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JKO Introduction to Africa

Africa is over _____ the size of the United States.


More than __________ people live in Africa.

1 billion

Over _______ languages are spoken in Africa.


Over ______ of the world's known languages are spoken in Africa.


To understand contemporary Africa, a basic knowledge of what is required.

Natural phenomena and processes

What two processes have shaped and continue to shape Africa?

The Continental Drift and the Intertropical Convergence Zone

Until roughly 100 million years ago, the land masses of the earth were bound together as a supercontinent called what?


What is an example of a northern landmass that existed roughly 100 million years ago?


What is an example of a southern landmass that existed roughly 100 million years ago?


Laurasia consisted of

North America, Asia, and Europe

Gondwana consisted of

South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica

Through the process of _________, North and South America, Antarctica, Australia, and Asian all moved away from "mother" Africa, which left Africa with her distinctive present-day shape and configuration.

Plate tectonics

Africa is surrounded by _______ to the west.

The Atlantic Ocean

Africa is surrounded by _______ to the north.

The Mediterranean Sea

Africa is surrounded by _______ to the northeast.

The Red Sea

Africa is surrounded by _______ to the east.

The Indian Ocean

What is the southern most tip of Africa called?

The Cape of Good Hope

What happens at The Cape of Good Hope?

The Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet

There are 16 _____ countries in Africa.


Coastal countries generally have ______ over landlocked ones. For example, transport costs are low.

Geographical advantage

What does landlocked mean?

No sea access

As a result of the continental drift features like _______ and _______ were formed

The Rift Valley and the Great Escarpment

The Rift Valley of Africa consists of

- the Western Branch
- the Eastern Rift
- the Eastern Branch
- the Ethiopian Rift

Why are railway and waterways incomplete and unconnected in most African areas?!

Falls and rapids, which occur when major rivers fall over the Great Escarpments as the rivers enter the sea.

Why were some railway lines only built?

To access minerals

Why is it difficult to access the mainland?

Lack of natural harbors and major ports along Africa's coastline

Water access from the sea to African interior has been ______.

Physically restricted

What phrase arose due to Africa's barriers that shielded it from the rest of the world for many centuries?

The dark continent myth

What is one of the most powerful environmental mechanisms affecting life and survival in Africa?

The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

ITCZ is mainly the _______ not only
In Africa but in other tropical regions.

Rain making mechanisms

ITCZ shifts markedly from _______ to ______.

June; January

When the ITCZ migrates to the North of the Equator during June, it is a rainy season there while the southern part is _____. And vice versa when January arrives.


_____ and _____ depend on the pattern of the ITCZ.

Animals and people

Who depends on ITCZ's rain making mechanism?

Farmings societies

_______ move their herds in response to availability of moisture when it comes to the ITCZ.


_______ migrate in search of grass and water when it comes to the ITCZ.


Africa can be divided into _____ major physical and vegetation zones.


What are the 5 major physical and vegetation zones in Africa?

1. Mediterranean
2. Deserts and arid plains
3. Savanna
5. Humid and forested lands (tropical rain forest)
5. Highlands

What are the densely wooded areas in Africa that stretch acids the equator from the Congo basin to the coastal areas of Western Africa?

The humid forested areas

Where does the savanna lie?

North ans south of the humid zone

What zone occupies the largest area of Africa's surface?

The savanna

The savanna is typically covered by what?

Tall grass, bushes, and scattered trees

Which dry land lies in the north of Africa?

The Sahara Desert

Which dry land lies in the south of Africa?

The Kalahari

The conditions in the Sahara desert and the Kalahari are comparable to what?

The Death Valley of North America (located in eastern California and western Nevada)

The highland areas of Africa are divided between ______ and _____.

Steep mountains and high rolling plateaus

Steel mountains can be found in ______

The Cameroon

High rolling plateaus can be found in ______

Ethiopia and Kenya

________ areas are found at the tips of the continent.


Mediterranean areas are _______.

Mildly wet and dry

What is an example of a semi-arid region?

