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7 Major Perspectives In Psychology

Question: 7 Perspectives in Psychology
Answer: Study of mental activities associated with functions of the brain. Biological, behaviorism, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, socio-cultrual, and evolutionary.
Question: Neuroscience
Answer: Cause of behavior is your brain.
To change behaviors, you have to change the way the brain functions Studying the brain and neurons.
Question: Evolutionary
Answer: Mental abilities evolve over millions of years. Study of natural selection with how it affects human and animal behavior.
Question: Behavior Genetics
Answer: Variation field with separation of genetic and environmental components. Family studies, twin studies, adoption studies. How does the environment impact the way you behave? Environmental conditions like rewards/punishments
Question: Psychodynamic
Answer: Behavior is result of unconscious dynamics, inner forces. Sigmund Freud. Understanding human behavior by examining the role of unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories.
Not based on observation
Question: Behavioral
Answer: How does the environment impact the way you behave? Learning classically and operationally with observations.
Environmental conditions like rewards/punishments
Question: Cognitive
Answer: Based on mental process (Speaking, Thinking etc.) Thinking affects behavior.
People act because they think; People thin because they are human
Question: Social-cultural
Answer: Behavior results from social and cultural influences. Cultural, family, environment.