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JKO Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) Phase I Course

When the US Coast Guard is involved in search and rescue and accident investigation activities these are examples of what type of mission?


Which of the following statements is TRUE

Capability targets guide the allocation of resources in support of our national preparedness

Under the unified command (UC) structure the incident commander (IC) is the individual responsible for all incident activities including

Ordering and releasing resources

Strategies and tactics

The National Defense Act of 1916, the Insurrection Act, and Title 10 of the USC section 12406 laws authorize the use of the National Guard in a federal status for

Terrorist act or incident
Enforcement of federal laws
Natural disasters
Suppression of insurrection against a state

The Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support will transform and improve DOD capabilities in each of these areas

Joint operational capabilities for homeland defense
Information sharing
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
Private sector and nongovernmental organization coordination

Which of the following statements is TRUE

A national risk assessment was conducted highlighting key findings affirming the need for a capability-based approach to preparedness planning

The ____________ describes and organizes an integrated set of guidance, programs, and processes to enable the National Preparedness Goal

National Preparedness System

The USACE serves the Armed Forces and the Nation by providing __________ and capabilities as a ___________ service, and performs both military and civil missions

engineering services, public

Match each management characteristic with the correct definition

d Incident action planning

a Comprehensive resource management

b Integrated communications

c Establishment and transfer of command

Combatant commands use a phased approach when planning for a wide spectrum of operations. Which phase is characterized by "focusing on the redeployment of DOD response forces to their home station

Phase V - Transition

The National Planning Scenarios form a basis for coordinated Federal ________, ________, ________

planning, training, and exercises

The infrastructure protection mission area of the National Planning Scenarios deals with

The ability to protect critical infrastructure from all threats and hazards

The NIMS is a comprehensive, nationwide, systematic approach to incident management. It is NOT

A response plan for major hazardous incidents

Which of the following is a TRUE statement

The general staff consists of operations, planning, logistics, and finance and administration

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides the architecture for standardized preparation and response to domestic incidents and addresses a number of important considerations. Which of the following is NOT addressed by the NIMS

A response plan

Of the common core capabilities that serve to unify the mission areas, which provides a complete and integrated picture of the sequence and scope of the tasks to achieve objectives


Who generally coordinates federal incident support to the state and provides the means to integrate diverse federal resources and engage directly with the state

Joint Field Office

Match each NIMS characteristic with the correct description

a) Fosters cohesion among various organizations and improves integration and connectivity among jurisdictions and disciplines

b) Reduces the loss of life, property damage, and harm to the environment and highlights the need for collaborative response, common principles, and standardization of procedures and terminology

c) Can be implemented in specified areas around the nation and facilitates scalability of emergency management and incident response

d) A systematic approach to guide departments and agencies at all levels of government, NGOs, and the private sector and ensure all responders work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents

a b c d NIMS definition

a b c d NIMS importance

a b c d Flexibility

a b c d Standardization

The responsibility for responding to incidents, both natural and manmade, begins at the local level with individuals and public officials in the county, city, or town affected by the incident. Which of the following is not a key leadership element

Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO)

"A planning process that occurs under uncertainty in order to provide capabilities suitable for a wide range of challenges and circumstances..." describes:

Capabilities-based planning

DSCA is initiated by a request for DOD assistance from civil authorities or qualifying entities or is authorized by the POTUS or SECDEF. The process for submitting an RFA is outlined in ____________ on DSCA

DODD 3025.18

The combatant command responsible for conducting civil support operations (including consequence management operations) in accordance with US laws within the established area of operations is

United States Northern Command

The Strategy for Homeland Defense and DSCA mentions the following missions:

Defense US Territory from Direct Attack by State and Non-State Actors

Provide Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)

If a situation escalates to a magnitude requiring National Guard forces to operate under the command and control of their governor and federally funded through DOD; this is referred to as:

Title 32 forces

Of the 15 National Planning Scenarios, which of the following are considered "key scenario sets"? Select all that apply

Explosives attack
Pandemic influenza
Chemical attack
Natural disaster
Cyber attack

Match each piece of the national response framework's (NRF) supporting documentation with its description.

a) Doctrine, organization, roles and responsibilities, response actions, response organizations, and planning requirements to achieve an effective national response

b) Provide ready references describing key roles and actions for local, tribal, state, federal, and private sector response partners

c) Describe essential supporting aspects that are common to all incidents (e.g., financial management, volunteer and donations management, and private sector coordination)

d) Group federal resources and capabilities into functional areas that are most frequently needed in a national response (e.g., transportation, firefighting, mass-care)

e) Address unique aspects of how we respond to seven broad incident categories (e.g., biological, nuclear/radiological, cyber, and mass-evacuation)

a b c d e Emergency Support Function Annexes

a b c d e Partner Guides

a b c d e Incident Annexes

a b c d e Support Annexes

a b c d e Core Document

Using the core capabilities, the National Preparedness Goals are achieved by utilizing the following mission areas: (Select all that apply)


The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides the architecture for standardized preparation and response to domestic incidents and addresses a number of important considerations. Which of the following is NOT addressed by the NIMS?

Who is involved in conducting all-hazards responses

What we as a nation collectively do during an incident response

How we as a nation are organized to implement response actions

Where individual agencies are required to go in the event of an incident

Ongoing management and maintenance component of NIMS involves two key components. Which of the following options is NOT one of them?

Supporting technologies

National Integration Center (NIC)

Multiagency coordination system

Which of the following does the national response framework NOT identify?

