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1.1 Ap World History

Question: Filial Piety

Answer: the duty of family members to subordinate their desires to those of the male head of the family and to the ruler


Question: Imperial bureaucracy (continuity from 221 BCE)

Answer: - vast organization in which appointed officials, carried out the empire’s policies

-The bureaucracy had been a feature of the Chinese government since the Qin dynasty (221-207 BCE)

-Served as a continuity across centuries and dynasties

-This had strengthened the dynasty as a whole and caused China’s bureaucracy to expand


Question: Civil Service Exams

Answer: - exams that were based on the knowledge of Confucian texts

  • Serves as an educational opportunity to young men of the lower economic classes

  • - Scoring well will allow for one to obtain a highly desired job in the bureaucracy

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  • Question: Meritocracy

  • Answer: - in the case of the Chinese dynasties, officials are able to obtain their positions through the demonstration of their merit on these exams, this later became China’s bureaucratic system

  • -In other words, an elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class privilege or wealth

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  • Question: Transportation innovations, like the Grand Canal expansion, in Post-Classical China

  • Answer: -The Tang Dynasty, appearing during the Post-Classical China era, they had successful improved roads and canals, which encouraged foreign trades

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  • Question: Champa rice

  • Answer: A fast-ripening and drought-resistant strain of rice from the Champa Kingdom in present-day Vietnam

  • - Greatly expanded agricultural production in China

  • - This rice/strain enable for farming to spread to lands where rice once could not grow (e.g. lowlands, riverbanks, and hills)

  • -Allowed for two crops of rice to be grown/harvest per year (e.g. summer crop and a winter crop)

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  • Question: Gunpowder/guns

  • Answer: -Gunpowder was invented in China in previous years before the Song Dynasty, where there were no guns yet until innovators had produced them later in the Song Dynasty

  • -Under this dynasty, innovators produced the first guns, in which as centuries pass, the technology of making gunpowder and guns continued to spread from China to all parts of Eurasia via traders of the Silk Roads.

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  • Question: Steel and iron production

  • Answer: - Discovered in the 4th century, the Chinese learned how to produce cast iron goods

  • - The people had also developed the ability to take the carbon out of cast iron and manufacture steel

  • -With the steel, they had used it to reinforce bridges, gates, ship anchors, religious items, pagodas, and Buddhist figurines

  • - It had also strengthened the agricultural equipment

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  • Question: proto-industrialization

  • Answer: A set of economic changes in which people in rural areas made more goods than they could sell and relied more on home-based or community-based production using simple equipment, rather than complex machinery

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  • Question: artisans

  • Answer: - a skilled craft worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand

  • - They produced steel and other products in widely dispersed smelting facilities under the supervision of the imperial government

  • - These people also manufacture porcelain and silk that reached consumers through expanding trade networks, especially by sea.

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  • Question: Textiles and porcelains for export

  • Answer: China’s economy changed from local consumption to market production, with porcelains and textiles as the chief exports.

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  • Question: compass

  • Answer: -an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it

  • -was used by the Chinese in maritime navigation

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  • Question: tributes

  • Answer: - another source of income for the government, through the arrangement in which other states had to pay money or provide goods to honor the Chinese emperor

  • - this created stability and stimulated trade for all parties involved

  • - its origin existed in the Han Dynasty but by the time of the Song Dynasty, Japan, Korea, and Kingdoms throughout southeast Asia became tributary states.

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  • Question: Transportation innovations, like the Grand Canal expansion under the Song Dynasty

  • Answer: Under the Song Dynasty, the Grand Canal was one of the transportation innovations that served as an inexpensive and efficient internal water system, which extended over 30,000 miles. This allowed for the dynasty to become the most populous trading area in the world.

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  • Question: Gunpowder/guns

  • Answer: Under this dynasty, innovators produced the first guns, in which as centuries pass, the technology of making gunpowder and guns continued to spread from China to all part of Eurasia via traders of the Silk Roads.

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  • Question: Scholar Gentry

  • Answer: - The Chinese class of well-educated men from whom many bureaucrats were chosen

  • - educated in Confucian philosophy and became the most influential social class in China

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  • Question: Farmers

  • Answer: - a person who cultivates land or crops or raises animals - tend lands and other natural resources to grow crops and livestock that are later sold and processed

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  • Question: Craftsmen

  • Answer: - These individuals contributed greatly to new inventions and new ways of making things.

  • - a worker who practices a trade or handicraft

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  • Question: Confucian traditions of both respect and expected deference from women

  • Answer: It was the patriarchal pattern of the tradition of respecting women and the expectation that they would defer men is what strengthened during the Tang and Song dynasties.

