7110.65 Z

Question: Purpose
Answer: This order prescribes air traffic control procedures and phraseology for use by persons providing air traffic services.
Question: "Shall" or "Must" means?
Answer: A procedure is mandatory
Question: "Shall not" or "Must not" means?
Answer: A procedure is prohibited
Question: "Should" means?
Answer: A procedure is recommended
Question: "May" or "Need not" means?
Answer: Means a procedure is optional
Question: "Will" means?
Answer: Means futurity, not a requirement for the application of a procedure
Question: What is the primary purpose of the ATC system?
Answer: To prevent a collision involving aircraft operating in the system
Question: What is the additional purpose of the ATC system?
Answer: Provides safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic
Question: What is the duty priority?
Answer: Give priority to separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts in this order
Question: What is the operational priority?
Answer: Provide service on a first come, first served basis
Question: First come, first served basis except
Answer: 1) distress aircraft 2) MEDEVAC 3) presidential aircraft 4) SAR
Question: Use "expedite"?
Answer: When prompt compliance is required for safety
Question: Use "immediately"?
Answer: When expeditious compliance is required for safety
Question: Safety alert
Answer: Issue a _______ when an aircraft is in unsafe proximity to other aircraft, obstructions, or terrain
Question: How do you control formation flights?
Answer: As a single aircraft
Question: Before you allow an aircraft to enter another controller's area of jurisdiction, you must ______.
Answer: Ensure that the necessary coordination has been accomplished
Question: Transfer control of an aircraft with what conditions?
Answer: Location, time, altitude
Question: Transfer radio communications before _______.
Answer: An aircraft enters another controllers area of jurisdiction
Question: Issue a wake turbulence advisory including what information?
Answer: Position, altitude if known, and direction of flight
Question: Issue a UAS advisory including what information?
Answer: Position, distance, course, UA type, and altitude
Question: Issue a bird advisory including what information?
Answer: Position, species or size, course, and altitude
Question: Ensure pilots acknowledge all ______.
Answer: Air Traffic Clearances and ATC Instructions
Question: Solicit PIREPs when requested, deemed necessary or any of what conditions exist?
Answer: Ceilings at or below 5,000
Visibility at or less than 5 miles
Turbulence of a moderate degree or greater
Wind shear
Braking action reports
Volcanic ash clouds
Detection of sulfur gases
Question: What information is needed when recording a PIREP? (TATA)
Answer: Time
Aircraft position
Type of aircraft
Question: Minimum fuel
Answer: If an aircraft declares a state of "minimum fuel," inform any facility to whom control jurisdiction is transferred of the minimum fuel problem and be alert for any occurrence which might delay the aircraft en route. Use of the term "minimum fuel" indicated that the pilot cannot accept any undue delay; this is not an emergency situation but an advisory that indicates an emergency situation could develop.
Question: MARSA definition
Answer: Military Authority Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft
ATC facilities do not invoke or deny MARSA, their sole responsibility concerning MARSA is to provide separation of aircraft engaged in MARSA and other nonparticipating IFR aircraft

Answer: May be used in lieu of a lengthy readback

Answer: Explain the reason, if time permits

Answer: This is not approval or denial, the controller acknowledges the request and will respond at a later time
Question: Traffic Advisory
Answer: Issue a traffic advisory to all aircraft on your frequency when, in your judgement, their proximity may diminish to less than the applicable separation minima
Question: Wheels Down Check
Answer: Remind aircraft to check wheels down on each approach unless the pilot has previously reported wheels down for that approach
Question: Supervisory Notification
Answer: Ensure SL/CIC is aware of condition which impact sector/position operations including, but not limited to, the following:
- Weather
- Equipment status
- Potential sector overload
- Emergency situations
- Special flights/operations
- Possible suspicious aircraft/pilot activity
Question: Blue Lighting
Answer: Possible human trafficking
Question: Branch of Service Prefix
Answer: A: US Air Force
C: US Coast Guard
G: Air or Army National Guard
R: US Army
VM: US Marine Corps
VV: US Navy
CFC: Canadian Forces
CTG: Canadian Coast Guard
Question: Military Mission Prefix
Answer: E: Medical Air Evacuation
F: Flight Check
L: LOGAIR (USAF Contract)
RCH: Air Mobility Command (AMC)
S: Special Air Mission
Question: Do not combine one frequency for
Answer: Both ground control and airborne communications
Question: Give priority to interphone transmissions as follows
Answer: - Emergency messages including essential information on aircraft accidents or suspected accidents
- Clearances and control instructions
- Movements and control messages in the following order when possible: 1) progress reports 2) departure or arrival reports 3) flight plans
- Movement messages on VFR aircraft
Question: Priority Interruption
Answer: Use the words "emergency" or "control" for interrupting lower priority messages when you have an emergency or control message to transmit.
Question: State serial numbers as
Answer: Separate each digit
Question: State altitudes or flight levels as

