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7.4.10 3. Photo Portfolio

Question: A web designer
Answer: Who creates the look and feel of a website?
Question: A web developer
Answer: Who writes the HTML and CSS that brings the site to life?
Question: A web designer
Answer: Who thinks about the best way to display information on the site?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: The majority of the world has access to the Internet.
Question: A government filtering search results to limit the access of information and suppress discussion amongst its citizens
Answer: Which of the following is related to the issue of censorship on the Internet?
Question: A program on your computer that allows you to visit websites
Answer: What is a browser?
Question: I, II, and III only
Answer: Which of the following are examples of browsers:
Question: The URL: You type the URL for the web page into your browser
Answer: What is the first step of viewing a web page as described in the video?
Question: The Request: The browser sends a message to a server requesting a resource
Answer: What is the second step of viewing a web page as described in the video?
Question: The Response: The server sends a response to the browser with the resource attached
Answer: What is the third step of viewing a web page as described in the video?
Question: Rendering the Page: Your browser takes the resource and renders it in the browser window
Answer: What is the fourth step of viewing a web page as described in the video?
Question: Uniform Resource Locator
Answer: What does URL stand for?
Question: I, III, IV
Answer: Which of the following falls under the role of a web designer?
Question: All of the above
Answer: What is the Internet?
Question: Selecting the correct browser to use for the sites you want to visit
Answer: Which of the following is not a concern that has come out of the widespread adoption of the Internet?
Question: Users can avoid targeted discrimination in an online forum.
Answer: Which of the following does not demonstrate a harmful consequence of increased anonymity on the Internet?
Question: 40%
Answer: What percentage of the world population has access to the Internet?
Question: Protocol
Answer: Which of the following is a term that describes "a widely agreed upon set of rules that standardize communication between machines"?
Question: Firefox
Answer: Which of the following is an example of a browser?
Question: A server
Answer: What machine listens for HTTP requests to come in to a website's domain?
Question: /codehs
Answer: What is the path of the URL www.twitter.com/codehs?
Question: The user types in their login credentials.
Answer: Which of the following is not a step required to view a web page?
Question: <h1>
Answer: Which of the following is a valid HTML tag?
Question: Hyper Text Markup Language
Answer: What does HTML stand for?
Question: The title of the webpage
Answer: Which of the following is an example of metadata about a webpage?
Question: Create a line break on the resulting webpage
Answer: What is the function of the <br> tag?
Question: <a href="https://google.com">
Click Me
Answer: Which of the following is the correct HTML code to create a hyperlink that displays and links to google.com?
Question: <img src="https://codehs.com/static/img/logo.png">
Answer: Which of the following lines of HTML code will insert an image into a webpage?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: As long as you cite your sources, you can put any image you find online on your website.
Question: All of the above
Answer: Which of the following actions will help you avoid violation of copyright laws?
Question: <ul>
Answer: Which of the following HTML code snippets would produce the following web page: Apples Bananas Oranges
Question: <tr>
Answer: Which of the following tags defines a table row?
Question: <th>
Answer: Which of the following tags defines a table header?
Question: <table border="1">
Answer: Which of the following HTML code snippets will generate the following table?
Question: <h1 style="background-color:blue;">Hello</h1>
Answer: Which of the following HTML code snippets is the proper way to set the background color of an <h1> tag to be blue?
Question: All of the above
Answer: Which of the following is a valid color in HTML?
Question: red, green, blue
Answer: All of the colors you see on a computer screen are the result of a mixture of the same three colors. What are those colors?
Question: <h1>Content Affected by Tag</h1>
Answer: Which of the following is the proper format for an HTML tag?
Question: The domain specifies where the browser's request should be sent.

