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NTTP 3-07.2.1 Antiterrorism

Name SAR Situations the Navy may become involved in

1. Vessel or A/C in distress
2. Unit responding independently to persons/property in distress
3. Part of organized SAR Force under direction of Regional SAR Coordinator
4. Unit of a Navy Task Force, Unit, or Element under the direction of the OTC

What factors SHALL be assessed while assessing the rescue situation?


- # of survivors (Military or Civilian?)

- Parachute? Entanglement?

- Location (relative to eachother/unit)

- Flotation Devices?

- Cooperative?

- Rescue Order (SHALL rescue survivor with WORST injuries)


- Time (Day/Night)

- Sea State

- Wind

- Temperature

- Debris

- Fuel in Water

- Sea Predators


- RS Deployment Options

- Multiple/Single Rescue

- Other Assets in area

Describe SAR Command structure

1. SAR COORDINATOR (CG District 14)
- Rescue Coordination Centers (RCC) are established by geo location/handle SAR Coord
*SHALL be kept informed of progress

2. SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC)
- Designated by SAR Coordinator
- Military Search: Officer in Tact Command (OTC) or unit designated by OTC SHALL assume duties of SAR Mission Coordinator

- Designated by SMC
- First unit to arrive on scene w/ best capability

What is Direct Deployment defined as?

Rescue Swimmer wearing a Tri-SAR Harness (TSH) in conjunction with Quick Strop (QS) Assembly

What situations is Direct Deployment used?

Extreme situations. Rescues in surf zone,heavy seas, high winds, swift water


Direct Deployment use in regards to Aviators (ejected vs entangled)

Ejected - Should NOT use
- Entangled in Parachute - SHALL NOT USE

Direct Deployment use in regards to head/neck/spine injury

Should only be exercised when traditional recovery would place lives of RS/survivor at greater risk

how is DD different than Traditional rescue method?

RS never unhooks from rescue hook during entire rescue evolution

Where is Rescue Swimmer placed in regards to survivor distance?

Should be placed no farther than 2-3 feet from survivor

1. Stop swimmer 10ft above water
2. Hoist Op direct HAC into precision position

What are the warnings regarding paid out cable in Direct Deployment with swimmer in water?

- Too little cable = RS jerked out of water as RS enter trough of wave
- Too Much Cable = Rs become entangled in hoist cable

Define the term "Physical Grip"

- RS engaging survivor WITHOUT A RESCUE DEVICE

When is Physical Grip procedure used?

Designed for IMMEDIATE EXTRACTION from extreme siutation that puts greater than acceptable risk for RS

- Surf Zone where survivor has physical hold of structure (reef/rock/tree)
- Heavy Seas resulting in survivor emersion/loss of positive control

Do you use Physical Grip to bring survivor to cabin door?

SHALL NOT be used as means of recovery to cabin door
- Survivor repositioning only

Distance above water for Physical Grip transfer

No greater than 10ft above water while survivor secured in physical grip

Physical Grip use in regards to Aviators (ejected vs entangled)

Ejected - Should NOT use
- Entangled in Parachute - SHALL NOT USE

What is the primary rescue device used in all operations?

Rescue Hook

Descsribe Double Rescue Hook vs. Locking Rescue Hook primary uses

DRH - Shipboard Recovery
LRH - Helicopter Recovery

Describe types of hooks in DRH

Large Hook - 3000lb (personnnel/equipment/cargo/mail)
Small Hook - 1000lb (light weight mail)
Equiment Hook - 1500lb (Light equipment/mail)

What Type of Hook SHALL be used when hoisting personnel?

Large Hook - 3000lb

What needs to be attached to Rescue Hook prior to lowering?

CC SHALL ensure a rescue device (normally the rescue Strop) with inherent flotation ability is attached to the rescue Hook prior to lowering

During Night/IMC, what SHALL be utilized with the Rescue Hook

RH SHALL be illuminated
- Chem Light strap to attach chem light to equipment ring

When is a rescue strop used? Why?

- Primarily on nonaviator/civilian survivors
- allows for the RS and survivor to be hoisted at the same time

Can you lower the Rescue Strop without a RS?

- "Self-application is near impossible"
- Immediate survivor recovery deemed necessary

During Night/IMC, what SHALL be utilized with the Rescue Strop

Free end of Rescue Strop SHALL be illuminated

When is a collapsible rescue basket (McCauley Basket) used?