10,000 = one zero thousand
17,900 = one seven thousand niner hundred
Altitudes may be restated in group form for added clarity if the controller deems necessary
Flight levels are stated using the words "flight level" followed by the separate digits of the flight level
180 = flight level one eight zero
Question: Weather familiarization
Answer: Controllers must become familiar with pertinent weather information when coming on duty, and stay aware of current and forecasted weather
Question: Current altimeter settings must be obtained from?
Answer: Direct-reading instruments or directly from weather reporting stations.
Question: Provide services
Answer: Provide air traffic control service based only upon observed or known traffic and airport conditions
Question: Preventative control
Answer: Provide preventative control service only to aircraft operating in accordance with a letter of agreement. When providing this service, issue advice or instructions only if a situation develops which requires corrective action
Question: Who has primary responsibility for the use of active runways
Answer: Local control
Question: Steady green light gun for aircraft on the ground/in flight/movement of vehicles
Answer: Cleared for Takeoff/Cleared to Land/Cleared to cross or proceed
Question: Flashing green light gun for aircraft on the ground/in flight/movement of vehicles
Answer: Cleared for Taxi/Return for Landing/Not applicable
Question: Steady red light gun for aircraft on the ground/in flight/movement of vehicles
Answer: STOP (for taxi)/Give Way to Other Aircraft and Continue Circling/STOP
Question: Flashing red light gun for aircraft on the ground/in flight/movement of vehicles
Answer: Taxi clear of the runway in use/Airport Unsafe-Do NOT land/Clear the taxiway or runway
Question: Flashing white light gun for aircraft on the ground/in flight/movement of vehicles
Answer: Return to starting point/Not applicable/Return to starting point on airport
Question: Alternating red and green light gun
Answer: General warning signal (exercise extreme caution)
Question: Braking action quality descriptors
Answer: Good, good to medium, medium, medium to poor, poor, nil
Question: Runway selection
Answer: Except when a runway in use program is in effect, use the runway most nearly aligned with the wind when 5 knots or more, otherwise use the calm wind runway
Question: "Proceed as requested" is not approved for use when
Answer: Instructing aircraft, vehicles, equipment, or personnel to cross or operate on a runway
Question: Do not use the word "cleared" when
Answer: In conjunction with authorization for aircraft to taxi, or when approving equipment/vehicle/personnel operations
Question: Consider a touch-and-go/stop-and-go/low approach aircraft as an arriving aircraft until
Answer: Touch-and-go: touches down
Stop-and-go: comes to full stop
Low approach: crosses the landing threshold
Question: Authorize simultaneous, same direction operations on parallel runways/landing strips only when which conditions are met
Answer: - Operations are conducted in VFR conditions unless visual separation is applied
- Two-way radio communications is maintained with the aircraft involved and pertinent traffic information is issued
- Distance between runways/strips is in accordance with this order
Question: Authorize simultaneous opposite direction operation when which conditions are met
Answer: - Operations are conducted in VFR conditions
- Two-way radio communications is maintained with the aircraft involved and pertinent traffic information is issued
- Distance between runways/strips is in accordance with this order
Question: Anticipating separation
Answer: Takeoff/landing clearance need not be withheld until prescribed separation exists if there is a reasonable assurance it will exist when the aircraft starts takeoff roll