DTS Travel Policy

What is not true about DoD travel policy?
An AO can approve payment for items not addressed by the JTR.

When the AO approves a rental car for the traveler's use at the TDY location, which of the following is not a valid use of that official rental car?
Travel to visit relatives on non-duty days

What is not true about booking official flights?
You should always try to select the least expensive flight.

What is one of the advantages of the GSA City Pair flights?
Discounted, capacity-controlled seats are available on every flight.

Which of the following statements about using a POV on official travel is true?
-If official travelers ride together, only the traveler paying the vehicle operating expenses can claim a mileage allowance.

All of the following individuals are going TDY to U.S. installations. The AO can direct most of them to use Government quarters or privatized lodging, but which individual is not required to stay in either Government quarters or privatized lodging?
A DoD civilian employee at a non-ILPP location

Which of the following is not included in the per diem rate when traveling in CONUS?
Lodging tax

A uniformed member is TDY to a U.S. installation, will be staying in Government quarters, and has all three meals available in a Government dining facility. Which meal rate will apply to the traveler?
Government Meal Rate

Which statement is not true about receipts?
You must supply receipts for all trip expenses you claimed on the voucher.

Which of the following statements is true?
The JTR must mention an item in order for the AO to approve you to receive reimbursement for it.

Which of the following is not a travelers responsibility?
Traveler must use DTS to arrange their pcs travel

If a traveler has a gtcc, they must split disburse their trip reimbursement. What two entities split the reimbursement?
Traveler and gtcc vendor

Which of these statements accurately describes a DTS role?
The NDEA is able to enter and sign DTS vouchers on the traveler's behalf

Which is not a method of updating your DTS profile?
Using the trip tools administrative feature on the DTS dashboard

Which item on the DTS dashboard would a travel clerk use to assist travelers with their travel documents?
Traveler lookup in the quick links drop-down menu

A traveler needs to claim reimbursement for their transportation cost and payment of their per diem allowances which travel document would they use

Which of the following statements is not true about DTS's security features?
You need permission level 5 to access others travel documents

Which of the following is not a responsibility of the authorizing official
Ensuring that self registration profile request are accepted in a timely manner

Which of the following is a source of dod travel regulations
Joint travel regulations

What entity contracted by DoD organizations to book and ticket travel reservations
Travel management company

Which of the following is not a traveler responsibility?

Travelers must use DTS to arrange their TDY travel.

Travelers must use DTS to arrange their PCS travel. X

Travelers must follow the regulations in the DoD FMR.

Travelers must follow the regulations in the JTR.

If a traveler has a GTCC, they must split disburse their trip reimbursement. What two entities split the reimbursement?

Traveler & TMC

TMC & traveler’s organization

GTCC vendor & traveler’s organization

Traveler & GTCC vendor X

Which of these statements accurately describes a DTS role?

The LDTA is an optional role; when used, it is subordinate to an ODTA.

The TMC approves authorizations; the AO approves vouchers.

The BDTA oversees DTS personal profiles for multiple organizations.

The NDEA is able to enter and sign DTS vouchers on the traveler’s behalf X

Which is not a method for updating your DTS personal profile?

Using the Update Personal Profile option on the DTS Dashboard

Using the Trip Tools administrative feature on the DTS Dashboard X

Via the Profile Validation screen when creating your first travel document

Via the Additional Options section of an active travel document

Which item on the DTS Dashboard would a travel clerk use to assist travelers with their travel documents?

Travel Document selector in the My Travel Documents area

Administration submenu in the Administrative Functions menu

Traveler Lookup in the Quick Links drop-down menu X

Travel Tools located in the Administrative Functions menu

A traveler needs to claim reimbursement for their transportation costs and payment of their per diem allowances. Which travel document would they use?

Voucher X


Local voucher

Group authorization

Which of the following statements is not true about DTS’s security features?

You must accept the Privacy and Ethics Policy to log onto DTS.

Your CAC and PIN allow you to digitally sign travel documents.

You need permission level 5 to access others’ travel documents. X

You must supply your CAC and PIN in order to log onto DTS.

Which of the following is not a responsibility of the Authorizing Official?

Ensuring that official travel is only undertaken to accomplish an official mission

Ensuring that the traveler adhered to all DoD travel and financial regulations

Ensuring that self-registration profile requests are accepted in a timely manner X

Ensuring that adequate funds are available to cover the cost of a TDY

Which of the following is a source of DoD travel regulations?

Defense Table of Official Distances

Authorizing Official Checklist

Travel Policy Compliance Tool

Joint Travel Regulations X

What is the entity contracted by DoD organizations to book and ticket travel reservations?

Military Airlift Command

Transportation Office

Defense Travel Management Office

Travel Management Company X