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JKO Medical Management of Biological Casualties (MMBC) Online

Naturally occurring cases of plague are never seen in the United States and laboratory-confirmation of plague is proof of a bioterrorism event.


Bacillus anthracis is the bacteria which causes anthrax.


Which characteristics make alphaviruses optimal for use as potential weapons?

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Which of these biological agents could make an ideal bioterrorist weapon?

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In initial clinical exams, botulism in adults can be mis-diagnosed

More than one answer is correct

Which country deliberatively did not follow the 1972 Biological Weapons convention even after signing?


If Burkholderia mallei suspected and/or confirmed samples or cultures are being handled in a laboratory, at what biosafety level (BSL) should personnel be working?


Current CDC recommendations for PEP to aerosolized B. anthracis spores includes 60 days of oral antibiotics and a three dose series of anthrax vaccine adsorbed (AVA)


Patients experiencing intoxication with few exceptions, like influenza, and/or incubating infections are not contagious.


The global eradication of smallpox was:

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Clinical symptoms of oral SEB Intoxication does not include which of the following?


What can cause an epidemic in an unexpected area?

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In conjunction with clinical history and clinical suspi-cion, the main method of laboratory diagnosis of both acute and chronic Q fever in humans is

Serology (indirect immunofluorescent antibody, IFA)

Presumably, the earliest infected cells (target cells) for Filovirus (Ebola and Marburg viruses) infections are?


When should hand washing be performed?

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Which of the following is true about outbreaks of multiple unexplained symptoms (OMUS)?

Symptoms seen during OMUS includes fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, and memory difficulties

All of the following are true regarding the treatment of Burkholderia pseudomallei (melioidosis)-infections regardless of clinical severity EXCEPT:

Oral maintenance therapy for no more than 30 days following IV therapy

How often should airflow be check in regards to the PAPR system?

Before each use

What is the most likely natural method of human ex-posure to and acquisition of Brucella spp. infections?

Consumption of unpasteurized milk products (e.g., drinking raw milk)

Guarnieri bodies are associated with

Variola virus

Fracisella tularensis subsp. holarctica ? (Type B) is found in on what continents?

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What of the following is NOT a factor that makes a particularly food more vulnerable to potential use as a vehicle for attack?

Long shelf life

In animal studies, ricin was found to have the highest potency when introduced:

Injected and inhaled

Which of the following is not a DoD Biological identification level?

Repeat testing

An eschar is a coal-black scab associated with


Presumably, the earliest infected cells (target cells) for Filovirus (Ebola and Marburg viruses) infections are?


What is the most likely natural method of human ex-posure to and acquisition of Brucella spp. infections?

Consumption of unpasteurized milk products (e.g., drinking raw milk)

What is the most effective and cost efficient way to prevent the spread of germs/infections?

Soap and water

What is the biggest limitation to toxins as biological weapons?


All of the following are suitable environments for Burkholderia pseudomallei survival EXCEPT?

Dry, desert conditions

For treatment of anthrax disease IV ciprofloxacin or other fluoroquinolones with a similar spectrum of activity and central nervous system penetration are recommended over doxycycyline as the primary antimicrobial agent.


A botulinum differential diagnosis may include brain abscess and/or bacterial meningitis.


The global eradication of smallpox was:

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What precautionary measures would you take if there is an outbreak and the causative agent is not yet determined?

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Clinical symptoms of oral SEB Intoxication does not include which of the following?


Ricin?s toxicity is caused by:

Interrupting protein synthesis

Which characteristics make alphaviruses optimal for use as potential weapons?

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In Normal Disaster Behavior these two types are the most common and rare respectively:

Stunned and bewildered" and "Panic

Variola major ordinary type presents in > 90% of cases among unvaccinated persons.