- Mil/Civilian Survivors w/ inujuries that do not require a Litter
- Frail/Elderly Survivors
- Small Framed survivors (can't use Rescue Strop)

Does a McCauley Basket require a RS?

- Designed for use in Helos that DO NOT employ RS as part of crew
- Used easily without RS assistance

how many people can McCauley Basket lift?

1 at a time

During Night/IMC, what SHALL be utilized with the McCauley Basket

No specific points to illuminate on rescue basket
- SHALL utilize chem light to Rescue Hoist equipment ring

What is primary use for Rescue Net?

Primarily for MULTIPLE survivors
- 2 Survivors at a time
- 1 survivor + RS

During Night/IMC, what SHALL be utilized with the Rescue Net

SHALL be illuminated
- both sides of rescue net opening

Rescue Seat - Primary use

Use in Maritime or Overland environment
- Self-Recovery of Aviators WITHOUT RS assitance

How can a rescue seat be used in Maritime environmnet?

Can only be utilized if it has a FLOTATION COLLAR

During Night/IMC, what SHALL be utilized with the Rescue Seat

Chem Light on equipment ring

Can a rescue seat be deployed to civilians?

- Should not be deployed without aid of RS

How many can be hoisted by Rescue Seat?

SHALL be hoisted
- 1 Survivor
- 1 Survivor + RS

Can rescue seat be used with unconscious survivor?

- RS SHALL be hoisted with survivor

What two types of litters are there?

Rescue Litter (Stokes)

What type of litter do we use?

SAR Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Litter

Primary reasons a SAR MEDEVAC Litter is used

- Ejected Aviator
- Head/Neck/Spinal Injry
- Unconscious

How long from RS Deployment to Survivor Recovery?


When should a SAR MEDEVAC Litter NOT be used?

Should not be used if injury is life-threatening
- Not Breathing
- Severe Bleeding

What is mandatory to use with MEDEVAC LITTER?

Trail Line is mandatory

When can the RS grab the litter

SHALL ensure RS does not come in physical contact until Litter TOUCHES THE WATER
- Trail Line will not ground the litter

During Night/IMC, what SHALL be utilized with the SAR MEDEVAC Litter

Chem light attached to head/foot end of rescue litter

What direction do survivors enter the cabin? Why?

Feet first. but may enter head first if situation warrants
- Best way to tend to a survivor

Can a litter be used with extended pylon?

- SHOULD not be hoisted with extended pylon

What do you do with survivors floatation device once in aircraft?

Should be deflated or replaced

Who are the life rafts intended for?

helicopter crew/Pax

what is recommended altitude/airspeed for deploying a life rafts?

uninflated or deflated
10/10 or 15/0

What should you do if the rescue hoist fails during a rescue?

- CC SHALL notify HAC/perform NATOPs
- PAC SHOULD lower helo until personnel in the water/can safely unhook
- If too hazardous- lower until personnel at reasonable altitude if breaks

What altitude is recommended for a jammed hoist?

- No higher than 30ft AGL
- No faster than safe single engine airspeed

Describe SAR Conditions

Condition 1- Aircraft SHALL be spotted for immediate launch. headed into Relative Wind/rotors spread/told to launch start ENGs

Condition 2- Same as 1. crew SHALL stand by in ready rooms

Condition 3- aircraft must be parked to allow direct access to launch spot. aircraft can be expeditiously moved to launch. flight crews SHOULD be briefed/standing by

Condition 4- minor maintenance can be performed on aircraft if not causing delay

What are the 5 overland rescue methods?

- Landing to effect a rescue
- Rescue via one skid/wheel
- rescue via hoist
- Rappelling, short haul
- Direct Deployment

What is the preferred overland method/why?

- Landing to effect a rescue
- More expeditious
- reduces pilot/crew fatigue
- safest method of recovery

Warming about enter/exit in landing to effect a rescue

SHALL avoid enter/exit in direction of rising terrain in close prox to rotor/tail

What gear should be carried if survivors are not in sight of aircraft?

- Hand Held Radio
- Level A/B/C SAR med kit
- Rescue/MEDEVAC litter

What is minimum SAR rescue Swimmer equipment?

