I Hate CBT's

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JKO Leadership Six: Stress Management

OSHA stands for

occupational safety and health act

OSHA says employers are held legally accountable for job related illnesses include ________ related problems


is the reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand place upon them


stress arises when people worry and cannot _______


stress is undergoing an instantaneous reaction, with a rise in blood ______________, heat _____________, and skin _____________

blood pressure, heat rate, skin perspiration

name some stress feelings

worry, tense, tired, frightened, elated, depressed, anxious, and anger

list the two different types of stress

eustress and distress

is the good stress; is the bad stress

good stress = eustress,
bad stress = distress

a motivating force that challenges individuals to grow, adapt, and find creatine solutions to life


a force that depletes life, energy, usually is unchanged and harms the body and mind if it is allowed to continue


what are the two different types of stressors

external and internal

list some external stressors

physical environment, social interaction, organizational, major life events, daily hassles

list some internal stressors

lifestyle choices, negative self talk, mind traps, personality traits

this is a contributory factor in minor conditions such as headaches, digestive problems, skin complains, insomnia, and ulcers

negative stress

excessive, prolonged and unrelieved stress can have a __________ effect on mental, physical and spiritual health


stress can also have a positive effect, spurring _________ and awareness, providing the stimulation to cope with challenging situations


stress also provides the sense of urgency and alertness needed for ____________ when confronting treating situations


when we are stress, saliva _______ up, digestion and elimination systems are _______ so blood can be direct away from our organs to our ________ and _________

dry, stopped, muscle and brain

during stress, _______ become tense and ready for action


______________ cools the body allowing it to burn more energy


blood ___________ mechanisms are activated to protect us from blood loss in case of injury


the immune system efficiency is ____________


the sleep process is _________


when the body cannot tolerate the abuse any longer, these individuals will begin to experience

fatigue, frequent infections, and overall decline of their physical appearance

if the source persists, the body prepares for long-term protection, secreting hormones to increase blood ________ levels


this phase is common and not necessarily harmful, but must include periods of relaxation and ______ to counterbalance the stress response


fatigue, concentration lapses, irritability and lethargy results as the stress turns __________


what kind of symptoms are there involved with stress

physical, mental, behavioral, emotional

factors influencing work stress

drive for success, changing work patterns, working conditions, overwork, underwork, uncertainty, conflict, responsibility, relationship at work, change at work

stress management techniques say to change your __________, _________, and ___________

thinking, behavior, and lifestyle

relieve some of the stress in your life by eating _________ meals, exercising at least ________ times a week, getting plenty of _________, recreation of family __________

balanced, three, sleep, activity

a stress management program should provide a component that examines various personalities and identifies methods to change certain _____________ to reduce stress situations and in turn reduce stress


a stress management program should encourage employees to set _______ in the workplace that are attainable


a stress management program should have a component dedicated to improving the _______ skills of employees


poor ___________ is one of the most common causes of stress


prioritizing objectives, duties, and activities makes them manageable and ___________


don't overload your _______


organization will help avoid personal and professional ________


make a list of what _______ be done, what _____ be done, and what would you _______ to do

must, should, like

cut out time _________


learn to drop __________ activities


say no or ____________


benefits of relaxation

lowers blood pressure, combats fatigue, promotes sleep, reduces pain, eases muscle tension, decreases mental worries, increases concentration, increases productivity, increases clear thinking

what can laughter do for you

gives you heart and lungs a workout, helps you relax, boosts the immune system, reduces pain, improves mood, gives a feeling of control, makes us more creative, fights depression, reduces anger, helps with chronic breathing problems