The Sahel

The semi-arid regions have been plagued by

ITCZ and exploding populations

The humid tropical forests have faced ____________ as a result of exploding population in search of hardwood and farming.

Drought and desertification

In the future, the wet savanna will come under increasing pressure because of

Population growth and movement from the dry savanna increases

The impact of climate change in Africa includes:

- rainfall shortage and floods
- water-borne diseases
- negative impact on water resources (e.g., lakes and rivers)
- negative impact on biodiversity and ecosystem
- desertification

The metamorphic rock of Africa is highly ______.


Africa produces 1/4 of the world's ______ annually.


Africa produces about 1/2 of the global ______ output.


Africa produces about 1/2 of the world's ______.


In 2009, Guinea ranked fifth in the world in _______ production.


6% of the world's ______ is from Zambia and DRC.


South Africa and Zimbabwe both account for nearly 1/2 of the global output of _______.


Nigeria is Africa's top petroleum producer and among the five exporters of ______ to the US.

Crude oil

Why does Africa have the greatest hydroelectric potential in the world?

Because of its falls and rapids

What hydro electric project does Kenya have?

The River Tana Project

What hydro electric project does Egypt have?

The Aswan High Dam

What hydro electric project does Ghana have?

The Volta River Scheme

What hydro electric project do Zambia and Zimbabwe have?

The Kariba Dam along the R. Zambezi

Why is hydroelectric power still so underexploited in many parts of Africa?

High cost and lack of markets

What systems have deprived Africa of much of its wealth and well-being?

Nature, history, and the global economic system (i.e. problematic environment, high population, illogical political geography, and disjointed transportation system)

Which countries were never colonized?

Liberia and Ethiopia

What is lingua franca?

the language of communication between speakers of mutually unintelligible languages. Language of intercultural trade

What is mother tongue?

first language acquired by a child at home. Also referred to as native language

What is the largest country by size?


What is the smallest country by size?


What is the largest country by population?


What is the smallest country by population?


What is the largest desert?

Sahara Desert

What are the largest grasslands?

The Sahel and savanna grassland

Where are the rainforests?

West and central Africa

What are the largest mountain ranges?

Atlas and Drakensberg

What is the largest mountain?

Mt. Kilimanjaro

What are the largest lakes?

Lake Victoria and Lake Chad

What is the largest interior basin?

Okavanga Delta

State reasons for transatlantic slave trade

European countries were able to expand overseas, they needed slaves, discovery of New World

When was the abolishment of the slave trade?

the early decades of the 19th century

State reasons for colonization

1869 discovery of gold and diamonds in South Africa, opening of the Suez Canal

What cratons formed Africa?

West african craton, Kalahari craton, Congo craton, Tanzania craton, Saharan metacraton

In which time period did most African nations attain independence?

After WWII, late 1950s-1960. 1960 was the peak year (17 nations)

Flora Salonik

native of Arusha, Tanzania. Went to Doroba with husband, lived there for 11 years. Traveled 160 miles back to Arusha. Family and friends astonished by look and traditional lifestyle.

Alice Wangui

Nairobi hair salon owner, native Kakuyu. Wants to have baby in Kakuyu. Not traditional.

What environmental obstacles were there during the early development of Africa?

1. Lack of well watered land, made agriculture impossible
2. poor quality of soils
3. presence of sleeping sickness in forest and grassland. Led to no livestock
4. General disease environment kept populations small
5. Lack of coal for fuel in iron smelting, led to use of charcoal which did not burn as hot. Led to deforestation

What are some languages spoken in Africa that are foreign?

English, French, Portuguese, Arabic

Africa is the _____ largest continent in the world


How much of the world's total land area does Africa cover?


Which countries can fit inside of Africa?

US, Eastern Europe, India, UK, Spain, Italy, Japan, and China

What percentage of the world's population resides in Africa?


What is the most widely spoken language in Africa?

No single language is spoken, Swahili, English, and Arabic are common

Did gender issues differ by country, ethnic group, and socioeconomic status?


