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JKO Disability Evaluation System

Why was the Integrated Disability Evaluation System created?

To determine whether a wounded, ill or injured service members are able to continue to serve

What are some reasons a member could be medically separated or retired?

- Have a disqualifying medical diagnosis
- Condition prohibits or limits the individual from completing his or her duties
-Condition routinely interferes with their ability to deploy
- Condition restricts worldwide duty reassignment
-Imposes unreasonable requirements on the military to either maintain or protect the member

Why does the AF have the two-step evaluation process?

To ensure proper referral to the IDES

When a provider identifies a diagnosis that could be disqualifying for a member to continue active duty, what must the member undergo?

A fitness for duty(FFD) evaluation

Once the deployment availability working group reviews the case, whom is it sent to?


What is the purpose of the deployment availability working group(DAWG)?

to review patients with medical records with a duty limiting condition(DLC) that impacts mobility, retention, or long term physical fitness of an airman. They also identify personnel not deployment eligible, and tracks progress of the medical condition

What is a trigger event?

It is a condition or occurrence which may indicate a member has a health condition that is inconsistent with retention standards or deployability

Purpose of disability evaluation system

-To maintain a fit military organization with max use of manpower
-To provide benefits for service connected disability
-To provide prompt disability processing while ensuring the rights of the Government and soldier are protected

Purpose of physical profile serial system

To provide an index to overall functional capacity that starts with the physical profile. Consists of both alphabetical and numerical designations.


Physical capacity or stamina. Heart; respiratory system; GI system; GU system; nervous system; blood diseases; dental conditions


Upper extremities. Hands, arms, shoulder girdle, and spine in regard to strength, ROM, and general efficiency


Lower extremities. Feet, legs, pelvic girdle, lower back and spine in regard to strength, ROM, and general efficiency


Hearing and ears. Concerns auditory acuity and disease and defects of the ear


Eyes. Concerns visual acuity and diseases and defects of the eye.


Psychiatric. Concerns personality, emotional, stability, and psychiatric diseases.

Numerical Components: 1

Indicates a high level of medical fitness

Numerical Components: 2

Indicates some medical condition or physical defect which may require some activity limitations

Numerical Components: 3

Indicates 1 or more medical conditions or physical defects which may require significant limitations. The individual should receive assignments commensurate with his/her physical capability for military duty

Numerical Components: 4

Indicates 1 or more medical conditions or physical defects of such severity that performance of military duty must be drastically limited

Temporary Profiles (DD Form 689 and DA Form 3349)

DD Form 689, Individual Sick Slip (not to exceed 7 days)
DA Form 3349, Physical Profile (Reevaluated every 3 months. Cannot exceed 12 months.)

DA Form 3349 (Permanent Profile)

Permanent Profile
-original and one copy to unit commander
-Health record
-Inpatient record, if applicable
-Patient, if pseudofoliculitis of the beard

Distribute Temporary profile

-original and one copy to unit commander
-health record
-patient, if pseudofoliculitis of the beard

Purpose of Physical Performance Evaluation System (PPES)

to evaluate soldiers with permanent medical conditions to determine if they can perform in their PMOS/AOC in a worldwide field environment

MOS/Administration Retention Review (MAR2)

-Evaluates a soldier's physical ability to reasonably perform in PMOS/AOC - Specialty
-Determines if soldier can perform under worldwide field environment and conditions
-Permanent 3/4 profiles must be referred for evaluation by MAR2/MEB

MAR2 Proceedings

Not a "medical board" - Human Resources Command administrative review process, duty standards, Commanders input, and soldier's statement to determine capacity to serve in current MOS/AOC under worldwide deployable conditions

MAR2 Recommendations

1. Retain a soldier in PMOS or AOC specialty code
2. Reclassified
3. Referral to the Disability Evaluation System

Components of Disability Evaluation System

-Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
-Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)
-US Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA)

Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)

-Documents a soldier's medical status and duty limitations
-Refers soldiers to Physical Evaluation Board if necessary
-DA Form 3947, Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings

Composition of MEB

-2 or more physicians, 1 senior
-board style
-clinical, health records reviewed
-the patient may appear

MEB Recommendations

-return to duty
-return to duty with limitations
-referral to Physical Evaluation Board

Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO)