The path specifies exactly what file is being requested..
Answer: Which of the following best describes the difference between the domain and path of a URL?
Question: www.example.com
Answer: What is the domain of this URL: www.example.com/home.html
Question: Hello (big)
Hello (medium)
Hello (small)
Answer: What is generated from the following HTML code <h1>Hello</h1> <h3>Hello</h3> <h6>Hello</h6>
Question: The title of the webpage
Answer: Which of the following classifies as metadata about a webpage?
Question: <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Big_and_little_dog.jpg">
Answer: An image is hosted at https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Big_and_little_dog.jpg Which of the following is the proper HTML code to display this image on your webpage?
Question: 1. Bread
2. Milk
3. Eggs
Answer: What is the result of the following HTML code: <ol><li>Bread</li> <li>Milk</li> <li>Eggs</li> </ol>
Question: <table border="1">
<td>CD Jam</td>
<td>Rooney Pitchford</td>
<td>Tom Misch</td>
Answer: Suppose you are making a music streaming website and you want to make a page that displays a user's music library. Which of the following is the proper HTML code to create the following table:
Question: Any browser on any device will be able to view your webpage, because all browsers and devices on the Internet agree to use the same protocols for sending, receiving, and viewing webpages.
Answer: Suppose you have written a web page using HTML and it is hosted at the URL yourdomain.com/home.html Which of the following statements is true about which devices can view your website?
Question: All of the above
Answer: Why do we use CSS?
Question: h1 {
color: blue;
Answer: Which of the following is a valid CSS rule?
Question: img {
height: 200px;
Answer: Which of the following code snippets will select all <img> tags on a page and give them a height of 200 pixels?
Question: .alert {
color: red;
Answer: Which of the following code snippets will select all HTML elements with the class "alert" and set their color to be red?
Question: #logo {
font-size: 60px;
Answer: Which of the following CSS rules will select the HTML element with the id logo and set the font size for that element to 60 pixels?
Question: The Cascade determines which CSS rules will be applied when multiple rules for an item are contradictory.
Answer: What is the function of the Cascade in CSS?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: In the case that two conflicting rules have the same order and specificity, the rule that is written first will be applied.
Question: Importance, Specificity, Order
Answer: In what order does the Cascade look at factors to determine which CSS rule to follow?
Question: h1 {
color: blue;
Answer: Which of the following is a valid CSS rule?
Question: Select by id name, select by class name, select by tag name
Answer: CSS rules have a selector that defines which HTML elements the rule applies to. We've learned about the following CSS Selectors: Select by tag name Select by class name Select by id name Which of the following ranks the selectors from highest precedence to lowest precedence?
Question: I only
Answer: Which of the following statements are true about styling your web pages with CSS: I. Styling with CSS is more scalable than using style= on each HTML tag that you want to style II. You can create styles with CSS that are not possible using style= on an HTML tag
Question: Any browser on any device will be able to view your webpage, because all browsers and devices on the Internet agree to use the same protocols for sending, receiving, and viewing webpages.
Answer: Suppose you have written a web page using HTML and CSS and it is hosted at the URL yourdomain.com/home.html Which of the following statements is true about which devices can view your website?
Question: red
Answer: Suppose you have the following CSS rules:

p {
color: green;

.fire {
color: red;

#title {
color: blue;
What font color will the following HTML element have after being styled by the given CSS:

<h1 class="fire">Welcome!</h1>
Question: green
Answer: Suppose you have the following CSS rules:

p {
color: green;

.fire {
color: red;

#title {
color: blue;
What font color will the following HTML element have after being styled by the given CSS:

<p class="title">My First Paragraph</p>
Question: blue
Answer: Suppose you have the following CSS rules:

p {
color: green;

.fire {
color: red;

#title {
color: blue;
What font color will the following HTML element have after being styled by the given CSS:

<p class="fire" id="title">Hello World!</p>
Question: Inside home.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
Answer: Assume you have two files for your website, and these files exist in the same folder:

Which of the following is the proper way to apply the CSS code inside style.css to the home.html file?
Question: <a href="about.html">About This Site</a>
Answer: Assume you have two files for your website, and these files exist in the same folder:

Which of the following is the proper way to link to the about.html page from the index.html page?
Question: HTML pages embedded inside of other HTML pages
Answer: What are IFrames?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: It is possible to embed any website inside IFrames.
Question: All of the above
Answer: What is the function of the div tag?
Question: <div class="intro">
<p>Hi, welcome to my page.</p>
Answer: Which of the following correctly uses div to style multiple elements the same way?
Question: <span> is used to group and style inline elements, while <div> creates a line break
Answer: What is the difference between <span> and <div>?
Question: p.alert {
color: red;
Answer: Which of the following selects all p tags with the class alert and makes them red?
Question: div > h1 {

Answer: How can I select all h1 tags that are immediate children of div tags?
Question: Repeated code makes it harder to read and edit
Answer: What is the reasoning behind the Don't Repeat Yourself principle?
Question: All of the above
Answer: What are some ways to cut down on repetitive code in your website?
Question: h1:hover {
color: blue;
Answer: Which of the following will turn the h1 tag blue as the mouse hovers over it?
Question: h2::after {
content: "!";
Answer: Which of the following will insert an exclamation point after every h2 element?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: If a selector's display property is set to none, selected elements will still take up space on the page.
Question: hidden
Answer: Which of the following is not a property that can hide the visibility of an element?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: You will learn everything there is to know about HTML and CSS from CodeHS.
Question: All of the above!
Answer: Who might need to look something up in HTML/CSS documentation?
Question: Testing what small CSS changes will do to the site presentation
Answer: The Inspector would be a useful tool for which of the following tasks?
Question: Yes
Answer: Open https://start.duckduckgo.com in a new window.
You will need to refer to it to answer the following questions.

Did you open https://start.duckduckgo.com in a new window or tab?
Question: logo_homepage
Answer: Inspect the picture of the duck in the middle of the page.
You should see that it is actually a link (<a>).
What is this a tag's class?
Question: <input> in the search bar
Answer: What kind of element has the ID search_form_input_homepage ?
Question: pg-index
Answer: What is the ID of the body tag?
Question: Yes
Answer: Open the website for the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum in a new tab (link below).


Did you open the website in a new window?
Question: <ul>
Answer: Inspect the menu item that says "The Museum" at the top of the page. What did this web developer use to create the navigation bar?
Question: <table>
Answer: Use the inspector to inspect one of the exhibit tiles at the bottom of the page. What did this web developer use to create these tiles?
Question: header
Answer: Inspect the large picture in the middle of the page. What class does this element have?
Question: Yes
Answer: Open Calvin's homepage in a new tab or window: http://calvin.codehs.me/ Have you opened http://calvin.codehs.me/ in a new tab or window?
Question: #8CF5F5
Answer: Inspect the body. What is the background color?
Question: block
Answer: What is the value for the attribute display for the <h1> tag that says "Welcome to Calvin's Homepage"?
Question: italic
Answer: What is the font-style of the span with the ID css?
It can be found in the second paragraph, around the word "CSS".
Question: The picture gets bigger.
Answer: Inspect the picture of Karel, which is the first picture on the page.
When you look at its style, you should see it has the width:250px
Click on 250px. Change it to 800px.

What happens?
Question: background
Answer: Which of the following is not a part of the box model?
Question: 10px
Answer: For the given div, what is the size of the right padding?

div {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
padding: 15px 10px 5px 20px;
Question: True
Answer: True or False: An image can have more than one CSS filter.
Question: img {
filter: grayscale(100%);
Answer: Which of the following applies a grayscale filter to all images?
Question: @keyframes increase-font {
from {font-size: 5px;}
to {font-size: 20px;}
Answer: Which of the following defines an animation increase-font that increases the font size from 5px to 20px?
Question: img {
animation: grayscaleFilter 10s;
Answer: Which of the following applies an animation named grayscaleFilter over 10 seconds to every img tag?
Question: There would no longer be a smooth transition for the image:hover rule.
Answer: img {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
transition: width 2s, height 2s;
img:hover {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
What would be the resulting difference if the line transition: width 2s, height 2s; was removed from the first CSS rule?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: You can only transition one property at a time.
Question: Inside about.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
Answer: Assume you have two files for your website, and these files exist in the same folder:

Which of the following is the proper way to apply the CSS code inside style.css to the about.html file?
Question: Embedding a map from Google Maps in your website
Answer: Which of the following would you use an IFrame for?
Question: <div>
Answer: You are trying to apply the same style to several different elements in a block, with line breaks before and after. Which tag should you use?
Question: div .footer {

Answer: Which of the following selects all elements with the class footer that are inside of divs?
Question: div > a {

Answer: Which of the following selects all a tags that are immediate children of div tags?
Question: All of the above
Answer: Why is it important to avoid repetitive code while creating a website?
Question: p::first-letter {
color: blue;
Answer: Which of the following will turn the first letter of all p elements blue?
Question: img:hover {
width: 350px;
height: 350px;
Answer: Which of the following selects images as the mouse hovers over them and sets their size to 350px by 350px?
Question: appearance: off
Answer: Which of the following settings will not make an element invisible?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: Only CSS has online documentation because it is a more complex language than HTML.
Question: True
Answer: True or False: None of the changes you make in the Inspector will be saved.
Question: border: 10px 5px 10px 5px
Answer: Which of the following defines border thickness so that the top and bottom borders are 10px thick and left and right borders are 5px thick?
Question: img.inverted {
filter: invert(100%);
Answer: Which of the following applies the invert filter to all images with the class "inverted"?
Question: @keyframes change-color {
from {color: green;}
to {color: red;}
Answer: Which of the following defines an animation change-color that changes the font color from green to red?
Question: h1 {
color: green;
transition: color 2s;
h1:active {
color: red;
Answer: Which of the following will result in a smooth transition from green to red as the mouse clicks on h1 tags?
Question: .container-fluid constantly updates to fit the width of the window, while .container will update occasionally as the window is resized.
Answer: What is the difference between .container and .container-fluid?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: If you use Bootstrap's framework for your site, you can't add your own CSS rules.
Question: False
Answer: True or False: It is impossible to have more than one jumbotron on a given page.
Question: <div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>This text will be in a jumbotron</h>
Answer: Which of the following creates a responsive jumbotron on your website?
Question: 12
Answer: How many columns fit in a single row in the Bootstrap grid system?
Question: Tablet
Answer: <div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">1</div>
<div class="col-sm-6">2</div>
What is the smallest device that will display these columns side by side?
Question: <a href="#" class="btn btn-default">Button</a>
Answer: What is the correct way to add a default-styled button to an <a> tag?
Question: <div class="page-header">
This is the header <small> This is the subtext </small>
Answer: Which of the following will correctly display a page header with subtext?
Question: <a href="https://codehs.com/" class="thumbnail">
<img src="codehs_logo.jpg" alt="CodeHS Logo">
Answer: Which of the following correctly creates a thumbnail of the CodeHS logo that links to https://codehs.com?
Question: <div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">

Answer: Which of the following creates a table that is responsive to screens of different sizes?
Question: profile.html
Answer: Which page should the following nav-tabs be added to?

<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href="profile.html">Profile</a></li>
<li><a href="messages.html">Messages</a></li>
Question: .container
Answer: Fill in the Blank: Contents of a navbar need to go inside a _______ div.
Question: All of the above
Answer: Why might you decide to use a dropdown menu on your website?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: Only people who are new to Bootstrap need to look at documentation.
Question: False
Answer: True or False: It is plagiarism to copy code from Bootstrap examples to your own website.
Question: False
Answer: True or False: If you are adding your own CSS sheet, make sure your CSS file comes before the Bootstrap CSS file.

