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JKO USSOUTHCOM Joint Task Force (JTF) Lifecycle Plan and Form

Because of the unique nature and visibility these task forces may be established as a separate task force and work directly for the JTF commander or be attached to the Joint Special Operations Task Force. (Concept and Example, Page 24)

Joint CMO Task Force and Joint PSYOPS Task Force (correct)

What is the event horizon for current operations? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 11)

Inside of 24 hours (correct)

In what phase is the operations order developed once a course of action is approved? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 8)

Strategic guidance phase

The early insertion of joint enablers provides key planning and communications capacity. (Operational Environment, Page 3)

True (correct)

What publication addresses the tasks associated with forming a joint task force? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 2)

Universal Joint Task List (correct)

Which one of the following members of the Command Group is usually chosen based on mission requirements and is usually NOT of the same service as the joint task force commander? (Forming the Joint Task Force: Doctrine and Tasks, Page 13)

Command Senior Enlisted Leader

The establishing authority responsibilities of the combatant command when setting up a JTF focus on _____________________. (Forming the Joint Task Force: Doctrine and Tasks, Page 12)

providing and facilitating (correct)

The phases of the JTF Lifecycle are fluid, overlapping and some may continue throughout the entire life of the JTF. (Objectives and Suggested Readings, Page 3)

False (correct)

The staff processes for contingency and crisis action planning are the same.

True (correct)

Combatant commands operate as the lead when directing military or humanitarian assistance operations. (Concept and Example, Page 4)

False (correct)

Which one of the following best describes contingency planning? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 5)

Planning done in anticipation of a potential crisis outside of crisis conditions (correct)

An earthquake devastates an area within the SOUTHCOM area or responsibility creating an humanitarian crisis. Due to the degree of destruction the decision is made to stand up a JTF to facilitate relief activities. At this point what should be the focus of SOUTHCOM? (Concept and Example, Page 12)

Establishing relationships with host nation and multinational partners through the embassy and Department of State

Which publication contains the tasks for both the combatant command and the joint task force? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 2)

CJCS Manual 3500.05A

In the JTF organization, what is the time horizon of future planning? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 11)

Activities within 24 hours

Which one of the following best describes the function of the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command ? (Concept and Example, Page 2)

Engages in liaison activities between to enable collaboration tasks between the JTF and multinational and intergovernmental organizations

What member of the command group is responsible for establishing and managing staff processes and procedures that support the command's decision making process? (Forming the Joint Task Force: Doctrine and Tasks, Page 13)

Command Senior Enlisted Advisor

What type of planning can be best understood as branches of an overarching global or theatre campaign plan? (Planning the Joint Task Force: Central Processes, Page 5)

Crisis action planning

Military interventions have largely been undertake to _______. (Operational Environment, Page 2)

achieve our enduring stability goals (correct)