I Hate CBT's

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JKO Load Test Director


Total amount of result


Amount after deduction

Crane configuration includes

Reeving, boom length, counterweight, on outriggers, on rubbers, extensions or jib stowed or mounted, off sets, wire rope type or construction

How does the operator determine the manufacture recommended rope for the crane?

Read the manufacturer load chart or operator manual

Capacities above the bold line on the load chart are based on

Structural length

If replacing the hoist line wire rope on a crane, how do you determine the size or the of wire rope to use?

Use manufacturer's operator manual or load chart

Net capacity is equal to

Gross capacity minus capacity deductions

Conditions that will NOT affect the values illustrated on load cart

Improper outrigger set up, changing radius, and wind

If a jib is erected but not being used, it is treated as a deduction from the cranes

Gross capacity

A truck crane is rated at what percentage of its load capacity


When determining the "gross load" the best method is

Get an accurate load weight and add the rigging

Tipping capacities of crawler cranes are based on what percentage of tipping?


How does the operator determine if correct load chart is being used?

Same manufacturer

In a range diagram, boom length and angle can be used to determine

Load radius

Only approved attachments or extra counterweights made by the manufacturer should be placed on the rear of crane because

The ground pressure will increase

If not listed in the load/capacity charts for a telescopic crane and you are in between boom length, you should

Use the next longer length

The jib capacity is 8 tone and the ball weighs 900 lbs. What is the heaviest load that can be lifted safely?

15, 100

How much is a ton?

2,000 lbs.

When using load/capacity, what does the term "jib angle o ground" refer to?

Main boom plus the length of the jib

When making a left on the main book of an RT, the stowed lattice swing-a-way section

Should be considered part of the gross load that is on the crane load chart

When you change the jib to ground angle from 40 degrees to 30 degrees, you have

Decreased the capacity of the jib

A lattice boom truck crane with a 120 ft. boom will be operating at a 42ft. radius. The load chart shows an entry indicating 25,000 lbs. at a 40ft. radius, followed by an entry listing 20,000 at 45ft. radius. What is the crane's capacity at the 42ft. ?

20,000 lbs.

A truck crane operating with outriggers fully extended and set does not have a fifth front outrigger, the operator should

Refer to the manufacturer's working area diagram

When using a mobile crane on a barge, the crane's load capacity chart shall be

de-rated to 50%

A crane's jib is offset 15 degrees vs. its original 0 degrees offset, but the boo angle remains unchanged. In this situation, the load radius


If the jib is offset, the crane's capacity will

Be reduced

If a bold line is shown on a load chart, the capacities below the line

Are based on the stability of the crane

Rough terrain crane capacities are generally greater over the


On duty cycle operations, most manufacturers require a crane's load chart capacity to be reduced by


Truck crane capacities are usually greater over the


A truck crane is set up on outriggers. The part of the load chart governed by stability is based on what percentage of the crane's capacity


You plan to pick a load you are told weighs 36,500 lbs. Line pull on the crane you are operating is 9,000 lbs. How many parts of the line will you need?


If a jib is erected but not being used to lift the load, you should make a deduction from the gross capacities listed in the load chart based on

The actual weight of the jib

On a crawler crane, the part of the load chart governed by stability is based on what percentage of its capacity?


When working on rubber, cranes are rated at what percentage of tipping?


If determining boom tip evaluation is important, the best way to determine this is to

Use range diagram

When operating a crane on a barge, the list chart must be provided by

The manufacturer

The capacities listed in a load chart indicates the _________ that the crane can safely lift

Gross load

In load charts that have capacities divided by a solid black line, the numbers above the line indicate that capacities are limited by?

Structural failure

Within what percentage of level on most telescopic boom cranes have to be for the gross ratings in the load chart to remain valid?


Unless the manufacturer states otherwise, The net capacity of a crane is the capacity listed in the load chart

Minus the weight of the rigging and all the attachments

A cranes rated capacity is based on

Structural and stability

When operating on a crane crawler what is the most unstable all owed quadrant of operation?


Should the load be applied when determining the proper boom angle?


