125 Spanish
Question: Cien
Answer: One hundred
Question: Ciento uno
Answer: One hundred and one
Question: Ciento dos
Answer: One hundred and two
Question: Ciento tres
Answer: One hundred and three
Question: Ciento cuatro
Answer: One hundred and four
Question: Ciento cinco
Answer: One hundred and five
Question: Ciento sies
Answer: One hundred and six
Question: Ciento siete
Answer: One hundred and seven
Question: Cietno ocho
Answer: One hundred and eight
Question: Ciento nueve
Answer: One hundred and nine
Question: Ciento diez
Answer: One hundred and ten
Question: Ciento once
Answer: One hundred and eleven
Question: Ciento doce
Answer: One hundred and twelve
Question: Ciento trece
Answer: One hundred and thirteen
Question: Ciento catorce
Answer: One hundred and fourteen
Question: Ciento quince
Answer: One hundred and fifteen
Question: Ciento dieciséis
Answer: One hundred and sixteen
Question: Ciento decisiete
Answer: One hundred and seventeen
Question: Ciento deciocho
Answer: One hundred and eighteen
Question: Ciento decinueve
Answer: One hundred and nineteen
Question: Ciento viente
Answer: One hundred and twenty
Question: Ciento vientiuno
Answer: One hundred and twenty one
Question: Ciento vientidos
Answer: One hundred and twenty two
Question: Ciento vientitres
Answer: One hundred and twenty three
Question: Ciento vienticuatro
Answer: One hundred and twenty four
Question: Ciento vienticinco
Answer: One hundred and twenty five