demonstrated radiology eqpmt; expertly operated 63 devices/MPLs & RNs--protected $10M equip't & exceeded all CTRs

    - Developed class grading systm; MTAC review/reviewd 1K exams/scored 48% above nat'l avg & 100% on safety checks--instr'd qualified DI mbrs

    - Efficiently operated $7M CT sys; directed 10 hr/day imaging for 5 teams--sent 800 diff images for specialist consults

    - Established 7 emergency scans; revised proc's w/RSO to meet PT urgent needs--located & contacted ancillary prvdr

    - Evaluated 9 MRI studies; reviewed 1300 images/collected 38 dept qlty stats--offered new QA metrix/certs to 39 AFSC prsns

    - Facilitated 10 DI workshops; prepped 3K x-ray films/conducted 75 imaging seminars/networked 140 radiologists--promoted 5 TLDs

    - Handled 6 films transfrs; orient'd files to immd provdrs/enter'd 83 MRI studies/reviewed 4 procedures--repaired 2K images

    - Installed 35 DI hardware fuctions; interfaced 175 workstations & 10 PACS devices--cyber-secured via $250K sys vision

    - Managed 200 CT scans; supervised 30 technicians/verified data entry accuracy--optimized prfrmce of 65 scans/mth

    - Monitored rad safety proc's; enforced 15 protocols/sanction'd 11 tech viols--teamed with JBSA Bioeng to correct viols

    - Overhauled 8 DI test pads; analyzed 350 eqpmt prbs/dev'd 20 maintenance checks--filled resource gap & reduced 4 mn delays

    - Performed MAMM tech duties; coord'd 150 call backs/reviewed 25K breast exams--graded 200 images & tracked data trends

    - Processed 390 MRI studies; patient interfaced/analzyed 60K images/administered 3.2K contrast media--ak'd lrn $20K in PO

    - Produced quality images at 5th Quartile; executed 345 fluoroscopy scans w/99.3%-standardized imaging--GT'd ASTM quality

    - Reconstructed 120 CAT scans; split-tested contrast/verified 0.9K chem. thresholds--filtered MD requests/hastened reading

    - Restructured DI standards; wrote 10 trng mtls/recertified 32 techs/designed 33 CEUs--perfected DI prfrmnce & safety

    - Serv'd as DI prsnl mngr; established prsnl/sys/engr policies & proc's--overhaul'd $2M eqpmt fund & maintained 79 trng rscds

    - Spearheaded 10 RFS cert; validated 400 TLDs & prepr'd 8K radiopharm sources--earned praise from COS & DEMCOM

    - Upgraded radiologic systems; developed 9 storage appl's/tested 544 system updates--averted 99.6% of all delays

    - Conduct'd daily huddles; reviw'd stats/sys health & trng/creat'd 8 safety awareness plans--raised safety standrds by 17%

    - Conduct'd DI Phase III trng; coach'd 7 Amn/50 exams/15 hrs--grad'd 4 Amn/2 awd'd highest trng score across 900 Amn

    - Conduct'd trng simulations; role-play'd 38 tasks/testing--drove 95% on-time exam compltn/secured 99% pt satisfaction rate

    - Create'd reporting binder; assembl'd/distrib'd 281 logs/spreadsheets/5 Ys--streamlin'd NCOIC 4 task spt to 14 TOCs

    - Design'd DI trng SOPs/checklists; sustain'd 85 prac's/implement'd 5QC mech's/XRs--elicited 99.5% customer satisfaction

    - Develop'd training guides; crafted 3 tech task outlines/28K procedures--led to 95% pass rate on 72-hr cert tests

    - Executed DI cert trng inservices; direct'd 12 Amn/over 99 tasks--achiev'd nat'l high-mark of 99% aptitude test scores

    - Expanded TDY radiographer program; strengthen'd mission/standardized reqs--saved 31K/yr on outside personnel costs