Roles, right, and responsibilities are defined by ______

gender and age

How were women viewed in pre-colonial time?

some viewed as weak and dependent, some viewed as shapers and movers of society

What did men do regarding agriculture?

cleared the land, protected and obtained land

What did women do regarding agriculture?

plowed, planted, weeded, and harvested

What were women like in politics?

passive, powerless, hungry, and dependent

Were women educated in the pre-colonial period?


What are the main volcanoes in Africa?

Mostly along East African Rift

Which areas in Africa contain hominid fossils?

Chad, Ethiopia, Tanzania, South Africa, Oldupai Gorge, and Kenya

Why are Africans considered multilingual?

Majority of Africans speak 2-3 languages, useful for trade, travel, Western education, Religious conversion, and intergroup communication

Explain the theory that Africa is the cradle of humanity

the shape of the content is evidence, The Great Escarpments (steep edges) in the eastern part, deep rift valleys in East Africa are proof of continuous drifting

What are some factors for selecting the official language?

1. endoglossic vs. exoglossic
2. sole vs. joint
3. nationalism vs nations
4. vertical integration
5. population

What were hunting and gathering economies?

small communities, mobile, limited material culture, developed language/poetry

Where was one fishing economy?

Ancient Nile economy, settled economy

What were pastoralism economies?

Domestication of goats and sheep, made milk, meat, leather

What were agricultural economies?

Use of wild grasses, cereals, sorghum, millet, rice

What did development of smelting produce and where?

copper, bronze, iron

Turkish/Asian, Egypt

What regions are in Africa?

1. North Africa
2. East Africa
3. Southern Africa
4. Central Africa
5. West Africa

What are the dangerous volcanoes?

Nyiragongo, Kilimanjaro, Ol Doinyo Lengai

Where is the largest desert in the world?

North Africa

Which of the following is not a major internal drainage basin in Africa?
a. Okavanga Delta
b. Niger basin
c. Chad basin
d. Congo basin


What is the second largest country in Africa by size?

Democratic Republic of Congo

About how many languages are in Africa?


What percentage of Africa's population lives in rural areas?


Where is the Kalanga language spoken?


True or False: Mother tongue is also referred to as the patrimonial language


True or False: According to Dr. Cleaveland the notion of civilization was developed in order to justify one group's dominance over another.


True or False: Anglophone is considered the new African Identity of the English speaking countries with the exemption of Angola and Mozambique


True or False: Geologic hazards in Africa can be broadly categorized into flood, earthquakes, and volcanoes


True or False: The evolutionists believe that knowledge of food production was indigenous to Africa


True or False: The Nile valley in Eastern Africa was the first center of civilization in Africa


True or False: The Spanish and Europeans who were struggling to establish their power in North Africa became a stumbling block to the westward expansion of the Ottoman Empire


True or False: Patrimonial language is also known as ethnic language


True or False: The three cratons; the east Africa, the Congo, and the Kalahari formed Africa over a billion years ago


True or False: Khoisan is the largest language phylum in Africa as well as the world


What are the three major deserts in Africa?

Sahara, Kalahari, and Namib

Where are the oldest rocks in the world found?


Where was the Taung Child fossil found?

South Africa

What was the earliest culture in the world known as?


What was recently split into two countries?


What was the time period of the scramble for Africa?


Languages of globalization?

English and French

When was the Organization of African Unity established and what is it called now?

1963, African Union

Who were the first foreigners in Africa and the last to leave?


What century was the slave trade abolished in?


What are five major beliefs of religion?

1. Supreme being
2. Divinities
3. Spirits
4. Ancestors
5. Magic and medicine

In what year was the conference strategy for the exploration of inferior Africa for commercial purposes convened?


One of the consequences that the lack of coal for smelting iron brought on the environment during African's early economic development was?


The Berlin conference that took place between 1884 and 1885 was to _________

forestall the possible descent of European nations into wars over Africa

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was established in what year?


What African country was not considered a settler country?