-appointed by the MTF Commander
-Responsible for counseling soldiers undergoing physical disability processing
-ensures MEB proceedings referred to the PEB are complete, accurate and fully documented

Roles and Responsibilities of the PEBLO

-First Sergeant

Physical Evaluation Board

A fact finding board established to evaluate all cases of physical disability equitably for the soldier and the Army

Voting members of PEB

-president - field grade officer
-personnel officer - field grade medical officer

Non-voting Members of PEB

-army attorney (for soldier)

Informal PEB

-reviews soldier's case file
-determines whether the soldier is physically fit or unfit to perform the duties of the soldier's office, grade, rank, or rating
-determines whether the disability meets the criteria established by law for compensation
-VA assigns a disability percentages

Formal PEB

-convened when a soldier demands it after electing not to accept the findings and recommendations of an informal board
-when the case file has been forwarded to PERSCOM for issuance of retirement orders and the soldier demands a formal hearing before PERSCOM action is final

Separation without benefits (SWOB)

-soldier is unfit and did not occur in Line of Duty
-existed prior to service and not service aggravated

Separation with Severance Pay (SWSP)

-soldier is unfit
-soldier is eligible for compensation
-soldier has less than 20 years service and less than a 30% disability rating

Permanent Disability Retirement (PDR)

-eligible for compensation
-has either 20 years active service or a disability rating of at least 30%

Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)

-PDR eligible AND the disability is not stable for rating
-3 year tenure max
-periodic re-exams 96-18 months)
-soldiers placed on TDRL receive a min of 50% of their base pay

Retirement Pay

Method A (% Method)
-% of disability x monthly base pay

Method B
-2.5 x years service x monthly base pay

Severance Pay

Years of service x monthly base pay x 2
(years of service cannot exceed 19)

Army Physical Disability Appeal Board (APDAB)

reviews cases that are forwarded by USAPDA

Army Disability Rating Review Board (ADRRB)

reviews disability % ratings on request of a soldier who was retired because of physical disability

Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR)

corrects errors or injustices in a soldier's military records

VA benefits

-VA may rate any service-connected disability and their ratings may fluctuate depending on the future severity of the disability
-VA compensation is exempt from income tax

How can leaders help improve the process?

-get soldiers into medical treatment ASAP
-document the problem with a detailed commander's letter
-stay involved and maintain contact with PEBLO

Main components

•Physical Profile Serial System (PPSS)
•Physical Performance Evaluation System (PPES)
• Disability Evaluation System
•Human Resources Command
•Other related boards

Physical Profile Serial System

Classification of physical capabilities alphabetically and numerically (1-4)

P (Physical capacity or stamina. Heart; respiratory system; gastrointestinal system genitourinary system; nervous system; blood diseases; dental conditions)
U (Upper extremities. Hands, arms, shoulder girdle, and spine in regard to strength, range of motion, and general efficiency.)
L (Lower extremities. Feet, legs, pelvic girdle, lower back and spine in regard to strength, range of motion, and general efficiency.)
H (Hearing and ears. Concerns auditory acuity and disease and defects of the ear.)
E (Eyes. Concerns visual acuity and diseases and defects of the eye)
S (Psychiatric. Concerns personality, emotional stability, and psychiatric diseases.)

1 - indicates a high level of medical fitness

2 - indicates some medical condition or physical defect
which may require some activity limitations

3 - indicates one or more medical conditions or physical defects which may require significant limitations. The individual should receive assignments commensurate with his or her physical capability for military duty

4 - indicates one or more medical conditions or physical defects of such severity that performance of military duty must be drastically limited

Temporary Profile

If condition is temporary, treatment of condition is medically advisable and treatment will result in higher physical capacity

• DD Form 689, Individual Sick Slip
(not to exceed 7 days)

• DA Form 3349, Physical Profile
• Reevaluated every three months
• Cannot exceed twelve months

PPS Form Processing

Record the medical condition, using non-technical language
•Record the assignment limitation code and description provided by the physician
•Record the type of profile

Distribute the DA Form 3349.
•Permanent profile.
•Original and one copy to unit commander
•Health record.
•Inpatient record, if applicable
•Patient, if pseudofoliculitis of the beard.

