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JKO Applied Radiological Response Techniques (ARRT-1) Module 3 - Radiation Units of Measure

You are the Operations NCOIC for a WMD-Civil Support Team. During a real world emergency response, your Survey Team calls back a measurement of 127 rad/hr. How much radiation is present in gray/hr?

1.27 Gray/hr

In what unit is dose equivalent represented?

Roentgen Equivalent Man

What is the term used to describe the amount of radiation energy absorbed or deposited per unit of mass?

Absorbed Dose

What is the dose equivalent of 115 rad of gamma radiation?

115 rem

What is the SI (International) unit used to measure absorbed dose?


What is the dose equivalent of 85 rad of alpha radiation?

1700 rem

In the initial triage following the detonation of a radiological dispersal device, it is found that over 250 people have been exposed to radiation. 180 people have received a dose equitant of 90 REM. What is their dose equivalent in sieverts (Sv)?

0.9 Sv

You are assigned to an initial survey team, responding to a radiological incident. You get a reading of 205 rad/hr, how much radiation in gray/hr is there?

2.05 Gray/hr