
Question: Provide airport traffic control service based only
Answer: upon observed or known traffic and airport conditions.
Question: What does local control have primary responsibility over?
Answer: operations conducted on the active runway and must control the use of those runways
Question: What must ground control do before authorizing an aircraft or a vehicle to cross or use any portion of an active runway
Answer: obtain approval from local control
Question: When will Local use the phrase cross?
Answer: when verbally specify the runway to be crossed and the point/intersection at the runway where the operation will occur
Question: T/F The ground controller must advise the local controller when the coordinated runway operation is complete.
Answer: TRUE
Question: How can local and ground controllers exchange information as necessary for the safe and efficient use of airport runways and movement areas?
Answer: a verbal means, flight progress strips, other written information, or automation displays
Question: Ground control must notify local control when?
Answer: 1.a departing aircraft has been taxied to a runway other than one previously designated as active
2. any aircraft taxied to an intersection for takeoff
3. When the runways in use for landing/departing aircraft are not visible from the tower or the aircraft using them are not visible on radar
Question: What must you do before a departing aircraft starts takeoff or a landing aircraft crosses the runway threshold?
Answer: Ensure that the runway to be used is free of all known ground vehicles, equipment, and personnel
Question: How would you a describe vehicles, equipment, or personnel on or near the movement area?
Answer: a in a manner which will assist pilots in recognizing them
Question: Local controllers may use certified tower radar displays for
Answer: 1.To determine an aircraft's identification, exact location, or spatial relationship to other aircraft
2. To provide aircraft with radar traffic advisories
3. To provide information and instructions to aircraft operating within the surface area for which the tower has responsibility
Question: What is a phraseology to inform an aircraft of any observed abnormal aircraft condition?
Answer: (Item) APPEAR/S (observed condition)
Question: How must Local controllers must visually scan runways?
Answer: to the maximum extent possible
Question: what do you determine the position of an aircraft, personnel or equipment before?
Answer: issuing taxi instructions, takeoff clearance, or authorizing personnel, and/or equipment to proceed onto the movement area
Question: When must you use ATC light signals?
Answer: radio communications cannot be employed
Question: What is a direct warning signal?
Answer: alternating red and green
Question: When are direct warning signals used?
Answer: 1. Aircraft are converging and a collision hazard exists
2. Mechanical trouble exists of which the pilot might not be aware
3. Other hazardous conditions are present which call for intensified pilot or operator alertness
Question: How do fix wing aircraft acknowledge when they are receiver only?
Answer: between sunrise and sunset
1. Move ailerons or rudders while on the ground.
2. Rock wings while in flight
Between sunset and sunrise: flash navigation or landing lights
Question: How do helicopters acknowledge when they are receiver only?
Answer: Between sunrise and sunset
1.While hovering, either turn the helicopter toward the controlling facility and flash the landing light or rock the tip path plane.
2.While in flight, either flash the landing light or rock the tip path plane.
Between sunset and sunrise: Flash landing light or search light.
Question: ATC Light signals
Answer: TBL 3-2-1
Question: What do you do if you observe or are informed of any condition which affects the safe use of a landing area?
Answer: 1. relay the information to the airport manager/ military operations office concerned
2. Copy verbatim any information received and record the name of the person submitting it
3. Confirm information obtained from other than authorized airport or FAA personnel unless this function is the responsibility of the military operations office
Question: Who can legally close a runway?
Answer: airport management or military operations office
Question: What are breaking action quality described?

Question: What is included in a breaking action report?
Answer: type of aircraft
Question: What is the ATIS broadcast when breaking action is reported medium, poor or nil?
Answer: Braking Action Advisories are in effect
Question: When are approach lights operational between sunrise and sunset t when the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet or the prevailing visibility is 5 miles or less?
Answer: When approaches are being made to
1. A landing runway served by the lights
2. A runway served by the lights but aircraft are landing on another runway
3. The airport, but landing will be made on a runway served by the lights
Question: When are obstruction lights operational?
