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Air Force Risk Management Fundamentals

This Article will prove you with the Complete Questions and Answers to Air Force Risk Management Fundamentals


Risk Management is strictly the responsibility of the commander.



Which Air Force Risk Management process involves the 5-step process and is used when there is a sufficient time to plan an event or activity.



In assessing hazards, which elements make up the cross-matrix comparison to determine a risk level?

-Severity, Exposure, and Probability


When is Real-Time Risk Management used?

-During an operation or activity whether on- or off- duty.


Real-Time Risk Management is used:

-When there is little time or no time to plan. Often used during the execution phase of an operation where an unplanned change occurs and must be managed. It’s easily applied to on- and off- duty situations.


Which of the following is not one of the four Risk Management principles?

-Apply the process cyclically and continuously


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Every Airman has the right and responsibility to call a “knock it off” or “time out” at any time during an operation or activity should he/she feel a concern for safety.



What is the goal when making risk control decisions?

-The best level of risk for the total mission/activity.


The decision to accept risk should be made at:

-The appropriate level


The five steps of the Air Force Risk Management process are:

-Identify hazards, analyze risk control measures, assess risk levels, make risk decisions, and plan risk avoidance.


The Real-Time Risk Management method, ABCD, is an easy tool designed to assist individuals to quickly recall Risk Management steps during the execution phase of an activity.



A good decision making system will:

-All of the above.


What are the fundamental goals of Risk Management?

-To enhance mission/activity effectiveness, preserve assets, and safeguard health and welfare.


What is the purpose of feedback and lessons learned in the RM process?

-It provides data for decision makers and personnel to evaluate an operation/activity and to determine if RM strategies need to be modified for future efforts (on- or off- duty)


What are the two primary levels of the Air Force Risk Management?

-Deliberate and Real-Time


What is the Wingman concept as it relates to Risk Management?

-A commitment between Airmen to watch over one another, accomplish the mission/activity and keep each other safe.


Even high-risk endeavors may be undertaken when there is clear knowledge that the sum of the benefits exceed the sum of the overall costs. Risk management is about controlling risks, not avoiding all risks.



What type of risk is acceptable in the risk management process?

-A necessary risk with benefits that outweigh the costs


Risk Management is only meant to be used on-duty?



Risk management involves sound decision-making accountability and flexibility.



What three tools are typically used to identify hazards?

-5M model, Preliminary Hazard Analysis, and What-If Tool


Risk management is really about accountability, wingmanship, and communication.



Risk management is a proactive decision making process to determine the best course of action in order to accomplish a mission/activity and preserve Air Force assets.



Which level of Risk management is most often used in the workplace?



A hazard is defined as:

-Any real or potential condition that can cause mission/activity degradation; injury, illness, or death to personnel; or damage to or loss of equipment or property.