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A Light Yellow Color Is Referred To As

Question: urines different shades of yellow
Answer: color
Question: yellow color is caused by _____
Answer: urochrome
Question: urochrome is a ____ that makes plasma yellow
Answer: protein
Question: is excreted in the urine at a constant rate
Answer: urochrome
Question: color is a crude indication of _____
Answer: urine concentration
Question: very pale yellow
Answer: straw
Question: straw color is normal of a _____ specimen
Answer: random
Question: if we get a straw color we should check _____
Answer: specific gravity
Question: straw color is usually because the person ____
Answer: drank a lot of water before collection
Question: straw color is abnormal from a ____
Answer: first morning
Question: why would straw be abnormal from a first morning urine
Answer: first morning is the most concentrated
Question: why would straw be normal form a diabetes insipidus
Answer: DI is caused by lack of ADH that is normally cause to reabsorb water
Question: dark yellow color is called
Answer: amber
Question: amber is normal of ____
Answer: first morning
Question: amber in first mooring, look at ____
Answer: specific gravity
Question: amber is abnormal is there is an increase in
Answer: bilirubin, urobilin, some drugs
Question: why might a patients urine not be abnormal if is is red
Answer: indicative of menstruation
Question: the abnormal colors
Answer: red, pink, brown/ black, orange, green, sometimes amber
Question: the most common abnormal color
Answer: red
Question: the presence of RBCs turns the urine
Answer: red
Question: can be pathological or caused by menstruation
Answer: RBCs in the urine
Question: the term for intact RBCs in the urine
Answer: hematuria
Question: term for lysed RBCs in the urine
Answer: hemoglinuria
Question: skeletal muscle O2 handling protein can also cause what color
Answer: red
Question: term meaning skeletal muscle O2-handling protein
Answer: myoglobinuria
Question: myoglobinuria is a single ___ with ___ heme group
Answer: globin; one
Question: the ____ from myoglobinuria makes the urine red
Answer: heme
Question: a red urine specimen that has RBCs can make the urine be ____
Answer: hazy/cloudy
Question: hazy/cloudy urine is always indicative of ____ in the urine
Answer: formed elements
Question: if the urine is hazy but there are not RBCs in the urine than this haziness is due to ____
Answer: formed elements
Question: red urine that is clear is caused by
Answer: myoglobin/ hemoglobin
Question: myoglobin and hemoglobin do not have significant amount of ____
Answer: formed elements
Question: myoglobin and hemoglobin may be due to the ___ of RBCs
Answer: lysis
Question: myoglobin may also be indicative of _____ injury
Answer: skeletal muscle
Question: red color can also be due to genetic disorders of ____ metabolism
Answer: heme
Question: intermediate formed elements that result from disorder of heme metabolism
Answer: porphyrias
Question: red color can also be due to eating ____ or chewing ____, or intake of ____
Answer: beets; gum; drugs
Question: if you get pink urine the first thing to thing of is presence of ____
Answer: red blood cells
Question: color that results when RBCs have been in urine for many hours
Answer: brown/ black
Question: brown/black color forms when _____ is denatured
Answer: hemoglobin
Question: the denatured hemoglobin is oxidized to ____
Answer: methemoglobin
Question: color that occurs when sample has sat for many hours
Answer: brown/black
Question: methemoglobin has a ___ charge
Answer: +3
Question: why does methemoglobin have a +3 charge
Answer: from Fe+2 in hemoglobin being oxidized
Question: also known as malignant melanoma
Answer: melanin
Question: melanin cause urine to turn
Answer: brown/ black
Question: melanin when exposed to _____ is oxidized and becomes black/brown
Answer: air
Question: ____ acid can turn urine black/brown
Answer: homeogentistic acid
Question: if sample is exposed to a pH greater than ____ it will turn black/brown
Answer: 7.5
Question: homeogentistic acid is an inborn error of _____
Answer: metabolism of phenylanine and tyrosine
Question: term meaning urine is alkaline which cause it to turn brown/black
Answer: alkapoturia
Question: urine can also turn a fluorescent _____
Answer: orange
Question: orange color results from _____
Answer: UTI pain
Question: ____ drug treats UTI pain and cause the blood to turn orange
Answer: pyridium
Question: if urine is orange and is indicative of drug to treat UTI being in the urine, what else will be in the urine as well
Answer: bacteria, WBCs, RBCs
Question: amber can also be an ____ color
Answer: abnormal
Question: amber color caused by bilirubin creates a yellow ____
Answer: foam
Question: bilirubin is a waste product of ____ metabolism
Answer: heme
Question: yellow foam can be caused by ____
Answer: hepatic or post-hepatic jaundice
Question: how do we know if bilirubin is causing the urine to turn amber or if its just presence of concentrated sample
Answer: look at specific gravity, if >1.05 it tells you it is a dissolved solute
Question: another way to determine if bilirubin is causing amber color
Answer: shake the sample, if it is bilirubin then a foam will form and stabilized there
Question: why do we need to be careful when opening an amber colored urine
Answer: patient could have jaundice
Question: green color forms when bilirubin oxidizes to ____
Answer: biliverdin
Question: _____ infection can cause green color
Answer: pseudomonas
Question: when a pseudomona infection is placed on blood agar, it will turn the agar ____
Answer: green
Question: food dyes such as ____ can turn the urine green
Answer: chlorophyll
Question: ____ can also cause an array of strange colors in the urine
Answer: drugs