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JFC 200 Module 08: Intelligence Operations at the Operational Level Questions and Answers

The _____ differs from joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) in terms of purpose, focus, and detail, requires microanalysis, provides a finer degree of detail, and supports component command operations.

intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB)

Which of the following is a challenge of tailoring and balancing intelligence capacity?

limited intelligence assets

At the discretion of a subordinate joint force commander (JFC), a joint task force (JTF) _____ may be established during the initial phases of an operation to augment the subordinate joint force J2 element.

joint intelligence support element (JISE)

_____ focus on the information the commander must have to assess the status of the friendly force and its supporting capabilities.

Friendly force information requirements (FFIRs)

Joint intelligence organizations analyze the impact of the operating environment (OE) on mission accomplishment. Which of the following is not an aspect of the OE?

joint task force (JTF) financials

Intelligence at the _____ level assists in developing national strategy and policy, monitors the international situation, assists in developing military plans, and assists in determining major weapon systems and force structure requirements.


Targeting opium farmers with public affairs messages to influence them to accept alternative income for the opium crop falls under which diplomatic, informational, military and economic (DIME) activity?


Most commands make prioritization a(n) _____ teamed effort.


Central Asia remains an unattractive destination for foreign direct investment because of political instability and low manufacturing output. This is a crisis of _____.

regional economy

You can establish daily video conferences to contact a broader base of analysts stateside using the/a _____

joint worldwide intelligence communications system (JWICS)

Which of the following is a traditional information resource?

human intelligence

When users access information at their own discretion it is referred to as _____.

pull communication

Which of the following is a strategic level center of gravity (COG)?

political leaders

_____ locations ensure agility, speed, and depth of intelligence analysis and support.


In _____, information is structured to look deep into an adversary and support national and theater strategic commanders.

traditional warfare

An example of intelligence federation in Central Asia is the _____.

Central Asia Regional Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC)

_____ focus on the adversary and the operating environment (OE) and drive all intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) requirements.

Priority intelligence requirements (PIRs)

Intelligence at the _____ level supports planning and conducting of battles and engagements, provides commanders with information on imminent threats to their forces, and provides commanders with obstacle intelligence.


Working with host country and neighboring countries to develop mechanisms to improve the economic situation of the host country falls under which diplomatic, informational, military and economic (DIME) activity?


_____ offers a mechanism for addressing requirements and effectively managing risk by identifying the most important tasks and applying available resources towards those tasks.


Poor infrastructure and distribution, political instability, and chronic poverty will lead to exacerbated malnourishment in parts of Central Asia, and thus establishing a secure food source is a high priority for the region. This is a crisis of _____.

natural resources

A concern by intelligence staff is the speed at which they can _____ the intelligence collected.

process, exploit, and disseminate

Which of the following is a non-traditional information resource?


_____, despite being an evolving concept, supports tactical action, including counter-insurgency, counter-narcotics, and humanitarian assistance and assists in the development of host country intelligence operations.

Fusion centers

In _____, information is broadly focused and includes various factors such as political, military, paramilitary, ethnic, religious, economic, medical, environmental, geospatial, and criminal issues.

foreign humanitarian assistance

An uplink terminal used to convert and relay signals.


During operational level, force-on-force confrontations, the _____ utilizes a macro-analytic approach that seeks to identify an adversary's vulnerabilities and centers of gravity (COGs).

joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE)

Which of the following is a non-traditional information resource?

local authorities

_____ locations in Central Asia are influenced by the commander's understanding of the environment and established priorities.


Interdicting smuggling networks to cut flow of precursors falls under which DIME activity?


The ____ architecture needs to be capable of allowing information to be quickly identified as relevant to priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) and then rapidly disseminated.

Processing, Exploitation, and dissemination (PED)

_____ are generally equated to a group of critical nodes and links, though they can be single nodes.

Centers of gravity (COGs)

_____ locations provide ability to strike with surprise at the right time and place.


______ incorporates various highly classified and advanced networking technologies.

joint worldwide intelligence communications system (JWICS)

write a sentence that describes the relationship between two given concepts

1. DCGS and Direct Support: DCGS is utilized by direct support analysts to fuse information in support of a shared mission.
2. HUMINT and DIA: Human Intelligence is a traditional source of information that can be compiled by a general support provider, such as the DIA, to add to the larger understanding of the operational picture.
3. General Support and JSTARS: Joint Surveillance Target Attack (or Acquisition) Radar System can be used as direct support and general support - the ground station module is the organic downlink of JSTARS.
4. IMINT PRIORITY and Organic: While not an organic capability, information gathered from IMINT PRIORITY processing can inform PIRs and influence tactical actions

____ consist of collective sets of associated information and support of the understanding of PIRSs.

Specific Information requirements (SIRs)

Shortages of skilled workers are caused by highly skilled workers leaving the region, further burdening fragile economies. This is a crisis of ____.


In Central Asia, the commander increasingly instills an intelligence-driven operational mindset in _____.

the headquarters

_____ is an agreement in which one intelligence center receives pre-coordinated intelligence support from other intelligence centers, service intelligence organizations, and national agencies. [objective286]

Intelligence federation

_____ is a system that allows the commander to fuse all obtained information in a timely manner, enhancing visualization of the operational environment.

Military information architecture

Freezing narco-barons' assets at international banks falls under which diplomatic, informational, military and economic (DIME) activity?


Distributed common ground/surface system (DCGS) and direct support

DCGS is utilized by direct support analysts to fuse information in support of a shared mission.

Human intelligence (HUMINT) and DIA

Human Intelligence is a traditional source of information that can be compiled by a general support provider, such as the DIA, to add to the larger understanding of the operational picture.

General support and joint surveillance, target attack radar system (JSTARS)

Joint surveillance target attack (or acquisition) radar system can be used as direct support and general support - the ground station module is the organic downlink of JSTARS.

Imagery intelligence (IMINT) PRIORITY and organic

While not an organic capability, information gathered from IMINT PRIORITY processing can inform priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) and influence tactical actions.

Which of the following is an operational level center of gravity (COG)

not leadership (unknown answer)

Distributed common ground/surface system (DCGS) and direct support

DCGS is utilized by direct support analysts to fuse information in support of a shared mission

Human intelligence (HUMINT) and DIA

Human Intelligence is a traditional source of information that can be compiled by a general support provider, such as the DIA, to add to the larger understanding of the operational picture

General support and joint surveillance, target attack radar system (JSTARS)

Joint surveillance target attack (or acquisition) radar system can be used as direct support and general support - the ground station module is the organic downlink of JSTARS.

Joint surveillance target attack (or acquisition) radar system can be used as direct support and general support - the ground station module is the organic downlink of JSTARS.

While not an organic capability, information gathered from IMINT PRIORITY processing can inform priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) and influence tactical actions.