Temporary profile.
•Original and one copy to unit commander.
•Health record.
Patient, if pseudofoliculitis of the beard

Physical Performance Evaluation System (PPES)

Purpose - to evaluate soldiers with permanent medical conditions to determine if they can perform in their PMOS/AOC in a worldwide field environment.

The PPES provides for a MOS/Medical Administration Retention Review (MAR2) to make this determination.


•Evaluates a Soldier's physical ability to reasonably perform in PMOS/AOC - Specialty

•Determines if Soldier's can perform under worldwide field conditions

•Permanent 3/4 profiles must be referred for evaluation by MAR2/MEB

•Army Directive 2012-18 & AR 600-60 Physical Performance Evaluation System

•Not a "medical board" - Human Resources Command (HRC) administrative review process, duty standards, Commanders input, and Soldier's statement to determine capacity to serve in current MOS/AOC under worldwide deployable conditions

•Post Retention: Key Coordination Office - Receives P3/P4, verifies deployability and retirement status, posts Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition (IMREPR) code of 9H, counsels soldier, and process begins

•Company, BN, BDE, and HRC for adjudication

MAR2 Recommendations

•Retain a soldier in PMOS or AOC specialty code


•Referral to the Disability Evaluation System

Disability Evaluation System (DES)

•to maintain a fit military organization with maximum use of manpower

•to provide benefits for service connected disability

•to provide prompt disability processing while ensuring the rights of the Government and soldier are protected

•Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
•Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)
•U.S. Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA)

Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)

•Documents a soldier's medical status and duty limitations

•Refers soldiers to Physical Evaluation Board if necessary

•DA Form 3947, Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings


•2 or more physicians, one senior
•Board Style
•Clinical, Health record's reviewed
•The patient may appear

•Return to Duty
•Return to Duty with the Limitations: (cardiovascular)
•Referral to Physical Evaluation Board

Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO)

•PEBLO is appointed by the MTF Commander

•Responsible for counseling Soldiers undergoing
physical disability processing

•Ensures MEB proceedings referred to the PEB are complete, accurate and fully documented

•First Sergeant

•PEBLO Checklist
•Demographic Data
•Medical requirements completed (consults, physical, narrative summary (NARSUM), DA Form 3947)
•Personnel Documents
•Line of Duty (LOD)
•Leave and Earning Statement (LES)
•Commander Letter
•Other Documents

Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)

A fact finding board established to evaluate all cases of physical disability equitably for the Soldier and the Army

•Voting members:
President - field grade officer
Personnel Officer - field grade
Medical Officer
• Non voting members:
Army attorney (for soldier)

Informal PEB
•Reviews the Soldier's case file

•Determines whether the Soldier is physically fit or unfit to perform the duties of the Soldier's office, grade, rank, or rating

•Determines whether the disability meets the criteria established by law for compensation

• VA assigns a disability percentages

Formal PEB
•Convened when a soldier demands it after electing not to accept the findings and recommendations of an informal board
•When the case file has been forwarded to PERSCOM for issuance of retirement orders and the soldier demands a formal hearing before PERSCOM action is final
•After an informal board's finding, the president of the PEB decides if a service member's rebuttal merits a formal hearing is in the best interest of the Soldier or the Army

Separation without Benefits (SWOB)

•Soldier is unfit and did not occur in Line of Duty


•Existed prior to service & not service aggravated

Separation with Severance Pay (SWSP)

•Soldier is unfit
•Soldier is eligible for compensation
•Soldier has less than 20 yrs service and less than a 30% disability rating

Permanent Disability Retirement (PDR)

•Soldier is unfit
•Soldier is eligible for compensation
•Soldier has either 20 yrs. active service or a disability rating of at least 30%

Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)

•PDR eligible AND the disability is not stable for rating
•3 year tenure max
•Periodic re-exams (6 - 18 months)
•Minimum of 50% base pay

Retirement Pay

•Method A (percentage method)
% of disability x monthly base pay

•Method B
2.5% x years service x monthly base pay

Severance Pay

•Years of Service x Monthly base pay x 2
(note: years of service cannot exceed 19)

Related Boards

•Army Physical Disability Appeal Board (APDAB)
Reviews cases that are forwarded by USAPDA

• Army Disability Rating Review Board (ADRRB)
Reviews disability percentage ratings on request of a soldier who was retired because of physical disability

•Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR)
Corrects errors or injustices in a soldier's military records

IDES Two systems

•The DES shall be the mechanism for determining return to duty, separation, or retirement of Service members because of disability in accordance with chapter 61 of 10 USC.
•The DES shall consist of five elements: medical evaluation; disability evaluation, including appellate review; counseling; specific case-management; and final disposition. The medical and disability evaluations shall be executed by Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs) and Physical Evaluation Boards (PEBs) for each respective Military Department.

