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Professional / Unprofessional Relationships

This article will provide you with the complete questions and answers for CBT Professional / Unprofessional Relationships


The actions in response to unprofessional relationships should normally be the least severe necessary to terminate unprofessional aspects of relationship.


Unprofessional relationships result in or reasonably create an appearance of ___.

-all of the above

What item(s) would be considered unprofessional between officers and enlisted?

-all of the above

Commanders and supervisors should tailor the application and enforcement of the principles concerning unprofessional relationships in order to appropriately address unique situations that may arise from part-time service given by members of the Reserves and National Guard.


Personnel providing treatment, care and counseling will not accept sexual overtures from persons receiving their services.


Unprofessional relationships can exist between ___.

-All of the above

All personnel should be briefed on concepts of unprofessional relationships and fraternization at least semi-annually


Under normal circumstances, officers and enlisted can share living accommodations.


What term describes personal interaction that adds to morale, discipline and respect for authority?

-Professional relationship

Administrative actions for unprofessional relationships include, but are not limited to, counseling, reprimand or reassignment.


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Professional relationships are those interpersonal relationships consistent with what Air Force core values?

-all of the above

What term is used to describe a personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force and prejudices good order and discipline, discredits the armed services, or operates to the personal disgrace or dishonor of the officer involved?


What article in the Uniform Code of Military Justice covers fraternization?


Air Force members must avoid relationships that negatively affect morale, discipline, respect for authority and unit cohesion.


A close personal relationship between members can become unprofessional if one member ___.

-becomes the rater of the other member

Which of the following is subject to action under the UCMJ for unprofessional relationships?

-Officer and enlisted personnel

Supervisors may frequently accept large loans from individuals they supervise.


The policy on professional relationships recognizes that there are times when safety or operating conditions will warrant exceptions to the general rules. The senior officer present in these circumstances should define the acceptable bounds and set standards to maintain morale, good order and discipline.


According to Air Force policy, officers will not engage in sexual relations with or date enlisted members.


What Air Force Instruction covers professional and unprofessional relationships?


 Which ethical principle is closely associated with the maxim, primum non nocere - first do no harm?


What principle obliges us to equally distribute benefits, risks, costs, and resources?


What are the standards of conduct for professional societies usually called?

Codes of ethics

Restricting care or curtailing services to the community is an example of which category of healthcare ethics?


Under what category of healthcare ethics would you expect to find a moral framework for decision making that would permit the refinement of principles, rules, and judgments?


True or False: Identifying cases unlike the one you are encountering and seeking out information on how these were resolved is a method to resolve a conflict between personal and professional ethics.


True or False: Critical Evaluation is one of the critical virtues in healthcare
