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JKO Communication Strategy Planning in Support of Exercises

Why Plan Strategically?

Encourages an organisation to determine how it is dependent on relationships, helps to think through factors and provide an outcome and engages people in a vision for the future.

Functional Orientation

rational messaging style (e.g. unique selling proposition)

Symbolic Orientation

Symbolic association message style and emotional message style (e.g. brand image, resonance, emotion)

Industry Orientation

Generic message style and pre-emptive message style (generic and pre-emptive)

Informal Research

Casual interactions with key stakeholders or experts or helps develop a better understanding of problems informing a communication program.

Formal Research

Systematic data gathering methods.

corporate strategy

ways to meet stakeholders expectations and needs

communication strategy

ways in which communication can support objectives in corporate strategy while maintaining or achieving desired reputation

rational message

unique selling point
difference can be measured

symbolic association message

symbols and values

emotional message

emotional appeals
relevant and authentic

generic message

straight claim
about product category

pre-emptive message

bold claim that any company can make

Step 1 strategic planning model

strategic intent

Step 2 strategic planning model


Step 3 strategic planning model

target audience

Step 4 strategic planning model

themed message

Step 5 strategic planning model

message styles

Step 6 strategic planning model

media strategy

Step 7 strategic planning model
