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JKO Smallpox Course

Simultaneous administration of smallpox vaccine is not recommended with which of the following vaccines?


As part of a pre-outbreak smallpox vaccination program, which is NOT likely to be a responsibility of vaccine administration personnel?

Informing the public about the location of smallpox vaccination clinics

A person at greatest risk for developing progressive vaccinia after smallpox vaccination would be one ________.

being currently treated for leukemia

Which statement is true about historical trends in smallpox illness and control?

In 1777, George Washington had his troops inoculated with variola virus to protect them against smallpox.

Smallpox is caused by which virus?


A person who has a single lesion on the face resulting from autoinoculation should ____________.

be referred to a physician who specializes in infectious disease, vaccine adverse events, or dermatology

Which statement is correct about smallpox post-vaccination guidelines for healthcare workers? A recently vaccinated healthcare worker ____________.

should have a semi-permeable barrier over his or her vaccination site dressing, plus long sleeves, when providing patient care

Which person should not be given smallpox vaccine in a pre-outbreak setting? (Assume that there are no conditions or risk factors other than those listed).

A 50 year old who has been diagnosed with "mini-strokes," which all have resolved without any lasting damage

An illness is diagnosed as a confirmed case of smallpox ______________.

by laboratory verification of variola viruses

Which person has the most significant risk factor for a severe immune system-related smallpox vaccine complication? A person who ___________.

has had sexual contact with a person who is HIV-positive and is not taking their medication regularly

Vaccinia virus can be cultured from the vaccination site from when the papule develops until when the __________.

scab falls off and site is healed

Which complication of smallpox disease would be most likely to be treated with antibiotics and supportive care?


Recommendations for smallpox vaccination include vaccine administration into skin that ________________.

is washed with soap and water, rinsed, and dried

An equivocal reaction to smallpox vaccine is any reaction other than a major reaction. Which is NOT a possible cause for an equivocal reaction?

Repeated touching or scratching of the vaccination site

Vaccinia immune globulin (VIG) use would be indicated for a person with __________.

progressive vaccinia

As part of a pre-outbreak smallpox vaccination program, for which person would smallpox vaccine most likely be contraindicated? A person who answers "yes" to the question:

Are you pregnant or have a chance of pregnancy?

Which is true about the smallpox prodrome?

The prodrome occurs between the incubation period and the start of the rash

What is the correct action to take if, after dipping the bifurcated needle into the smallpox vaccine vial, you do not see a droplet of vaccine between the prongs?

Re-dip the needle perpendicularly into the vial

When can surveillance of a smallpox contact be discontinued?

When there is no fever by 18 days after the last contact with the smallpox patient, or 14 days have passed since successful vaccination

A woman arrives at an emergency department (ED) with a high fever and a vesicular rash, which is confirmed by laboratory diagnosis to be smallpox. Which person has highest priority for vaccination?

The woman's roommate, who has been caring for her at home

If a smallpox outbreak were being managed by quarantine in a community, which instruction would be correct to give families caring for smallpox patients at home?

Sickroom trash can be bagged for routine disposal

Which measure is most important in preventing a common adverse event following smallpox vaccination?

Hand washing

Which statement is true about the current threat from smallpox virus?

Smallpox virus could be transmitted by a bioterrorist who is ill with the disease or by mechanical aerosolization of the virus into the air of a building or other closed area.

You are giving ACAM2000 to a person who has never received smallpox vaccine. The correct technique is ____________.

15 jabs into the skin of the upper arm