•In accordance with 38 USC, Department of Veterans Affairs conducts an evaluation for physical disability and assigns a rating of disability when appropriate in accordance with the schedule for rating disabilities utilized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VASRD).
•Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between departments to integrated systems

VA Benefits

•The VA program for disability benefits is integrated with the Army disability system
•Soldiers will claim conditions with the VA during the medical board process
•The VA may rate any service-connected disability and their ratings may fluctuate depending on the future severity of the disability
•VA compensation is exempt from income tax

US Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA)

Reviews cases of the PEB to insure the findings and recommendations were just, equitable, consistent with the facts, and in keeping with the provisions of law and regulations. They then forward the case to Human Resources Command/PERSCOM.

Human Resources Command (HRC)

Takes administrative action such as cutting retirement orders, notifying the soldier and MTF's

HRC -> Installation -> Individual

Main components

•Physical Profile Serial System (PPSS)
•Physical Performance Evaluation System (PPES)
• Disability Evaluation System
•Human Resources Command
•Other related boards

Physical Profile Serial System

Classification of physical capabilities alphabetically and numerically (1-4)

P (Physical capacity or stamina. Heart; respiratory system; gastrointestinal system genitourinary system; nervous system; blood diseases; dental conditions)
U (Upper extremities. Hands, arms, shoulder girdle, and spine in regard to strength, range of motion, and general efficiency.)
L (Lower extremities. Feet, legs, pelvic girdle, lower back and spine in regard to strength, range of motion, and general efficiency.)
H (Hearing and ears. Concerns auditory acuity and disease and defects of the ear.)
E (Eyes. Concerns visual acuity and diseases and defects of the eye)
S (Psychiatric. Concerns personality, emotional stability, and psychiatric diseases.)

1 - indicates a high level of medical fitness

2 - indicates some medical condition or physical defect
which may require some activity limitations

3 - indicates one or more medical conditions or physical defects which may require significant limitations. The individual should receive assignments commensurate with his or her physical capability for military duty

4 - indicates one or more medical conditions or physical defects of such severity that performance of military duty must be drastically limited

Temporary Profile

If condition is temporary, treatment of condition is medically advisable and treatment will result in higher physical capacity

• DD Form 689, Individual Sick Slip
(not to exceed 7 days)

• DA Form 3349, Physical Profile
• Reevaluated every three months
• Cannot exceed twelve months

PPS Form Processing

Record the medical condition, using non-technical language
•Record the assignment limitation code and description provided by the physician
•Record the type of profile

Distribute the DA Form 3349.
•Permanent profile.
•Original and one copy to unit commander
•Health record.
•Inpatient record, if applicable
•Patient, if pseudofoliculitis of the beard.

Temporary profile.
•Original and one copy to unit commander.
•Health record.
Patient, if pseudofoliculitis of the beard

Physical Performance Evaluation System (PPES)

Purpose - to evaluate soldiers with permanent medical conditions to determine if they can perform in their PMOS/AOC in a worldwide field environment.

The PPES provides for a MOS/Medical Administration Retention Review (MAR2) to make this determination.


•Evaluates a Soldier's physical ability to reasonably perform in PMOS/AOC - Specialty

•Determines if Soldier's can perform under worldwide field conditions

•Permanent 3/4 profiles must be referred for evaluation by MAR2/MEB

•Army Directive 2012-18 & AR 600-60 Physical Performance Evaluation System

•Not a "medical board" - Human Resources Command (HRC) administrative review process, duty standards, Commanders input, and Soldier's statement to determine capacity to serve in current MOS/AOC under worldwide deployable conditions

•Post Retention: Key Coordination Office - Receives P3/P4, verifies deployability and retirement status, posts Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition (IMREPR) code of 9H, counsels soldier, and process begins

