I Hate CBT's

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JKO VCAT Arabian Peninsula 2.0

Greet appropriately.

salaam 'aleykum

Respond appropriately to offers of hospitality.

Tea would be great. Thank you, Nasir.

Build relationships.

*So far, things are great! Your team has been very welcoming.

*Sure, Thank you.

*I read something about Eid al-Fitr before I came. It's a holiday, right?

*Are you from a village or did you grow up here?

*I'd like to, but I'll have to check with my commanding officer.

Collaborate on exercise planning.

* Let's work with what we know. can you get us some time in the simulators?

*If you can get the time, we'll observe your team in the simulators, then you can observe us, and we can compare strategies.

Give constructive criticism appropriately

* For other training sessions, I've made detailed flight schedules. Can I show you what I mean?

Respect the local decision making process.

* Let's work out as many details as we can, then present some options to the commanding officers.

Respect differing schedules.

* Now that we got some details worked out, what time do you think we could realistically start each day?

*We can start at 1000 hours, but we may need to work later in the day to finish.

*How do you usually manage prayer times when schedules are tight?

Your view of the world is predominantly shaped by which of the following?

Your own background, personal history, and experiences.

Which of the following is generally true about any country?

Most countries are culturally varied from region to region.

When uncertain of how to proceed with an engagement, what is the best thing you can do?

tell your counterpart you don't know what you're doing.

Which of the following can you be certain will be true?

Each of your encounters will be unique.

Why should you consider personal traits when selecting an Interpreter?

Traits like age, gender, and social status will influence how others see your interpreter and, by extension, you.

How should you introduce yourself to your audience?

Have your interpreter stand slightly behind you. Look at your audience and say, "My name is frank and this is my interpreter."

Which of the following is true about working with an interpreter?

Your interpreter should be able to maintain a steady rhythm without pausing to think.

Which of the following is a good way to evaluate an interpreter?

Question them extensively about their education and training.

Qatari nationals make up ___ of Qatar's population.


In 1917, Qatar gained independence from:


The official language in Qatar is:

Modern Standard Arabic

The vast majority of Qataris are:

Sunni Muslim

When faced with a discussion on politically or culturally sensitive topics, which of the following course of action will be best for building rapport in the Arabain Peninsula?

Avoid the discussion by changing the topic to safer one.

What's the primary reason that non-commissioned officers won't publicly offer opinions or ideas?

They won't be willing to undercut a superior's authority.

Tell your counterpart that he did a good job.

'amal mumtaaz.

Which of the following is an effective way of exchanging training knowledge with your counterpart?

Get input about their goals, collaborate on details, and share the workload.