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PMK-EE Professional Conduct (E-4) Questions and Answers

Navy policy dictates that individuals must NOT participate in which of the following activities?

  • Organizations that espouses supremacist causes

Of the following statements which one does NOT apply to Family Advocacy training requirements?

  • All married personnel are required to undergo family counseling within one year of marriage

Personal relationships are allowed between a Navy officer and an enlisted service member with which of the following affiliations?

  • Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Foreign Military

When questionable or unfavorable information arises for a command member with access to classified information, what program should commands utilize to report the incident(s) to DON CAF?

  • JPAS

When obtaining a temporary TOP SECRET clearance, which of the following is NOT a requirement?

  • Authorization granted by Director, Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility

Larceny of government property is covered under what Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) article?

  • 121

The general authority as a Petty Officer comes from which of the following articles?

  • Art 1037 US Navy Regulation

A summary court-martial can award confinement for what total number of days?

  • 30

The Code of Conduct is based on time-honored concepts and traditions that date back to what war.

  • American Revolution

Under what situation should a command NOT process a Sailor for Administrative Separation (ADSEP) following a treatment failure?

  • waiver obtained from NAVPERSCOM

The most important consideration to successful money management is what action?

  • Preparing and using budget

Which of the following items should you use for planning how to spend or manage your money?

  • Budget

What is the primary goal of physical readiness program?

  • To support mission readiness

Prior to an actual Physical Readiness Test, a member's official Body Composition Assessment is required to be conducted within what a)maximum b)minimum time periods?

  • a)45 days

  • b)24 hrs.

A Sailor must complete a Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire at what minimum interval?

  • Semi-Annually

Because your life is in imminent danger, you attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter. Which of the following actions should you NOT take?

  • Keep your hands visible

Antiterrorism (AT) programs employ overt security measures to establish a physical presence that creates the perception of impenetrability to do what to a threat?

  • Deter

For work on a Navy installation, Navy Safety and Occupational Health (NAVOSH) directives authorize joining what maximum number of 25-foot extension cords?

  • 2

When chipping or scraping pain, you should wear what personal protective equipment?

  • Goggles only

Navy unit reporting for fraternization incidents must be reported


Reporting directly to NCIS and adjudicating information from personnel security investigations to determine classified access eligibility is the responsibility of what agency?

  • Director, Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility (DON CAF)

Information, that if disclosed, could cause serious damage to national security, should be assigned what security classification?


The use of unlawful force or violence with the intent of inflicting bodily harm is best described by what term?

  • Assault

Which ship's document can be used in legal proceedings?

  • Deck Log

Any Sailor whom intentionally inflicts self-injury should be charged with with what Uniform Code of Military Justice article?

  • 115

Which of the following reasons is NOT qualifier for treatment failure?

  • A member who self refers themselves to a treatment facility after completion of a prior treatment

The Navy sometimes assists financially irresponsible personnel by taking which of the following actions

  • Establishing an allotment

Personnel with high debt to income ratio should be referred to what assistance/counseling specialist?

  • Command financial specialist

An Assistant Command Fitness Leader should be assigned what ratio of students?

  • 1:25

Medical waivers are valid for what maximum number of Physical Fitness Assessment cycles?

  • 1

At the beginning of each command Physical Training session personnel should take what action?

  • Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic warm-up activities

The protection of their personnel and assets from terrorist attacks is the ultimate responsibility of what member of the chain of command?

  • Commanding Officer

An ashore armed force composed of local nondeploying personnel from host and tenant organizations is known by what term?

  • Auxiliary security Force

Aboard Navy installations, motor vehicle passengers are required to always wear which of the following items?

  • Seatbelt only

Ensuring that proper measures are taken to keep machinery spaces, and equipment operational, clean, and in a satisfactory state of preservation is accomplished by which of the following types inspections conducted by a command representative?

  • Zone Inspection

Rape and forcible sodomy are best characterized by what term?

  • Sexual assault

Suicide Prevention Month is observed during which month?

  • September

Which of the following covers is authorized for wear with civilian clothing?

  • Knit watch cap

One service stripe may be worn on the left sleeve of the jumper after completion of which on the following requirements?

  • Four years active or Reserve service in any of the armed forces

On the service dress blue uniform, a Construction Apprentice should wear what color of the group rate mark?

  • Light blue

Back packs are allowed to be worn on both shoulders while wearing which of the following uniforms?

  • Navy working uniform

A Petty Officer's ball cap device should be centered and placed what specific distance above the cap's visor?

  • 1 1/4 in.

A gold oak leaf is worn on the uniform of which of the following officers?

  • Marine Major

On a Fireman Apprentice's dress blue uniform, what color are the rate sripes?

  • Red

For group/unit physical training activities, you should wear what prescribed uniform?

  • PTU

Appearance that does not blend with professional appearance in uniform is defined by what term?

  • Conspicuous

What document governs the basic policies on Navy uniforms?

  • NAVPERS 15665

To report incidents of domestic or child abuse to Echelon 2 commands, what means should you use?


Which of the following situations is NOT considered fraternization?

  • E-6 relationship with an E-3 from a different command

A determination that an individual requires access to classified information in support of the performance of their duties is represented by what term?

  • Need-to-know

"One-Time Access" for an individual to view information at a level above his authorized level, may be used during operational emergencies. What individual has the authority yo grant this type of access?

  • Flag Officer

The Code of Conduct prohibits which of the following acts?

  • Making written statements in return for rations

Which ship's document can be used in legal proceedings?

  • Deck Log

Any Sailor who commits fraudulent activity should be charged under what article of the Uniform Code of Military Justice?

  • 132

For a Commanding Officer of a unit command, which of the following situations is NOT a reason for mandatory Administrative Separation (ADSEP)?person

  • Individual is admitted to alcohol treatment for 3rd self referral.

Which of the following items should you use for planning how to spend your money?

  • Budget

Factors that may impact a Sailor's financial readiness include all of the following items, EXCEPT which one?

  • Local credit union

Service member should perform strength training exercises what minimum amount of time per week?

  • 2 hours 30 minutes per week

Information that indicates ground, air, or Navy force levels or dispositions is what security classification?

  • Confidential

Divisional safety petty officer are Members of what group?

  • Enlisted safety committee

A child abuse case can be "pending" status for what maximum duration?

  • 30 days

To ensure classified information is protected during a natural disaster or civil disturbance, what item should be developed?

  • Emergency plan

The Code of Conduct prohibits which of the following acts?

  • Making written statements in return for rations

Procedures for missing ship's movement are contained what Uniform Code fo Military Justice (UCMJ) article?

  • 87

What document charges a Sailor to follow lawful orders given by his superiors?

  • Art 1132 US Navy Regulations