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JKO Typhoid Course

What is the usual incubation period for typhoid fever?

1 to 3 weeks

In the United States, most cases of typhoid fever occur in people who

Have recently traveled internationally

On average, about how many cases of typhoid fever occur each year in the United States?


How is typhoid fever most commonly spread from one person to another?

In contaminated food or water

How do most people in the United States become ill with typhoid fever? They are infected:

During international travel

By what route do S. typhi infect the body?


Fever in typhoid fever

is sustained and high

Which person presenting for treatment in an emergency department in the United States is most likely to have typhoid fever? The person who has:

A high fever, headache, and abdominal pain, and who states she returned from Peru a week ago

A diagnosis of typhoid fever is confirmed when:

S. typhi is found in blood or stool cultures

Which is the treatment used to eliminate S. typhi from the body and cure typhoid fever?


Which instruction given to a person who is recovering from typhoid fever would be LEAST important in preventing possible spread of the infection to others?

Drink only boiled or bottled water

For which person would ViCPS be the preferred type of typhoid vaccine? One who:

Is taking an antibiotic

What type of vaccine is Ty21a?

A live attenuated bacterial vaccine

For which person would typhoid fever vaccine be indicated?

A person traveling to the Indian subcontinent

Which person should NOT be given Ty21a today? Assume that all are susceptible to typhoid fever and are traveling to a typhoid-endemic area.

A woman with abdominal pain and persistent diarrhea

Which person should NOT receive ViCPS today? Assume that all are susceptible to typhoid fever and are traveling to a typhoid-endemic area.

A person who is a chronic carrier of S. typhi

Which statement is correct and included in the VIS for typhoid vaccine?

A booster dose is needed for people who remain at risk

What is the correct dose, schedule, and route of administration for Ty21a?

Four capsules taken by mouth on alternate days, each dose taken one hour before a meal

What is the correct dose, schedule, and route of administration for ViCPS vaccine?

One 0.5 mL dose administered intramuscularly

A person receives Ty21a vaccine because he is traveling to a country in which typhoid fever is endemic. If he plans to continue this type of travel in the future, when is it recommended that he be revaccinated against typhoid fever?

In five years

Which adverse reactions are most common following vaccination with ViCPS?

Pain and swelling at the injection site

Which statement is true about typhoid fever illness?

Typhoid fever is diagnosed by finding S. typhi in the blood, urine, or feces

Typhoid fever is characterized by a sudden onset of a sustained fever as high as 39.4 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit to 104 degrees Fahrenheit). Which are other common initial symptoms of typhoid fever?

Myalgia and abdominal pain

Which is the only natural host for S. typhi?
