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JKO AFRICOM Official Mail Manager Training

What is considered official mail?

Mail pertaining to official US government business

What is the term referring to the total system that collects, processes, and delivers communications?

The base information transfer system (BITS)

Who is responsible for establishing a BITS to provide on-base distribution of communications?

insallation commander

Who acts as the bridge between the action office and the OMC?

Activity distribution office (ADO)

What office uses and/or responds to official communications?

The action office

What is done with undelivered mail containing the endorsement "DO NOT FORWARD" at the end of the workday?

They must be stored in a classified container

If you are suspicious of a mailing and you are unable to verify the contents with the addressee or sender what should you do?

Protect yourself, your office, and your mail room
Stop. Do not open or handle article
Isolate the article and evacuate the area immediately
No not put the article in water or a confined space
If possible open windows in cause of explosive gases
Do not take chances, contact local military law enforcement officials for assistance
Post the USPS Poster 84 "suspicious mail or package" in the work area

Name five ways to identify a suspicious package?

Return address, suspicious markings, sealed with tape, misspelled words or badly typed or written, and a strange odor

The most secure service the USPS system offers


Confirmation of delivery including date, time, and location, and you can request to have letter mailed to you with a copy of the recipient's signature

signature confirmation

Mail sealed against inspections


Provides a receipt to the sender and a record of delivery


Fastest service offered by the USPS


What type of mail class can not be used to send personal correspondence?

Standard Mail

Who acts as the agent for all official on-base activities?


What is considered as "accountable mail?"

Communications for which accountability must be maintained

What does the Air Force use to help control the communications while in Air Force channels?

Container numbers

What is the best choice for ensuring accountable mail containers remain in a controlled environment?

Registered mail

When you receive an accountable mail container from the activity distribution office or the OMC, what should you do?

Compare the container number with the number listed on the container receipt to make sure you're signing for the correct package

When a response is not received on a receipt for classified information, within what time frame is a tracer action done?

Tracer action is initiated 30 days for material sent within the continental United States or 45 days for material sent outside the continental United States

Refers to information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security


Refers to information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security

top secret

Refers to information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security


What are the two classification decisions?

Original or derivative

Who may originally classify documents?

Only individuals occupying positions specifically authorized in writing

What is an original classification?

the initial decision that an item needs to be classified

Under what circumstances is information derivatively classified?

When it is extracted, paraphrased, restated, or generated in a new form

What will a security investigation identify?

Appropriate corrective actions that will be immediately implemented to prevent future security incidents

Define a "security violation."

Any knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected to result in an unauthorized disclosure of classified information

What is a compromise?

When unauthorized individuals have had access to the classified information

What should you do if you find classified material out of proper control?

Take custody of and safeguard the material, if possible, and immediately report it to their commander, or equivalent, supervisor or security manager

What is required for a person to receive classified information?

The need-to-know, proper security clearance, and a signed nondisclosure agreement

How can you determine a person's security clearance?

Joint Personnel Adjudication System, confirmation (written or verbal) from the person's security manager, supervisor, or commander, and checking clearance level on temporary duty or permanent change of station orders.

Who is responsible for determining an individual's "need to know" for classified information?

The authorized possessor of the classified information

Who is responsible for ensuring individuals who need access to classified information sign the SF 312?

The unit commander or staff agency chiefs (or designated personnel)

Which classification(s) of information may be transmitted through BITS?

Confidential and Secret

Which method is used when transmitting Top Secret material to an installation serviced by diplomatic pouch?

Department of State Diplomatic Courier Service

When classified material is transmitted from one place to another, how should it be contained?

It shall be enclosed in two opaque, sealed envelopes, wrappings, or containers, durable enough to properly protect the material from accidental exposure and facilitate detection of tampering

When is it not required to use an outer container for Secret, Confidential or Unclassified information?

When entering Secret and below material into the OMC

To whom is classified material addressed?

to an official government activity and not to a person

What is included on the inner container of a classified package?

The complete mailing address of the sending and receiving activities, security classification markings, and any applicable special instructions

what must you do with unsealed containers endorsed "DO NOT FORWARD" that remain in acton offices at the close of business?

Store in a classified storage container

Which mail class is for use only by authorized publishers and registered new agents?


When should you use certified mail?

When required by law or Department of Defence (DOD) or Air Force directives

What two items, used together, enables us to trace a container from the sender through the base information transfer system into the US Postal Service, and on the receiver?

Comtainer numbers and DD Form 2825, Internal Receipt

which is an accurate example of an accountable container number?