    -Facilitat'd DI trng seminars; deliver'd 4 powerpoint briefs/12 tutorials--boast'd 40% gain in tech proficiency w/in 6 mos

    - Facilitat'd new hire trng; orient'd 32 Amn/9 hrs/demo'd 27 exams/14 mbrs--spar'd Ft Belvoir $30K/yr on prof consulting

    - Handled/filled out 10 IP logs; prepped/calibrated DI equip/ensured qual imaging--7K pt exams completed/no delays

    - Maintained 2.9K DI x-ray images; resolved 69 imaging queries/93% accuracy--expedited/d streamlined radiology ops

    - Mentored 8 peers on DI process/ controls; led 1 MTF weekly DI log audit--ensured quality of 8K+ rad images

    - Packaged/shipped 6 DI equipment replacement pkgs; reseated 63 exam stations--saved $125K/ensured qlty of 4K exams

    - Passed 17 DQS exams/mastered principles/techniques DI imaging--excelled for 321 hours/implemented new quality standards

    - Performed 24 DI eng/accreditation/ guidelines checklists; streamlined/tested forms--afd $150K+ in pt/ reimbursements

    - Performed 6 DI uplinks/downlinks; supported/troubleshot 34 CT/12 x-ray systems--safeguarded $5M assets/cut MTTR 2hrs

    - Prepared 8 pts for exams/per DI protocols; monitored O2 saturation levels--ensured safe conds/ mx'd discomfort/anx/pts

    - Rebooted/troubleshot 5 DI systems; sorted 11 comm/lang issues/created script--enabled accurate/reliable studies/73K pts

    - Revamped 10 QC protocols; maintained accuracy/ consistent prod stds--98% avg/guaranteed 817K DI ops/6.2K hrs

    - Secured 120 hrs of OJT for DI; mentored 7 peers--77K exams performed/ zero backlogs/100% quality standards

    - Scheduled 20 add'l CT sign-offs; performed 106 DI x-ray studies--saved MTF $78K in referrals/100% qlty ratings

    - Supervised current DI methods/techniques; trained 12 New Members/revamped controls--ensured 1.6K ops/mntd qlty snds

    - Completed MARS rounds/prepared DI equip for future exams; carb'd 0 issues w/possible damage--enabled 358 pt exams/no delays

    - Oversaw 70K studies; created 2 s/w solutions/automated imaging processes--saved MTF 22 hrs/rect'd $1M loss in rad ops

    - Ensured 10 DI systems/eng compliance; tested 25 outlets/96% pass rate--guaranteed 682K ops/maint'd qlty stnds

    - Compiled 8 DI QA testing reports; trained 7 members on proper QA--safeguarded $7.5M AF assets/cut MTTR 3 hrs

    - Earned 16 DQS DI certifications/mastered principles/techniques imaging--excelled for 321 hrs/implemented new qlty standards

    - Litigated 15 msn CT guidelines; updated 37 DI standards/cataloged data--guaranteed 945K ops/maint'd qlty snds

    - Reviewed 16 exams/corrected 9 discrepancies; updated/validated PACS--8K ops/96% avg/no backlogs/mnt'd qlty stnds

    - Led 15 DI QA processes/training sessions; nailed down 0 incidents w/calibration--ensured 2M ops w/o disruption/99% qlty

    - Compiled 15 DI serv/facility checks; tested 38 outlets/93% pass rate--guaranteed 612K ops/maint'd qlty standards

    - Conducted 8 radiological labs/ULTRASOUND life-saving techniques; mentored 5 team members--12K pts served/improved toolsets

    - Scheduled 12 radiology exams/DAY; coordinated 15 imaging procedures--enabled 862 ops/zero backlogs/no delays

    - Monitored DI unit upkeep/ servicing; tracked 10 MTF protocols--safeguarded $8M AF assets/cut MTTR 3 hrs

