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03.03 Credit Reports And Scores

Question: Credit History

Answer: a record of a person’s past spending habits


Question: Businesses that report on your credit history

Answer: Transunion, Equifax, and Experian


Question: Credit Report

Answer: a statement that includes an individual’s credit history and score


Question: Credit Score

Answer: the number measured by several agencies based on a person’s financial decisions, usually between 300 and 850; the higher the better


Question: What a credit report contains

Answer: personal information, public records, inquiries, account history, and a personal statement


Question: Personal Information

Answer: current and former names and addresses, employment history, date of birth, telephone numbers, and social security number


Question: Public Records

Answer: bankruptcies, liens, and judgements from any county, state, or federal court records


Question: Bankruptcies

Answer: a federal process to eliminate debt


Question: Liens

Answer: a legal claim on property


Question: Inquiries

Answer: requests for credit history; includes promotional credit card offers, lenders checking for updates, or a request for a loan or another credit


Question: Account History

Answer: largest portion; contains information on any credit accounts, whether closed or open


Question: Classified accounts

Answer: adverse accounts, accounts in good standing, and revolving accounts


Question: Adverse Accounts

Answer: information about accounts that might be viewed negatively by creditors


Question: Accounts in good standing

Answer: satisfactory accounts; viewed positively by creditors


Question: Revolving Accounts

Answer: credit accounts


Question: Details for each account

Answer: lender name, date account opened and closed, credit limit, current account balance, current monthly payment, and number of late payments


Question: Personal Statement

Answer: contains a summary of all accounts categorized by type; includes the name and number of accounts open, the balance for each account, the credit limit, the debt to credit ration, and the monthly payment amount


Question: Installment Loan

Answer: a fixed payment is paid for a specified period of time; for example, a car loan


Question: Revolving Loan

Answer: a loan that does not have a fixed monthly payment or balance; for example, a credit card


Question: Categories credit scores are based off of

Answer: payment history (35%), amounts owed (30%), length of credit history (15%), new credit (10%), and types of credit used (10%)


Question: Things that positively affect your credit score

Answer: making payments on time, keeping your debt to credit ration low, using discretion when applying for new credit and loans, and varying the types of credit you use


Question: Things that negatively affect your credit score

Answer: making late payments or no payments at all, using all your credit and making minimum payments, frequently applying for new credit and loans, and only using one type of credit


Question: Other people who might want your credit history

Answer: creditors, employers, insurers, gov’t agencies, and landlords


Question: Why creditors want your credit history

Answer: consumers with a higher credit score are more likely to pay back the money


Question: Why employers want your credit history

Answer: credit history can show whether a person knows how to handle finances properly


Question: Why insurers want your credit history

Answer: they determine your rates by looking at your credit history; some say people with better credit scores are more likely to be better drivers and more responsible home owners


Question: Why gov’t agencies want your credit history

Answer: sometimes a gov’t benefit or license is granted based on financial status


Question: Why landlords want your credit history

Answer: to verify employment as well as how responsible a person is with financial obligations
