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7 Brew Blondie Calories

Question: Blondie
Answer: (The best seller!) - Caramel, vanilla, espresso, Smooth Mix.
Question: Triple 7
Answer: White chocolate, Irish cream, 6 shots of espresso, Smooth Mix
Question: Brunette
Answer: Caramel, hazelnut, espresso, Mocha Mix.
Question: Razorberry Energy
Answer: Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, Energy
Question: Strawberry smoothie
Answer: Strawberry smoothie mix, vanilla soft-serve
Question: Sequence of reading back the drink
Answer: 1. Drink Size (Kids, Small, Medium, or Large)
2. Drink Temperature (Hot, iced, or Chiller)
3. Modifications (Extra Shot, Light Ice, Half-Sweet... the list goes on)
4. Drink Name (Blondie, Brunette, Triple 7)
5. Finish Details, if applicable (Whipped Cream, Caramel Drizzle, Cinnamon Sprinkles)
Question: The Vital Foundation of Our Success:
Our Culture
Answer: The people and culture are what produce our secret sauce: how we make our customers feel. No amount of speed, quality, or smooth operations can replace that. If we stay true to who we are and honor our culture and
people, then our people will gladly take care of operations on their own.
Question: 4 Keys to Success
Answer: 1. First Impressions
2. Customer Service
3. Drink Quality
4. Consistency
Question: Our 7 Brew Values
Answer: 1. Our first job is to take care of our team and have each other's backs.
2. We always have time to remake a drink.
3. Move with a visible sense of urgency - your team is counting on you.
4. We call each other when anything needs immediate attention.
5. If a teammate asks you for help, let them know you are on it.
6. Do more than what you expect from others.
7. Treat every encounter with others as a chance to build them up.
Question: In your own words, what is the foundation of our success and how do we hold fast to it?
Answer: The people and culture are what produce our secret sauce: how we make our customers feel. No amount of speed, quality, or smooth operations
can replace that. If we stay true to who we are and honor our culture and people, then our people will gladly take care of operations on their own.
Question: What is our "first job" at 7 Brew?
Answer: Our first job is to take care of our team and have each other's backs.
Question: If you get sick at 11 pm before you work at 6 a.m. the following morning, how should you reach out to your
manager to let them know?
Answer: We call each other when anything needs immediate attention. If an issue needs attention within 12 hours, we're always happy to get a phone call versus a message. We want to know ASAP so that a shift
cover, equipment failure, or inventory shortage gets the attention it needs. When in doubt, reach out!
Question: In your own words, what affect should the music we play in the stand have on our team and customers?
Answer: Appropriate music for a shift helps set the energy - we sell coffee at a fast-paced drive-thru, and our music should reflect that! The music we play is positive, clean, non-explicit, upbeat, and up to you!
Question: Lane
This is the foundational role in the stand. The team member on lane carries a heavy responsibility with their role:
Answer: • Makes a genuine and unique connection with the customer.
• Calls back orders to the crew.
• Takes payment.
• Ensures all drinks we hand out are as-ordered and top-quality.
• Makes sure drinks are well-organized, drink exteriors are clean, and presented flawlessly to the customer.
• Moves quickly to ensure a short wait time for the customer.
Question: Texter
The texter is the first impression that a customer has on our people, which is vital!
Answer: • Goes outside when there are three or more cars in line to grab orders.
• Takes credit/debit card payments outside when we are busy.
• Makes sure that the drink makers inside have enough orders to work with, at least three per line.
• Whenever not taking orders, runs inside to support the crew. That means running up to the front and refilling the ice
chests, stocking cups and lids, refilling sauces, and more!
Question: Shots
Answer: • Measures out flavor into the cup to start the drink.
• Makes espresso and stirs it into the flavor.
• Keeps track of incoming drinks and directs the team on which drinks to work on next.
• Supports the milk position with their duties (steaming/pouring milk, getting ice cups, etc.)
• Makes blended drinks and chillers.
Question: Milk
Answer: • Steams and pours milk for any hot drinks.
• Pours milk for any iced drinks.
• Plans ahead to have various steamed milk ready whenever the shots position has flavor and espresso in the cup.
