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JKO JFC 200 Module 09: Integration of Lethal and Nonlethal Actions

The commander's _____, which are developed in design and planning, drive targeting. (Select all that apply.)

- objectives (correct)
- intent (correct)
- guidance (correct)

Which headquarters processes are considered to be the overarching staff integrating processes used to support decision-making?

design, planning, and targeting (correct)

Which of the following statements best defines "targeting"?

process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities (correct)

Which of the following elements of staff organization solve a single planning problem on a single event horizon?

operational planning teams (OPT) (correct)

The "cradle to grave" mindset facilitates successful integration through all of the following, EXCEPT:

facilitates feedback through the commander's individual assessment (correct)

Which of the following statements about the targeting process is FALSE?

The targeting cycle facilitates selecting and prioritizing a broad range of targets only for lethal actions. (correct)

This critical path involves the use of a joint targeting working group (JTWG) that enables selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate lethal and supporting nonlethal responses.

lethal actions (correct)

Integrating lethal and nonlethal actions at the operational level helps to avoid "effects fratricide" while delegating detailed tactical-level synchronization to subordinate units and other stakeholders.

True (correct)

Under which of the of the following staff organization options is there is an additional focus on nonlethal planning and execution?

J3 effects coordination center (ECC) (correct)

Which of the following statements best defines "maneuvers"?

employment of forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fire (correct)

The J3 staff traditionally includes all of the following EXCEPT:

J5 intelligence operations (correct)

Which of the following provides the necessary upfront direction for the synchronization of staff planning efforts for both lethal and nonlethal activities?

planning guidance, commander's intent, and an operational framework (correct)

Which of the following describes the inform and influence center staff organization option?

retain public affairs responsibility supporting the commander (correct)

Which of the following critical paths involves the selected governance and development working groups that identify, assess, and resource requirements in support of the operational concept?

stability (correct)

Which of the following statements about the central role of planning for integration is FALSE?

Battle rhythm working groups are dependent on coordination with the inform and influence center. (correct)