•Company, BN, BDE, and HRC for adjudication

MAR2 Recommendations

•Retain a soldier in PMOS or AOC specialty code


•Referral to the Disability Evaluation System

Disability Evaluation System (DES)

•to maintain a fit military organization with maximum use of manpower

•to provide benefits for service connected disability

•to provide prompt disability processing while ensuring the rights of the Government and soldier are protected

•Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
•Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)
•U.S. Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA)

Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)

•Documents a soldier's medical status and duty limitations

•Refers soldiers to Physical Evaluation Board if necessary

•DA Form 3947, Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings


•2 or more physicians, one senior
•Board Style
•Clinical, Health record's reviewed
•The patient may appear

•Return to Duty
•Return to Duty with the Limitations: (cardiovascular)
•Referral to Physical Evaluation Board

Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO)

•PEBLO is appointed by the MTF Commander

•Responsible for counseling Soldiers undergoing
physical disability processing

•Ensures MEB proceedings referred to the PEB are complete, accurate and fully documented

•First Sergeant

•PEBLO Checklist
•Demographic Data
•Medical requirements completed (consults, physical, narrative summary (NARSUM), DA Form 3947)
•Personnel Documents
•Line of Duty (LOD)
•Leave and Earning Statement (LES)
•Commander Letter
•Other Documents

Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)

A fact finding board established to evaluate all cases of physical disability equitably for the Soldier and the Army

•Voting members:
President - field grade officer
Personnel Officer - field grade
Medical Officer
• Non voting members:
Army attorney (for soldier)

Informal PEB
•Reviews the Soldier's case file

•Determines whether the Soldier is physically fit or unfit to perform the duties of the Soldier's office, grade, rank, or rating

•Determines whether the disability meets the criteria established by law for compensation

• VA assigns a disability percentages

Formal PEB
•Convened when a soldier demands it after electing not to accept the findings and recommendations of an informal board
•When the case file has been forwarded to PERSCOM for issuance of retirement orders and the soldier demands a formal hearing before PERSCOM action is final
•After an informal board's finding, the president of the PEB decides if a service member's rebuttal merits a formal hearing is in the best interest of the Soldier or the Army

Separation without Benefits (SWOB)

•Soldier is unfit and did not occur in Line of Duty


•Existed prior to service & not service aggravated

Separation with Severance Pay (SWSP)

•Soldier is unfit
•Soldier is eligible for compensation
•Soldier has less than 20 yrs service and less than a 30% disability rating

Permanent Disability Retirement (PDR)

•Soldier is unfit
•Soldier is eligible for compensation
•Soldier has either 20 yrs. active service or a disability rating of at least 30%

Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)

•PDR eligible AND the disability is not stable for rating
•3 year tenure max
•Periodic re-exams (6 - 18 months)
•Minimum of 50% base pay

Retirement Pay

•Method A (percentage method)
% of disability x monthly base pay

•Method B
2.5% x years service x monthly base pay

Severance Pay

•Years of Service x Monthly base pay x 2
(note: years of service cannot exceed 19)

Related Boards

•Army Physical Disability Appeal Board (APDAB)
Reviews cases that are forwarded by USAPDA

• Army Disability Rating Review Board (ADRRB)
Reviews disability percentage ratings on request of a soldier who was retired because of physical disability

•Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR)
Corrects errors or injustices in a soldier's military records

IDES Two systems

•The DES shall be the mechanism for determining return to duty, separation, or retirement of Service members because of disability in accordance with chapter 61 of 10 USC.
•The DES shall consist of five elements: medical evaluation; disability evaluation, including appellate review; counseling; specific case-management; and final disposition. The medical and disability evaluations shall be executed by Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs) and Physical Evaluation Boards (PEBs) for each respective Military Department.

•In accordance with 38 USC, Department of Veterans Affairs conducts an evaluation for physical disability and assigns a rating of disability when appropriate in accordance with the schedule for rating disabilities utilized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VASRD).
•Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between departments to integrated systems

VA Benefits

•The VA program for disability benefits is integrated with the Army disability system
•Soldiers will claim conditions with the VA during the medical board process
•The VA may rate any service-connected disability and their ratings may fluctuate depending on the future severity of the disability
•VA compensation is exempt from income tax

US Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA)

Reviews cases of the PEB to insure the findings and recommendations were just, equitable, consistent with the facts, and in keeping with the provisions of law and regulations. They then forward the case to Human Resources Command/PERSCOM.

