JKO Global Force Management (GFM) Overview

Unit Type Codes (UTC)

-A potential capability focused upon accomplishment of a specific mission that the military service provides.
-Has complete movement characteristics including: MISCAP, MANFOR, LOGDET
-Used in USAF & Joint Operations Planning & Execution systems to ID manpower and logistics requirements for deployment, movement planning, and plan execution.
-Deployable to meet combatant commanders requirements.

5-digit alphanumeric code
Code definitions IAW AFI 10-401

UTC advantages


Mission Capability Statement (MISCAP)

Defines the basic mission the UTC is capable of accomplishing.

MISCAP Substitution Rules

Skill Level

Manpower (MANFOR)

Provides air force planners w/ standardized force capabilities outlining manpower requirements for:

-operations planning
-execution documents
-readiness measurement

Logistics Detail (LOGDET)

defines the standard equipment requirements for each UTC

Non-standard UTC (HFZ99)

doesn't have complete movement characteristics

Two types of non-standard UTCs

Z99: zzz code UTC is non-deployable
Associate: capability cannot be captured in a standard UTC

*only authorized when a standard tailored UTC cannot match the requirements

Global Force Management (GFM)

-allows the SECDEF to strategically manage the employment of the force among CCDRs
-aligns force assignment, apportionment, and allocation methodologies supporting National Defense Strategy and joint force availability.


-An Estimate of the military departments capacity to generate capabilities along general timelines.
-dependent on the number of operational forces, the readiness and availability of the forces, and the number of forces employed globally.
-serves as the starting point for planning (performed quarterly)


-secretaries of the military departments assign forces to CCDRs as directed by SECDEF to perform missions assigned to those commands.
-disseminated via the assignments tables (2yr projection) once projected, military departments then assign the actual unit.


-SECDEF has the authority to allocate forces between CCDRs, which temporarily adjusts the distribution of forces among the CCDRs to meet force requirements.
-SECDEF publishes the Global Force Management Allocation Plan (GFMAP)
-GFMAP is translated into DEPORDs

Two specific GFM Allocation processes:

-Rotational force allocation in support of combatant commanders annual force needs
-Emergent force allocation in support of CCDR emerging or crisis-based request for capabilities and forces.

Force Generation

the USAF force generation model supports the global force management processes.









Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD)

-contains detailed requirements, capabilities, and movement data that supports Air Force, Joint, and combined plans.
-depicts force requirements and force flow for the assessment purposes and is used to analyze sourcing and transportation feasibility.
-through the use of UTCs, it includes personnel and equipment.
-Includes: force description, unit data, movements characteristics, routing/timing, and service specific requirements such as: EAD, LAD, and RDD

Earliest Arrival Date (EAD)

specifies the earliest arrival date a force is permitted to arrive at a point of debarkation

Latest Arrival Date (LAD)

specifies the latest date a force is permitted to arrive at a point of debarkation

Required Delivery Date (RDD)

specifies the latest date that a force must arrive at the final destination

Combat Support

-The "foundational and crosscutting capability" to: field, base, protect, support, and sustain.

-It enables airpower through the integration of its functional communities to provide the core effects, core processes, and core capabilities required to execute the Air Force Mission.

Three Principles of Combat Support

1. Enables military operations across the competition continuum with effects supporting US national interests at any time or place
2. Provides essential support according to the needs of the mission by leveraging the right mix of deployed and distributed footprints and reliable reach-back
3. Provides the ability to transition from home station to a deployed environment and between operational requirements.

Functional Communities

Each makes unique contributions to the overall mission

Core Capabilities

result from the proper employment and integration of the functional communities.

*field, posture, base, protect, generate, support, sustain

Core Processes

The CS core processes are the standardized, overarching set of macro procedures that use core capabilities to produce CS effects.

*readying, preparing, positioning, employing, sustaining

Core Effects

the end result of combat support

*readied, prepared, positioned, employed

Air Tasking Order (ATO)

-daily order that tasks subordinate units to projected sorties to targets and specific missions
-provides specific instructions to include: call signs, targets/timing, controlling agencies.
-may specify which munitions to use
-ATO cycle creates 24hr battle rhythm of execution for all air power assets involved in the combat operations, including USAF, USA, USN, USMC, and coalition partners.

Where do ATO's come from?

Combatant Commanders (4 star), (COCOMs, JFC, or CCDR) give direction to:

Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC), who has Tactical Control over all air power assets made available by the service components (USAF, USA, USN, etc.) under the direction of the JFC.


-controls air power assets via an Air Operations Center (AOC)
-If it involves USAF, USA, USN, USMC, it is "Joint" and called a "JAOC"
-If it involves international partners, it is "Combined" and called a "CAOC"
-The AOC produces the Air Tasking Order (ATO) each day
-The JFACC approves each daily ATO

Air Tasking Order Cycle

-full cycle takes 72hrs
-Planning takes 48hrs
-Execution takes 24hrs

FRAG Breakout Meeting

-Should happen daily after the wing has received the next day's ATO
-Attended by: Operations (Wing Weapons and Tactics Officer), Intelligence, Aircraft Maintenance, Munitions Maintenance, Other as applicable
-ATO requirements are matched to aircraft and munitions maintenance capabilities
-Key decisions made: Munition selection (if ATO doesn't specify)
Quantity, Config., Fusing
Delivery Timing
Aircraft Generation Timing
Crew Show Timing

Aircraft Mx leaders must be prepared to address:

-Airframe Hour Availability (Phase Flow)
-Scheduled Maintenance Requirements
-Turn Times, Configuration Requirements
-Overall Generation Timing

Munitions Mx leaders must be prepared to address:

-Timing/Component Constraints on Munitions Builds
-Encourage the use of Munitions already built

FRAG breakout meeting continued...

-Articulate maintenance/munitions capabilities
-Align aircraft and munitions availability with ATO requirements
-Establish configurations and generation timing
-Maintainers' ability to optimize aircraft regeneration contributes to overall success