Answer: turn the lights on between sunset and sunrise
Question: How is a runway selected?
Answer: use the runway most nearly aligned with the wind
Question: When is the "calm wind" runway in use?
Answer: wind is less than 5 knots
Question: When will another runway other than the one in use, be used?
Answer: 1. Will be operationally advantageous
2. Is requested by the pilot
3. When conducting aircraft operations on other than the advertised active runway, state the runway in use
Question: when should you operate approach lights between sunset and sunrise?
Answer: 1) They serve the landing runway.
2) They serve a runway to which an approach is being made but aircraft will land on another runway.
3.) when the pilot request
Question: T/F Do issue conditional instructions that are dependent upon the movement of an arrival aircraft on or approaching the runway or a departure aircraft established on a takeoff roll.
Answer: False
Question: T/F Do not issue unconditional instructions when authorizing movement on a runway/taxiway for the purpose of airfield checks or other airport operations.
Answer: True
Question: What type of control must instructions have?
Answer: postive control
Question: What phraseology is not approved for instructing aircraft, vehicles, equipment, or personnel to cross or operate on a runway?

Question: What words are authorized for aircraft to taxi or equipment/ vehicle/personnel operations?
Answer: "taxi," "proceed," or "hold," as appropriate, for aircraft instructions and "proceed" or "hold" for equipment/ vehicles/personnel.
Question: How are intersection departures issed?
Answer: Issue the measured distance from the intersection to the runway end rounded "down" to the nearest 50 feet to any pilot who requests and to all military aircraft
Question: What is the phraseology for an intersection departure?
Answer: RUNWAY (number) AT (taxiway designator) INTERSECTION DEPARTURE (remaining length) FEET AVAILABLE
Question: What does the absence of a holding instruction authorize?
Answer: an aircraft/vehicle to cross all taxiways that intersect the taxi route
Question: How do you authorize an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway?
Answer: state the departure runway followed by the specific taxi route
Question: What can be considered a confirmation of a runway assignment?
Answer: A pilot's read back of taxi instructions
Question: How do you hold the aircraft short of the runway?
Answer: issue the route up to the runway hold short point
Question: When will a crossing clearance be issued?
Answer: When crossing a runway in their route in addition to the follow instructions and/or hold short instructions, as applicable
Question: What is required for vehicles to operate on any active, inactive, or closed runway except for vehicles operating on closed runways in accordance with a Letter of Agreement (LOA)?
Answer: a clearance
Question: What is the phraseology to cross a runway with hold short instructions?
Answer: "Cross (runway) at( runway/taxiway), hold short of(runway)
Question: A crossing aircraft/vehicle will not cross the runway holding position markings until the arrival has landed and either:
Answer: 1. The controller has confirmed by verbal commitment from the pilot that the arriving aircraft will exit the runway prior to the point at which the crossing is intended
2. The controller visually observes the aircraft exiting the runway
3. The arriving aircraft has passed the point at which the crossing is intended
Question: When do you Issue progressive taxi/ground movement instructions?
Answer: 1. A pilot/operator requests
2. The specialist deems it necessary due to
traffic or field conditions, e.g., construction or closed
3. Necessary during reduced visibility, especially when the taxi route is not visible from the tower
Question: What is the phraseology to expedite a taxing aircraft?
Answer: TAXI WITHOUT DELAY (traffic if necessary)
Question: What is avoided in ground operations clearances?
Answer: 1. Super or heavy aircraft to use greater than normal taxiing power
2. Small aircraft or helicopters to taxi in close proximity to taxiing or hover-taxi helicopters
Question: What is phraseology for a hold short instruction?
Answer: HOLD SHORT OF/AT (runway number or specific point), (traffic or other information)
Question: what taxi instructions do you give to an aircraft or vehicle clear of the runway?