    - Performed 3 DI equip/facility checklists; updated/validated PACS--safeguarded 1K ops/mnt'd qlty stnds

    - Revised 17 DI x-ray protocols; documented 57 s/w issues/created script--enabled 9K QA tests/minimized errors/saved hrs

    - Employed over 10 diagnositic imaging modalities; conducted 6,000+ exams/procedures--awarded Flt Mx/Prof award

    - Established of student radiographer training prgm; qualified 10 Amn/certified in State of Calif--awarded Grp Mx/Prof award

    - Exhibited technical expertise/diagnosis of 250+ common orthopedic pathology cases--collected/reviewed 50+ images

    - Facilitated continuing ed of all staff; held quarterly training prgm's--mastered 60+ radiographic techniques

    - Supervised/trained 3 Amn in 20+ radiological procedures; scored 96% pass rate & ensured operational tempo

    - Validated $4M equipment upgrade f/3K sq; developed RMKs/installed equipment--processed 5K+ exams w/99.9% SLA

    - Appraised/altered 17 WGS 81 SOPs; reconciled 110 stand-alone directives--facilitated process improv. of up to 70%

    - Authored/implemented 10 MTLs; assessed 70 regulatory changes--promoted personnel compliance & continuity

    - Conducted 320+ radiologic exams; swiflty/accurately d/t'd findings--orchestrated/re-structured 24K queries

    - Deployed to Iraq; monitored qlty/integrity of 40+ systems--prevented $1M Flt discrepancies f/expired equipment

    - Developed 5 DI prgm modalities; demonstrated proficiency in MRI/CT w/0 errors--enabled 33K sq performing qlty exams

    - Diagnosed 20+ lucent chest X-ray findings; applied knowledge in radiology to detect abnormalities--uncover'd 6 fractures

    - Directed/coordinated 7 DI elements; assessed/vldtd 5K X-ray procedures/exams--maintained 99.3% accuracy across Flt

    - Executed tng for 10 Techs in 5K s/w; led 7 certification prgms --ensured 100% compliance w/ARRT standards

    - Implemented qlty control program for 70+ TMs; conducted audits--mitigated up to 7% error rate in DI procedures

    - Inspected 5K s/w/equipment; verified operability of $2M implants--administered 1K+ exams/procedures w/100% accuracy

    - Managed 6 Airmen in DI prgm; supervised 90+ radiology studies--promoted prgm effectiveness & job satisfaction

    - Monitored security/navigational aid equipment; identified/calibrated 40+ radars--safeguarded $8M budgetary flt

    - Operated 3K s/w; planned/executed 550+ exams/procedures--achieved 98.7% patient satisfaction rate across Flt

    - Orchestrated logistical moves of 75K sq; coordinated w/3K orgs--ensured $3M equipment readiness f/deployment

    - Oversaw 5 prgms/pmts; identified 250+ issues--restored $1M effciency in DI procedures & operations

    - Planned/coordinated 5K/s/w; acquired/validated 24K systems--integrated 4K+ beds/exams into DI operations

    - Procured 5K s/w; negotiated $2M contracts/upgrade of 3K sq--enabled 13K sq prfrm 200+ wkly exams

    - Processed 25K s/w; conducted monthly inspections/evaluations--extended lives of $5M in DI equipment by 6 mos

    - Provided recommendations to 100+ prgms/pmts; identified 500+ requirements--overhauled $2M in DI proficiencies

    - Streamlined/standardized DI prgms/pmts; developed/implemented 5 systems--slashed $1M from DI budgeting

    - Keenly managed resources; replaced x-ray eqpmt/develop'd new training curriculum--saved 12K in med svs/yr

    - Leveraged tech skills; trouble-shoot/repair'd 9 x-ray/fluoro/CT scanners--recovered $1.8M in pt svcs/yr

    - Mastered EKG & CT systems; prep'd pt assessment/disposition & exam time mgmt--provided 10K patients w/high quality care

