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Force Protection ZZ133079 - Level 1 Antiterrorism Awareness Training

Q: Which of the following statements are true of terrorism? Select ALL that apply.:
A: Terrorism is deliberate, Terrorism is used to cause fear, Terrorism can be used to intimidate governments, Terrorism can be used in an effort to achieve political or ideological goals

Q: Scenario. TSgt Brown is assigned overseas and is planning a vacation to a nearby country. She remembers from her Force Protection training that there are eight factors she should consider to understand terrorist threats. From the following list, choose THREE terrorist threat factors that TSgt Brown should consider before going on her vacation.
A: Are there any terrorist groups in the area?
Will the local population warn Americans?
Is the reported terrorist group predictable?

Q: What are the terrorism threat levels regional and local US commanders assign for specific personnel, family members, units, and installations? Select ALL that apply.
A: Low, Moderate, Significant, High

Q: What FPCON level applies when specific information is received about an increased, more predictable terrorist threat regarding an unknown installation and requiring steps be taken to deter terrorist planning that may affect daily operations?
A: Bravo

Q: How do terrorists select their targets? Select ALL that apply.
A: Location, Opportunity, Vulnerable groups, Perception of importance

Q: What can you do as part of your daily activities to defend against terrorism? Select all that apply.
A: Plan ahead and choose safe options, control access and maintain security, be anonymous by blending in with your surroundings, be unpredictable with your routines, routes and times, be aware of your surroundings by looking for suspicious person/activities.

Q: In a situation where you are being held by deadly force, how should you respond? Select all that apply.
A: Respond to questions in a calm, respectful manner; allow the captor to search your hotel room or personal items.

Q: SrA Rios is planning to take a train from Germany to Italy for vacation. What antiterrorism practices should he adhere to in an effort to reduce his chances of being singled out for an attack? Select ALL that apply.
A: Report any suspicious activity. Keep his compartment door locked at all times. Have a plan to move from one secure location to another

Q: SSgt Kiernan will be staying at a hotel in downtown San Francisco to enjoy her last two days in the US before departing for her overseas tour. What antiterrorism measures should she take, if any, while staying in a city she has only dreamt about? Select ALL that apply.
A: Avoid any public disturbances and political demonstrations. Walk around and inspect her rental car for tampering prior to entering it - every time. Do not accept an unexpected parcel delivered to her hotel room - have delivery person take it to the front desk staff.

Q: What actions should be taken by someone who has inhaled a chemical agent? Select ALL that apply.
A: Move upwind to an area with good ventilation. Cover as much of your body as possible. Seek medical attention. Contact authorities.