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70S Historical Events

Question: April 1970
Answer: First Earth Day
Question: May 1970
Answer: 4 Students are killed at Kent State University in Ohio when National Guardsmen open fire during an anti-war demonstration
Question: June 1970
Answer: Gay Pride march in NYC, first anniversary of Stonewall Rebellion
Question: March 1971
Answer: Lt. William Calley is found guilty of murders during My Lai. B/c of public pressure sentence is reduced from life to ten years, and is eventually pardoned by Nixon
Question: April 1971
Answer: 300,000 people gath for anti-war protest in D.C., protesting kent state killings, secret bombing of Cambodia and war in Vietnam
Question: June 1971
Answer: 26th Ammendment gives 18 year-olds the right to vote
Question: 1971
Answer: Daniel Ellsberg leaks Pentagon Papers
Question: 1972
Answer: first computer game, Pong, is invented
Question: 1972
Answer: Sumpreme court outlaws death penalty
Question: May 1972
Answer: The Plumbers burglarize the Demoncratic National Headquarters - begins Watergate scandal
Question: May 1972
Answer: US and Soviet Union agree to SALT-1, limiting number of nuclear weapons
Question: September 1972
Answer: PLO terrorist group Black September kills 9 Isreali athletes, 2 coaches and a West German police officer at the Munich Germany Olympic games
Question: October 1973
Answer: Yom Kippur War erupts betwen Israel and Egypt, leads to oil embargo by the Arab countries 73-74
Question: 1973-1974
Answer: Oil Embargo by OPEC nationa cause shortages of gas in the US. Gas prices skyrocket. Japanese get into US market for small cars
Question: 1973

Question: 1973
Answer: Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion
Question: December 1973
Answer: Gerald Ford becomes Nixon's Vice President. Foremer VP Spiro Agnew resigns b/c corruption and scandal.
Question: 1974
Answer: Fuel shortages result in worst economic recession in 40 years (second worse after 08-09 recession)
Question: August 1974
Answer: Gerald Ford becomes 38th President after Nixon faces resigns b/c he faces impeachment
Question: November 1974
Answer: Karen Silkwood, an employee at Kerr-McGee nuclear power plant in Oklahoma, dies in a car crash right before she was going to give testimony to NY Times about unsafe work conditions
Question: April 1975
Answer: South Vietnam falls to NVA forces and goes communist
Question: 1975
Answer: Paul Allen and Bill Gate found Microsoft Corporation, and create first language system called BASIC
Question: 1975
Answer: Lyme Disease is discovered
Question: July 4 1976
Answer: US commemorates 200th anniversary of Declaration of Indpendence with spectarcular bicential celebration
Question: 1977
Answer: Star Wars is released
Question: 1978
Answer: Residents of Love Canal are evacuated due to dangerous toxic chemical buried in the area
Question: November 1978
Answer: Cult leader Jim Jones and 900 followers die in mass suicide after drinking LCD laced Kool-Aid
Question: March 1979
Answer: Cult leader Jim Jones and 900 followers die in mass suicide after drinking LCD laced Kool-Aid
Question: November 1979
Answer: Militant Iranian students seize US embassy in Tehran, Iran. Capture 66 hostages and standoff lasts 444 days. Event is major factor in Carter's loss in Reagan in 1980 election
Question: Demember 1979
Answer: SU invades Afghanistan and commits large numbers of troops over next 10 years. US assisted Mujahideen (CIA equivalent) defeats SU in '89