JKO Introduction To The Mission Partner Environment Questions and Answers

One of the frustrations of the Commander, International Security Assistance Force, (COMISAF), was the inability to communicate with forces under his command on a single network.


MPE promotes mission partner information/data sharing by connecting every national system regardless of the classifications of those systems.


Why do we need to shift Multinational Operations off the US SIPRNET?

SIPRNET constrained the commander's ability to combine and tailor Allied and coalition forces to realize their full warfighting potential

The solution to the Command and Control problem faced by NATO in Afghanistan was solved by joining the national networks into one network thereby eliminating the multi-faceted policy issues surrounding information sharing by placing all ISAF information exchange on the same security level - ISAF SECRET.


When conducting operational planning you must: (Select all that apply)

Identify the strategic direction and operational environment, Develop an operational approach, Define the problem

Using an operational approach to a multinational mission drives planning to an MPE because the MPE construct

aligns the joint, multinational, and interorganizational forces for success

The Mission Partner Environment is the DOD's emerging information technology that helps close the gap between the military or tactical problem and communication with multinational mission partners over a secure network.


Leveraging the JIE infrastructure allows commanders to ___________ and ______________ in a single security domain.

train, operate

What should you consider when evaluating whether information should be shared? (Select all that apply)

What information will be shared?, What information can be shared?, How will the information be shared?

Authority to determine what can be shared with multinational partners rests with ________________. (Select all that apply

Combatant Commander, The President, SecDef

Areas that provide a commander the required tools for a multinational information sharing solution are: (Select all that apply)

Common technical standards, Joining, Membership, and Exit Instructions (JMEI)

MPE Core Services include all but which of the following:


The MPE "Circle of Trust" means each mission partner is treated as a technological and military inferior to the US Joint Force.


Joining Membership and Exit Instructions (JMEIs) primary purpose is to serve as a framework for determining joint coalition information requirements and provide templates for configuring an MPE.


What command and control areas were negatively impacted by the national stand-alone network configuration in Afghanistan? (Select all that apply)

Blue Force Tracking/Friendly Fire, Increased military risk, Unity of Effort

What were the primary constraints that faced COMISAF in 2009?

Primary use of SIPRNET, Inability to speak to all mission partners quickly and simultaneously, if needed, Too few ad-hoc inter-connection points between national systems

Why did COMISAF want to adopt a "share-to-win" when it came to information?

Increased risk when information was not shared

What is the mission of the CPT?

Defend the DODIN and others required

What is the mission of the National CPT?

Defend the nation by blocking/attacking adversaries

What is the mission of the DoDIN CPT?

Defend the DoDIN

What is the mission of the Combatant Command CPT?

Perform cyber operations in support of combatant commands

What is the mission of the Service CPTs?

To perform advanced defense capabilities in support of USCC or USPACOM/PACFLT. Fall under USCC authority.

Name the different CPT teams (5)

Cyber Threat Emulation (CTE)
Mission Protection (MP)
Discovery/Counter Infiltration (Hunt)
Cyber Readiness (CR)
Cyber Support (CS)

Describe the mission of the CTE team

Replicate cyber threats to evaluate defenses

Describe the mission of the MP team

Risk mitigation of cyber terrain

Describe the mission of the Hunt team

Detect and expose adversary activity within networks

Describe the mission of the CR team

Access network compliance; review effectiveness of security policies and recommend changes where needed

Describe the mission of the CS team

Gap fill in personnel training or capacity

Name all roles within a CR team

CND Manager
Network Infrastructure Specialist
Cyber Security Analyst
System Architect
Close Access Network Operator
All Source Intel Analyst

Describe the role of the CND Manager

Manages the daily operations and reports findings to higher authorities

Describe the role of the Network Infrastructure Specialist

Secures and sets up equipment and configurations

Describe the role of the Cyber Security Analyst

Analyze live traffic resulting in defense solutions

Describe the role of the System Architect

Ensure systems are up-to-date and compliant; Perform programming / Software evaluations

Describe the role of the Close Access Network Operator

Perform missions involved in beings hands-on devices or physically being near adversary targets

Describe the role of the All Source Intel Analyst

Respond to RFIs (Request for Information) and submit intelligence collection to national assets/higher authority


Direct the operations and defense of specified DoDIN; Conduct full spectrum cyberspace operations and ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace

DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency)

Protect the nation and its allies from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and weapons of mass destruction.

DOT&E (Director Operational Test & Evaluation)

Under control of SECDEF;
Issue OT&E policies and procedures; Review and analyze results of OT&E conducted.

NSA IAD (Information Assurance Directorate)

Provide IA advice to government departments and agencies regarding security systems

NSA RDO (Remote & Deployed Operations Group)

Evaluates, hardens, and defends operational networks & systems.

Hunts for adversary activity within suspicious networks.

NSA SID (Signals Intelligence Directorate)

Defend the nation through SIGINT-derived advantages

NSA TAO (Tailored Information Operations)

Creation and exploitation of the most important targets in the intel community.

NTOC (NSA Threat Operations Center)

Conduct 24/7 cryptologic activities to discover and characterize threats

Service FCDF (Friendly Cyber Defense Focuses)

Green, White, Red, Blue, and Hunt cyber teams

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

Produce all-source analysis; conducting covert actions as directed by POTUS; Protect the nations secrets.

Open Source Center

Provide analysis of open source materials and overseas bureaus tasked with improving the availability of open sources to intelligence officers/government officials.

NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)

Enable partnerships between NGA & NSA to converge GEOINT & SIGINT; Deliver timely and actionable analysis as well as new methodologies, tools, and systems.

FBI NCIJTF (National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force)

Combat cyber-based terrorism

State Department (INR)

Responsible for international relations of the United States


Improve cybersecurity posture; coordinate cyber sharing; manage risks and protect rights of Americans.