JKO Department of Homeland Security 101 - Interagency Course

The 2007 "National Strategy for Homeland Security" introduces four pillars of homeland security. Which is not one of these?

Deploy overseas with DOD personnel to conduct consequence management (correct)

The goals of DHS's "Securing and Managing Our Borders" mission include:

To effectively control U.S. Air, Land, and Sea Borders & Safeguard Lawful Trade and Travel (correct)

The U.S. Secret Service is now a major component of DHS.

True (correct)

The Department of Homeland Security has seven main geographical regions of interest.

False (correct)

Which of the following international roles does the Department of Homeland Security execute?

Share information and best practices with our partner nations

TSA has a program called ASSIST that addresses the needs of partner nations to build sustainable aviation security practices through capacity development to help developing countries achieve International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.

False (correct)

DHS can operate internationally through permission and funding from a Department or Agency, to include the Department of Defense or Department of State.

True (correct)

DHS Attachés have three main responsibilities:

All of the above (correct)

Private and non-profit sectors are key partners in assisting DHS in advancing international cooperation during relief operations tied to security.

True (correct)

The 2007 "National Strategy for Homeland Security" introduces four pillars of homeland security. Which is not one of these?

Deploy overseas with DOD personnel to conduct consequence management (correct)

The goals of DHS's "Securing and Managing Our Borders" mission include:

To effectively control U.S. Air, Land, and Sea Borders & Safeguard Lawful Trade and Travel (correct)

The U.S. Secret Service is now a major component of DHS.

True (correct)

The Department of Homeland Security has seven main geographical regions of interest.

False (correct)

Which of the following international roles does the Department of Homeland Security execute?

Share information and best practices with our partner nations

TSA has a program called ASSIST that addresses the needs of partner nations to build sustainable aviation security practices through capacity development to help developing countries achieve International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.

False (correct)

DHS can operate internationally through permission and funding from a Department or Agency, to include the Department of Defense or Department of State.

True (correct)

DHS Attachés have three main responsibilities:

All of the above (correct)

Private and non-profit sectors are key partners in assisting DHS in advancing international cooperation during relief operations tied to security.

True (correct)

Strong proposals to revamp the domestic homeland security community were made within nine months of the September 11 2011 attacks because of the apparent failure of the pre September 11 domestic security community to adapt to ______________________________.

the new terrorist environment, because of publicized problems.

What are government functions that organized in operational arrangements called?


The FBI, DEA, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives are examples of ___________________.

federal law enforcement agencies.

Federal service agencies _________ and _______ services for the general public.

regulate; manage

Federal service agencies include large ________ agencies, __________ agencies, and ___________ agencies

cabinet; regulatory; independent

In July of 2004, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the US also known as _______________ issued a detailed report on the Sept 11 attacks.

9/11 Commission

The mission of the DHS is to "ensure a homeland that is _____, ______, _______ against terrorism and other hazards.

safe; secure; resilient

The central administrative office of DHS is the ____________________.

Office of the Secretary

The Privacy Office of the DHS Office of the Secretary "works to preserve and enhance privacy of all individuals, to promote transparency of Department of Homeland Security operations and to serve as a ________ in the privacy community.


The Directorate for Management is the chief administrative directorate for DHS responsible for _________ and __________, expenditure of funds, _________ and finance, procurement; human resources information technology systems, facilities and equipment, and the identification and tracking of performance measurements.

Department budgets; appropriations; accounting

The Department of Agriculture has the primary mission to ensure a "safe, sufficient and nutritious _________ for the American people.

food supply

In the modern era of the "New Terrorism" domestic security considerations often require the _______ and __________________ of homeland security and national defense initiatives.

policy; operational meddling

The mission of the Department of the Treasury is to "maintain a strong ________ and create economic and job opportunities by promoting the conditions that enable economic growth and stability at home and abroad."


The Office of Intelligence and Analysis is "responsible for using ________ and from multiple sources to identify and assess current and future threats to the U.S."


Coordination of the multiplicity of planning and responder policies at state and local levels of government is inherently_______.