When working on outriggers, the only time they should be less then fully extended is when

There is a load chart for this operation

What quadrant produces the least amount of ground pressure on a lattice crawler


A work area chart is used for

Identifying capacity change is due to operational quadrants

Should the load be applied when determining the boom angle in relation to the load charts


If the crane's boom length falls between the lengths listed in the load chart, you should use capacity listed for

The next longest or shortest boom length, which is the lower capacity

Head room is the distance between

Boom tip and load handling services

The effective way of a stowed jib compared with an erected jib is


On some cranes, jib capacity is based on the angle the jib makes with a horizontal(ground). How is this calculated?

Boom angle minus jib offset

NAVMC 11262/2

Crane Daily Inspection

NAVMC 11262/1

Certification of Load Test Record

NAVMC 11262/3

Condition Inspection Report

Crane Daily inspection Checklist

is to ensure the safety and reliability of the assigned equipment; it also provides a record of the results captured during the pre operational checks and inspections.

General Hook inspection

Shall be inspected annually for wear in swivels and pins, other wear Cracks or gouges, and proper operation and condition of safety latches, where installed.

Hook Throat spread

Shall be measured for upon receipt and base measurement should be established by measuring the distance between these tram points (+/- 1/64inch) utilizing a dial caliper and will be entered in the "remarks" section of the 696D

Hook throat spread tolerance

hooks showing an increase in the throat opening by more than 5% from the base measurement shall be discarded.

Hook Block Inspection

"inspected annually". The block bearing plate shall be visually inspected for cracks, wear or other damage. Bearings shall be inspected for unusual wear and free rotation. All components shall be lubricated as required.

wire rope rejection criteria

Kinked, bird-caged, doglegged, or crushed sections.

Wire rope wear

exceeds 1/3 of the original diameter of outside individual wires.


Load Test and ACI order

Certifying Officials

1310,1349,2110,2149,3510,3529 desinated in writing by the unit commander or higher, and have received appropriate MOS testing responsibilities and requirements

Test directors and Inspectors

Assigned in writing by the Certifying Official

Administrative Storage Program

Items of the equipment that dare placed in storage as delineated in paragraph 3002.11 (Deferred Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services) of MCO4790.2, can qualify for a waiver not to exceed 36months


Prepositioned War Reserve program

Running rope replacement

Six randomly distributed broken wires in one lay or three broken wires in one strand.

High Strand

Where the height exceeds 10% of the nominal diameter

Operations check

Inspect all control mechanisms for maladjustment, Inspect all control mechanism for excessive wear of components and contamination by lubricants or other foreign matter, all safety and locking devices fro malfunction.

Condition Inspection

Inspect for evidence of mishandling and/or damage, Inspect for excessive wear on brake and clutch system linings, pawls, and ratchets. Inspect rope reeling for nonconformance with manufacturers specifications.

Inspections of Forks

Forks will be inspected annually.

Inspection of fork height of tips

Deviation between forks greater than 3% of fork length.

Inspection of forks angle of shank

Bends greater than 3 degrees from 90 degrees.

Inspection of fork strightness

Devotion more than 0.5% of the fork length.

Inspection of forks wear

10% wear of original thickness on any service.

No-Load Test

Truck cranes, extend outriggers and raise the crane carrier off the ground to completely raise tires. Rotate the boom 90degrees from the longitudinal axis of the crane carrier and position boom at a minimum work radius. Raise and lower hook and boom through full working distance of hook travel to exceed limit switch's

Non-destructive Testing

Performed on the hook of tactical load lifting equipment every 5years and at a minimum; the dye penetrant test will be conducted

Load test

Consist of two parts a structural test and a stability test

Load test and aci MCO

MCO 11262.2_

Load testing is only required if...

Any load sustaining components have been altered, replaced, or repaired

Outriggers are...

Considered part of the lifting portion of a crane/ aerial personnel device

Load tests will be the responsibility of the...

Organization performing the repairs and will be completed prior to returning the equipment back to its owner

If documentation of certification is not present, the owning unit/ receiving official may ....

Elect to refuse to accept the equipment or accept it and arrange to have it locally load tested

All acquisition contract pertaining to the purchase and fielding of mobile cranes/ aerial personnel devices must include...

The requirement that manufacturers perform load test certification before delivery

Certifying official is responsible for ensuring the safety and reliability of...

All tactical ground load lifting equipment

The certifying official will be designated in writing by...

Commanding officer

Certifying officials can be...

1310/ 1349
3510, 3529
2110/ 2149 ordinance vehicle maintenance)

Certifying officials shall be qualified at an ....