Answer: 1. a. Instruct aircraft or vehicle to hold short of a specific runway
2. Instruct aircraft or vehicle to hold at a specified point
3. Issue traffic information as necessary
Question: What will a "Cleared for the Option" procedure permit?
Answer: a touch-and-go, low approach, missed approach, stop-and-go, or full stop landing
Question: What is included in a departure information?
Answer: 1. runway in use
2. Surface winds
3. Altimeter
4. Time, when requested
5. Issue the official ceiling and visibility, when available
6. To a VFR aircraft when weather is below VFR conditions.
7. To an IFR aircraft when weather is below VFR conditions or highest takeoff minima, whichever is greater
Question: What can be omitted if the pilot states that they "have the numbers?
Answer: 1. runway in use
2. Surface wind
3. Altimeter
Question: What is the intent for a Line up and Wait?
Answer: to position aircraft for an imminent departure
Question: What is the phraseology for line up and wait?
Answer: RUNWAY (number), LINE UP AND WAIT.
Question: What is the time limit for a line up and wait?
Answer: An aircraft should not be in LUAW status for more than 90 seconds without additional instructions.
Question: What landing clearances cannot be given on the same runway with an aircraft that is holding in position or taxiing to line up and wait until the aircraft in position starts takeoff roll?
Answer: a full−stop, touch−and−go, stop−and−go, option, or unrestricted low approach
Question: What is an aircraft needed to know if they are authorized to line up and wait?
Answer: inform it of the closest traffic within 6−flying miles requesting a full−stop, touch−and−go, stop− and− go, option, or unrestricted low approach to the same runway
Question: T/F You may authorize an aircraft to line up and wait when the departure point is not visible from the tower
Answer: False
Question: How many aircraft at a time is permitted to line up and wait on the same runway?
Answer: One
Question: What must happen if an aircraft is authorized to line up and wait on runways that intersect?
Answer: traffic must be exchanged between that aircraft and the aircraft that is authorized to line up and wait, depart, or arrive to the intersecting runway(s)
Question: Takeoff clearance need not be withheld until ___________ _____________ exists if there is a reasonable
assurance it will exist when the aircraft starts takeoff
Answer: prescribed seperation
Question: What is the minimum separation for
When only Category I aircraft are involved or When a Category I aircraft is preceded by a Category II aircraft?
Answer: 3000 ft
Question: what is the minimum separation for . When either the succeeding or both are Category II aircraft?
Answer: 4,500 ft
Question: What is the minimum separation for When either is a Category III aircraft?
Answer: 6,000 ft
Question: Separate a departing aircraft from a preceding
departing or arriving aircraft using the same runway
by ensuring that it does not begin takeoff roll until?
Answer: The other aircraft has departed and crossed the runway end or turned to avert any conflict
Question: What are the different categories of aircraft?
Answer: CATEGORY I small single−engine propeller driven aircraft weighing 12,500 lbs. or less, and all helicopters.
CATEGORY II small twin−engine propeller driven aircraft weighing 12,500 lbs. or less. CATEGORY III all other aircraft.
Question: T/F Do not issue clearances to a small aircraft to line up and wait on the same runway behind a departing super or heavy aircraft to apply the necessary intervals
Answer: True
Question: What is the separateration for aircraft taking off from the same
runway or a parallel runway separated by less than
2,500 feet?
Answer: 1. Heavy, large, or small behind super − 3 minutes.
2. Heavy, large, or small behind heavy − 2 minutes.
Question: What is the separate an aircraft behind another aircraft that has departed or made a low/missed approach when utilizing opposite direction takeoffs or landings on the same or parallel runways separated by less than 2,500 feet by the following minima?
Answer: 1. Heavy, large, or small behind super − 4 minutes. 2. Heavy, large, or small behind heavy − 3 minutes
Question: What is the phraseology for hold for wake turbulence?