Federal homeland security grants support state and local initiatives by reimbursing govts. for related ___________.


What are the 3 types of responding employees of state and local agencies?

Police, fire and medical responders

The implementation of state-level homeland security systems is coordination by each state's __________ branch


___________ serve as chief executive officers for state governments are responsible for leading state relief efforts when terrorists attacks, natural disasters, or other emergencies occur.


The missions of National Guard units, and reasons for deploying them, range from disaster rescue ________ to military responses in the even of rioting to securing critical _________ such as airports when terrorist attacks occur.

relief; infrastructure

Mobilization of state National Guard units may be initiated according to various provision of state law and the _______________.

United States Code

States are frequently tasked with __________ the intervention of multiple relief agencies that report to local governments.


Because of the foregoing pattern of practice, changes in state homeland security systems are monitored by the ___________________________ which regularly surveys state-local administrative configurations.

National Emergency Management Assoc.

NEMA resources are intended to address on _______________ approach to homeland security and emergency management.


The National Homeland Security Consortium now compromises ____ major national organizations representing state, local, and private professionals.


The homeland security emphasis was adopted by the National Association of Regional Councils out of concern that ________ in preparedness efforts across state and local govt. ultimately yield greater vulnerability to the terror hazard and less effective homeland security policy.


Governments and the international community are necessarily the only institutions capable of enforcing legal ________.


__________ law is based on tradition, custom, and formal agreements between nations.


________ and ________ agreements which include treaties are used to create an environment conducive to international order maintenance under the authority of international law.

Bilateral; Multilateral

International terrorism emerged as a strategic option during a period in history when violent extremists experimented with ways to ________ their otherwise local grievances.


___________ of terrorism a relatively acceptable alternative for states pursuing on aggressive foreign policy; this started to be done by many governments in the latter half of the 20th century.


In order to designate a country as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, the Secretary of State must determine that the gov't of such country has repeatedly provided ________ for acts of international terrorism.


How many organizations were listed as designated Foreign Terrorist Organization at the time of the publication of the 2011 county Reports on Terrorism?


The hijacking of which cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea during the 1980'2 led to international convention prohibiting attacks on civilian passenger ships, civilian airports, and related targets?

Achille Lauro

Which legislation was passed by Congress to prohibit the hijacking of aircraft anywhere within the jurisdiction of the USA?

Anti-Hijacking Act of 1974

The _____________________________________________________________ sought to establish a common international framework for suppressing extremist attacks against the protected by international recognized status.

Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Agents Internationally Protected Person, including Diplomatic Agents

_____________ treaties require parties to bind over terrorist suspects at the request of fellow signatories.


The _____________ the principal judicial arm of the UN

Internation Court of Justices

Which 1995 legislation was passed with the purpose of regulating activity that could be used to mount a terrorist attack, provide resources for counterterrorism programs and punish terrorism?

The Anti Terrorism Act

The ____________ created a large, cabinet level Department of Homeland Security.

new law

Subsequent to the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005- ____________ legislation was regularly considered and passed by the US Congress and signed into law by sitting presidents.


The Alien and Sedition Acts were statues that placed restrictions on the liberty of immigrants and political critics and were strongly opposed as violating the ___ Amendment to the Constitution.


The __________ granted Pres. Adams authority to deport or imprison citizens of friendly countries if they were deemed to be dangerous.

Alien Friend Act

The __________ granted Pres. Adams authority to deport or imprison citizens of enemy countries.

Alien Enemies Act

The __________ permitted the imprisonment of individuals for criticizing the gov't.

Sedition Act

The ____________ required immigrants to live in the US for 14 years before being permitted to receive citizenship.

Naturalization Act

The __________________ Red Scare began during the 1930's at the height of the Great Depression.

1917 Bolshevik Revolution

What did Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy use to publicly interrogate people in support of communist infiltration?

the tv

The process of projecting counterterrorist models must include a _________ framework based on both ______ and practical necessity.

longitudinal; theory

The media is relied on to practice journalistic __________ or media gatekeeping, of its reporting and portrayal or potentially sensitive news.


