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JKO Intelligence Oversight Training (JPRA)

To whom can I report a violation?

All the above

What groups of personnel performing intel-related activities could collect, analyze, process, retain, or disseminate information on US persons?

Military, Government Civilians, Contractors

What two goals does IO try to balance?

Protect national security.
Protect individual constitutional rights.

What is the primary DoD publication covering IO? [Remediation Accessed :N]

DODD 4715.12 (wrong)

IO applies to all military, government, and contractor personnel in organizations performing intelligence or intelligence related activities that collect, analyze, process, retain or disseminate information on U.S. persons.


A person currently in the U.S. under a travel visa is considered a U.S. person under IO.


What document governs United States Intelligence activities throughout government, ensuring the interests of national security are protected while maintaining the Constitutional rights of all U.S. persons?

EO12334 (wrong)
EO10450 (wrong)

Under which procedure in DODD 5240.1-R is it legal for JPRA to retain information collected on U.S. persons?

Procedure 3

DoD intelligence components are authorized to cooperate with law enforcement under certain circumstances.


Why does JPRA need to have an IO program?

JPRA is an intelligence organization. X

The Intelligence Oversight program was established to ensure protection of the rights of US persons and to regulate DOD intelligence activities.


The Intelligence Oversight program only applies to personnel with intelligence specialties, since they are responsible for intelligence related functions at USSOCOM. [Remediation Accessed :N]


The intelligence Oversight program applies to US persons. A US person is defined as: - A natural born or naturalized citizen - A legally documented permanent resident alien - US corporations - Any organization or group composed primarily of US citizens


USSOCOM may collect and retain information on US persons for up to 180 days while determining if the information may be retained permanently as pertaining to command mission. [Remediation Accessed :N]


Procedures 14 and 15, Employee Conduct and Questionable Activity, outline individual responsibility to abide by the restrictions of USSOCOM Manual 381-10 and to report any questionable activity.


The USSOCOM Inspector General (IG) provides legal counsel on Intelligence Oversight issues. [Remediation Accessed :N]


USSOCOM Manual 381-10 implements Executive Order 12333 and is comprised of 15 procedures. These procedures only apply to DOD intelligence components.


Assuming you have the mission and assigned duties, you can collect or retain information on a US person that is supporting Al-Qaida.


An intelligence report identifies a US company and indicates links between the company and international terrorists. Assuming you have the mission and assigned duties, the report can be collected or retained?


A SOCOM analyst assigned open source research duties discovers an Al-Qaida website that contains the names of US persons waging Jihad against American forces in Afghanistan. Can the information be collected or retained.


An intelligence report collected by the FBI and sent to SOCOM analysts indicates the names of US persons that are members of anti-government protest movements. Can the information be retained? [Remediation Accessed :N]


Procedure 4, Dissemination, permits USSOCOM to disseminate on US persons if the recipient has a requirement for the information to perform a lawful function.


Intelligence Oversight Review

Executive Order 12333

-established Oversight Program
-serves as basis for all other IO directives
-describes and provides guiance for the IC on their respective roles and missions
-provides general guidance reguarding conduct of intelligence activities and protects the rights of U.S. persons

DoDD 5240.01/ DoDM 5240.01

-established guidance governing the collection, retention, and dissemination of U.S. person's information
-informs members to conduct intelligence activities in a way that protects the constitutional and legal rights of U.S. persons

DoDD 5148.11/ DoDD 5148.13

-explains the duties of the DoD Senior Intelligence Oversight Official (SIOO) and provides reporting procedures for quetionable intelligence activities (QIA) and significant/highly sensitive matters (S/HSM)

CNGBI 2000.01C

provides instruction for the conduct of National Guard members and intelligence activities

CNGBM 2000.01A

provides a manual of 13 procedures that apply to National Guard members conducting intelligence activities

Ohio National Guard (ONG) IO SOP

ensures that members of the Ohio National Guard receive appropriate training concerning intelligence collection, analysis, dissemination, and maintenance

178th ISRG SOP

states that the 178 ISRG does NOT have the authority nor mission to intentionally collect on U.S. persons

AFI 14-404

-provides instruction for all Air Force members
-details mandatory training requirements and reporting procedures for violations

HAF A2 Policy Memo

details proper use for publicly available information (PAI) for Air Force intelligence activities

Questionable Intelligence Activity (QIA)

any intelligence-related activity that may be unlawful or contrary to an executive order, Presidential directive, IC directive, or applicable DoD policy

What is an example of QIA?

using your accesses to locate, research, and/or build products about U.S. persons living in your community without having the authority or explicit mission to do so

Significant/Highly Sensitive Matters (S/HSM)

any intelligence-related activity or serious ccriminal activity that could damange the reputation or integrity of the IC and intelligence activity

What is an example of S/HSM?

an intelligence NCO who is arrested for DUI after running the barricade at JFHQ-OH and killing an Ohio Representative on a visit of Beightlor Armory

What are the reporting procedures for QIA, S/HSM, and federal crimes?

report all matters immediately to your chain of command, IO monitors, or directly to the JAG or IG

Who is your Primary IO monitor?

2d Lt Jacob Hellickson

Who is your Alternate IO monitor?

SSgt Morgan Hennig

CNGBM 2000.01A Procedure 1

members are obligated to conduct USPI activities (including monitorig and data sgaring) IAW all applicable laws, policies, executive orders, and the U.S. Constitution

CNGBM 2000.01A Procedure 2

-intentional USPI collection is aquired through least intrusive means and must be necessary to the mission
-incidential USPI collection is accidentally aquired but still retained

CNGBM 2000.01A Procedure 3

-intentional USPI collection is promptly evaluated and retained for 5 years
-incidential USPI collection is retained for 5 years for individuals inside the U.S. during collection and 25 years for individuals outside the U.S. during collection

CNGBM 2000.01A Procedure 4

National Guard intel members can provide support to law enforcement authorities but only with SecDef approval

CNGBM 2000.01A Employee Conduct Standards

National Guard members must have the appropriate mission and authority to conduct activities involving USPI

CNGBM 2000.01A Reporting QIA and S/HSM

report all matters immediately to your chain of command, IO monitors, or directly to the JAG or IG

U.S. Person Information (USPI)

information that is likely to identify one or more specific U.S. persons and can include names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.

What is the purpose of Intelligence Oversight?

to enable DoD components performing authorized intelliegnce functions to carry out those missions in a manner that protects the constitutional and legal rights of U.S. persons

What is a U.S. Person?

-U.S. citizen/person born in the United States
-permanent resident alien in the U.S.
-unincorporated association composed of U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens
-corporation incorporated in the U.S.

JKO USSOCOM Post-Deployment Intelligence Oversight Course

USSOCOM may collect and retain information on U.S. persons while determining if the information may be retained permanently for up to:

180 days (wrong)
60 days (wrong)

Which of the following describe the independent oversight of intelligence activities within the command?

Inspector General

The IO program applies to the following personnel:

All staff organizations that collect, process, retain, or disseminate intelligence information. (wrong)

After 9/11, collection of information on U.S. persons was relaxed for DOD for prosecution of the Global War on Terrorism regardless of applicability of command mission.


USSOCOM Manual 381-10 applies to:

All intelligence components assigned to Joint Special Operations Command (wrong)

If deployed, all questionable IO activity should be reported to:

Your Special Operations Judge Advocate (wrong)

The Special Operations Judge Advocate is responsible for:

Oversight of USSOCOM IO program and reporting violations. (wrong)

The IO program was established to: (check all that apply)

Ensure protection of the rights of U.S. persons
Regulate DOD intelligence activities