Appropriate Marine Corp MOS school on testing responsibilities and requirements

Once initial training is received ...

There are no further requirements for formal recertification training

Waivers to the requirements of the order is permitted under the——— condition conditions


The three waivers conditions are...

Admin storage program
Prepositioned war reserve program

Admin storage
Will be stored no less than ...

18 months and no longer than 36 months
Items are not permitted for a waiver for admin deadline


Asset net requirement prior to induction into PWR.
Asset will meet requirement of order prior to issuing to a unit


Allowed one year extension by MARFORRES CG

NAVMC 11262-1

Certification of LOAD TEST

NAVMC 11262-2

Crane daily inspection record

NAVMC 11262-3

Condition inspection record

Following facility conditions required for load testing tactical ground load lifting equipment....

1-Sufficiently large level hard stand
2-Calibrated load cell or it's equivalent with two shackles
3-Calibrated weights heavy and dense (compact) enough to be used in the load tests described

When conducting a condition inspection at a minimum the following test equipment is required...

Electronic or mechanical protractor
Dial calipers
100 foot tape measure ,
2 carpenters levels (2 foot and a 4 foot)
Sheave guage

What will be utilized to document a Condition Inspextion...

NAVMC 11262-3
CONDITON inspection

Prior to dispatch operators of cranes will...

Perform a crane daily inspection of their assigned equipment on a NAVMC 11262-2 and filed with the respective trip ticket

Crane daily inspection will be retained with...

The trip ticket until destroyed

Condition inspections will be conducted ...


What document records a condition inspection....

NAVMC 11262-3

All deficiencies observed during a condition inspection will be....

Corrected and repairs completed prior to load testing

During extended combat operations where load tests are not feasible ACIs are....

Still required for post Maintenance and annually until such a time that a load test can be accomplished

Hooks shall be inspected....


In cases where cracks and gouges are transverse to the contour of the hook....

The hook shall be evaluated for retention or disposal

Defects in the unstressed portion of hook...

Do not affect strength

What reduction wear deems a hook needs disposal...


Hooks will not be.....


Hook throat spread will be measured...


Hooks showing a increase of throat opening more than .... wil be discarded

5% from base measurement

Hook block inspection is inspected


Wire rope is made of...


Crushing is the ...

Leading cause of wire rope retirement

Wire rope rejection when wear exceeds _______the original diameter of outside individual wires


Wire rope rejection criteria for _____ randomly distributed broken wires in ONE LAY


______broken wires in one strand in one lay.


For rotation resistant wire rope_____in a length equal to six times the rope diameter or _____ in a length equal to 30 times the rope diameter


For end connections_____broken wires within one lay length of the end connection.

2 broken wires

Standing guy boom pendants ropes....

3 broken wires in one lay beyond the end connection or 2 broken wires within one lay length of the end connection

Wire rope Loss in diameter of....

10% or more means discard

High strand where height exceeds_____of nominal diameter


Corrosion of wire rope with significant pitting that cannot be removed by abrasive removal of______of the original diameter of individual outside wires

Less than 1/3

Ropes shall not contain


Replacement of wire rope does not.....

Require load testing

Forks will be inspected


Height of fork tip deviation will not be greater than

3% of fork length

Angle of shank with bends greater than....

3 degrees from 90 degrees (87-93 is acceptable)

Straightness deviation of more than_____of fork length needs replacement

0.5 percent

Fork wear of ______ original thickness requires replacement


Inspection certification sequence of events....

Conduct ACI

What requires load test...

Aerial personnel device ( Maint platform)

NDT will be performed on the hook...

Every 5 years

At a minimum _____ test will be performed by mos 2161 or qualified civilian personnel

Dye penetrant test

If a hook fails it will be...

Discarded or replaced

All required test remarks that do not have a specific data entry point in GCSS will be entered manually in the ....

Item instance notes section or attached as supporting maintenance documents

When testing hydraulic boom cranes at no time will a outrigger rise off deck during a....

Structural test

During a stability test a outrigger can rise only ....

Opposite the boom and is not tipping. At no time should two outriggers rise off ground

During combat conditions under supervision of certifying official marine corps equipment with....

An known weight and a dynamometer as testing weight

Structural test requires 110 percent capacity at

10 minutes

Stability test requires....

