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09 Servsafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination

Question: To prevent deliberate contamination of food, a manager should know who is in his facility, monitor the security of products, keep information related to food security on file, and know ___

Answer: who to contact about suspicious activities


Question: Which type of thermometer can read temperature without the item’s surface?

Answer: infrared


Question: The 5 common mistakes that can lead to food borne illness are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and ___

Answer: purchasing food from unsafe sources


Question: Which group of individuals has a higher risk of food borne illness?

Answer: elderly people


Question: What must a food handler with a hand wound do to safely work with food?

Answer: bandage the wound with an impermeable cover and wear a single-use glove


Question: Where should staff members eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum?

Answer: in designated areas


Question: What food safety practice can prevent cross-contact?

Answer: washing, rinsing, and sanitizing utensils before each use


Question: What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for rice that is hot-held for service?

Answer: 135F (57C)


Question: What task requires food handlers to wash their hands before and after doing it?

Answer: handling raw meat, poultry, and seafood


Question: When can a food handler with a sore throat and a fever return to work with or around food?

Answer: a written medical release is provided


Question: How should the temperature of a shipment of cottage cheese be taken when it arrives at an operation?

Answer: place the thermometer stem into an opened container


Question: What is the most likely cause of wheezing and hives?

Answer: food allergies


Question: What is the purpose of setting a critical limit in the cooking process of TCS food?

Answer: reduce hazards to safe levels


Question: Ciguatera toxin is commonly found in

Answer: amberjack


Question: What method should never be used to thaw food?

Answer: place the item on a prep counter


Question: What food item does the FDA advise against offering on a children’s menu?

Answer: rare cheeseburgers


Question: Where should ground fish be stored in a cooler?

Answer: below pork roasts


Question: Which food may be re-served to customers?

Answer: unopened pre-packaged food


Question: What is the final step in cleaning and sanitizing a prep table?

Answer: allowing the surface to air dry


Question: Hot TCS food can be held without temperature control for a maximum of

Answer: 4 hours


Question: What organization requires Material Safety Data Sheets?

Answer: Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Question: When should a shipment of fresh chicken be rejected?

Answer: the receiving temperature is 50F (10C)


Question: What should a foodservice operator do when responding to a food borne illness outbreak?

Answer: segregate the product


Question: When should food handlers who spend an entire shift forming hamburger patties change their gloves?

Answer: when the gloves are dirty or torn


Question: Parasites are commonly associated with

Answer: seafood


Question: What item is considered acceptable work attire for a food handler?

Answer: plain-band ring


Question: What should foodservice operators do to prevent customer illness from Shigella?

Answer: control flies inside and outside the operation


Question: Food that is partially cooked and then finished just before service must be heated to what temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for 15 seconds


Question: Which of the following is a TCS food?

Answer: baked potato


Question: What type of thermometer should be used to check the internal temperature of a beef roast?

Answer: penetration


Question: If a food contact surface is in constant use, how often should it be cleaned and sanitized?

Answer: every 4 hours


Question: How many seconds does an iodine sanitizer solution need to be in contact with the object being sanitized?

Answer: 30


Question: What is a basic characteristic of a virus?

Answer: requires a living host to grow


Question: Food half at 41F (5C) or lower before being removed from refrigeration can be held without temperature control for up to how many hours?

Answer: 6


Question: What temperature must the water used for heat-sanitizing be?

Answer: 171F (77C)


Question: In top-to-bottom order, how should a fresh beef roast, fresh halibut, pepperoni, and a pan of ground chicken be stored in a cooler?

Answer: Pepperoni, fresh halibut, fresh beef roast, ground chicken


Question: What is the maximum number of days that ready-to-eat food can be stored if held at 41F (5C)?

Answer: 7 days


Question: What HACCP principle is being practiced when food handlers rewash melons that have surface dirt?

Answer: corrective action


Question: TCS food preheated for hot-holding must reach what temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for 15 seconds


Question: What is the most important way to prevent a food borne illness from viruses?

Answer: practice good personal hygiene


Question: A food handler stored a sanitizer spray bottle on the shelf above the prep table that had just been sanitized. Throughout the day, the food handler used the sanitizer on the prep table, storing it in the same spot. What should the food handler have done differently?

Answer: Stored the sanitizer bottle away from the prep area


Question: A cook wore single-use gloves while forming raw ground beef into patties. The cook continued to wear them while slicing hamburger buns. What mistake was made?

Answer: The cook did not wash hands and put on new gloves before slicing the hamburger buns.


Question: What is the problem with storing raw ground beef above prepped salads?

Answer: cross-contact with allergens


Question: What is the most important way to prevent a food borne illness from bacteria?

Answer: control time and temperature


Question: What is an important measure for preventing food borne illness?

Answer: controlling time and temperature


Question: When should antiseptics be used?