• Handles finishing details (whipped cream, drizzle, sprinkles, and lids).
• Passes finished drinks to the appropriate lane table.
Question: The Big 3
Answer: #1 Have genuine and unique interactions with every customer and your teammates. Speak their language.
#2: Use open and positive body language.
#3: Smile for every customer and teammate.
Question: When Something Goes Wrong - ACT
Answer: A - Apologize
C - Care
T - Thank
Question: 1Who is the first team member that our customer interacts with when they pull into the drive-thru line?
Answer: Texter
The texter is the first impression that a customer has on our people,
Question: Which position is the foundational role in the stand, and why?
Answer: Lane
This is the foundational role in the stand.
Question: If a customer orders a large Brunette, what clarifying question should you ask them?
Answer: It's then our job to kindly ask for clarity on the missing
pieces - the temperature (#2). Our drinks don't get finish details unless requested! ask if they want any modifications and finishing details if needed
Question: "Translate" this order from a customer to your teammates in the correct sequence: "I need a Triple 7 made with whole milk,

Answer: A Large, iced, whole milk triple 7
Question: What is the lane position's job after the customer has paid and while the drink is still being made?
Answer: Makes a genuine and unique connection with the customer.
• Ensures all drinks we hand out are as-ordered and top-quality.
• Makes sure drinks are well-organized, drink exteriors are clean, and presented flawlessly to the customer.
• Moves quickly to ensure a short wait time for the customer.
Question: Which position handles finishing details?
Answer: Milk. Handles finishing details (whipped cream, drizzle, sprinkles, and lids).
Answer: A Latin word literally meaning "pressed out". Strong coffee made by pressing a small amount of steam through ground
coffee beans. Contrary to popular belief, there is no "x" in "espresso".
Double Shot:
Answer: 7 Brew espresso machines always dispense double shots.A double shot is the espresso from one shot tin (A single
shot is half of a shot tin).
Answer: The action of using an espresso machine to make a double shot.
Shot Window:
Answer: This is the amount of time it takes for the hot steam in the espresso machine to flow through the coffee grinds and
dispense a 7 Brew double shot. This process should take between 17 and 27 seconds (there is an automatic timer on the machine).
Answer: This is a filter that we fill with coffee grinds and lock into the espresso machine. When the espresso machine forces
steam through the grinds, the tiny holes in the filter allow the freshly made espresso to flow out without letting coffee grinds leak
into the shot tin.
Part 1: Coffee Grinds
Answer: Every good double shot starts as 14 grams of freshly
ground coffee from our coffee grinder. The hopper (at the top) holds the coffee beans, the
grinding burrs grind the beans (inside the grinder),
and the dosing chamber holds the fresh grinds.Then, move
the dosing lever back and forth twice to dispense two
7-gram portions of grinds into your portafilter for a 14-
gram total portion.
Part 1: Coffee Grinds
Brewista Tip:
Answer: Be sure to clean the rim of the portafilter
before you put coffee grinds in it. A dirty portafilter
makes a bad seal with the espresso machine and leads
to damage. Only grind as much as you need! Fresher
grinds are better; don't grind a full chamber's worth of
grinds unless you're in the middle of a rush.
Part 2: Tamping
Answer: "Tamping" is the act of compacting/compressing your
coffee grinds so that they are ready for the espresso
machine. You'll position the portafilter under the tamper
and press upwards Compacted ground espresso should be flat and level throughout the inside of the portafilter.
Part 3: Extraction Action
Answer: Swipe your hand across the rim of the portafilter to
brush away any excess grinds (called "blessing" the
shot), and then load the portafilter into the group head. The extraction time (from hitting the shot button to finish) should be between 17 and 27 seconds.
Question: If the double shot pulls TOO QUICKLY
Answer: - Coffee grinds are too coarse (large) and can't be compacted enough, allowing the water go through the grinds too quickly.
Question: If the double shot pulls TOO QUICKLY
Answer: - Adjust the grinder to grind the coffee into a finer consistency, making it harder for the water to pass through.
