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JKO U.S. Government Interagency Coordination

Unity of effort

Combatant commanders and subordinate joint force commanders must work with U.S. ambassadors (or diplomatic missions), Department of State, and other agencies to best integrate the military actions with the diplomatic, economic, and informational instruments of national power to promote ________.

strategic Level

SECDEF, CJCS, JCS, CC, National level Effectivness comes fro DIME

Operational Level

Theatre Level, Combabtant Commander uses Policy Advisory (POLAND) to comm with DC.

Tactical Level

"In Country"

National Security Advisor

Mediates and brokers between cabinet members (Honest Broker)


Diplomatic, Informational, Military, Economic


Is used to aaply USA's power - Culture, human potential, industry, science and technology, academic institutions, geography, and national will

Civil-military coordination

Forges the vital link
between the military and the economic political
and diplomatic, and civilian entities of the US
Government as well as Nongovernmental
Organizations (NGOs) and Intergovernmental
Organizations (IGOs). Successful coordination and
planning enables a coherent and efficient
collective operation. Unity of effort must be

Interagency Coordination

Within the context of Department of Defense
involvement, the coordination that occurs
between elements of Department of
Defense, and engaged US Government
agencies and departments for the purpose
of achieving an objective.

Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 2000.13

• Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities
for conducting DoD-wide Civil Affairs activities
(Civil Affairs Operations).
• Includes Interagency coordination and meeting
responsibilities to the civilian sector in foreign
areas in peace and war throughout range of
military operations.

DODD 2000.13 Applies to:

This Directive applies to:
• The office of the Secretary of Defense
• The Military Departments
• The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
• The Unified Combatant Commands
• Defense Agencies
• The DoD Field Activities
• Non-DoD organizations that are
participating in DoD Civil Affairs activities
(Civil Affairs Operations) or are requesting
DoD Civil Affairs capabilities.

National Security Presidential Directive 44

Promotes security of The United States through
coordination, planning, and implementation of
reconstruction and stabilization assistance for
foreign states and regions at risk of, in, or in
transition from conflict or civil strife.
This directive supersedes Presidential Decision
Directive/NSC 56, May 20, 1997, Managing
Complex Contingency Operations.


Secretary of State shall:
• Coordinate and lead integrated US Government
(USG) efforts involving all U.S. Departments and
Agencies with relevant capabilities, to prepare,
plan for , and conduct stabilization and
reconstruction activities.
• Coordinate such efforts with the Secretary of
Defense to ensure harmonization with any
planned or ongoing US Military operations
across the spectrum of conflict.


• Contact or intercommunication maintained
between elements of military forces or civilian
organizations to ensure mutual understanding
and unity of purpose and action.

Liaison Purpose

• Used during operations and normal daily
activity between organizations to help
facilitate communication, preserve freedom
of action, and maintain flexibility.
• Liaison activities augment the
commander's ability to synchronize and
focus the combat power

Liaison Activities

• mutual cooperation and understanding between
commander and staff of different organizations.
• coordination on tactical matters to achieve
mutual purpose, support and action.
• exact and precise understanding of implied or
inferred coordination measures to achieve
synchronized results.

Liaison Offiver (LNO)

• mutual cooperation and understanding between
commander and staff of different organizations.
• coordination on tactical matters to achieve
mutual purpose, support and action.
• exact and precise understanding of implied or
inferred coordination measures to achieve
synchronized results.

Liaison Team

composed of a liaison
officer, a liaison NCOIC, clerical personnel,
drivers, and communications personnel
with their equipment.

CA Elements as Liaison

Are specifically designed & intended to
serve as military liaison elements between
a variety of entities & organizations.

Liaison Principles

• Understand civilian operational and financial
• Replicate the emergency relief and rehabilitation
capabilities of civilian agencies only when
nothing else can protect life and property.

CA Liaison Duty

CA liaison duty will often be in support of a
joint or multinational operation.

Liaison Doctrine

No overarching interagency doctrine
delineates or dictates the relationships and
procedures governing all agencies,
departments, and organizations in
Interagency, Intergovernmental, and
Nongovernmental Organization

Liaison must be:

• Competent and skilled
• Familiar with receiving organization.
• Ensure the mission is accomplished without
interference to receiving organization's staff
procedures or operations.

Intergovernmental Organizations

known as International Organizations, is an
organization created by a formal agreement
between two or more governments. It may be
established on a global, regional, or functional
basis for a range of defined purposes. Formed to
protect and promote national interests shared by
member states.

IGO Categories

• General membership and broad scope
• General membership and limited scope
• Limited membership and broad scope
• Limited membership and limited scope


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an
alliance of 26 (28 as of 2015) countries from North
America and Europe committed to fulfilling the
goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed April 4,

NATO Duties

• Safeguards the freedom and security of its member
countries by political and military means.
• Provides a forum on security issues.
• Military structure is a multi-national force planning
organization and command system.

When was the UN Created?


UN Membership

Open to all peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter.

UN Organizations (6)

(1) General Assembly
(2) Security Council
(3) Economic and Social Council
(4) Trusteeship Council
(5) Secretariat
(6) International Court of Justice


The United Nations Assistance Mission for
Iraq (UNAMI)-heralded in Security Council
Resolution 1500 adopted on 14 August 2003
as a one-year follow through mission in the
wake of the Oil-for-Food program handover
on 21 November 2003.