Answer: Fill in the blank: All site content needs to be inside a ________ div to make the content responsive.
Question: cant copy so it is the 3rd answer (trust me)
Answer: <div class="container">
<div class="jumbotron text-center">
<h1>Bootstrap Site</h1>

The above code will result in which of the following sites?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: The number of columns in a row depends on the device that the website is being viewed on.
Question: Smart Phone
Answer: <div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">1</div>
<div class="col-sm-6">2</div>
What is the largest device that will display this row in stacked columns?
Question: <div class="btn-group-vertical">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default">Left</a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default">Middle</a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default">Right</a>
Answer: Which of the following will result in this button grouping? (left, middle, right)
Question: Emojis
Answer: Which of the following is not a Bootstrap component covered in this unit?
Question: <nav class="navbar-nav navbar-right">
<div class="container">

Answer: Which of the following does not correctly create a navigation bar?
Question: Dropdown menus
Answer: Fill in the blank: ________ are a great way to pack more options into a navigation bar while keeping the interface clean and simple.
Question: True
Answer: True or False: Bootstrap example websites can be used as a starter template for your own projects.
Question: Educate
Answer: Which of the following is not part of the Design Cycle?
Question: Gain empathy and understanding for the group you are designing for
Answer: What is the first step of the Design Cycle?
Question: Explain the correct solution to your user
Answer: Which of the following is not a strategy to help build empathy for your users?
Question: It helps you avoid applying your own assumptions to a situation.
Answer: Why is it important to maintain a beginner's mindset while building empathy for your user?
Question: Use your findings from the empathy phase to come up with one specific problem that needs to be solved for your users
Answer: What is the goal of the "define" step of the design cycle?
Question: Potential solutions
Answer: Which of the following does not need to be included in a POV statement?
Question: Shoot down ideas that aren't considered good ideas
Answer: Which of the following is NOT a good method for a group brainstorm?
Question: Anything physical that lets a user interact with your idea
Answer: What is a prototype?
Question: Correct your user if they are using your prototype incorrectly
Answer: Which of the following is NOT a good testing method?
Question: Define a specific problem to solve
Answer: What is the second step of the design cycle after you develop empathy for your users?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: If you go through the design cycle correctly, you only need to go through the cycle once.
Question: Seek to understand your users with interviews and other research
Answer: Which of the following describes the empathy step of the design cycle?
Question: False
Answer: True or False: It is important to avoid a beginner's mindset in design research, because you should already know a lot about your user and their needs.
Question: All of the above
Answer: A POV statement contains:
Question: Explore as many possible solutions as possible
Answer: What is the purpose of the ideate step of the design process?
Question: Judge each idea as good or bad during the brainstorm
Answer: Which of the following is NOT a useful strategy for group brainstorming?
Question: To get your ideas out of your head and into the physical world so you can explore them and test them out
Answer: What is the purpose of the prototype step of the design process?
Question: All of the above
Answer: Why is testing necessary?
Question: I and II
Answer: Which of the following are good testing methods?

I - Have the user constantly talk through their experience
II - Follow up with questions for your user
III - Show pride in your prototype (ie "This is really cool right?")
Question: codehs.com
Answer: What is the domain name of the URL https://codehs.com/hourofcode?
Question: 7
Answer: The image below shows a rectangle that is split into equal parts. If the width of the entire rectangle is 21, what is the width of one of the smaller rectangles?
Question: The majority of the world has access to the Internet.
Answer: Which of the following is not true about the Internet?
Question: 510
Answer: Which decimal value is equal to the binary number 1012?
Question: It is metadata about the webpage
Answer: Which of the following is true about the title of a webpage?
Question: caNT copy so its answer 2
Answer: How will the following HTML be displayed on a webpage?

<table border="1">
<td>Charlotte's Web</td>
<td>E.B. White</td>
<td>Toni Morrison</td>
Question: p {
color: red;
Answer: Which of the following is a valid CSS rule?