Question: If the double shot pulls TOO SLOWLY
Answer: - Coffee grinds are too fine (small) and over-compacted, preventing the water from flowing through the grinds as fast as it needs to.
Question: If the double shot pulls TOO SLOWLY
Answer: - Adjust the grinder to grind the coffee into a coarser consistency, allowing the water to pass through more easily.
Answer: The reason we have a tight shot window of 17-27 seconds is to maintain consistent and delicious espresso. To recap: when hot water from the espresso
machine is forced through the coffee grinds, it extracts oils and flavors on its way out of the spout, producing our espresso.

of tight froth and look like "wet paint". You'll find that higher fat milks will have a thicker froth whereas lower fat milks will have a stiffer froth.
Question: Always clean the steam wand before and after steaming milk. This is important because
Answer: the high temperatures will cause milk to dry and become crusty or clog the wand very quickly. Wipe the wand down with a clean bleach rag and then "purge" the wand of any condensation or milk by shooting some steam out into the drip tray.
Question: Pour milk straight from
Answer: the fridge into the steam pitcher.
Question: Position the pitcher so
Answer: that the tip of the steam wand is near the bottom of the steam pitcher.
Question: Turn the steam wand on. As it steams the milk, tilt the steaming pitcher towards yourself a
little bit and position the pitcher so that the wand starts swirling the milk.
Answer: Then, froth the
milk by moving the pitcher down and letting the steam wand's spout aerate the top of the
milk for a few seconds. It will make a light sputtering sound.
Question: After frothing the milk
Answer: return the steaming pitcher to its starting position with the tip of the wand near the bottom of the pitcher. While the milk continues to steam, you can scoop ice,
pour another drink, and otherwise be productive.
Question: After a few more seconds (depending on how much milk is in the pitcher), you will be able to
Answer: feel the sides of the steaming pitcher heat up and see the thermometer rise to our
acceptable temperature range (160-170 degrees).
Question: Turn off the steam wand and remove the pitcher. When you're starting out, you'll want to
Answer: check the temperature of your milk with a thermometer every time you steam. Once you get the hang of it, be sure to check the temperature periodically throughout the day.
Question: The final product should have
Answer: no large air bubbles. If it does, tap the tin on the counter to pop them.
Question: You're done!
Answer: Pour the milk over your flavor and shots to complete a 7 Brew thing of beauty.
Answer: • Make sure you use a 100% clean steam pitcher with no dairy residue.
• Double-check that your steam wand is purged and wiped thoroughly before and after each
• Double-check to ensure that the flavor scoop you are using is 100% clean and is not
contaminated by any other drinks that have dairy products.
Answer: • Even though certain milk alternatives may be stored at room temperature, use chilled milk
for your drinks.
• Always refrigerate the milk after you open it.
• Shake the closed carton to break up any natural separation.
Question: Brewista Tip: steaming milk alt. #1
Answer: Any milk for a kid's drink should never be steamed
over 120 degrees.
Question: Brewista Tip: steaming milk alt. #2
Answer: Drinks ordered "extra hot" should be steamed to 175
degrees, but never over 180 or the milk will scald!
Smooth Mix
Answer: - This is "code" for half and half. We use Smooth Mix (half and half) for any drink made as a breve,
including our Smooth 7, Blondie, and Triple 7 original drinks.
Mocha Mix
Answer: - This is our proprietary recipe and the base for mochas, chocolate milk, and hot cocoa.
Whole milk
Answer: - This is the default milk for lattes and cappuccinos.
Ice Cream Mix
Answer: - The sweet dairy base for smoothies, Chai chillers, and shakes.
Nonfat Milk
Answer: - Just what it sounds like!
Oat Milk
Answer: - Lightly sweetened.
Coconut Milk
Answer: - Also has a touch of vanilla flavor.
Almond Milk
Answer: - No special flavors other than the nutty-ness, but has a light sweetness. Made from fresh pecans. Made you look!
Question: 1% or 2% Milk
Answer: Ask the customer if skim milk is okay, or if they would like us to mix half nonfat milk and half whole milk.
Question: Skinny
Answer: If a drink is requested skinny, use nonfat milk and use sugar-free flavors!