1. Rescue Harness
- Strobe Light SDU-39
- 1 J knife
- 1 Swimmers knife
- 4 chem lights (2 high intensity/2 gen purpose)
- 2 Mk-124 Mod 0 flares
- Whistle
- HABD/SEA holster
2. Flotation Device
3. Wet Suit Ensemble
- 1 piece Shorty Wetsuit
- Gloves/Booties
4. Dry Suit Ensemble
5. Ventilated Swim Fins
6. Wraparound Swimmers Mask
7. UDT shorts
8. PRC-149 Swimmers Radio Control Unit
9. Swimmer tending line when deploying by J Bar
10. Petzl "Ecrin Roc" Helmet

What temps are dry suits required?

- below 60deg F - Required
- 60-70 CO discretion
- above 70 - not required

What is in the SAR curtain?

Chem Lights / Crew Safety Belts
Cable Grip / Chem Straps / Hoist Gloves
Rescue Litter Sling / Quick Splice / Pneumatic Hand Tool


min equip SaR

Rescue Hook
1 Rescue Strop
1 Quick Strop
1 Hoist Quick Splice Plate
1 cable Grip w crew safety belt
1 rescue hand tool
Min 3 crew safety belts
6Gen purpose/6 high intensity chem light
3 chem light strap
1 pair heavy duty gloves
3 cranials
2 wool blankets
1 helo rescue equipment bag
1 trail line Assembly
1 rescue Litter Sling assembly
1 lvl A sad MEDKIT
1 rescue Litter/SAR MedEvac litter assembly
1 lvl B med kit
1 SAR medical oxygen system

Additional over water equipment

2 mk 58 smoke flares
4 mk 25 smoke flares
3 electrical marine marker lights
1 electronic datum marking device
3 LPU 32P life preservers
1 MPLR weak link per MPLR carried

Hand Signal - I am all right

Raised Arm
Open HAnd
Fingers Extended

Hand Signal - Ready for pickup

Raised Arm
Thumbs Up

Hand Signal - In Trouble, need assistance

Waving Arm

Hand Signal - Deploy Raft

Clenched fists
Arms Crossed

Hand Signal - Deploy Radio

Hand held to ear

Hand Signal - Deploy rescue hand tool

Clenched Fist
Arm pumping motion

Hand Signal - Deploy Rescue Litter

- One arm raised w/ open palm
- Fingers Extended
- Other arm raised over swimmer head

Hand Signal - Deploy rescue basket/net

Both arms raised
- palms open

Hand Signal - Raise Cable/Ready to be hoisted

Raised Arm
Thumb Up

Hand Signal - Stop Hoisting

Raised Arm
Clenched Fist

Hand Signal - Lower cable

Raised Arm
Thumb Down

Hand Signal - Request assitance of additional rescue swimmer

Arm out
Palm Down
Rotating in circular motion

Hand Signal - Request rescue boat

Both arms raised over head
palms together

Hand Signal - Deploy personal flotation device

HAnd palm down on head

Hand Signal - Failed hoist

Clenched fist over clenched fist
- thumbs down

When SHALL the rescue swimmer need to enter the water/assist survivors? Factors to consider?

SHALL enter the water and assist the survivor in ALL cases
- EXCEPT when HAC determines the circumstances will endanger the RS "Unnecessarily"

- Sea State
- Debris
- Sea Predators
- Fire On WAter

MK-25 - Burn time


Why can't you launch a MK-25 in hover?

SHALL not be launched while in hover
- Valve plug strike a/c or personnel

Mk-58 Burn time

At least 45 minutes

What is a Double Lift?

Utilization of both Rescue Strop AND Quick Strop
- Used to prevent Hydrostatic Squeeze
- Prevent "Dropout" of blood flow from extremities back to heart

Offset of helo from parachute? Dangers?

SHALL be approached no closer than 1 Rotor Diameter OUTSIDE the Rotor Wash Area
- INflate = Damage A/C
- Deflate = Drown Survivor

What defines a Multiple Rescue

- More than 1 survivor
- RS remains in water and aids in recovery of all survivors prior to being recovered

What conditions should lead to either recovery or short hauling the Rescue Swimmer between multiple survivors?

- Sea State Greater than 2
- Night/IMC
- More than 25yd between survivors

describe the cable grip rig procedure

1. Gunner Belt - Hook to floor (prevent accidentally falling out)
2. Wrap back to front - prevent accidental eng intake
3. Hook up to Cable Grip
4. Put Cable grip down as far as it can
5. Tighten gunner belt as much as it can