Because extremism has historically originated primarily from domestic conflict efforts to counter domestic extremism must incorporate ________ and ________ responses.

societal; cultural

Some private "watch dog" orgs monitor extremist tendencies and have implemented programs to promote community ___________.


The main challenge to civil liberties that terrorist profiling possesses is a high potential for _______ profiling.


Civil liberties and human rights groups argued that basic _______ and ________ protections should be granted to prisoners regardless of their designation as either a prisoner of war or an enemy combatant

legal; humanitarian

It's argued that torture as an interrogation method produces bad _________ because victims are likely to admit whatever the interrogator wants to hear.


In May 2008, the US Dept. of Justice's inspector complained about harsh interrogation conducted by _________ and _______ intelligence.

military; CIA

A _______ is normally an interpretation of Islamic law by a respected Islamic law by a respected Islamic authority, but neither Bin Ladin and other were scholars of Islamic Law.


___________ issued his own self styled fatwa calling on Muslims to drive American soldiers out of Saudi Arabia.

Bin Ladin

Islam means _________________________ -arose in Arabia.

Surrender to the will of God

Periodically, the Islamic world has seen surges of what, for what of a better term, is labeled, ___________.


Bin Ladin also relies heavily on the Egyptian writer ____________ a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

Sayyid Qutb

Saudi Arabia competed with Shia Iran to promote its Sunni fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, ______________.


___________ and declining rates of ____________ had produced a common problem throughout the Muslim world; a large population of young men.

High birthrates; infant mortality

Bin Ladin's followers are nicknamed, _______, or those who define other Muslims as unbelievers, because of readiness to murder those who disagree.


Young Muslims from around the world flocked to Afghanistan to join as volunteers in what was seen as a "holy war"-________-against an intruder


Bin Ladin moved to _________ in 1991 and set up a large set up terrorist enterprises.


A car bomb exploded outside Saudi US joint facility in __________ for training the Saudi Guard.


Fadl resented receiving a salary of only $500 a month and became an informant for _________

the US

____________ became a powerful force in Pakistan politics.


Bin Ladin appeared to have in ___________ a freedom of movement that he had lacked in Sudan.


The attack on the _____________ in Nairobi destroyed the embassy and killed 12 Americans and 201 others.

US Embassy

The New Terrorism is characterized by the threat of _________ of mass destruction, ________ targeting, and intentionally high ________ rates.

weapons; indiscriminate; casualty

Terrorists select targets that have max. effect on enemy __________.


Modern terrorists select targets that are both __________ and _________.

symbolic; soft

The term __________ refers to conventional or unconventional adversaries who engage in armed conflict as members or regular military irregular guerrilla fighting units.


The term___________ includes civilians who have no connection to military or other security forces.


_____________ force is the application of force against a target without attempting to limit the level of force or the degree of destruction of the target.


Discriminate force is considered to be a _________ use of force when its applied against specific targets with the intention to limit so-called collateral damage, or unintended destruction and casualties.


The predominant phases of the global terrorist environment of the modern era are _____ wing, ____________, __________ nationalist, and ___________.

left; ethno-national; Palestine; religious

Nationalists were perhaps the _________ practitioners of international terrorism.


The most prominent practitioners of international terrorism were _________ extremists.


Many military and intelligence practitioner scholars, and commentators have argued that the terrorism in the Cold War era was ________ and ___________.

predictable; logical

It's clear from human history that terrorism is deeply woven into the fabric of ________ and _______ conflict.

social; political

Some of today's terrorists believe that cycles of violence not only disrupt normal routines, but they also produce long periods of global __________.


What does jihad really mean?

struggle or effort

The ____________ of political violence is a manifestation of new info. technologies, mass audiences and the features of the New Terrorism.


Although it is an old practice, ____________ warfare has become a core feature of the Terrorism.


Quantitatively and Qualitatively dissident terrorists are __________ than conventional security forces.


Counterterrorist instruments are __________ and the value of using them should be more than just that sum of the parts.


The foregoing new fonts in the new war clearly highlight the need to continuously __________ physical, organization, and operational counterterrorist measures.