Human Resources Command (HRC)

Takes administrative action such as cutting retirement orders, notifying the soldier and MTF's

HRC -> Installation -> Individual

Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)

Determines fitness for duty

Fit for normal military duty

Fit for deployment needs

Initiated and completed at the MTF

Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES)

Integrates the AF Disability Evaluation System & Veterans Administration

Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Goals:

Single-sourced disability rating

All VA exams complete before exiting military service

Less than 295 days from process start to AD separation

Faster transition between MHS care to VA care

Medical records available to VA electronically w/in 45 days of separation

PEBLO = Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer

Must be appointed in writing

Briefs member at all stages

Builds and tracks case files

Coordinates with all parties


Provider preparing the Narrative Summary (NARSUM)


Responsible for training all providers on clinical aspects of profiles/duty limitations


Responsible for clinical review and quality control of Narrative Summaries (NARSUMs) and ensures timely completion of all MEBs

MSC = Military Services Coordinator

Assists member with any questions, provides briefings during process

VA Facility

Performs the C&P exam to include any specialty visits

MEB = Medical Evaluation Board at MTF

SGP, SGH, Physician, Convening Authority (MTF/CC or Designee)

IPEB = Informal Physical Evaluation Board

Administrative review at AFPC

FPEB = Formal Physical Evaluation Board

Typically held within 30 days of member non-concurrence

Deployment Availability Working Group (DAWG)

Anything that relates to the medical eveluation board, PT waivers, profiles, other issues...

Membership includes:

SGP (Chairman) must be appointed in writing


Force Health Management


PCM Representative

OB/Gyn Representative

Referral Management


MPF Representative

Physician Responsibilities

Physician is responsible for identifying members for RILO

Trigger Event

Member is identified as potential for MEB

Pre-MEB Process

To minimize inappropriate referrals to the IDES, there is a two-Step "Pre-IDES" screening process


HQ AFPC/DP2NP (Medical Retention Standards Branch)

MEB convenes at MTF and recommends

Return to duty

Refer to Informal Physical Evaluation Board (IPEB) at AFPC

If member rebuts, it's forwarded to the Formal Physical Evaluation Board (FPEB)

Final appeal can be made to SECAF

2 Stages PEBLO is responsible for:

PCM signs VA Form 21-0819

Member enters DES (MEB referral date < 10 days)

PCM does reevaluation of NARSUM with VA exam

NARSUM date (MEB complete < 35 days)


IDES Weekly Data Pull

AF Bi-Weekly Data Quality Tool


used to determine if service members coping with illness, injuries or wounds that may prevent them from performing their duties are able to continue to serve

IDES Terminology

IDES - Integrated Disability Evaluation System

MEB - Medical Evaluation Board

PEB - Physical Evaluation Board

PEBLO - PEB Liaison Officer, admin for the Army portion. Follows the Soldier through the entire process

PEBLO Supervisor - Your best friend and Regs Guru

VA MSC - Military Service Coordination, admin for the VA, Claims

MRDP - Medical Retention Determination Point (Tx/MEB Providers)

MAR2 - MOS Administrative Retention Review


retainable but need to change MOS

Physician Determines MRDP

If apparent that a Soldier's condition may permanently interfere with his/her ability to serve on active duty

Has tried all treatments for 1 condition without being able to RTD

Service member treatment exceeds one year (T3/4 profile)

Chain of command may request a fit for duty examination


informal board comprised of at least two physicians at local installation (typically senior physician of HRP (CMO), and MEB physician)

Evaluate the Soldier's medical history, condition, and extent of injury or illness. (Confirms SM has met MRDP per AR 40-401, CH3 Retention standards)
Recommends whether or not the Soldier's medical condition will impede his/her ability to continue serving in full duty capacity in his/her office, grade or rank, may recommend MAR2

90-100 days

informal PEB evaluates

the Soldier's medical information, MOS, and other factors to determine the Soldier's: Fit or Unfit to continue military service Eligibility for disability compensation Disability codes and percentage rating Case disposition Whether or not the injury or illness is combat-related