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JFC 100 Module 1: Introduction to Joint Fundamentals

A _______ is a series of related major operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space. (Fundamentals of Warfare, Page 6)

Deter and Defeat Aggression

Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to conduct a sustainable pace of presence operations abroad, including rotational deployments and bilateral and multilateral training exercises. (Introduction to Joint Operations, Page 3)

Centralized vs. Decentralized Approach

A functional Component Command has many favorable factors associated with it, including reduced space of control, integrated planning, unity of effort, and: (Joint Command Organizations, Page 5)

Command and Control

Some services have an emphasis that vacillates between combat, law enforcement, and safety patrols. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services? (Working with Other Services, Page 2)


The purpose of a(n) __________ action is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. (Fundamentals of Warfare, Page 3)


The ___________ prescribe the chain of command within their Combatant Commands (CCMDs) and designate the appropriate command authority to be exercised by subordinate commanders. (Joint Operations Roles and Functions, Page 3)

Control over the scheme of maneuver

_________ encompasses the exercise of authority, responsibility, and direction by a commander over assigned and attached forces to accomplish the mission. (Joint Operations Fundamentals, Page 9)

Static vs. Dynamic Mission Sets

5) The __________ is the principal military advisor to the President, the SecDef, National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council. (Joint Operations Roles and Functions, Page 5)

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

The ____________ exercise ADCON through their respective Service Chiefs over the Service. (Joint Operations Roles and Functions, Page 3)

Secretaries of the Military Departments

Select the answer that matches the following definition. This type of command is established on a geographical or functional area, with a mission that is limited and specific. (Joint Command Organizations, Page 2)

Joint Task Force

1) Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to project power in areas in which access and freedom to operate are challenged. (Introduction to Joint Operations, Page 3)

Project Power Despite Anti-Access/Area Denial Challenges (correct

2) The purpose of a(n) __________ action is to direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and achievable goal. (Fundamentals of Warfare, Page 3) [objective3] [Remediation Accessed :N]


3) As an example of General vs. Specialized Enlisted Forces, Navy and Air Force Service members, accustomed to working with enlisted personnel who are specialized technicians, may approach joint staff work from a more _____________ perspective than that of their ground Service member counterparts. (Working with Other Services, Page 2)

technical and managerial

_________ is the employment of available weapons and other systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target. (Joint Operations Fundamentals, Page 9)

joint fires

_______________ is the routine contact and interaction between U.S. Armed Forces and another nation's armed forces, foreign and domestic civilian authorities, and agencies to build trust and confidence. (Joint Operations Fundamentals, Page 3)

military engagement

Select the answer that matches the following definition. This purpose of joint operations is to maintain an arsenal capable of deterring potential adversaries and to assure U.S. allies and other security partners that they can count on America's security commitments. (Introduction to Joint Operations, Page 3)

Maintain a Safe, Secure, and Effective Nuclear Deterrent

A _________ is a sequence of tactical actions with a common purpose or a unifying theme. These may entail the process of carrying on combat, including movement, supply, attack, defense, and maneuvers needed to achieve the objective of any battle or campaign. (Fundamentals of Warfare, Page 6)


The __________ is composed of Department of Defense policies, plans, procedures, assets, and resources that ensures continuity of its component mission-essential functions under all circumstances, including crisis, attack, recovery, and reconstitution. (Joint Command Organizations, Page 7)

defense continuity program

The __________ is the principal military advisor to the President, the SecDef, National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council. (Joint Operations Roles and Functions, Page 5)

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Some services have an emphasis that vacillates between combat, law enforcement, and safety patrols. This demonstrates which key element to remember when working with other services? (Working with Other Services, Page 2)

Static vs. Dynamic Mission Sets

The ___________ prescribe the chain of command within their Combatant Commands (CCMDs) and designate the appropriate command authority to be exercised by subordinate commanders. (Joint Operations Roles and Functions, Page 3)

Combatant commanders

Select the answer that matches the following definition. This type of command is established by unified combatant commanders, and conducts operations on continuing basis using specified criteria. (Joint Command Organizations, Page 2)

Subordinate Unified Command