Answer: after washing hands


Question: A food handler prepares and delivers meals to elderly individuals receiving cancer career services at home. What symptoms require this food handler to stay home from work?

Answer: sore throat with fever


Question: Why are preschool-age children at higher risk for food borne illnesses?

Answer: they have not built up strong immune system


Question: Which probe should be used to check the temperature of a large stockpot of chili?

Answer: immersion probe


Question: A server cleans a dining table with a wiping cloth and then puts the cloth in an apron pocket. What is the risk that could cause a food borne illness?

Answer: poor cleaning and sanitizing


Question: Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) is commonly linked with what type of food?

Answer: raw ground beef


Question: What should food handlers do to prevent food allergens from being transferred to food?

Answer: clean and sanitize utensils after use


Question: Raw chicken breasts are left out at room temperature on a prep table. What is the risk that could cause a food borne illness?

Answer: time temperature abuse


Question: At what temperature do most food borne pathogens grow most quickly?

Answer: between 70F and 125F


Question: What should a manager of a hospital cafeteria do if a cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea?

Answer: tell the cook to stay away from work and see a doctor


Question: Parasites are commonly linked with what type of food?

Answer: seafood


Question: Which piece of jewelry can be worn on a food handler’s hand or arm?

Answer: plain band ring


Question: Which of the following is not a common symptom of a food borne illness?

Answer: elevated blood pressure


Question: How far must a bimetallic stemmed thermometer be inserted into food to give an accurate reading?

Answer: up to the dimples in the thermometer stem


Question: When is it acceptable to eat in an operation?

Answer: when sitting in a break area


Question: Which of the following is a TCS food : bread, sprouts, flour, strawberries?

Answer: sprouts


Question: The 5 common mistakes that can lead to food borne illness are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and

Answer: purchasing food from unsafe sources


Question: A guest had a reversal of hot and cold sensations after eating seafood. What most likely caused the illness?

Answer: toxin


Question: Which type of thermometer can read temperature without touching the item’s surface?

Answer: infrared


Question: What should food handlers do after prepping food and before using the restroom?

Answer: take off their aprons


Question: What is the most important factor in choosing a food supplier?

Answer: it has been inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws


Question: A food handler has diarrhea and has been diagnosed with an illness from Shigella app. What should the manager tell this food handler to do?

Answer: stay home until approved to return to work


Question: A food handler has finished trimming raw chicken on a cutting board and needs the board to prep vegetables. What must be done to the cutting board?

Answer: It must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized


Question: After which activity must food handlers wash their hands?

Answer: clearing tables


Question: A guest called a restaurant and told the manager about getting sick after eating there. The guest complained of vomiting and diarrhea a few hours after eating the raw oysters. What pathogen probably caused the illness?

Answer: Norovirus


Question: What is the best method of checking the temperature of a delivery of fresh fish?

Answer: insert a thermometer probe into the thickest part of the fish


Question: Why must ground meats be cooked to a higher temperature than whole cuts of meat?

Answer: more pathogens reside on the outside of meat and grinding redistributes the pathogens throughout the meat.


Question: What is a “thermocouple”?

Answer: a metal probed thermometer


Question: Which of the following is NOT considered a safe way to thaw frozen meat?

Answer: under hot running water


Question: Handwashing stations are required in which area?

Answer: in food prep, service, and dishwashing area


Question: What or who is the most responsible for training new staff about safe food handling practices?

Answer: the certified food manager


Question: Raw ground beef and pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of 155F for how many seconds before serving?

Answer: 17 seconds


Question: What is the FIFO method (first in, first out)?

Answer: Storing food items so that the oldest is used first


Question: Which symptoms must be reported to your regulatory authority when it afflicts a food handler?

Answer: jaundice


Question: Where should the scoop for the ice machine be stored between uses?

Answer: in a protected designated location


Question: Which of the following symptoms is most commonly associated with food borne illness?

Answer: diarrhea


Question: What is the proper sequence to effectively sanitize dishwater, utensils, and equipments?

Answer: scrape, wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry


Question: Which of the following is an acceptable method for cooling hot TCS food before storage?

Answer: in an ice water bath


Question: A food handler has a wound or a boil on their hand or wrist. What is the appropriate course of action?

Answer: bandage the wound with an impermeable cover and wear a single-use glove


Question: What should you do if food shipments are not delivered at the correct temperatures?

Answer: reject the delivery


Question: Which is an example of a physical contaminant?

Answer: bones in chili


Question: When is a food borne illness considered an outbreak?

Answer: when at least two people experience the same symptoms after eating the same food


Question: If a TCS food will be hot-held for service, what is the minimum internal temperature that this food must maintain being held?

Answer: 135F


Question: What is the best approach to dealing with pests?

