What does NCWGRU stand for?
Naval Coastal Warfare Group
What is the purpose of NCWGRU?
NCWGRUs train, conduct operational planning, and direct the deployment of subordinate units.
What does NCWC stand for?
Naval Coastal Warfare Commander
What is the purpose of the NCWC?
To conduct NCW missions within a designated geographic area.
What are the roles of the Seaward and Landward Security Officers?
Respond to threats and deconflict the seaward and landward defense forces at the shoreline.
What is the role of the Force Protection Officer?
Responsible for designing and maintaining a security program to safeguard personnel and facilities from the threat of sabotage and terrorism.
When are the NCW Forces deployed?
NCW forces are deployed worldwide by CJCS in response to COCOM's request for forces.
What does CJCS stand for?
Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff
What does COCOM stand for?
Combatant Commander
What does SLRP stand for?
Survey Liaison, and Reconnaissance party
What is the purpose of the survey, liaison, and reconnaissance party (SLRP)?
To evaluate the location to which an NCW force will be deployed.
What does OPLAN stand for?
Operation Plan
What does TPFDD stand for?
Time Phased Force and Deployment Data
What does APOD stand for?
Aerial Port of Debarkation
What does SPOD stand for?
Sea Port of Debarkation