I Hate CBT's

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JKO Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Questions and Answers

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) -also known as secondhand smoke- is an annoyance, but does NOT pose any health risks to those exposed to it.


Which tobacco product, if any, is considered a "safe" alternative to cigarettes?

No tobacco products are safe alternatives.

The Navy defines tobacco use as the use of smoking and smokeless tobacco.


One method to quit tobacco use is to reduce the number of cigarettes or the amount of dip you consume daily until you finally taper down to zero.


If a conflict about a smoke-free airspace arises between nonsmokers and smokers, what will happen?

Nonsmokers will prevail

Identify TWO conditions caused by cigarette smoking.

Cervical cancer, Emphysema

Identify TWO methods for quitting tobacco use.

Cold turkey, Aversive methods

It is safe for a fetus if his/her mother only smokes occasionally.


Tar is the primary reason that tobacco is so addictive.


Which cancer is the number-one cancer killer of both men and women and has been linked to cigarette smoking in 90 percent of its cases?