Response actions (what)

Response locations (where)

Response organization (how)

Roles and responsibilities (who)

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Capability targets define the wide range of threats and hazards to our nation

Capability targets guide the allocation of resources in support of our national preparedness

Capability targets deliver coordinated, prompt, reliable, and actionable information to the whole community

Capability targets are simply goals; they cannot be used as performance thresholds to measure our nation's progress

Natural hazards, pandemics, terrorist organizations and cyber-attacks were key findings of a national risk assessment. These risks affirmed the need for:

Additional federal and state emergency management agencies

An all-hazards, capability-based approach to preparedness planning

A military-tactics approach to preparedness planning

Combining state and federal agencies into one facility

Ongoing management and maintenance component of NIMS involves two key components. Which of the following options is NOT one of them?

Supporting technologies

National Integration Center (NIC)

Multiagency coordination system

"Mission areas" were used to determine the response requirements generated by the national planning scenarios. Which of the following mission areas deals with the ability to plan, organize, equip, and train homeland security personnel?



Hazard mitigation

Emergency assessment/diagnosis

Which of the following is the correct order of activities during the "respond" process?

Activate and deploy resources and capabilities; Gain and maintain situational awareness; Coordinate response actions; Demobilize

Gain and maintain situational awareness; Activate and deploy resources and capabilities; Coordinate response actions; Demobilize

Coordinate response actions; Activate and deploy resources and capabilities; Gain and maintain situational awareness; Demobilize

To lead response and recovery efforts effectively responders and emergency managers must also prepare effectively. In this way they can be described as both:

Planners and responders

Doers and responders

Doers and planners

Responders and rescuers

Match the correct functional area with it responsibilities

13) Match the correct functional area with it responsibilities.

a) Responsible for monitoring incident costs, maintaining financial records, administering procurement contracts, and performing time accounting
b) Responsible for disseminating incident situation information to the incident commander (IC), and prepares the incident action plan (IAP)
c) Responsible for meeting all support needs of the incident. This includes ordering resources from off-incident locations, providing facilities, transportation, and medical services for first responders
d) Responsible for directly managing all tactical activities at the incident site

Finance/administration section chief a b c d
Planning section chief a b c d
Operations section chief a b c d
Logistics section chief

The NIMS is a comprehensive, nationwide, systematic approach to incident management. It is NOT:

A dynamic system that promotes ongoing management and maintenance

A response plan for major hazardous incidents

A set of preparedness concepts and principles for all hazards

Scalable so it may be used for all incidents

Which of the following local level individuals has the day-to-day authority and responsibility for overseeing emergency management programs and activities and to ensure that there are unified objectives with regard to the jurisdiction's emergency plans and activities?

Chief elected or appointed official

Emergency manager

Disaster preparedness official

Department and agency heads

A request for federal assistance (RFA) should be evaluated on the basis of six variables. Which variable relates to whether the requested support is in the interest of DOD?







What is the purpose of the national planning scenarios?

Designed to be used by Federal agencies only (including the military) to test the ability of these agencies to respond to natural disasters and terrorist attacks

Designed to be the foundational structure for the development of national preparedness standards from which homeland security capabilities can be measured

Designed to be used at the local level only to test the emergency management capabilities of the first responders involved in catastrophic-type scenarios

Designed to be used by federal and state agencies only to determine the best methods for protecting our nation

According to the national preparedness goal, the core capabilities are essential to the five mission areas. Which of the following represents a core capability that helps enable the execution of the "mitigation" mission area?

Screening, search, and detection

Threats and hazard identification

Intelligence and information sharing

Health and social services

This scenario set deals with the attacks related to anthrax, plague, and food:

Biological attack

Chemical attack

Radiological attack

Natural disaster

The capabilities of preventing adversaries from attacking the U.S. homeland, and defeating national security threats in the maritime and air approaches, helps DOD achieve which of the following key objectives?

Achieve mission assurance

Deter, intercept, and defeat threats at a safe distance

Support consequence management for mass casualty attacks

Achieve maximum awareness of potential threats

When additional resources or capabilities are needed immediately following an incident, the incident commander (IC) will contact which of these organizations?

Local emergency operations center

Tribal emergency operations center

Federal emergency operations center

State emergency operations center

If a situation escalates to a magnitude requiring federalized troops, National Guard forces can operate in a purely federal status; this is referred to as:

State active duty (SAD) forces

Title 10 forces

Federal homeland defense (FHD) forces

Title 32 forces

Combatant commands use a phased approach when planning for a wide spectrum of operations. Which phase is characterized by a "continuous situational awareness and preparedness?"

Phase 0 - Shape

Phase I - Anticipate

Phase III - Operate

Phase IV - Stabilize

Under the unified command (UC) principle, each incident commander (IC) is responsible for all incident activities, including strategies and tactics and ordering and releasing resources, particularly when an incident occurs within a single jurisdiction. How does this change under a UC?

under a UC?

All ICs now make decisions together

All ICs report to the person in charge

All ICs remain in charge of their responsibilities

Which of the following are common core capabilities that serve to unify the mission areas and are necessary for the success of all core capabilities?

Planning, public information, and warning

Forensics and attribution

Community resilience, long-term vulnerability reduction, and threats/hazard identification

Critical transportation and economic recovery

Match each management characteristic with the correct definition.

5) Match each management characteristic with the correct definition.

a) Personnel and resources sent by an appropriate authority only when requested through established resource management systems
b) Allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together effectively without affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability
c) Includes principles of the check-in/check-out, incident action planning, unity of command, personal responsibility, span of control, and resource tracking
d) Establishes a process for gathering, analyzing, assessing, sharing, and managing incident-related information and intelligence

Accountability a b c d
Information and intelligence management a b c d
Unified command (UC) a b c d
Dispatch/deployment a b c d

This principle of the DOD's strategic goal involves efforts to share capabilities and expertise with domestic agencies and international partners.