The aim of the 1876 International conference in Brussels, Belgium by King Leopald II was to ________

map out strategies for the exploration of interior Africa for commercial purposes

The Indirect system of Rule established by the colonial masters in Africa was one that involved what?

ruling through the traditional institutions using elite African administrators or chiefs

True or False: During the pre-colonial period, women were considered the driving force of the economy through their various economic contributions


Which African country has more women representation in parliament?


How did African women participate in leadership positions during the colonial period?

through women's groups


Like dams, they are places in Africa where water builds up many water sources are available from them


What country in Africa holds the largest river network in the world?

The Rift Valley

What part of Africa consists of sinking valleys of tectonic plates that are moving apart from each other


What form at the bottom of the rift valleys?

Victoria and Tanganyika

What are the two lakes located in Africa ?

Countries=Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Sudan
Regions=East Region

What are some countries that the Rift Valley goes through? Regions?

Mount Kilamanjaro

What is Africas highest mountain?

Mount Kenya

What is Africa's second largest mountain ?


What created the Ethiopan Highlands?

Tibesti Mountains

What mountains are located in the Sahara?

Mount Cameron

What mountains are located in West Africa?


What is Africa's second largest commodity?

The White Highlands, which was called this because of the European settlers that settled there

Where was coffee grown in Africa? Who originated this?


What country in Nigeria leads in lumber exports?


What is the single most important economic activity in Africa?

8 zones

How many zones are in Kenya ?

Caravan camels?

What do travelers use to travel across the Sahara?

Kalahari and Namibia

What are the other two deserts in Africa besides the Sahara?


What percentage of Africa is tropical region?

Serengeti National Park

What national park in Africa has some of the best grasslands in the world?

Farmer slash-and-burn strategies

What has caused the Madagascar forests to be almost extinct?


What oil industry has caused much environmental destruction in Africa?

The land erodes, and then soil becomes in-fertile

What happens when deforestation happens?

Sahara desert

What is expanding in Africa?


Where is Mount Kilmanjaro located?

Most of Africa sits 1000 feet above sea level

Why does Africa have a characteristic known as the plateau?

Nile River, which cuts through Uganda, Sudan, and Egypt

What is the world's longest river

The waterfalls make most of the rivers un-travelable

Why is the Congo river network problematic?

What did Europeans call Africa for 100s of years

The Dark Continent

Why did Europeans refer to Africa as The Dark Continet

Because they weren't aware of any good things happening there and because the people there had a dark skin tone

What kind of continent is Africa

Africa is a diverse continent with a diverse population

What kind of groups are in Africa

Ethnolinguistic groups

What are ethnolinguistic groups

They are groups in which many different languages are spoken

What does each tribal group have

Each group has its own language and culture

Who established the African borders


Bantu Migration

Large movement of Africans from the Niger River Valley in 1,000 B.C.


People living in sub-Saharan Africa.

Why did Bantu spread

Because of the spread of plantain, also known as banana

What does the Bantu and Arabic language form

The Swahili language


The people who spread throughout Africa spreading agriculture, language, and iron.

What is Africa known as?

The second largest continent

How much of the worlds population lives in Africa

Ten percent

Where does the Nile river start

It starts in the African mountains and goes into the Mediterranean Sea

What is the name of the highest mountain in Africa

Mount Kilimanjaro

What does amount Kilimanjaro have

Dormant volcanoes

What is the largest waterfall in Africa

Victoria Falls

How much of Africa is taken up by The Congo River Basin

Five percent

What is the name of the African rain forest

Natures Greenhouse

What is Africa's desert

The Sahara Desert

Largest desert in the world

Sahara desert

What is the Sahara and Kalahari desert composed of

Sand and grey wasteland

What is the borderland between the Savannah and Sahara desert called

The Sahel

What do you need to know about the Sahel

It can support life. The desert can't.

The African savannah is

13 million square miles

The African savannah has

A regular coastline, so there is no or few natural ports

What is the outcome of Africa having a regular coastline

Sea trade is limited because of the regular coastlines

What is traded in Africa

Oil, peanuts, diamond, coffee, sisal, cocoa, and salt

What was the most important item to Africa

Salt because it kept people hydrated

Salt was more valuable than

Gold because the area was so dry.