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Rapid damage assessment (RDA) course (formally ADAT)

Who is the Rapid Airfield Damage Assessment System (RADAS) team lead?
The engineering technician

True or False. A camouflet is considered a type of crater.

How far from the pavement edge are pavement Reference Marking System (PMRS) markers placed?
25 to 50 feet

Who is the minimum Airfield Operating Surface (MAOS) selection cell subordinate to?
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Director

How many personnel are required to assemble and erect the Rapid Airfield Damage Assessment System (RADAS) antenna and radio tripod?

What is essential during damage assessment for the success of subsequent airfield damage repair activities?
Speed and accuracy

True or false. Assembly of all RADAS, GCS, and LRZ assets must be accomplished prior to an attack.

What would most likely contribute to errors in reporting the size, position, and identification of UXO and damage?
Restricted visibility due to vehicle armor protection

What is the rule for reading or reporting MGRS coordinates?
Always read to the Right, then up
How many GeoExPT or NIPRnet computer stations are located in the GCS?

What are the two faces of Reconnaissance?
Initial reconnaissance and detailed damage assessment

What are the two solution sets for RDA?

Why are damage assessment routes and checkpoints predetermined during attack preparation?
To expedite the assessment process

Who is usually the ADAT lead?
The senior team member

Which is not one of the basic rules when using a PMRS?
End point rule

Who determines the exact number of ADATs?
The base civil engineer (BCE)

Which types of damage are typically reported as single coordinate damage?
Craters, camouflet and UXO

Depending on the level of damage, detailed damage assessment may be extremely time consuming and

Who is responsible for safe travel around UXO?
The senior EOD technician

Who is responsible for monitoring environmental conditions and for taking down the RADAS antenna mast if conditions become unsafe?
The small unmanned Aircraft system Operators (SUAS-Os)

What happens if the RADAS can’t fly over all the airfield operating surfaces?
It is augmented by ADATs

Large craters are _____ in diameter.
20 feet

Who is the RADAS team lead?
The engineering technician

Who digitizes damage as part of the RADAS team?
The engineering technician