Answer: deny pests access to the operation ; deny pests food, water, and shelter ; work with a licensed pest control operator (PCO)


Question: Which unused items may be re-served to another customer?

Answer: prepackaged items such as soup crackers


Question: How should a cloth used for wet-wiping be stored?

Answer: in a bucket of sanitizing solution


Question: The acronym ALERT, stands for Assure, Look, Employee, Report, and Threat. What type of food safety risk does this refer to?

Answer: The deliberate contamination of food


Question: What is the first step when cleaning and sanitizing stationary equipment?

Answer: unplug the equipment


Question: To effectively “heat sanitize” equipment, it must be soaked for at least 30 seconds in hot water that is what minimum temperature?

Answer: 171F


Question: A faucet that supplies clean drinking water is fitted with a flexible hose to fill a mop bucket. A careless employee leaves the end of the hose in a bucket of dirty mop water overnight. Due to changing air pressure within the building’s plumbing system, the dirty mop water moves up the hose and into the faucet — contaminating the clean drinking water. What is this type of contamination?

Answer: Cross-connection


Question: If a TCS food will be cold-held for service, what is the maximum temperature that this food could be held?

Answer: 41F


Question: Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes) is usually caused by which food borne illness?

Answer: Hepatitis A


Question: Which person is the most susceptible to food borne illness?

Answer: A 65 year old man


Question: Hot TCS food needs to be cooled before storage. What is the maximum amount of time you should allow when bringing food down from 135F to the storage temperature of 41F or lower?

Answer: 6 hours


Question: All items should be stored away from the walls and how many inches from the floor?

Answer: 6 inches


Question: If you are packaging fish using a reduced-oxygen packaging method (ROP), the fish must include a label stating what?

Answer: that it must remain frozen until used


Question: Which activity requires a food handler to wear single-use gloves?

Answer: handling ready to eat foods


Question: The temperature of food stored in hot holding has dropped into the temperature danger zone for a period of two hours. What should be done?

Answer: quickly bring the food to the correct temperature


Question: Which of the following is NOT considered an example of a “corrective action”?

Answer: asking a customer who is ordering an alcoholic beverage for ID.


Question: Which of the following is NOT considered to be “cross-contamination”?

Answer: leaving foods in the temperature danger zone for too long


Question: Which of the following would require obtaining a “variance” from your regulatory authority?

Answer: offering live shellfish from a display tank


Question: What is the minimum internal temperature that raw fish, seafood, shellfish, and crustaceans should be cooked to for at least 15 seconds before serving?

Answer: 145F


Question: An “immersion probe thermometer” is used for checking the temperature of what?

Answer: the temperatures of liquids such as soups, sauces, and frying oil


Question: The “temperature danger zone” refers to which range of temperatures?

Answer: 41-135F


Question: How long can you safely store ready to eat TCS food in a cooler at a temperature of 41F or lower?

Answer: 7 days


Question: Where is the best place to store cleaning tools and chemicals?

Answer: in an area that is used only for this purpose


Question: Which government authority is responsible for writing the codes that regulate food service operations?

Answer: state and local health departments


Question: Food should be stored so that those requiring a higher internal cooking temperature are on the lower shelves. This is to prevent cross-contamination if foods on the top shelf drip or leak onto the foods stored below it. From top to bottom, which is a correct storage arrangement?

Answer: ready to eat food, seafood, whole cuts of beef or pork, ground meats, whole and ground poultry


Question: You are reheating a TCS food from the cooler for immediate service to guest. Assuming that the food was originally cooked and cooled correctly, what is the minimum temperature that thee food must be heated to before serving?

Answer: you can safely serve it at any temperature


Question: A commercially processed TCS food item is delivered to your establishment with a use-by date that is less than 7 days from the day of delivery. What should you do?

Answer: clearly mark the package with the use-by date


Question: What is the minimum internal temperature that raw roasts (pork, beef, veal, and lamb) should be cooked to for at least 4 minutes before serving?

Answer: 145F


Question: In which temperature range do pathogens grow the most rapidly?

Answer: 70-125F


Question: Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of “The Big Eight” allergens?

Answer: onions


Question: These conditions are necessary for the growth of bacteria: food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen, and moisture. What term is often used for these conditions?

Answer: FAT TOM


Question: How often should a soft-serve yogurt machine be cleaned and sanitized?

Answer: once a day


Question: A pathogen is considered what type of contaminant?

Answer: biological


Question: What is commonly used chemical sanitizer?

Answer: chlorine, iodine, quats


Question: What is the easiest and safest way to calibrate a thermometer?

Answer: adjusting the thermometer so that ice-water shows a temperature of 32F


Question: “Coving” is recommended for foodservice establishments. What is it?

Answer: A curved and sealed edge between the floor and wall, intended to make cleaning easier and more effective


Question: What is a “TCS food”?