Current measures for prevention and control of plague include which of the following:

Minimize contact with rodents and fleas

Which is the BSL is for lethal agents for which there are no vaccines or other countermeasures


What is the optimal particle size for aerosol delivery of a bio-agent

1-5 microns

Which country deliberately did not follow the 1972 Biological Weapons convention even after signing


Which is not a characteristic of tier 1 agents

easily treatable

Which transmission-based precautions are most appropriate to prevent a disease which is spread by close respiratory contact or secretions

Droplet precautions

of the CDC and USDA select agents discussed in this module , how many diseases are not zoonotic


What of the following is NOT a factor that makes a particular food more vulnerable to potential use as a vehicle for attack

Long shelf life

Which of the following agents has foodborne gastrointestinal infections as one of its forms


Naturally occurring outbreaks of food- and waterborne disease and agricultural diseases have occurred from contamination with

all of the above

which is the best definition for epidemic

The occurrence of an unexpected cases of disease for a given place and time period

What is the best definition for epidemiology

Describing and interpreting patterns of disease in populations

Concern should be heightened if the naturally occurring disease requires a vector for spread and the competent vector is missing . this is an example of which clue

uncommon disease

Which of these biological agents could make an ideal bio-terrorist weapon

all answers

Which of these can cause an epidemic in an unexpected area

all answers

Which hand washing aspect is most important


what is the most efficient and cost efficient way to prevent he spread of germs/infections

soap and water

when should hand washing be preformed

all answers

for decontamination of clothing and equipment, what is the correct bleach concentration


What precautionary measures would you take if there is an outbreak and the causative agent is not yet determined

Precautions based off signs and symptoms of patient

What is the proper PEE for this suite


T or F - MOPP level IV is equivalent to BSL-3


What is the appropriate bleach to water solution when decontaminating equipment or Tyvek suit


How often should airflow be checked in regards to the PAPR system

Before each use

What is the LRN

The long ass answer

What are the main technologies that are utilized for agent identification

All of the above

Where does the test occur

Both locations

Which of the following is not DoD biological identification level

Repeat testing

What can cause an epidemic in an unexpected area

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Current CDC recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to areosolized B. anthracis spores includes 60 days of oral antibiotics and a three dose series of anthrax vaccine absorbed (AVA)


AVA is not currently licensed for PEP, and thus it would have to be given under investigational new drug (IND) protocol or an emergency use authorization (EUA)


Clinical or subclinical meningitis in patients with IA is likely and should be suspected in all patients with inhalation or systemic anthrax


For treatment of anthrax disease IV ciprofloxacin or other fluoroquinolones with a similar spectrum of activity and central nervous system penetration are recommended over doxycycyline as the primary


Variable beta-lactam resistance has been identified among naturally occurring B. anthracis isolates, therefore penicillins should not be initially used for PEP of anthrax


What type of biological agent is tularemia


What Characteristics of tularemia makes it particularly attractive as a bio weapon

High infectivity

Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica - (type B) is found in what continents

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What most common clinical presentation of natural tularemia infection is


The typical incubation period between exposure and the development of symptoms for oculoglandular tularemia

3-5 days

Forms of disease observed with plague patients do NOT include


Important infection control measures to remember with plague patients do NOT include

Incisions and brain damage

Current measures for prevention and control of plague include which of the following

minimize contact with rats and fleas

Naturally occurring cases of plague are never seen in the united states and laboratory-confirmation of plague is proof of of a bioterrorism event


Yersinia pestis infection can occur in which of the following animal species

All of the following

There are seven classical species of brucella. Which is considered the most virulent Brucella spp. for humans


Although clinical features in human are non-specific, the most common clinical finding in acute brucellosis is


What is most likely the natural method of human exposure to and acquisition of brucella spp. infections

Consumption of unpasteurized milk products

What is the most common clinical findings in livestock

Abortions in livestock

Brucella spp. is a facultative intrecellular coccobacillus. Intracellular survival in what cell type is important in the pathogenesis of brucellosis and lesion development organs


Regarding Q fever infection, all of the following are true Except

High mortality in humans

What is the most likely natural method of human exposure to and acquisition of Q fever infections?

Aerosol contact with C. burnetii-infected animals or animal remains

If C.burnetii suspected and/or confirmed samples or cultures are being handled in a laboratory, at what biosafety level (BSL) should personnel be working


What is the most common clinical finding in livestock on farms and/or in areas where C. burnetii is highly suspected and/or endemic

spontaneous abortions in livestock

C. burnetii is a facultative intracellular coccobacillus. Once inhaled and trapped in the lungs, intracellular survival in what cell type is important in the pathogenesis of Q fever and lesion