The best choice for ensuring accountable containers stay in a controlled enviornment is to mail them


What level of damage to national security could reasonably be expected if unauthorized disclosure of Top Secret information occured?


What type of classification decision involves information that is paraphrased or restated?


What is any knowing, willful, or negligent action contrary to the requirements of Executive Order 12958 that is not a security violation?


What must you do when you find classified material out of proper control?

take custody of the material and safeguard it

what is not a factor in releasing classified information


who determines whether the receipt has a legitimate need for access to the classified information?


Top Secret material should never be sent

over a crpotographic system

when is an outer container not required for the transfer of classified information?

Secret and below being entered into the base information transfer system

what must you do when you mail materials of different classifications in one package?

Place all material in a single inner container

when you mail classified material, address containers to the

office that is to take action on it

What is considered official mail?

Mail pertaining to official US government business

What is the term referring to the total system that collects, processes, and delivers communications?

The base information transfer system (BITS)

Who is responsible for establishing a BITS to provide on-base distribution of communications?

insallation commander

Who acts as the bridge between the action office and the OMC?

Activity distribution office (ADO)

What office uses and/or responds to official communications?

The action office

What is done with undelivered mail containing the endorsement "DO NOT FORWARD" at the end of the workday?

They must be stored in a classified container

If you are suspicious of a mailing and you are unable to verify the contents with the addressee or sender what should you do?

Protect yourself, your office, and your mail room
Stop. Do not open or handle article
Isolate the article and evacuate the area immediately
No not put the article in water or a confined space
If possible open windows in cause of explosive gases
Do not take chances, contact local military law enforcement officials for assistance
Post the USPS Poster 84 "suspicious mail or package" in the work area

Name five ways to identify a suspicious package?

Return address, suspicious markings, sealed with tape, misspelled words or badly typed or written, and a strange odor

The most secure service the USPS system offers


Confirmation of delivery including date, time, and location, and you can request to have letter mailed to you with a copy of the recipient's signature

signature confirmation

Mail sealed against inspections


Provides a receipt to the sender and a record of delivery


Fastest service offered by the USPS


What type of mail class can not be used to send personal correspondence?

Standard Mail

Who acts as the agent for all official on-base activities?


What is considered as "accountable mail?"

Communications for which accountability must be maintained

What does the Air Force use to help control the communications while in Air Force channels?

Container numbers

What is the best choice for ensuring accountable mail containers remain in a controlled environment?

Registered mail

When you receive an accountable mail container from the activity distribution office or the OMC, what should you do?

Compare the container number with the number listed on the container receipt to make sure you're signing for the correct package

When a response is not received on a receipt for classified information, within what time frame is a tracer action done?

Tracer action is initiated 30 days for material sent within the continental United States or 45 days for material sent outside the continental United States

Refers to information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security


Refers to information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security

top secret

Refers to information or material of which unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security


What are the two classification decisions?

Original or derivative

Who may originally classify documents?

Only individuals occupying positions specifically authorized in writing

What is an original classification?

the initial decision that an item needs to be classified

Under what circumstances is information derivatively classified?

When it is extracted, paraphrased, restated, or generated in a new form

What will a security investigation identify?

Appropriate corrective actions that will be immediately implemented to prevent future security incidents

Define a "security violation."

Any knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected to result in an unauthorized disclosure of classified information

What is a compromise?

When unauthorized individuals have had access to the classified information

What should you do if you find classified material out of proper control?

Take custody of and safeguard the material, if possible, and immediately report it to their commander, or equivalent, supervisor or security manager

What is required for a person to receive classified information?

The need-to-know, proper security clearance, and a signed nondisclosure agreement

How can you determine a person's security clearance?

Joint Personnel Adjudication System, confirmation (written or verbal) from the person's security manager, supervisor, or commander, and checking clearance level on temporary duty or permanent change of station orders.

Who is responsible for determining an individual's "need to know" for classified information?

The authorized possessor of the classified information

Who is responsible for ensuring individuals who need access to classified information sign the SF 312?

The unit commander or staff agency chiefs (or designated personnel)

Which classification(s) of information may be transmitted through BITS?

Confidential and Secret

Which method is used when transmitting Top Secret material to an installation serviced by diplomatic pouch?

Department of State Diplomatic Courier Service

When classified material is transmitted from one place to another, how should it be contained?

It shall be enclosed in two opaque, sealed envelopes, wrappings, or containers, durable enough to properly protect the material from accidental exposure and facilitate detection of tampering

When is it not required to use an outer container for Secret, Confidential or Unclassified information?