Question: Sugar-Free
Answer: If a drink made with Mocha Mix is requested sugar-free, you will need to use Smooth Mix instead, as our Mocha Mix contains sugar!
If a drink made with plain milk is requested sugar-free, simply use sugar free flavors instead of regular flavors.
Question: Dairy alternatives are NOT sugar-free!
Answer: Be sure to let the customer know that their "sugar-free" beverage will still have
sugar if they order a dairy alternative.
Question: Circle the correct answer. What is our shot window?
Answer: 17-27 seconds
Question: What should you do if your espresso shots are taking too long to pull?
A) Adjust the grinder to make the coffee grinds coarser
B) Adjust the grinder to make the coffee grinds finer
C) Flush out the espresso heads
D) Tamp more firmly
Answer: A
Question: What should you do if your espresso shots are pulling too quickly?
A) Adjust the grinder to make the coffee grinds finer
B) Adjust the grinder to make the coffee grinds coarser
C) Reverse-flush the espresso heads
D) Tamp less firmly
Answer: A
Question: Write the following in the correct sequence for drink-making: Espresso shots, milk, flavor.
Answer: 1. flavor
2. shot
3. milk
Question: How much froth do our hot drinks get on top?
A) 1 inch of bubbly froth
B) 1⁄4 inch of tight froth
C) 1⁄2 inch of tight froth
D) 2 inches of milky froth
Answer: B
Question: What is the standard temperature range for our hot drinks?
Answer: 160-170
Question: 8. What is the temperature maximum for kids hot drinks?
Answer: 120
Question: What is the standard milk for mochas?
Answer: mocha mix
Question: What milk is used in a breve?
Answer: smooth mix
Question: What is the standard milk for hot chocolates?
Answer: mocha mix
Question: What kind of milk should you use for a skinny mocha?
Answer: non fat
Question: What kind of milk should you use for a sugar-free mocha?
Answer: smooth mix
Question: What kind of milk should you use for a sugar-free latte?
Answer: whole milk
Question: What are our three non-dairy milk options?
Answer: almond, oat, coconut
Question: 1. How many total scoops of flavor are in our Original breve drinks (hot or iced)?
Answer: 1-2-2
Question: How many total scoops of flavor are in our Original mocha drinks (hot or iced)?
Answer: 1-1-2
Question: What flavor combinations go in smooth and triple 7
Answer: irish cream & white chocolate
Question: What flavor combinations go in white mac
Answer: white chocolate and chocolate macadamia
Question: What flavor combinations go in blondie
Answer: caramel and vanila
Question: What flavor combinations go in brunette
Answer: caramel and hazelnut
Question: What flavor combinations go in german chocolate
Answer: caramel and coconut
Question: How many shots of espresso does a large Blondie have?
Answer: 4
Question: 4. How many shots of espresso does a medium German Chocolate have?
Answer: 2
Question: How many shots of espresso does a small Triple 7 have?
Answer: 6
Question: What kind of milk should you use for a sugar-free Blondie?
Answer: smooth mix
Question: What kind of milk should you use for a small sugar-free White Chocolate Mocha?
Answer: smooth mix
Question: What flavors are used in a medium sugar-free Brunette, and how many scoops of each?
Answer: 1/4 sf caramel, 1/4 sf hazelnut, 1/2 sf dark chocolate
Question: What flavors are used in a large almond milk German Chocolate, and how many scoops of each?
Answer: 1/2 caramel, 1/2 coconut 1 scoop dark chocolate
Question: how many shots does a house blend get
Answer: 2-3-4
Question: If a mocha is ordered sugar free or with a
milk alternative
Answer: revert back to the same flavor rules we use for our sugar-free Original mochas!
Question: small, medium, and large fill lines for hot chais
Answer: 5 chai, 5 milk;
7 chai, 7 milk;
9 chai, 9 milk Basica
Question: small, medium, and large fill lines for iced chais
Answer: 4,4
Question: fill lines for hot drinks
Answer: 7,10,12
Question: fill lines for iced drinks
Answer: 8,12,16
Question: How many scoops of flavor (if requested) go in small,
medium, and large House Blends?
Answer: 1-1-1