3 Years In Asl
Question: How numbers 23-29 are produced in ASL?
Answer: L+number, L+3 or L+4
Question: Whats the difference between personal pronouns and possessive pronouns?
Answer: Both types of pronouns follow the same rules, but personal pronouns point at things and possessive pronouns use a flat or B hand shape.
Question: What is the difference between the usage of “no”, “not, and “none”?
Answer: When answering a simple yes or no questions and responding no, you can simply say no. But when responding with the “I have NO children”, you can respond with the word “none”. With both of these, you should nod your head to indicate you are providing a negative response.
Question: What is a compound sign compared to Eng and ASL?
Answer: a compound sign/word is 2 or more words that combined create a word. In English, black+bird=blackbird or race+car=racecar. In ASL, female+wife=marry, mother+father=parents.
Question: which way does the palm face when signing age numbers?
Answer: the palm faces out when signing numbers.
Question: Discuss the concept of number incorporation with age?
Answer: Ages 1-5 signed with palm facing out, ages 1-9 are incorporated into the age sign which is signed from the chin indicating age, age is signed with the number to follow 9 and above.
Question: How does the signer discuss 2 or more people, places, or things?
Answer: Once the person, place, or thing is placed tp the right or the left of you, to refer back to them you point to where they were placed.
Question: How do you sign the birth order of you and your siblings?
Answer: WHen signing the birth order signers use their non-dominant hand when there is 2,3,or5 children the thumb is the oldest and for four the index finger is the oldest. To refer to each child, you use the index finger on you dominant hand to refer to each sibling.
Question: Which way does the palm face when signing the birth order of siblings?
Answer: The palm faces in!
Question: How do the signs for males/females produced?
Answer: Males are signed around the upper parts of the head for example: boy, men, dad, grandfather, son, etc. Females are signed around the bottom parts of the face for example: girls, mom, women, grandmother, daughter, etc.
Question: How are the calendar numbers expressed in ASL?
Answer: Follows an ordinal rule, and hand twists numbers from palm outward to palm inward. 10-31 are signed regularly.
Question: Which months of the year are abbreviated in ASL? How are the other months signed?
Answer: Months are all finger spelled. Some are abbreviated and some are fully spelled. Abbreviated months are Jan, Feb, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec. Months that are fully spelled are March, April, May, June, July.
Question: Why is it important to ask personal questions and share personal information in the deaf community. How does this apply to you as a student?
Answer: By telling personal information, it helps build a long lasting relationship and personal connections, As well as being an appropriate topic of conversation. The deaf community highly values these types of connections.
Being a student, this effects me because deaf people are curious of how we are connected to the deaf community.
Question: What is the importance of saying “I love you” in the deaf community.
Answer: I love you in the deaf community shows multiple emotions such as a love or a friendship. Deaf people also say I love you and hug when saying goodbye rather just saying goodbye.
Question: How is interruptions managed in English and ASL?
Answer: The respectable way to manage interruptions would be to simply say hold on a minute to the person you are having a conversation with then see what you are being interrupted for.
Question: What are the rules of CODAs?
Answer: CODAs are children of deaf adults. These children are known as interpreters for their parents and count as the bridge from the hearing community and the deaf community. Sometimes children often are encouraged to interpret things that a child should not be involved in which puts the child in a difficult situation. If the parents modality was influenced by oppression and oral education then the child will not know how to sign. They are commonly caught between two cultures. Although they grow up hearing, they are also raised in the deaf community.
Question: Explain how ASL shows that events occur in past, present and future.
Answer: think of the body as a timeline. for the future your sign moving your hand forward, present would be signed to the side, and for the past it would be signed backwards.
Question: meanings of future tense and past tense with year, month, week etc.
Answer: for next week it would be signed week with continuing the sign moving forward, for last week it would be signed week and then instead of going forward go the opposite way to indicated the past.
for next month, MONTH+FUTURE
for last month, MONTH+PAST
for last year, YEAR+PAST
for next year, YEAR+FUTURE
Question: where does the tense go in a sentence
Answer: tense goes in the beginning pf the sentence. For example: ENG- “I went to the park yesterday”, ASL- “YESTERDAY, PARK, I GO”
Question: how would you sign, “I went to the store yesterday”?
Question: What is the concept of number incorporation with time. (week, month, year)
Answer: rule of 9: to say 3 weeks, instead of using one finger when signing week, use 3 to indicate 3 weeks. anything over 9 would be signed the actual number for example, 10+WEEK.
year although doesn’t work, for the rule of 9. you can only use 5. anything else would be signed with the number then year
Question: numbers that can generally be incorporated into time signs up to what?
Answer: for year only 5, week is up to 9 and month is 0.
Question: what distinguishes the verb sit from the noun chair?
Answer: the sign for nouns are a repeated movement, where as the signs for verbs don’t. for example: chair(2x) and sit(1x)
Question: Define locative verbs and provide examples.
Answer: by changing the location of the sign, you change the meaning of the sign. For example: ‘to shave’, SHAVE-LEGS, SHAVE-FACE, SHAVE-UNDERARMS.
Question: What does the sign ‘do’ stand for in English, and what is the non-manual marker expression? How do you change ‘run’ to ‘running’?
Answer: In English, ‘do’ means something you are working on. The non-manual expression is a ‘puff cheek’. To turn run into running, you need to use the facial expression of puff cheeks to indicated your changing it from run to running or work working.
Question: Turn-taking strategies in ASL. How is it similar or different from English?
Answer: ASL turn taking strategies are head movements (tilting back), non-manual markers (‘wh’&y/n questions), holding up your hand up for a comment or question, sign go on or hold on, and hold on one minute when interrupted.
This is known to be difficult or awkward.
English is similar by head movements, nodding yes or no, saying go on or hold on, hold on a minute when interrupted. But english doesn’t hold up their hand when they have a comment or question nor do they use non-manual markers.
Question: How is confirming information managed in ASL?
Answer: right/correct which is added at the end of the sentence.
Question: 2 pieces of technology that the Deaf use in their homes to stay connected?
Answer: 1. Flashing Lights
2. Vibrations
Question: Deaf Gain
Answer: Deaf Gain in the deaf community replaces the term hearing loss. They look at the being deaf as a gain and not as a loss.
Question: Discuss the Joke of the humorous story “Birds on a Telephone”, reveals values and beliefs and the way of life for the deaf.
Answer: Shows how one can identify a hearing caller (line) from a deaf caller (line)