11 Steps To Archery Success
Question: Stance
Answer: Start feet together, half step back, shoulder width apart, and open the toe. Bows on toes.
Straddle to line.
Question: Nock arrow
Answer: Use draw had to grab arrow below fletching, up and over vertical bow. Keep index
fletching pointed away from bow. Snap the nock on the bowstring UNDER the nock locator.
Question: Draw hand set
Answer: Hook the bowstring in the 3-finger archer’s groove. The back of the hand should be
relaxed and flat.
Question: Bow hand set
Answer: Center the bow’s grip under the lifeline of the relaxed bow hand. Bow hand knuckles
should form 30- 40 degree angle. Wrist should for an “L”. The fingers are lightly closed on the bow.
Question: Pre-draw
Answer: Raise your bow arm at eye level towards the target, while keeping your shoulders down.
Rotate your elbow down to the left (for right handed archer to improve string clearance of the bow
Question: Draw
Answer: With draw arm parallel to the ground, smoothly pull the string towards the face. You should
feel your upper back muscle being activated.
Question: Anchor
Answer: Index finger tip placed touching the corner of the mouth/anchor point.
Question: Aim
Answer: Align string to dominant eye and arrow point to target.
Question: Shot set up
Answer: While aiming, think about: use back muscles, begin slight reward movement of drawing
Question: Release
Answer: Relax the hooked fingers and the back of the drawing hand all at once.
Question: Follow through/reflect
Answer: The drawing hand continues to “paint the face” until thumb touches or is
near the shoulder. Did the shot process feel and look correct?
Question: 2 Whistles
Answer: Get bows/walk to shooting line/bow on toes
Question: 1 Whistle
Answer: Nock arrows and shoot
Question: 3 Whistles
Answer: Go get arrows/retrieve
Question: 5 Whistles
Answer: Emergency on range - STOP SHOOTING - put arrows back in the quiver