Question: How long to Separate a small aircraft taking off from an intersection on the same runway (same or opposite direction takeoff) behind a departing large aircraft?
Answer: 3 min
Question: When is he time interval is not required?
Answer: A pilot has initiated a request to deviate from the time intervals
Successive touch-and-go or stop-and-go operations are conducted with any aircraft following an aircraft in the pattern that requires wake turbulence separation, or an aircraft departing the same runway that requires wake turbulence, provided the pilot is maintaining visual separation/spacing behind the preceding aircraft
Question: What is the phraseology for When clearing an aircraft for takeoff from an intersection, state the runway intersection?
Answer: RUNWAY (number) AT (taxiway designator) CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF.
Question: What is the phraseology for When two or more aircraft call the tower ready for departure, one or more at the full length of a runway and one or more at an intersection, state the location of the aircraft at the full length of the runway?
Question: What does the USA/USN/USAF issue for take off clearances?
What is the phraseology for this?
Answer: surface wind
RUNWAY (number), WIND (surface wind in direction and velocity). CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF
Question: What is the phraseology for a shortened runway?
Question: What do you need to inform a pilot during a cancel of take off clearance?
Answer: the reason if circumstances require
Question: What is the reason to cancel a take off clearance Once an aircraft has started takeoff roll?
Answer: only for the purpose of safety
Question: What is needed to ensure that the arriving aircraft does not cross the landing threshold until?
Answer: The other aircraft has landed and is clear of the runway
Question: When are taxi instructions provided to the aircraft by the local controller?
Answer: 1. Compliance with ATC instructions will be required before the aircraft can change to ground control
2. The aircraft will be required to enter an active runway in order to taxi clear of the landing runway.
Question: What is the phraseology for when an arriving aircraft reports at a position where he/she should be seen but has not been visually observed?
Question: What is the phraseology for closed traffic?
Answer: LEFT/RIGHT (if required) CLOSED TRAFFIC APPROVED. REPORT (position if required)
Question: A low approach with an altitude restriction of not less than _______________ above the airport may be authorized except over an aircraft in takeoff position or a departure aircraft
Answer: 500 ft
Question: What is the phraseology for an overhead maneuver?
Question: Which uses more fuel, ground taxing or hover-taxing?
Answer: Ground taxing
Question: What is the phraseology for hover taxing?
Question: What is the phraseology for a helicopter to proceed expeditiously from one point to another, normally below 100 feet AGL and at airspeeds above 20 knots?
Answer: AIR-TAXI
Question: What is the preferred method for helicopter movements on airports provided ground operations/conditions permit?
Answer: Air taxi
Question: What are the conditions that separate a departing helicopter from other helicopters by ensuring that it does not takeoff?
Answer: 1. A preceding, departing helicopter has left the or takeoff area
2. A preceding, arriving helicopter has taxied off the landing area
Question: What is the phraseology for If takeoff is requested from non−movement areas, an area not authorized for helicopter use, or an area off the airport, and, in your judgment, the operation appears to be reasonable?
Answer: DEPARTURE FROM (requested location) WILL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK
Question: What conditions need to exist to Separate an arriving helicopter from other helicopters by ensuring that it does not land?
Answer: 1. A preceding, arriving helicopter has come to a stop or taxied off the landing area
2. A preceding, departing helicopter has left the landing area
Question: Authorize helicopters to conduct simultaneous landings or takeoffs if the distance between the landing or takeoff points is at least ___________ and the courses to be flown do not conflict
Answer: 200 ft
Question: What is the phraseology for If landing is requested to non-movement areas, an area not authorized for helicopter use, or an area off the airport, and, in your judgment, the operation appears to be reasonable?
Answer: LANDING AT (requested location) WILL BE AT YOUR OWN RISK (additional instructions, as necessary). USE CAUTION (if applicable)
Question: Unless agreed to by the pilot, do not issue downwind landings if the tailwind exceeds ________.
Answer: 5 knots