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JKO Uniformed Services Culture

The ACF can trace its beginnings to?


1859 there was an invasion by the?


When did 8 schools form volunteer companies?


Who formed the SouthWark cadet company?

Miss Octavia Hill

Who did Miss Octavia Hill introduce to the company?


The 4 virtues are?

Cleanliness, order, teamwork and self-reliance

The BNCA became the ACFA in?


The cadet training center in Frimley park was opened in?


The cadet training center provides courses for?

Officers and adult instructors of the ACF and CCF

The cadet training center provides courses in summer to?

Senior cadets

The centenary of the ACF was celebrated in?


Recent changes to the ACF have resulted in uniform changes and the introduction of?


Largest Scottish regiment in the world


1st Scots

Somme company

When was RROS founded?

28th March 2006

Give at least 2 signs or symptoms that someone is having an asthma attack

Anxiety, breathlessness, difficulty speaking & wheezing

What are the two different types of Inhalers?

Preventer & reliever

Give at least 2 things that you might see if someone has been stung or bitten by an insect

Pain, itchiness, swelling & redness

Give at least 2 thing that you can do to help with an insect bite/ sting

Apply ice pack, raise the limb if possible & remove insect

In a minor bleeding injury such as a graze, what is the biggest risk?


What should you wear when helping with a bleed?


What is shock?

A sudden loss of blood flow

Give at least 2 things you can do to treat shock

Lie the causality and raise their legs & loosen tight clothes

Give a definition for the following: fracture, dislocation, sprain or strain

Fracture- A crack or
break in the bone
Dislocation- A bone in a
joint that has moved out
of place
Sprain/ strains- Damage to soft

What does RICE stand for?

Rest, ice, compression, & elevation

What is the difference between a burn & a scald?

A burn is from dry heat & a scald is from wet heat

Give at least 2 things you can do to treat a burn or scald

Place under cold, running water for 10 minutes & apply a sterile dressing or cling film

Give at least 2 signs or symptoms that someone is having an heart attack

Anxiety, chest pains & feeling weak

Give at least 2 things you can do to treat heart attack

Help sit causality down & give 1 aspirin to chew if over the age of 16

How many back blows & abdominal thrusts should you give to someone who is choking?

Up to 5 abdominal thrusts & back blows

What should you do if the casualty loses consciousness?


Give 5 pieces of information you should pass on when making a 999 call

Breathing or not, location, medical history, phone number and issue

List at least 5 things you would expect to find in most first aid kits

Eye patch, gloves, guidance card, safety pins, scissors, sterile dressing &triangular dressing

What is a Poison?

A substance that causes damage to the body

List the 5 different ways a Poison can enter the body

Absorbed, injected, inhaled, splashed in eyes or swallowed