    - Mentored & led 18 personnel; guided workflow pocs/monitor'd eqpmt performance--reduced exam times 50%/yr

    - Monitored safety standards; ensured strict compliance w/NCRP & ALARA--6K pts safe from/unnecessary radiation exposure

    - Verifed proper imaging protocols; oversaw 10K exams/facilitated peer-to-peer review--contributed to 25% increase in accuracy

    - Optimized quality controls; updated guidelines/trained 10 Airmen--reduced patient expires 2%/saved $250K in med svs

    - Performed 7.2K diagnostic imaging exams; ran 6K exams w/DR & CR--mitigated potential medical risks & improved accuracy

    - Leveraged new software to streamline equipment management practices across base; saved $110K in cost avoidance

    - Managed scheduling of over 600 diagnostic imaging appointments per day; received commendation from MTF Quality Assurance

    - Mentored 2 personnel on clinical medical technology & introduced new workflow in Imaging department--QA cert refused any findings

    - Opined DI Equipment Certification Plan to supervisor; updated/reviewed “Repair & Replacement" form/10 eqpmt--fluidly replaced defective mtrl w/o shutdowns/lost revenue

    - Coord'd staff competencies & img equip testing/calibrated MRI/CAT scanners--effct'd 80% decrease in scan errors

    - Authored new digital workflow prgm/trng guide--20 personnel/400 hrs made 95% successful transition to PACS system

    - Schedul'd 4 OR techs/18 hrs; organized simultaneous shoots/8 pts/no loss of services--saved $12K/yr in comm costs

    - Adapt'd new machinery; built TQM prgm & OR cross-checks--reduced OR service failure/maint'd 99% accuracy/200 pts

    - Established proper protocol w/surgeons; encouraged patient feedback--100% satisfaction rating/300 surveys results

    - Orchard'd latest tech; app'd modalities/600+ scans/x-ray room--spt'd 200+ exams per day/performed 75 CT scans

    - Lead a 3-month digital imaging trng prgm/7 personnel--increased productivity/30 hrs/1000 images/upgraded machines

    - Act'd as OR tech f/MRI/CAT scans; implemented procedure/tech specialist--maint'd equip operation/10 hrs/integrity data

    - Train'd user guides/simplified imaging operations--DR accuracy raisd 25%, OR staff/200 hrs/500 images/1000 CT scans

    - Orgainz'd CFT; partnered w/surgeon to double patient care/no loss of data--achieved 'Excellence' distinction/200 spcls

    - Coord'd medical staff proj's; developed time management prgm f/OR techs--raised tech efficiency/50 hrs/400 scans/yr

    - Develop'd program/no radiation exposure--scanned 10 pts/no adverse reactions--saved $10K in surgical costs/yr

    - Prep'd MRI/CAT flights exams; oversaw records custodian duties--assisted w/1000 scans/400 hrs/maint'd QA/QC

    - Lead radiologist; partnered w/9 medical personnel/200 hrs--maint'd equipment safety & accuracy/700 scans

    - Devised new procedure/pushed imaging accuracy--x-ray techs/10 hrs/1000 images/raised DR guarantees/400 pts

    - Advised nurses/OR techs; clarified CT/MRI regs & set protocol--achieved 90% accuracy/175 scans/200 hrs

    - Established service network; standardized tech operations & trng prgm--spt'd 75 pts/saved 20K in labor costs

    - Negotiated to reduce OT; updated x-ray trng guide w/CT/MRI--extend'd equip/200 hrs/150 exams/performed 500 scans

    - Upstream'd tech feedback; partnered w/radiologist to update records--raised DR accuracy 75%, solved 100% of discrepancies

    - Served as OR chief; implemented procedure/tech specialist--maint'd integ/stability/400 hrs/1000 scans/zero malfunctions

    - Led imaging resource mgmt; increased team coverage/downed OT costs--achieved 95% accuracy/9K exams/350 hrs/month