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  • Question: Footbinding

  • Answer: - Common among aristocratic families during the Song Dynasty, young girls would have their feet wrapped so tightly that the bones did not grow naturally.

  • - This signifies social status, something suitors love

  • - This would restrict the woman’s ability to move as it produced pain and made it easier to confine women to the household and make them incapable of participating in the public sphere.

  • -Finally banned in 1912

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  • Question: Paper and Printing

  • Answer: -The Chinese invented paper by the 2nd century C.E.

  • -Developed a system of printing by 7th century (specifically woodblock printing)

  • - A Buddhist scripture was produced in the 7th century is thought to be the world’s first woodblock printed work

  • -Significant because by the Song era, printed booklets on how to farm efficiently were distributed throughout rice-growing regions

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  • Question: Reading and Poetry

  • Answer: - Due to the development of paper and printing, led to the availability of books

  • -Even though most peasants were illiterate, China’s privileged classes had increased access to literature

  • - Confucian scholars were the major producers of literature throughout the era and consumed literature at a tremendous rate

  • - With both the Tang and Song dynasties’ emphasis on schooling created generations of well-rounded scholar-bureaucrats

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  • Question: Buddhism

  • Answer: - a widespread Asian religion or philosophy, founded by Siddartha Gautama and had came to China from its birthplace in India via Silk Roads

  • - its popularity became popular during the Tang Dynasty with the helps of a 7th century Buddhist monk Xuanzang

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  • Question: Four Noble Truths

  • Answer: stress the idea that personal suffering can be alleviated by eliminating cravings or desires and by following Buddhist precepts

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  • Question: Eightfold Path

  • Answer: including right speech, right livelihood, right effort, and right mindfulness

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  • Question: Nirvana

  • Answer: enlightenment

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  • Question: Theravada

  • Answer: Theravada is the dominant form of Buddhism in most of southeast Asia, including Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The Theravada provides teachings about cause and effect (karma), as well as pacifying meditations to create distance from difficult thoughts and feelings. Theravada focused on personal spiritual growth through silent mediation and self-discipline.

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  • Question: Mahayana

  • Answer: The Mahayana arose within Indian Buddhism around the beginning of the Common Era and became by the 9th century the dominant influence on the Buddhist cultures of Central and East Asia. Mahayana focused on spiritual growth for all beings and on service and became the strongest in China and Korea.

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  • Question: Tibetan

  • Answer: It is based mainly on the rigorous intellectual disciplines of Madhyamika and Yogachara philosophy and utilizes the Tantric ritual practices that developed in Central Asia and particularly in Tibet. Tibetan focused on chanting.

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  • Question: Zen Buddhism (syncretic religion: a blend of Daoism with Buddhism)

  • Answer: Zen Buddhism offers practitioners ways to heal their hearts and minds and connect with the world. Zen begins with an understanding that human beings suffer, and it offers a solution to this suffering through recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and learning to live in a way that aligns with this truth. Zen emphasized direct experience and mediation as opposed to formal learning based on studying scripture.

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  • Question: Confucianism

  • Answer: the ethical teachings formulated by Confucius and introduced into Chinese religion, emphasizing devotion to parents, family, and friends, cultivation of the mind, self-control, and just social activity

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  • Question: Neo-Confucianism (syncretic religion: a blend of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism)

  • Answer: - Evolved in China between 770-840

  • -This new incarnation of Confucianism emphasized ethics rather than the mysteries of God and nature

  • -This became immensely popular in the countries in China’s orbit, including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

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  • Question: Japan and China

  • Answer: Similarities:

  • -promotion of Buddhism and Confucianism

  • -woodblock printing

  • - had a feudal system


  • instead of having an emperor who oversaw a large civilian bureaucracy and a strong central government, it’s nation was taken charged of by the Minamoto clan and their emperor had little power

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  • Question: Korea and China

  • Answer: Similarities:

  • - had emulated many aspects of China’s politics and cultures

  • - similar centralized government

  • - adopted both Buddhist and Confucian belief

  • - adopted the Chinese writing system


-Korea then changed and develop their own writing system

-had more powerful landed aristocracy in comparison to China

-Korean civil service exam was not open to peasants

-no merit-based system for entering the bureaucracy


Question: Vietnam and China

Answer: Similarities:

-adopted the Chinese writing system and architectural styles


-Vietnamese women enjoyed greater independence in their marriage lives than the Chinese women did in the Confucian tradition

-preferred nuclear families

-didn’t have political centralization

  • scholar-officials owed more allegiance to the village peasants

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  • Question: Syncretic

  • Answer: the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.

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  • Question: Nuclear family

  • Answer: Just a wife, husband, and their children

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