When entering Secret and below material into the OMC

To whom is classified material addressed?

to an official government activity and not to a person

What is included on the inner container of a classified package?

The complete mailing address of the sending and receiving activities, security classification markings, and any applicable special instructions

what must you do with unsealed containers endorsed "DO NOT FORWARD" that remain in acton offices at the close of business?

Store in a classified storage container

Which mail class is for use only by authorized publishers and registered new agents?


When should you use certified mail?

When required by law or Department of Defence (DOD) or Air Force directives

What two items, used together, enables us to trace a container from the sender through the base information transfer system into the US Postal Service, and on the receiver?

Comtainer numbers and DD Form 2825, Internal Receipt

which is an accurate example of an accountable container number?


The best choice for ensuring accountable containers stay in a controlled enviornment is to mail them


What level of damage to national security could reasonably be expected if unauthorized disclosure of Top Secret information occured?


What type of classification decision involves information that is paraphrased or restated?


What is any knowing, willful, or negligent action contrary to the requirements of Executive Order 12958 that is not a security violation?


What must you do when you find classified material out of proper control?

take custody of the material and safeguard it

what is not a factor in releasing classified information


who determines whether the receipt has a legitimate need for access to the classified information?


Top Secret material should never be sent

over a crpotographic system

when is an outer container not required for the transfer of classified information?

Secret and below being entered into the base information transfer system

what must you do when you mail materials of different classifications in one package?

Place all material in a single inner container

when you mail classified material, address containers to the

office that is to take action on it

Mail that pertains to official US government business.

What is considered official mail?

The base information transfer system (BITS)

What is the term referring to the total system that collects, processes, and delivers

The installation commander

Who is responsible for establishing a BITS to provide on-base distribution of communications?

The activity distribution office (ADO)

Who acts as the bridge between the action office and the OMC?

Action office

What office uses and/or responds to official communications?

Must be stored in a classified storage container.

What is done with undelivered mail containing the endorsement "DO NOT FORWARD" at the
end of the workday?

You should protect yourself, your office and your mailroom:

(1) Stop. Do not open or handle the article.

(2) Isolate the article and evacuate the immediate area.

(3) Do not put the article in water or a confined space such as a desk drawer or a filing cabinet.

(4) If possible, open windows in the immediate area to assist in venting potentially explosive
gases. If a situation turns out to be a fake bomb scare, postal personnel will not be held liable
for the package.

(5) Do not take any chances or worry about possible embarrassment if the item turns out to be
innocent. If there is any reason to believe a letter or parcel is dangerous, contact the local
military law enforcement officials for assistance.

(6) Post the United States Postal Service (USPS) Poster 84, "Suspicious Mail or Package" in the
work area

If you are suspicious of a mailing and you are unable to verify the contents with the addressee or
sender what should you do?

(1) Return address.

(2) Restrictive markings.

(3) Sealed with tape.

(4) Misspelled words or badly typed or written.

(5) Unknown powder or suspicious substance.

(6) Possibly mailed from a foreign country or excessive postage?

(7) Oily stains, discolorations, crystallization or wrapper.

(8) Strange odor.

(9) Incorrect title or addressed to title only.

(10) Rigid or Bulky.

(11) Lopsided or uneven.

(12) Protruding wires.

Name five ways to identify a suspicious package?

Registered mail

The most secure service the USPS system offers.

Signature confirmation

Confirmation of delivery including date, time, and location, and you can request to have letter mailed to you with a copy of the recipient's signature.

First-class mail

Mail sealed against inspections.

Certified mail

Provides a receipt to the sender and a record of delivery.

Express mail

Fastest service offered by the USPS.

Standard mail

What type of mail class can not be used to send personal correspondence?

The base information transfer system (BITS)

Who acts as the agent for all official on-base activities?

Communications for which accountability must be maintained; includes classified material and unclassified communications that, because of their nature and sensitivity, must be handled and processed in a controlled environment.

What is considered as "accountable mail?"

Container numbers

What does the Air Force use to help control the communications while in Air Force channels?

Registered mail

What is the best choice for ensuring accountable mail containers remain in a controlled

Compare the container number with the number listed on the container receipt to make sure you're signing for the correct package.

When you receive an accountable mail container from the activity distribution office or the OMC,
what should you do?

Initiated if a sender does not receive a signed receipt back within 30 days for material sent within the CONUS or 45 days for material sent OCONUS.

When a response is not received on a receipt for classified information, within what time frame is
a tracer action done?

OF 65-B or -C

Use when sending unclassified communications to another unit on the same base

Priority Mail

For any destination and any weight up to a 70lb max.