    - Coord'd safety initiative; analyzed tech operations & insured imaging continuity--overhauled eqpmt/300 hrs/11K scans

    - Authored PTL tasking guide; enforced process w/3 imager/no surplus usage--saved $20K/yr in labor costs/200 hrs

    - Implemented new policy/advised radiologist/200 hrs--rad techs/raised DR accry 90%/spt'd 100 CT scans/300 hrs

    - Overhauled trng prgm; authored tasking guide & upgraded imaging eqpmt--saved $10K/yr/300 hrs/100 scans/3K images

    - Contributed to MRI operations; assisted w/image building/CAT/200 hrs--raised DR accuracy 75%, solved 100% of discrepancies

    - Built budget plans/minimized resource costs--Supervised 8 OR techs/1000 scans/300 hrs/saved $25K/yr in labor costs

    - Develop'd cosine grid imaging geometry/improved scanner speed/safety--performed 500 scans w/o delay/400 pts/5K images

    - Led imaging team/8 PTLs; enforced new policy/upgraded equipment--saved $5K/yr/400 hrs/21K scans/zero malfunction

    - Aligned trng guide/tasking regs; trained imaging techs/new eqpmt--raised DR accuracy/400 hrs/150 exams/performed 200 scans

    - Orgainz'd PI f/Flt peer rvw; encouraged feedback/300 surveys--spt'd 6000 patients/maintain'd credentials x15 providers

    - Established on-call prgm/8 personnel/200 hrs--reduced OT costs/zero loss of services/performed 500 scans/400 pts/2K images

    - Orchard'd imaging eqp't; refurbish'd x-ray/CAT suite--spt'd 200+ exams per day/400 hrs/zero malfunctions/500 scans

    - Reconfigured MRI bay; revamped lounge/updated lobby/instilled efficient workflow--cut proc times 10 mins in 3 mos

    - Redesigned cath lab flow; mapped/timeline'd 22 proc's aligned w/first come--heighten'd staff situational aware by 78%

    - Revamped U/S section; inb'd 2K sq ft/trained 5 staff/assigned shifts--increased weekly appts by 30+ in 6 mos

    - Reverse engineer'd 10 devices; instru'd 15 Amn/8 qtrs/laid out 14K parts--safeguarded patient safety during pandemic

    - Streamlined AAAA process; reduced backlog by 88%/conduct'd 4 workshops--increased input accuracy 99% to CMS

    - Tec'd $9M fluoroscope; executed biannual pm/recal-ibrated 28 checks--saved $650K in eqpmt lifetime cost

    - Trained 15 prsnl/2 shifts; revised/updated Rad SOP Reqs/evolved SOPs/procedures--raised section qualty/control

    - Troubleshot control pnl; examined/tested 38 comp's/replac'd defunct parts--maximized machine resources/up'd output

    - Updated 8 protocols; revised 5 safety measures/ensured compliance f/27 prsnl--decreased misfires 30% in 7mths

    - Validated/certified 6 techs; demonstrat'd diagnosis techniqs\/sched exam/coord'd 60K slides--earn'd Team Excellence Award

    - Vigorously monitored procedures; inspected/validated 100Amn/ implements 3 protocls--hastened test times 4.6%

    - X-Rayed 4K pathology slides; exam'd/processed 80 slides/qtr--revved up patient turnaround 80% in 1 yr

    - Zonked risk mgt prgm; reas'd 1422 risks/formed 7 teams/advocate'd improvement--increased compliances by 49%

    - Processed 700 exams; monitored DICOM/modality equip/req'd QA tests--secured optimal scan performance for desired images

    - Produced 3K digital images; updated x-ray equip/integrated PACS--moderniz'd imaging dept & secured $575K in care

    - Produced/maintain'd daily stats; f/radiology/ultrasound/CT scans--engineered $6M med care/$175K acute patient care