UNAMI Mandate

IAW Security Council Resolution 1546, the
mandate of UNAMI, as requested by the
Government of Iraq shall:
• Assist in convening, during the month of Jul 04 of a
national conference to select a Consultative Council.
• Advise and support the Independent Electoral
Commission of Iraq, as well as the Interim
Government of Iraq and the Transitional National
Assembly on the process for holding elections.

• Promote national dialogue and consensus building
on the drafting of a national
constitution by the people of Iraq.
• Advise the Government of Iraq in the
development of effective civil and social
• Contribute to the coordination and delivery of
reconstruction, development and humanitarian


• Providing political and strategic advice for the peace
• Providing good offices.
• Assisting Afghanistan's government towards
implementation of the Afghanistan Compact.
• Promoting human rights.
• Providing technical assistance.
• Manage all UN humanitarian relief, recovery,
reconstruction and development activities in
coordination with the government.

Types Of NGOs

(1) National - Limited. NGOs can be based in one country and
provide their services in that country (Non-international) while at the
same time provide their services around the world.
(2) International - General. Multi-National NGOs keep representing
two or more national sub- groups. These International NGOs can
provide services to a single country, region, or be global in scope.
(3) International - Limited. Single nation based international scope
NGOs provide all of their services outside of the country that they
are based in. 100% of its services outside of the country they live in.

Other Governmental Agencies (OGA)

All other US government agencies
outside of the department of defense.

OGA Examples


Coord. Tools



Serves as the primary coordination interface for
the US armed forces between IPI, humanitarian
organizations, IGOs, NGOs, multinational military
forces, and other civilian agencies of the USG
(unified action partners).

What is a Humanitarian Operations Center (HOC)?

Humanitarian Operations Center

The difficulty some units face adapting their mindset to vastly changed conditions on their third or fourth deployment to the same location is known as _____ challenges.


By virtue of their familiarity in a foreign country or region, _____ are a valuable source of information for a Joint Task Force commander who may have neither access to nor current information about the affected country or region.

IGOs and NGOs

Nongovernmental organizations are usually willing to quickly align themselves with intervening military forces in order to ensure their ability to achieve their objectives and for their physical security.


Which of the following options represent the Statutory Advisors of the National Security Council?

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director of National Intelligence

Unlike the military, most U.S. Government agencies and nongovernmental organizations are _____ to create separate staffs at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels, with the result that Joint Task Force personnel interface with individuals who are coordinating their organization's activities at more than one level.

not equipped and organized

The Department of State assigns a _____ to combatant commanders, and increasingly to Joint Task Force commanders, to provide foreign policy perspective and to establish linkage with U.S. embassies in the area of responsibility or joint operations area and the Department of State.

Political Advisor (POLAD)

To accomplish U.S. objectives, the national security strategy guides the coordination of the instruments of national power which include _____. (Select all that apply.)

the military

One way to remember the instruments of national power is by using the acronym _____.


Which of the following is not considered an instrument of national power?


The Interagency process facilitates _____ by military and non-military participants conducting interagency coordination in pursuit of national objectives.

Unity of Effort

The complexity and challenges associated with planning for and executing an operation include: (select all that apply)

multinational partners

Policy makers often fail to have a clear understanding of what the implications of their decisions will be on ground forces.


The Joint Task Force commander facilitates unified action and gains a greater understanding of the roles of IGOs and NGOs and how they influence mission accomplishment by establishing a _____.

Civil-Military Operations Center (CMOC)

The _____, as amended, established the National Security Council (NSC) to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security.

National Security Act of 1947

The country team provides for rapid interagency consultation and action of recommendations from the field. The Department of Defense is normally represented on the country team by the _____ and the _____.

defense attache, security cooperation organization

The National Security Council comprises which three levels of formal interagency committees for coordination and making decisions on national security issues?

principals, deputies, and interagency policy

The country team provides for rapid interagency consultation and action on recommendations from the field. The Department of Defense is normally represented on the country team by the _____ and the _____.

defense attache, security cooperation organization

Unlike the military, most U.S. Government agencies and nongovernmental organizations are _____ to create separate staffs at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels, with the result that Joint Task Force personnel interface with individuals who are coordinating their organization's activities at more than one level.

not equipped and organized

Which of the following is not considered an instrument of national power?


To accomplish U.S. objectives, the national security strategy guides the coordination of the instruments of national power which include _____. (Select all that apply.)

the military

The relevance of the interagency process at the _____ to the Combatant Commander and the U.S. military is that the process yields America's major national security policy decisions.

strategic level

The complexity and challenges associated with planning for and executing an operation include: (select all that apply)

multinational partners

The _____, as amended, established the National Security Council (NSC) to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security.

National Security Act of 1947

The difficulty some units face adapting their mindset to vastly changed conditions on their third or fourth deployment to the same location is known as _____ challenges.


By virtue of their familiarity in a foreign country or region, _____ are a valuable source of information for a Joint Task Force commander who may have neither access to nor current information about the affected country or region.

IGOs and NGOs

In most situations, intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations need the following military capabilities:

logistics, communications, and security

The major challenge in working toward unity of effort often comes from _____.

disjunctions in the three levels of interagency coordination

Nongovernmental organizations are usually willing to quickly align themselves with intervening military forces in order to ensure their ability to achieve their objectives and for their physical security.


U.S. military forces are authorized under certain conditions to provide assistance to U.S. civil authorities for disasters, catastrophes, infrastructure protection, and other emergencies. This assistance is known as _____ within the defense community because the assistance will always be in support of a lead Federal agency.

civil support

The _____ acts as the honest "broker" among the many U.S. Government agencies to solve disagreements and achieve consensus among agencies on national security issues.

National Security Advisor