JKO DMLSS: Purchase Card Reconciliation
match the decriptions of privileges next to purchase card roles
1._purchase card admin
2._purchase card approving
3._purchase card holder
if you do not have the appropriate roles and privileges assigned to you in DMLSS, you should contact you local DMLSS system Admin.
A. Ture
what displays on the transaction history?
B. transactions linked to the highlighted buy within the purchase.
DMLSS order status is intended to represent the status of the purchase card procurement on your bank statement.
A. Ture
which purchase card reconciliation code can an order have that you have only partially received?
A. D- dispute
B. P- partial
E. N- new
when selectin the customer id and expense center for purchase card adjustments(PCAs), choose those tied to the customer order.
A. True
for PCA transactions, charges for an order cannon be distributed to multiple customers IDs and expense centers.
B. False
assuming a reconciliation is processed judiciously by card holder:
A. the statement month equals the current bank statement month
the approving official has oversight and access to purchase card register, but card holders are responsible for daily reconciliation.
A. True
if you have received all the items in an order, what reconciliation coeds can you choose?
A. D - dispute
B. P - partial
C. Y - complete
D. C- credit
you can access you purchase card register even though your purchase card id reconciled and the current calendar month matches the purchase card register.
A. True
what reconciliation code can be followed with a code of C- Credit?
C. D- dispute