    - Proficiently administered 3D imags; spfy'd practice/deliver'd $1.3M med care--contributed to 99% pt satisfaction

    - Programmed/mantained PACS; validated stored images f/perf specs/determ'd encoding strats--synchronized w/67K images

    - Progressed 3K DI exams; updated c-arm equip. optmz'd operations/$2M patient care--contributed to diag accuracy rate of 98%

    - Provided staff development; managed team of 21 technologists—built imaging team/promoted $270M med care

    - Quality control; supplemented 2K exams/verified results/archived data--instrumental to $400K in med care

    - Re-aligned PACS; created/validated DG data set/populated library x 3wks--produced $2.2M in patient care

    - Recalibrated 10 x-ray equip; ensured radiation protection/eliminated hidden failure points--produced $3M in proc'd care

    - Reorganized DI; trnd 10 personnel/maintain'd 75 systems/enhanced ops--contributed to 8.2K pt exams/$6.9M med care

    - Researched vendor/procedure recipes; set & upgraded protocols/coord'd Technologist--generated $1.3M in reliable imaging

    - Resolved 16 system variations; updated IT aps & corrected outputs--solidified access to 10K x-rays/secured $2.9M med care

    - Secured 200+ equipment evaluations; validated x-ray equip/verified technologist performance--procured $635K in pt care

    - Served as lead technologist/mentor; managed 3 imaging depts/trnd 45 personnel--contributed towards $2.4M in med svcs

    - Spearheaded PACS rollout; procured funds/coord'd w/vendor for 3wk testing--instituted $1M in hvy equip/radiology svcs

    - Streamlined equip. maintenance; op'd x-ray suites/ensured calibrations/cleanliness--elevated 12K pt exams/$2.5M in care

    - Streamlined daily ops; automated equip/trnd 16 personnel/utilized ACR standards--yielded $850K in imaging/radiopacity studies

    - Validated modality functions; validated equip/examined images/scrutinized results--engineered $2M in patient care

    - Verified 75 radiologic equip/provided pre/post exams/logged test results--supported transfer of 10K images/procured $3.4M in care

    - Verified imaging orders; implemented new procedures/promoted med protocols--generated $1M in imaging services

    - Vouched for 15K images; revised archiving system/updated PACS/CAI--procured $2.5M in patient care procedures

    - Volunteered at Health Fair; taught community children radiation safety/answered questions--helped w/awareness/prevention

    - Worked w/vendors; upgraded 10 equip/installed new tech/validate'd images--procured $440K in imaging services/saved $2M in costs

    - Transitioned 200+ accts; merged Divisional database/affiliated DOD orgs--ensured accuracy/availability to 14 users

    - Updated exam tracking s/w; integrated 6 new productivity ftrs/28 dupe updates--secured data trans inaccuracy rate<5%

    - Updated imaging database; conv'd 8K legacy accts/overhauled phys info log--seamlessly migrated $145K in existing data

    - Upgraded OR suites; retrofitted capex/recommended 14 prds/upgrade equip--enabled 72 mos imaging pvs/recouped $2M

    - Utilized advanced tools; evaluated 1.2K digital images/clear script symbols--trouble shot 1K hrs to improve ops accuracy

    - Validated 64 accts; maximized data accuracy/amended HIPPA status--enhanced workflow integrity by 20%

    - Verified 25 MRI results; isolated irregularities/repaired medication errors--exceeded 1YR QC avg by 25%

    - Visualized clinical data; collected 1.3K imaging scans within 22K scans--minimized oxy catory's transition overlap by 80%

    - Warranted procedure appropriateness; analyzed 8K films/verified CMS criteria--saved pharmacy 25% on non-beneficial orders

    - Wrote software setup script; designed comprehensive X-Ray topology tests--enabled total mobile DI systems functionality

    - Analyzed cross connects for MDG; identified pts needing follow ups--ensured continuity of care for 2.3K patients

    - Developed x-ray practice protocol; define appropriate standard of care--ensured radiologists met quality assurance goals

