JKO Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) for Acquisition and Contracting Professionals Course

1. Which of the following includes human trafficking compliance guidelines that apply to Department of Defense contractors? Select all that apply.

- National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013
- Federal Acquisition Regulation Subpart 22.17

2. Which of the following does the Geographic Combatant Command Human Trafficking Special Contract Requirements include in overseas solicitations and contracts

D) All of the Above

3. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

- Persons subject to human trafficking are victims
- Humans smuggling typically involves someone who is cooperating

4. Which of the following is involves victims who are required to work for low wages to repay an excessive or unreasonable amount of money in exchange for a service?

A) Debt bondage

5. Which of the following is the preferred method of conducting interviews during a human trafficking compliance review?

- Interview contractor employees using an interpreter not employed by the contractor

6. You are providing support in drafting a solicitation for food services to be provided at a remote, restricted military intelligence site. Due to the inaccessibility of the location, there is a need for employer-provided housing. The periods of performance will be one year with two options years. Which of the following should be incorporated into the solicitation?

All of the Above

7. Which of the following actions must a contractor take if he or she identifies a human trafficking contract violation? Select all that apply.

- Notify the prime partnering of any violations or information received

8. Read each statement and select whether it is a tue or false statement based on Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.222-50.

A (True)
B (False)

9. Maria and nearly 50 other Filipino nationals were promised housing, transportation, and well-paying jobs with the United States military on an installation in South Korea. In the housing provided by the contactor, she and other workers slept side0-by-side on the floors of the kitchen, garage , and dining room. They primarily ate chicken feet and innards. When the workers complained, the recruiters threatened to call the police or immigration services to arrest and deport them. When they finally did get work, the janitorial jobs were not what they had expected, the pay was substantially lower than promised, and the recruiters kept the majority of their pay for "room and board." Identify whether any human trafficking indicators are evident in the scenario.

- Passport seized

10. Which of the following is NOT a common human trafficking contract violation?

- Billing the government for more money than initially promised

11. You are a defense acquisition professional overseeing a contract to build a new recreation center on a United States military installation in Germany. If there are no previous reports or indicators of human trafficking. At which phase of the contract would you use the audits, housing inspections, and interviews with the contract employees to actively look for indicators of human trafficking?

- Contract Performance Management

12. Which of the following requirements should Defense acquisition professionals include in the contracts they are responsible for managing?

- FAR Clause 52.222-50
- Geographic Combatant Command Human Trafficking Special Contract Requirements

13. Which of the following factors affect someone's vulnerability to being targeted by a trafficker?

All Are Correct

14. Which of the following should not be included during a human trafficking compliance review?

- Involve only the subcontractor, not the prime contractor, if the subcontractor fails to comply with regulations

15. Which of the following should Defense Acquisition professionals consider when imposing suitable remedies for human trafficking violations?

All Are Correct

Which of the following contains the CTIP clause that must be included in every contract?

FAR Clause 52.222-50

Red flags of human trafficking fall into five main categories: document tampering, wage and payment problems, safety issues, freedom of movement, and working and living conditions.


Defense Acquisition Professionals are responsible for notifying appropriate authorities when TIP violation are suspected.


Trafficking in persons consists of which of the following? Select all that apply.

Sex trafficking
Child soldiering
Labor trafficking

In the pre-award phase of a contract Defense acquisition professionals can prevent trafficking by doing which of the following (Select all that apply):

Evaluate contractor's compliance with trafficking in persons regulations in past performance
Obtain compliance plan certification for contractors and proposed subcontractors
Ensure the FAR and DFARS provisions are in the contract, as appropriate
Ensure that a contract over the $500,000 threshold meets certification criteria

The FAR lists which remedies when TIP violations occur (select all that apply):

Contract or subcontract termination
Suspension or debarment
Removal of contractor or subcontractor employee

Some of the vulnerabilities associated with trafficking victims include (Select all that apply):

Childhood abuse, neglect or violence
Natural disasters
Poverty or economic hardship
Migrant workers and undocumented immigrants
Political instability or armed conflict

Some common trafficking in persons contract violations involve (Select all that apply):

Debt Bondage
Contracts that are not in an employee's native language
Noncompliance with CTIP training and policy
False or fraudulent promises of one job and given another
Charging employees Recruitment Fees

Credible information includes which of the following (select all that apply):

Documentation provided by a foreign country
Reports from other Federal agencies
Information from survivors

"Incident Reporter" can be:

All of the above