Answer: food the requires time and temperature control for safety


Question: When cooking a T-bone steak, where should you insert a penetration probe thermometer to check its temperature?

Answer: in the thickest part of the meat


Question: What type of establishment should not serve raw seed sprouts?

Answer: a senior living home


Question: If you will be holding a HOT food for service without temperature control, what is the maximum amount of time that the food may remain in the temperature danger zone before it must be served or thrown out?

Answer: 4 hours


Question: E.coli is usually contracted from which food?

Answer: ground beef


Question: What is a “back flow prevention device” intended for?

Answer: preventing cross-connection


Question: You are receiving a shipment of shell eggs (eggs still in the shell). What is the maximum air-temperature that the shell eggs should be received at?

Answer: 45F


Question: How long can a hot-held TCS food remain in the “Temperature Danger Zone” before it must be served or thrown out?

Answer: 4 hours


Question: Injected or brined meats such as ham, should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: Mechanically tenderized meat should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: What is the maximum temperature for a cold storage unit?

Answer: 41F


Question: Steaks or chops of commercially raised game should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 15 seconds


Question: You are heat sanitizing items by soaking them in hot water. What is the minimum temperature that the water should be?

Answer: 171F (77C)


Question: You are receiving a delivery of cold TCS food. In most cases, what maximum temperature should the food be received at? (not including shellfish, shell eggs, and milk)

Answer: 41F


Question: Poultry should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for <1 second — instantaneous


Question: What is the “Temperature Danger Zone?”

Answer: between 41F and 135F (5C and 57C)


Question: Shellfish and crustaceans should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 15 seconds


Question: How long can raw TCS food remain in the Temperature Danger Zone before it must be served or thrown out?

Answer: 4 hours


Question: Roasts of pork, beef, veal, and lamb should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 4 minutes


Question: Seafood should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 15 seconds


Question: A dish that includes previously cooked TCS ingredients should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for <1 second — instantaneous


Question: You are receiving a delivery of shucked shellfish. What maximum air-temperature should the shellfish be received at?

Answer: 45F


Question: When cooling a hot TCS food for cold storage, how quickly must you bring the temperature down from 135F to 70F or lower?

Answer: 2 hours


Question: You are taking a previously cooked TCS food from the cooler for immediate service to a guest. As long as the food was cooked and cooled correctly, to what temperature must the food be reheated before being served?

Answer: it can be served at any temperature


Question: Ground, chopped, or minced seafood should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: Stuffing that includes fish, meat, or poultry as an ingredient should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for <1 second — instantaneous


Question: In which temperature range do bacteria grow the most rapidly, even more rapidly than in the temperature danger zone?

Answer: between 70F and 125F (21C and 52C)


Question: Stuffed pasta, seafood, meat or poultry should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for <1 second (instantaneous)


Question: Steaks, chops, or filets of pork, beef, veal, and lamb should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 15 seconds


Question: You are reheating a previously cooked TCS food from the cooler that will be hot-held for service. To what minimum temperature must the food be reheated before being hot-held for service?

Answer: 165F (74C) for <1 second (instantaneous)


Question: What is the minimum water temperature for the final sanitizing rinse in a high-temperature dishwashing machine?

Answer: 180F (82C)


Question: Ground beef, pork, or other meats should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: Shell eggs that will be hot-held for service should be cooked to what minimum temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: Food from pants that will be hot-held for service should be cooked to what minimum temperature?

Answer: 135F (57C) (no minimum time)


Question: Ratites (large flightless birds such as ostrich or emu) should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: What is the minimum temperature for TCS foods that are being hot-held for service?

Answer: 135F


Question: Fish should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 15 seconds


Question: A dish that contains ground poultry as an ingredient should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 165F (74C) for <1 second (instantaneous)


Question: Flavor-injected roasts should be cooked to what minimum internal temperature?

Answer: 155F (68C) for 17 seconds


Question: When cooling a hot TCS food for cold storage, how quickly must you bring the temperature down from 70F to 41F or lower?

Answer: 4 hours


Question: Shell eggs that will be served immediately (not hot-held) should be cooked to what minimum temperature?

Answer: 145F (63C) for 15 seconds


Question: You are receiving a delivery of hot TCS food. What is the minimum temperature that you should receive the food at?

Answer: 135F


Question: What is the total amount of time you should allow for cooling a hot TCS food down from 135F to 41F or lower, before putting it into cold storage?

Answer: 6 hours or less


Question: You are receiving a delivery of milk. What is the maximum temperature that the milk should be received at?

Answer: 45F


Question: How long can a cold-held TCS food remain in the temperature danger zone before it must be served or thrown out?

Answer: 6 hours


Question: You are receiving a delivery of live shellfish. What maximum air-temperature should they be received at?

Answer: 45F
