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NTTP 3-10-1 Naval Coastal Warefare Operations

Protect strategic port facilities and strategic commercial shipping and naval ships in harbor approaches, at anchorages and in ports, from bare beach to sophisticated port facilities, in order to ensure the uninterrupted flow or cargo and personnel to the combatant commander

What is the NCW (Naval Coastal Warfare) mission

Naval Coastal Warfare Group (NCWGRU)

Who provides centralized administrative support, training, operational planning, movement and intelligence coordination, logistics, HN coordination and organizational oversight to deploy combat-ready subordinate units?


The NCWGRU exercises ____ of subordinate units?

Six (6)

The Inshore Boat Unit (IBU) is deployable CR-I asset. Each IBU has ___C-130 deployable, shallow-draft, high-speed patrol boats for conducting surveillance, interdiction, and point defense (PD) operations?

Three (3)

Each MSD is equipped with ___armed, 25-foot, patrol boats, for conducting surveillance and interdiction operations to protect an HVA?

Six (6)

The Port Security Unite (PSU) is a deployable USCG unit equipped with ___armed, 25 foot, transportable port security boats?

-Inshore Surveillance
-Port Security and harbor defense (PSHD)
-Harbor approach defense (HAD)
-Antiterrorism and force protection (AT/FP)
-Point defense operations
Joint Operations

NCW operations include?

One (1)

Level ___threats are composed of individuals who can be defeated with NCW self-defense measures?

Enemy-controlled agents, civilian sympathetic to the enemy, terrorists and civil disturbances

Examples of level one threats?

Two (II)

Level __threats are comprised of small tactical squads that can be defeated with NCW self defense measures?

Guerilla forces, special operations forces and small tactical units

Examples of level two threats?

Three (III)

Level __threats are comprised of large tactical forces (platoon size and above) that can only be defeated with the augmentation of tactical combat forces to NCW self-defense measures?

Conventional military forces, air/missile attacks and CBRNE weapons

Examples of level III threats?

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

Who is the lead federal agency (LFA) for maritime homeland security (M-HLS) when responses require civil authorities?

Force Protection Officer (FPO)

Who is responsible for designing and maintaining a security program to safeguard personnel and facilities from the threat of sabotage and terrorism?

Harbor Defense Commander

Who's primary focus is waterborne port security?

Captain of the Port (COTP)

Who enforces regulations for the protection and security of vessels, harbors, and waterfront facilities, anchorages, bridges, safety and security zones, and ports and waterways?

14 (fourteen)

Each NCW unit is required to deploy as a self-sustained unity with ___days of supply?

Joint logistics over the shore operations (JLOTS)

What are operations in which Navy and Army forces, under a joint forces commander (JFC), conduct the loading and unloading of ships with or without the benefit of fixed port facilities?


__are normally equipped and provisioned for an initial 30 days of sustained continuous (24/7) operations but require petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) and potable water from the supported commander?

To provide FP to USN ships, aircraft, and other DOD HVAs against attack in locations where U.S> security infrastructure either is inadequate or does not exist?

What is the primary role of NCW forces in point defense (PD) operations?

Ships Master

Onboard MSC vessels, who is responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel, ensuring safe and seaworthy conditions in the Bessel, maintenance and operation of its equipment, and the health and welfare of all persons on board?


Who on the NCW Security detachment is responsible for protection of the vessel, its cargo, and all personnel on board from attacks by hostile forces?