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JKO Medical Readiness (JSEMI) Questions and Answers

The AFMS maintains a "global medical readiness" capability to support the full spectrum of medical operations which include

- Contingency operations
- Humanitarian assistance
- Disaster health engagement
- Global health engagement
* Partnerships - Stability Operations

The Designed Operational Capability (DOC) statement is a summary of ______________________________

A unit's mission and resources for which it has been organized, designed, and equipped.

The Designed Operational Capability (DOC) statement also defines the missions of the unit and identifies the number and mix of ________________________ that the unit maintains

Unit Type Codes (UTCs)

A Unit Type Code (UTC) is a predefined, standardized grouping of __________________ to provide a specific capability

manpower and/or equipment

The Medical Resource Letter (MRL) provides each unit with:

- UTCs apportioned to the unit
- AEF Indicator for each UTC
- Whether UTCs are manpower and/or equipment
- UTCs the unit is projected to gain or lose over the next 5 years

The Medical Resource Letter (MRL) is derived from the Unit Manpower Document (UMD). Occasionally the UMD does not support the UTC requirements. This is known as a _____________________

UMD Mismatch

A standard UTC has a ___________________

- Mission Capability (MISCAP) Statement
- Manpower or Logistics Detail
- D=Deployable, standard UTC configuration

A non-standard UTC des not fit into existing standard deployable capabilities and does not have a __________________

- Capability does not fit into existing standard deployable UTC
- No Mission Capability (MISCAP) Statement
- Typically identified as "FFZZZ"
- A=Associate, authorizations not contained in standard UTC

Three types of substitutions can be made when filling UTC positions on the MRL. They are:

2. Grade/rank
3. Skill level

Officer grade substitution are:

One grade up or one grade down

Enlisted skill-level substitutions are up _______________skill level or down _______________ skill level and are based on the enlisted member's ________________


AFSC substitutions are listed in the _____________________

1. MISCAP Statement
2. WMP, Vol. 1, Medical Supplement

A deployment reclama, a request for reconsideration of a tasking, is submitted for two reasons:

1. Personnel/equipment not available
2. Severe mission impact

What are some options to offset the deployment of a clinician?

a) Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)
b) Clinical Management
-Empanelment review
-Nurse advice/triage line
-Special population considerations
c) Manning Assistance (AD assistance)
d) ARC backfill

Category II, Readiness Skills Training, enables medics to perform the functions of their ________________ in a deployed setting.


Category III, UTC Readiness Training is for personnel assigned to ______________

Standard deployable UTCs

What system is used to track Medical Readiness training?

Medical Readiness Decision Support System-Unit Level Tracking and Reporting Application (MRDSS-ULTRA)

What exercises are mandated by AFI 41-106, Medical Readiness Program Management?

a) Recalls
b) Medical Emergency Response Exercises

What is the AF's supporting document to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan?

AF War & Mobilization Plan (WMP)

The Installation Emergency Management Plan is base level plan that provides guidance for emergency response to physical threats resulting from:

-Major accidents
-Natural disasters / severe weather events
-Conventional attacks
-Terrorist attack
-CBRN attacks

The Medical Contingency Response Plan provides procedures for the unit's _____________

Emergency response missions identified in the IEMP (Installation Emergency Management Plan) 10-2

The three types of Readiness Reporting are:

1. Resource Readiness
-Air Force Input Tool (AF-IT) via DRRS

2. UTC Readiness
-AEF Reporting Tool (ART)

3. Capability Readiness
-Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS)

Information for Force Readiness Reporting is automatically populated and calculated based on ______________________________

Authoritative Data Sources (ADS)

The UTC readiness report focuses on the _____________of a UTC by looking at all factors (personnel, training, equipment, supplies) to determine if the UTC can ____________ its mission.

- Health
- Perform

The capability readiness report is the commander's subjective assessment using ___________________ to assess the ability to accomplish the full scope of all assigned missions

Mission Essential Tasks (METs)

The ____________________________________________ provides the structure and mechanisms for coordinating federal support to state and local governments.

National Response Framework (NRF)

The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) is an integrated federal, state, and private sector

Medical response system

What is the AF structure used to respond to all emergency management incidents?

Disaster Response Force (DRF)

In the medical group, the unit control center is known as the ___________________

Medical Control Center

Under the Defense Support to Civil Authorities, federal assets may be used under what conditions:

- Presidential declaration
- Mutual Aid Agreements
- Immediate response
- 10 day rule