Chosen test load from stability portion of load chart must be able to do 360 degrees around crane

Load test procedures for aerial personnel device are found in

TM 5-3810-305-10

Load test inspector

Individual who conducts the inspection and certifying that the inspection was completed regardless if the results or the inspection was pass or fail

Test director

Will sign and dated once the equipment has passed the condition inspection. This certifies that the inspection was conducted and passed in accordance with applicable orders and tech manuals

Certifying officials

Will sign once condition inspection record is completed and signed by test director . This certifies that the equipment has completed and passed the yearly inspection requirement in accordance with the applicable orders and TMs

TM 4-48.09

Basic Operations and Equipment

TM 4-48.10

Single Point Rigging Procedures

TM 4-48.11

Dual Point Rigging Procedures

FM 3-21.38

Pathfinder Operations

FM 4-20.102

Rigging Airdrop Platforms

Supported Unit

The unit whose equipment will be moved
-Rigging of load
-Securing slings, straps, clevises and other sling equipment
-Assuring that the loads are properly rigged and do not exceed the Allowable Cargo Load (ACL)

advance coordination with supporting unit NLT?

24 hours

supporting unit

The aviation unit that will fly the load(s)

Receiving unit

Normally an internal element of the supported unit

high density loads

best stability

low density loads

least stability


becomes stable when streamlined


maximum external load


allowable cargo load

ACL based on:


type of A/C
age of airframe
pilot experience
altitude ASL
aviation unit SOP

UH-1 (Iroquois Cargo Hook RC)

5000 lbs

UH-1 (Cargo Hook Can Accept:)

Nylon, Polyester Round Sling, 11K CHRP

UH-1 (Cargo Hook Cannot Accept)

Metal, 25K CHRP

UH-60A (Cargo Hook RC)

8000 lbs

UH-60M/L (CH RC)


UH-60 (Can Accept)

Nylon, 11K CHRP, 25K Apex W/O spacer, 10K Apex W/ Spacer

UH-60 (Cannot Accept)

Nylon (Donut Ring), 25K CHRP, 25K Apex W/ Spacer, 10K Apex W/O spacer

CH-47 (RC Center Hook)

26000 lbs

CH-47 (Fore/Aft Hook RC)


CH-47 (Fore&Aft Hook RC)


CH-47 (Cannot accept)

Single Point Nylon POA (chinook)

When attaching multiple single point loads to CH-47 going to same location:

heaviest load = center hook
mid-weight = fore hook
lightest load = aft hook

When attaching multiple single point loads to CH-47 going to different locations

first/lightest = fore hook
second/medium = aft hook
third/heaviest = center hook

CH-53 (Super Stallion RC)

32000 lbs (CH: 36000 lbs)

CH-53 (Cannot Accept)

Single Point Nylon POA (super stallion)

Minimum weight CH-53


CH-46 (Sea Knight RC)


CH-46 (Cannot Accept)

Nylon POA to cargo hook (sea knight)

AC6000500 Mod-1 Pendant RC

12000 lbs

AC6000500 Mod-1 Pendant Length

8 Ft

AC6000500 Mod-1 Pendant Weight

53 lbs

What is used on the CH-46 to increase length

AC6000500 Mod 1 Pendant

supported unit, supporting unit, receiving unit

3 units/elements involved in sling load ops

high density, low density, aerodynamic

Three types of loads


type of airframe


airframe age


pilot experience

second A in TAPAHAT

altitude above sea level



third A in TAPAHAT

aviation unit SOP

second T in TAPAHAT


CH-53 max and min lifting capacity

32000lbs and 6000lbs

Reference for flat web slings (ADS)

FM 3-21.38 and TM 4-48.09

Rated Capacity of three large suspension clevises used together


Rated Capacity of silver load binder


Reference for inspection of 25K/10K sling sets

TM 4-48.09 Chapter 6

Volume of 10K Cargo Net

380 cubic feet

four methods to stabilize sling loads

increase weight, increase drag surface area, increase link count, reduce air speed

signalman position

45 degree angle, 20-25m away from A/C

reference for field expedient static discharge wand

TM 4-48.09 Appendix D

Four classifications of sling loads


when would you use a long line. how would you route it

in brown out/white out conditions in front of A/C

tandem load

two loads, one in front of the other using two cargo hooks

sling load inspectors must be:

E4 and above, and graduate of Air assault, Pathfinder, or SLICC

H&A signal to gain control of A/C

assume guidance