    - Drafted new language in SOP's; reviewed/revised DI clerk job descriptions--solidified DI components to AFSC 4R0X1 level

    - Edited 15 AQP plans; developed accurate verbiage/cascading structure--simplified 8K+ pt's access to care program

    - Granted x-ray approval to pharmacists; inspected records of 3K pharmacy prescriptions--ensured only beneficial meds dispensed

    - Managing protocols/standardized DI exams; delegated workload to 22 DI technologists--increased thru-put by 14%

    - Monitored 25 pts; researched medical history/enhanced validation protocol--maintained xx% accuracy for 10K prescriptions

    - Negotiated licensing agreement; identified funds for specialized DI software--saved 15K in IT expenses/increased clinic efficiency

    - Overhauled PACS system; devised 4 new imaging processes--shortened wait times for 5K eligible beneficiaries by 30%

    - Restructured DI workflow; optimized equipment utilization ratios--streamlined 1.2K billing cycles/saved $68K

    - Scripted 12 DI Pt processes; compensated 50% of technical staff availability--fulfilled 8K imaging procedures/maint'd 67% FC

    - Trained 30+ personnel on logistics and mission capabilities of imaging systems; ensured 95% mission success rate

    - Assisted with imaging modality instals; reduced labor costs by 30%--enabled operation of all 4 modalities

    - Conducted imaging systems process improvement projects; updated manuals/handbooks with regulatory changes

    - Adjusted operating techniques across 5 imaging systems; increased operational accuracy by 15%

    - Implemented a system upgrade to radiology equipment and accessories; enhanced patient safety by reducing radiation dosages

    - Tested malfunctioning components of diagnostic imaging systems and identified solutions; saved $50K in repair costs

    - Liaised with medical staff and equipment vendors to ensure timely delivery/installation of new imaging systems

    - Maintained diagnostic imaging equipment and accessories; avoided $100K in repair costs by catching defects earlier

    - Developed health physics training procedures for new hires; streamlined skills validation for 100% of staff

    - Developed and implemented planned maintenance program for imaging systems; improved average uptime by 20%

    - Supervised imaging maintenance and repair technicians on complex operations; provided improved services with less downtime

    - Maintained site specific imaging system inventory; reduced imaging system downtime by 50%

    - Developed and updated imaging system standard operating procedure; zero errors reported in regular inspections

    - Participated in joint research projects examining radiation safety and imaging standards; identified areas for improvement

    - Collaborated with outside consultants in the development of new radiology protocols; incorporated feedback into new standards

    - Streamlined workflow associated with the operation of essential imaging equipment; increased efficiency by 20%

    - Responsible for the performance assessment of imaging systems; identified solutions to reduce variations

    - Managed daily operations of the imaging laboratory; reduced personnel costs by 15%

    - Developed and implemented staff training program to ensure imaging compliance; raised passing rate from 70% to 90%

    - Installed upgrades to imaging technology to improve safety and overall performance; reduced equipment malfunctions

    - Evaluated imaging staff for specialized duty assignment; identified weaknesses in current training program

    - Coordinated with support specialists to ensure that imaging systems undergo regular maintenance; extended average service life by 40%

    - Monitored and documented imaging system performance; decreased errors by 17%

    - Implemented new image sharing software; reduced data transfer time by 75%

    - Developed department technical support plan; identified potential solutions to minimize downtime

    - Researched new imaging systems, components, and service contracts; saved up to 25% in costs

    - Developed new SOPs and risk assessment protocols related to radiation safety; continuous compliance

    - Optimized imaging systems and protocols to meet customer expectations; received rave reviews from management

    - Repaired malfunctioning components of diagnostic imaging systems; improved efficiency and reliability

    - Developed and maintained system functionality documentation; identified solutions to reduce errors

    - Managed and negotiated contracts with imaging system vendors; saved up to 20% in costs